HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-25-1989 Adopted CC MinREGULAR MEETING - SeDte~%ber 25, 1989 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, September 25, 1989, in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m., by Mayor Paul Moffatt. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Moffatt. Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor * * * * PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle- giance to the flag. INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEES Acting City Manager Rankin'introduced two new employees. Michelle Brown has been hired as a'Clerk Typist/Receptionist and will be shared between the City Manager's office and the Public Works Department. Billy Jean Zeigler will fill the Clerk Typist/Receptionist position in the Planning Department. The Council welcomed Michelle and Billy Jean aboard. PROCLAMATION - NATIONAL RED RIBBON WEEK Mayor Moffatt read and presented a Proclamation declaring the week of October 22-28, 1989 as "National Red Ribbon Week". During this time, red ribbons will be worn and displayed in the City of Dublin to signify a united stand against illegal use of alcohol and drUgs by youth. Karen Seals accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Dublin Substance Abuse Council. RED RIBBON WEEK CAMPAIGN The Dublin Red Ribbon Week Committee has requested City support for the. Red Ribbon Week campaign for the week beginning October 22, 1989. The Committee has requested that student posters and essays be displayed in Dublin business windows. They are also requesting that the City waive the promotional sign processing fee and waive two weeks of promotional sign display for individual businesses that meet the criteria. They also request that the City allow red ribbons to be placed on the medians during the week by City maintenance workers. X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-286 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 Staff is also working to identify a method of displaying student posters at the Civic Center opening. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 105 - 89 APPROVING THE REQUEST FOR CITY SUPPORT OF THE RED RIBBON WEEK CAMPAIGN Performing Arts Center for the Valley Gib Marguth, 1152 Farmington Way, Livermore, addressed the Council as a member of the Valleywide Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study Committee. They have been focusing their activitieS on trying to get the college board involved and they are almost ready to go with this. He felt that in reading the press account of the Council's discussion at its meeting of September 11, 1989, one didn't get a true picture of the Council's direction. Mr. Marguth requested that the City Council prepare themselves to discuss this further in the future, and requested that they appoint members from the community. A needs assessment study will be done to find out what facilities exist in the community and if they are adequate. They envision a firSt class facility with 1,000-1,500 seats. Cm. Jeffery questioned the timeframe. Mr. Marguth stated they hoped to get Chabot College Board aCtion by the end of October and then move forward With the study, Cm. Vonheeder advised that the newspaper report was incorrect. The Dublin City Council did not say no, but rather wanted more information and wanted to include the Cities of San Ramon and Danville. The Council questioned the Acting City Attorney if they could make a decision at this time related to appointments to the committee. Ms. Silver advised that the Council would have to make the necessary findings in order to place this on the agenda at this meeting. Cm. Hegarty pointed out that the Council also requested that this be discussed at a future joint City Council meeting. Cm. Hegarty also expressed concern that it appeared that a site had already been selected. Mr. Marguth advised that no site has been determined. He noted that the community does own 200 acres at the college site, however, it has not been determined that this will be the site. They simply have an entity with a site there. They just feel that the community needs a Performing arts center. A potential method of financing that they have come up with is to have the college district (all within Alameda County) implement a Mello-Roos Improvement District. If a better way can be found, they are willing to listen. They have no prejudices going in. X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-287 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 Cm. Jeffery stated that one of the reasons for including San Ramon and Danville is that we have developed a good working relationship. She stated she was optimistic that legislation coUld be obtained to accomplish the goals and overcome the crossing of county lines. It was determined that the next joint meeting of the City Councils would be on October 26, 1989. When questioned regarding numbers, Mr. Marguth advised that 2-5 interested citizens could be appointed. By a consensus, the Council directed Staff to place this item on the October 9, 1989 agenda to discuss appointments to the citizen's committee. Antennas George Butler, Bloomington Court, addressed the Council and expressed concerns related to a neighbor who has put up ham radio and tv antennas that are 20', 25' and 35' high, plus the neighbor is now putting up a 60' antenna. Mr. Butler called the City Building Department and learned that antennas up to 90' high could be put up with no limit to the number you can have. He questioned if this requirement could be changed in light of the effort to underground utilities. The properties in his area are only about 8 years old and have undergrounded utilities. Mayor Moffatt questioned if this might come. under the CC&R's. Mr. Butler advised that the house is on Via Zapata and is one of the Gregory Group homes. Acting City Attorney Silver asked for clarification if they were ham radio antennas or satellite dishes. Mr. Butler advised that they were antennas, and when it is in the low position, it is about 25' but it can go up to about 60' Cm. Hegarty asked if there was interference with television reception. Mr. Butler advised that there was some interference in the past, but there has been none with the current antenna. Acting City Manager Rankin advised that Staff would look into.this and report back to the Council and Mr. Butler. