HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 12-18-2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 700 P m
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o Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City's Internet Webslte (www cl.dublm ca us)
NOTE Agendas posted on the Webslle are proVIded as a public servne and are not Intended to serve as a part of or a replacement
for any part of the legally required postmg of agendas or the public notlcmg of prOjects appearmg before the Clly CouncIl
o Agendas may be picked up at the CIty Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request mformatwn
on bemg placed on the annual subscnptwn hst, please call 833-6650
o A complete packet of mformatwn contaIning Staff Reports and exhlblts related to each ltem IS aVaIlable
for pubhc reVIew prIOr to a CouncIl meetmg m the Oty Clerk's Office and also at the Dubhn LIbrary
3 1 introductnon of New Employees Roberta ][)lnkeman, Network Systems Coordmator, Rachel
Flshner, Office Assnstant n.lParks and Commmmnty Services (700-10)
32 City CoulDlcdmember F'rnde Week. Committee AplPOmtmelllts (150-80)
The City CounCil WIll conSIder appomtmg two of ItS members to the 2008 DublIn Pnde Week
CommIttee for a ltmlted term begmnmg January 2008 and endIng December 2008 The
Dublm PrIde Week Committee plans and prepares thiS annual event, whIch seeks to engage
mdIvlduals and/or groups m actIon based actIvities to help Improve the commurnty
STAFF RECOMMENDATION ReView, dISCUSS and confirm two CouncIlmember
appomtments to the DublIn Pnde Week COIruruttee for the lImIted term of January 2008 through
December 2008
3 3 Natnonal JLeagllle of Cltnes (NLC) Delegate Appomtment for UJpcommg Marcin 2008 JFedeml
lLeglshRtnve Update (1410-30)
The CIty Councll Will conSIder appomtIng the Mayor as the delegate for the NatIOnal League
of CItIes March 2008 Federal LeglslatIve Update In WashIngton, D C
STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1) Confirm the Mayor's appomtment as the delegate for the
NatlOnal League of CItIes March 2008 Federal LegislatIve Update III Washmgton DC, 2) DIrect
Staff to notIfy the organIzatIOn of thIs appomtment, and, 3) Direct Staff to return for Council
conSIderatIOn the appoIntment of a votIng delegate for the NLC 2008 Fall Annual Conference III
August/September 2008
3 41 SenectlOltl of Vnce MayolI" (6.10-20)
The CIty CounCIl's polIcy IS to select III December of each year, a member of the City
Councli to serve as VIce Mayor for a penod of one year In the absence of the Mayor, the
Vice Mayor would become Mayor Pro Tempore and would assume the temporary
responslbll1tIes of the Mayor
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Detenmne who shall serve as Vice Mayor for a one-year
December 18,2007 Dublin City Council Agenda
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Consent Calendar Items are tYPically non-controverslalm nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action Members
of the audience Staff or the City Council who would like an Item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public mput may request the
Mayor to remove the Item
411 Mmutes of Regular Meetmg of November 6, 2007, Mmutes of Special Meetmg of
November 7,2007, and! Mnmntes of ReguJar Meetmg of November 20,2007
4. 2 Award of Bnd - Contll"2ct 07-10, Village Parkway Soundwall Pamtmg (600-35)
ThIS project would pamt the street slde of the soundwall along Village Parkway between
Amador Valley Boulevard and the north CIty LImit The project Includes tnmmmg and
removal of VInes and shrubs In order to facllItate the work
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolutnon awardmg Contract 07-10 VIllage Parkway
Soundwall PaIntmg to Armstrong Pamtmg, Inc
4. 3 Consultant Agreement to 1llIPdlate Eastern ][)lublm. lFnscan imlPact Ananysls (600-30)
The proposed update to the Eastern DublIn FISCal Impact AnalYSIS IS mtended to determIne
the amount of deficIt (If any) In eastern Dublm that would need to be funded by DR
AcqulSltlOns L L C and others
8T AFF RECOMMENDA nON Adopt ResohntIon authonzIng the Mayor to execute agreement
WIth MunlFmanclal
4. 4 Approval of Crty Staff Servmg as Officers and! Staff or Schaefer Ranch and ]Fallon VnUage
Geonognc Hazard! Abatement Dnstll"ncts (GHA][)ls) (360-60)
ThiS actIOn WIll allow City Staff to serve the two GHADs as officers and Staff on an mtenm
baSIS It IS antICipated that the costs for these servIces WIll be mmlmal
8T AFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the use of City Staff on an Intenm baSIS to prOVide
servIces to the Schaefer Ranch and Fallon VIllage GeologiC Hazard Abatement Districts
4. 5 Consultant Servnces for Cnvlc Center JExlPansnon (600-30)
