HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 12-07-2010REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 7, 2010 DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 Civic Plaza DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL '~AGENDA'~ • Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City's Internet Website (www dublin.ca.gov) NOTE: Agendas posted on the Website are provided as a public service, and are not intended to serve as a part of, or a replacement for any part of the legally required posting of agendas or the public noticing of projects appearing before the City Council. • Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650. • A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available for public review at least 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to Ciry Councilmembers less than 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered. The packet is available in the City Clerk's Office and also at the Dublin Library. REGULAR MEETING 7: 00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Selection of Vice Mayor (610-20) The City Council's policy is to select, in December of each year, a member of the City Council to serve as Vice Mayor for a period of one year. In the absence of the Mayor, the Vice Mayor would become Mayor Pro Tempore and would assume the temporary responsibilities of the Mayor. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Determine who shall serve as Vice Mayor for a one-year period. 3.2 Public Comments At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item. 4.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 16, 2010 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes. 4.2 Grafton Plaza Development Agreement Amendment No. 2(600-60) The Applicant is requesting approval of an Amendment to the Master Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and the Lin Family for the Dublin Ranch Project (Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H) relating to Grafton Plaza, which is located on 25.33 gross acres within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. This Amendment incorporates the various land use changes for the Grafton Plaza project into the Master Development Agreement. Action on this item will not result in any development on the property. There will be several future actions on this project that will each be noticed for a public hearing to allow citizen input. This is the second reading of this ordinance. December 7, 2010 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 1 of 4 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Waive the reading and adopt Ordinance Approving Amendment No. 2 to the Master Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and the Lin Family for the Dublin Ranch North Project (Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H), PA 07-006. 4.3 Annual Report of Developer Impact Fee Funds Deposits: Pursuant to Government Code Sections 66002, 66006 and 66008 (AB 1600) and Approval of Budget Change for Reductions to Traffic Impact Fee Credits (390-20) State law requires the City to review and report on an annual basis the status of Development fees collected to finance public improvements. The report covers activity which occurred in these funds during Fiscal Year 2009-10. The analysis has determined that all funds held for more than 5 years are necessary to complete identified projects. The report also includes a recommended Budget Adjustment to recognize the distribution of Traffic Impact Fee Funds in accordance with the Impact Fee Administrative Policies. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept Annual Report of Developer Impact Fee Funds for the Year Ended June 30, 2010; and adopt Resolution Making Findings Regarding Unexpended Traffic Mitigation Contributions for Fiscal Year 2009-2010; and approve Budget Change. 4.4 Appointing Directors to ABAG Plan Corporation to Represent the City of Dublin (170-10) The City Council will designate employees as Directors to ABAG Plan Corporation to represent the City of Dublin. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 90-92 and Appointing Directors to ABAG PLAN Corporation on Behalf of the City of Dublin. 4.5 Check Issuance Reports and Electronic Funds Transfers (300-40) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review and authorize the issuance of payments. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6.1 Dublin Security Storage Zoning Ordinance Amendments and Negative Declaration (400- 20/450-20) Dublin Security Storage is requesting a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to allow Mini-Storage as a permitted use in the M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District. A Zoning Ordinance Amendment is also proposed to identify the M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District as being consistent with the Business Park/Industrial and Outdoor Storage General Plan Land Use designation. A Negative Declaration for the project was prepared and circulated for public review from October 2, 2010 to October 22, 2010. No public comments were received. On November 9, 2010 the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Review for the construction of a new 8,160 sq. ft. mini-storage building and the conversion of 4,650 sq. ft. of an existing warehouse building for mini-storage uses. That approval is contingent upon City Council approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendments and Negative Declaration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution Adopting a Negative Declaration to Amend Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Use of Land) to Allow Mini-Storage as a Permitted Use in the M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District and Chapter 8.28 (Industrial Zoning Districts) to Identify the M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District as Consistent with the Business Park/Industrial and Outdoor Storage General Plan Land Use and Site Development Review for the Construction of a New 8.160 square foot Mini-Storage Building and the Conversion of 4,650 square feet of an Existing Warehouse Building to Mini-Storage Uses at Dublin Security Storage, City-wide, 6005/6015 Scarlett Court (APN 941-0550-033 & 941-0550-034) PLPA 2010-00005 & PLPA 2010-0006; and waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.12 (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land) to Allow Mini-Storage as a Permitted Use in the M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District and Chapter 8.28 (Industrial Zoning Districts) to Identify the M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District as Consistent with the Business Park/Industrial and Outdoor Storage General Plan Land Use, PLPA 2010-00005. December 7, 2010 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 2 of 4 6.2 Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.24 of the Dublin Municipal Code Pertaining to the City's Conflict of Interest Code (640-40) This is the first reading of an ordinance amending the City of Dublin Conflict of Interest Code to include the following positions: Assistant to the City Manager, Planning Director and Principal Planner. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.24 of the Dublin Municipal Code relating to the City's Conflict of Interest Code. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Dublin 101 Academy (150-80) The City of Dublin has offered the Dublin 101 Academy (also known as the Dublin Leadership Academy) since 2004. The City Council will consider a new name (INSIDE DUBLIN) and schedule for the Dublin 101 Academy for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and provide direction regarding the new name and schedule for the Dublin 101 Academy for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. 7.2 Extension of the City's Sales Tax Reimbursement Program (470-20) Staff is seeking to extend the termination date of the City's Sales Tax Reimbursement Program from January 9, 2011 to January 9, 2013. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Extending the Termination Date of the Sales Tax Reimbursement Program until January 9, 2013. 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Dublin Housing Authority - Consolidation of Dublin Housing Authority with the Housing Authority of the County of Alameda (430-90) The City Council will consider the adoption of a resolution authorizing the Housing Authority of the County of Alameda (HACA) to operate within the City and approve the Dublin Housing Authority's assignment of existing agreements to HACA. These actions are necessary to continue the redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista housing development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Housing Authority of the County of Alameda to Operate Within the City and Approving Dublin Housing Authority's Assignment of Any Existing Agreements between the City and the Dublin Housing Authority to HACA. 8.2 Request to Initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to Modify the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Designation for the Site Designated as Semi-Public within the Positano Development (420-30) The City Council will consider whether to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to modify the Land Use Designation for the Semi-Public site in the Positano neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Approving the Initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to Modify the Land Use Designation for the Semi-Public Site in the Positano Neighborhood. 8.3 Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 Acres Located Immediately East of the Existing Boundary of the Dublin City Limits and Sphere of Influence (420-30) The City Council will consider a request from Pacific Union, on behalf of Dublin Active Investors, L.P. to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 acres located immediately east of the existing Dublin City Limits and Sphere of Influence within unincorporated Alameda County to create a new General Plan Land Use Designation and policies to guide future development of up to 1,990 residential units for active senior housing, preservation of open space, park provisions, an extension of the Development Elevation Cap, major ridgeline protections, grading, and other implementation measures. December 7, 2010 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 3 of 4 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution Approving the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 Acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon; OR adopt Resolution Denying the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for 1,450 Acres commonly known as Doolan Canyon and Directing Staff to Begin Discussions with the City of Livermore and LAFCo Staff on the Future of Doolan Canyon. 8.4 City Council Sub-Committee Assignment for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Community Support Grant (110-30) The City Council will confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Community Development Block Grant and Community Support Grant Subcommittee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Community Development Block Grant and Community Support Grant Subcommittee. 8.5 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Strategic Plan Update and Proposed New Format for Goals and Objectives Process (100-80) The City Council will establish dates for the biennial Strategic Plan review and update and consider changes to the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Goals and Objectives process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the staff report, discuss alternatives, and provide direction on dates for the Fiscal Year 20ll-2012 Strategic Plan update and Goals and Objectives process. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to Meetings Attended at City Expense (AB 1234). 10. ADJOURNMENT - In memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops. This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 549542(a) If requested, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2, this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, please contact the City Clerk's Office (925) 833-6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Agenda Printed 12/1/2010 5:08:49 PM Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life which ensures a safe and secure environment that fosters new opportunities. Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources, and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and educated community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and support environmental stewardship and sustainability through the preservation of our natural surroundings. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation offirst-class recreational opportunities, facilities and programs. December 7, 2010 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 4 of 4