At the March 20, 2007 meetmg the CIty CouncIl approved the DublIn CIVIC Center
Workspace Programmmg Study and authonzed staff to SOI1Clt ArchItectural ServIces Clty
Staff reviewed vanous qualIfied Architectural Firms and subsequently mtervlewed RDC
ArchItects RDC Archltects range of expenence mcludes polIce station deSIgn, constructIOn
phaSIng, LEED processIng and pnor expenence WIth Alameda County SherIff's Department
In deslgmng the Alameda County EOC
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resohntnon approvmg Agreement With RDC ArchItects
and authonze budget change
46 lProposed ReVISIOns to Resale RestnctlOD Agreement for "[nelusnonary Housmg U1lllts
The CIty CounCIl wIll conSider a reVISlOn to the current form Resale RestrictIon Agreement
and conSIder authonzmg the City Manager to make future non-matenal changes to the Resale
RestnctlOn Agreement
STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Adopt ResonuhOlIl approvIng the reVised Resale RestrlctlOfi
Agreement and authonzIng the CIty Manager to make non-matenal changes to the Resale
RestrIctIOn Agreement
December 18 2007 Dublm City Councll Agenda
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417 Second Amendment to lLand lLease with U S Bank Natnonan Assoclatnon (600-30)
The City of Dubhn acqUlred the Dublm Square ShoppIng Center III May 2007 and as property
owner became Landlord to US Bank NatIonal ASSOCIatIOn (tenant) The proposed Second
Amendment to the Land Lease outlInes the changes to the Land Lease IncludIng Rent,
Access, and Parking
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resohntnon approvmg the Second Amendment to the
Land Lease WIth US Bank NatIOnal ASSOCiatIon and authorIze the Mayor to execute the
4 8 lP A 041-016 ]Fannon Crossmg Submitted by Standard Pacnfic Homes to COlllsuler a P][)l
RezoDlB.Dlg and Related Stage 2 ][)levelopment Plan for 106 Resndentnal JLots - 2nd Readmg
The ApplIcant, Standard PaCIfic Homes, IS requestIng approval of a PD rezonIng and related
Stage 2 Development Plan for the property The project proposal Includes the constructIon of
106 SIngle-famIly reSIdentIal dwellIng umts (whIch will Include 4 duplex butldmgs [8 unItS
total] that wIll be used to comply With the InclusIOnary HOUSIng Ordmance) and open space
land uses conSIstent With the Eastern DublIn SpecIfic Plan on approximately 678 acres east of
TassaJara Road, and located between the SIlvera Ranch development and Moller Ranch
STAFF RECOMMENDATION WaIVe readIng and adopt Ordmance approvmg a PD rezoDlng
and related Stage 2 Development Plan
49 A Predevelopment lLoan to Eden HOlllsmg, ioc for AHOYO VISta. Project (600-60)
The City CounCIl Will conSIder approvIng a Predevelopment Loan to Eden Houslllg, Inc 10
the amount of up to $325,000 for predevelopment expenses for the Arroyo VISta proJect, and
approVIng the Predevelopment Loan Agreement, PromISSOry Note, and ASSignment
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Adopt ResonuntDOD approvmg 1) a Predevelopment Loan to
Eden Housmg, Inc III the amount of up to $325,000 for predevelopment expenses for the Arroyo
Vista project, and approvIng the Predevelopment Loan Agreement, Promissory Note, and
ASSignment Agreement, and 2) authorIzmg the City Manager to SIgn the Pre development Loan
Agreement and the ASSignment Agreement on behalf of the City of DublIn
41. 10 Update on ZOlLlL E Senes Hean: MonntOll" lLease-PullIl"chase (540-80)
The CIty CouncIl wIll receive a report that explaInS the reasons and the cost mvolved III the
Lease-Purchase of the Zoll E Senes Heart Momtors
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Accept the Staff Report
4 11 AlIltlb.OrllZatloDl to Sohclt Hulls - Contract No 07-13, i-580llFallon Road interchange
Improvements (600-35)
The State Department of TransportatIon has approved the CIty-sponsored Interstate
580/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project along wlth approval of the project plans
and specificatIOns The project IS now ready for blddmg and Staff IS requestmg authOrIZatIon
from the City CouncIl to soliCit bIds for the project
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Authonze Staff to SOhCIt bIds for Contract No 07-13,
I-580/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project
412 Warralllt Register ($7,433.771 412) dated December 18,2007 (300-41.0)
5 WRJ('f'fEN COMMUNiCA 'fiONS - None
December IS 2007 Dublm City Council Agenda
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7 1 Shannon Commmnty Center -lPublIc Art (900-60)
The CIty CouncIl will conSIder recommendations for artwork deSIgns for the new Shannon
CommunIty Center
STAFF RECOMMENDA TrON Approve Public Art for Shannon CommunIty Center !!.!.
prOVide alternate dlrectlOn to Staff
8 1 CODsllderahon of Amendments to the Cnty of ][)llJbhlll Smokmg lPOlllJtlOlll Control Oll"dmaDllCe
At the CIty Council MeetIng of September 18, 2007, V Ice Mayor HIldenbrand requested that
the City CounCil conSIder amendments to the CIty'S Smokmg PollutIOn Control chapter of the
DublIn MumcIpal Code There are seven areas of Interest that are to be conSidered as parts of
these changes, whIch Include an Increase In the reasonable dIstance clause, the hcensmg of
tobacco sales, creatIOn of smoke-free multI-famIly urnts, creatIOn of smoke-free City
sponsored events, prohibItIon of smokIng III common outdoor areas, prohibItIOn of smokmg In
lIcensed care centers, and the prohIbItIon of smokIng In parks
STAFF RECOMMENDATION ConSIder VIce Mayor Hildenbrand's request to evaluate the
need to amend sectIOns of the City'S Smokmg PollutIOn Control Ordmance and prOVide Staff
With dIrectIOn as to whIch changes, If any, should be pursued
8 2 2008 St lPatrick's Day lPoster AJrtvvork (900-50)
The CIty Council Will reVIew a number of artiSt designs for the 2008 St PatrIck S Day poster
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Select preferred artwork or proVIde Staff With alternate
8 3 St Patrick's Day 2008 - Parade Route (950-410)
The CIty CounCIl will receIve a report outlImng details of two potentIal parade routes for the
2008 St Patnck's Day FestIval
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Select preferred parade route, If Option A IS selected,
determIne If shuttles from parade to festlval should be offered
8 4 Request to Knnhate a GenemllPlan Amendment and lEastern Dubhn Specnfic Plan
Amendment Study to Modify the lExlstmg Land Use DeSignatIon at 64071rassa]ara Road!,
CommOlllny Referred to as the Nielsen lProlPerty (AlPN 985-0002-009-(2) (4120-30/4110-55)
The City Council will conSider the ImtIatlOn of a General Plan Amendment and SpeCIfic Plan
Amendment for 6407 TassaJara Road to amend the land use deSIgnatIOn of the site to Increase
the denSity of the Site from Rural Resldentml! Agnculture to SIngle Famlly ReSidentIal which
permIts 09-60 dwelling unItS per acre
STAFF RECOMMENDATION) l)Adopt ResolutIOn approvIng the General Plan and Eastern
Dublm SpeCIfic Plan Amendment Study Request, or 2) Adopt ResohntlOD denymg the General
Plan and Eastern DublIn SpeCific Plan Amendment Study request, Q!. 3) PrOVIde alternatIve
dIrectIon to study additIOnal land uses (I e NeIghborhood Commercial)
85 PresentatIOn of Proposed Streetscape DeSign and Alternative for the lEast and West DubRm
BAR]' StatIOn Corndoll" Enhancement ]Projects (600-30)
The City CounCIl Will conSIder approval of the streetscape deSign for the East and West
DublIn BART StatIOn Comdor Enhancement Projects, as well as select the preferred Identity
Marker and Gateway Feature AlternatIves to be Incorporated In the final deSIgn
STAFF RECOMMENDA TrON Select preferred IdentIty Marker and Gateway Feature
Alternatives, approve the proposed streetscape deSign and dIrect Staff to proceed With final
December 18, 2007 Dublm City Council Agenda
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9 U Bnef INFORMATION ONLY1l"eports from COllIDJ.CnU and/or Staff, mcludmg Committee
Repoll1s an.d Reports by Councd renated to Meetmgs Attended at City Expense (AB 1234)
- JIm memory of our faHen troops
This AGENDA IS posted ill accordance With Government Code SectIOn 54954 2(a)
If requested, pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 54953 2, thiS agenda shan be made available m appropnate alternatIVe fonnats
to persons WIth a disability, as requITed by Section 202 of the Amencans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 US C SectIOn 12132),
and the federal rules and regulatIOns adopted III ImplementatIOn thereof To make a request for disability related modificatIOn or
accommodatlOn, please contact the City Clerk's Office (925) 833 6650 at least 72 hours m advance of the meetmg
City CounCil Meetmg # 763 Agenda Pnnted 12/13/2007 12 35 11 PM
The CIty of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life that ensures a safe and secure enVIronment fosters new
opportUnitIes and provIdes respoTlSrve fair treatment to our diverse community
Dublin IS a VIbrant City committed to ItS citizens natural resources and cultural hentage As Dublm grows It WIll balance history
with progress to sustain an enlightened economically balanced and diverse commumty
Dublin WIth ItS dlstlnctrve place m the regIOn hIghlights culture diverSIty and CIVIC stewardshIp to create a broad mosaIc ThiS
mosmc IS ennched by the mtegratmg of cultures rat,es and economIC drversIty mto Villages and neighborhoods - forming a
common network that welcomes both reSidents and bUSinesses alike supportmg the efforts and achievements of all
December 18,2007 Dubhn CIty CouncIl Agenda
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