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the. following actions: X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-288 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 11, 1989; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 106 - 89 AMENDING SECTION 3 OF THE BENEFIT PLAN ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 75-89 (DENTAL INSURANCE) and authorized Staff to execute any documents required to implement the new program effective October 1, 1989; Authorized Staff to close City Offices on Friday, September 29, 1989 from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m., and Monday, October 2, 1989 from 8:00 a.m., to 12:00 noon in order to prepare for and complete move to new Civic Center; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 107 - 89 AWARDING CONTRACT 89-9 DOUGHERTY ROAD STREET LIGHTING (WEST SIDE) AND VARIOUS "KNOCKDOWN" REPLACEMENTS TO DJB ELECTRIC ($24,019) and authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement; Adopted RESOLUTION NO..108 - 89 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPER AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 4978 AND APPROVING DECLARATION OF-RESTRICTIONS and authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement and the City Manager to sign the Declaration of Restrictions; Approved an agreement for architectural services for the preliminary plans and design documents for the study of the Dublin Sports Grounds renovation, exclusive of topographic survey with Singer & Hodges ($7,500 fixed fee, plus reimbursable costs); Reviewed and approved dates for joint Planning Commission/City Council meetings for the West Dublin Studies, December 13, 1989, April 2 & 16, and November 5, 1990; Accepted the Financial Report for period ending August 31, 1989; Authorized Staff to solicit bids for interior landscaping at the Civic Center; Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $ 768,032.76; Authorized the Mayor to execute an agreement with Black & White Building Maintenance Corporation for janitorial service at the 'Civic Center beginning October 1, 1989 and service to begin at Shannon Community Center and the Senior Center on November 1, terminate the current agreement with Central Cleaning Company effective November 1, 1989; X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-289 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 Cm. Snyder requested that the item related to the National League of Cities Conference be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Cm. Snyder stated that he was not present during the Budget hearing process and he did not participate in the discussion on whether or not to join this organization. He did not feel that the costs reflect the benefit that Dublin would receive from participation in this organiza- tion. Cm. Hegarty stated he did not entirely agree with Cm. Snyder. Dublin belongs to the League of California Cities and he felt that we need to look more and more at what is being dropped from the federal programs onto local government.. There are many cities that belong to the NLC; they have very strong lobbying power. If we find that it is not beneficial, we can always pull out. After attendance at the first conference, our representative can determine whether it is worth the money. We really won't know until we get into it. Cm. Vonheeder stated that when this topic was first brought up, the costs were of great concern. She and Cm. Jeffery sit on the Legislative Committee for the League. The National Policy Committee discusses revenues as they affect the federally mandated programs. Federal funds impact our police and housing services. Cm. Jeffery stated that as the City has matured .and gotten more involved, the need has surfaced to become involved at more levels. As a small City, Dublin does not have a lobbyist. This will be a chance to have our say through the NLC lobbyist. The main point of going to the Congress is to participate in the policy meetings. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by majority vote, the Council authorized Councilmember Jeffery to attend the National League of Cities Congress of Cities' Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on November 25-29, 1989, at a cost of approximately $1,500. Cm. Snyder voted against this motion. PUBLIC HEARING' CITY COUNCIL MEETING LOCATION & LOCATION FOR POSTING OF ORDINANCES Mayor Moffatt opened the public hearing. Deputy City Clerk Keck advised that it is necessary for the Council to adopt a new ordinance to change the location of City Council meetings from the Library to the new Civic Center. Also, one of the three previous locations designated for the posting of ordinances and other official documents was the City Clerk's Office at 6500 Dublin Boulevard. The kiosk area at the new Civic Center will have adequate space for the posting of all City meeting agendas, ordinances, public hearing notices, etc., and this area is accessible for viewing by the public on a 24 hours per day basis. Marie Cronin questioned the other tw° posting locations. X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&x&x&x&x&x CM-8-290 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 Mr. Rankin advised that the other locations were the Library and Shannon Center. Mayor Moffatt closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and on an urgency basis, adopted ORDINANCE NO. 14 - 89 DESIGNATING THE PLACE OF REGULAR CITY 'COUNCIL MEETINGS, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2-82, AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE AN URGENCY ORDINANCE TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 109 - 89 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 104-86 RELATED TO POSTING LOCATIONS FOR CITY ORDINANCES LIVERMORE AMADOR VALLEY CHILDCARE TASK FORCE Recreation Director Lowart advised that a $25,000 grant has been awarded to the Cities of Dublin, Pleasanton and Livermore to develop (with the assistance of a paid consultant and Valleywide task force), a five-year regional childcare masterplan. Staff provided the Council with a list of suggestions related to the makeup of the task force. It is expected that there will be approxi- mately 7 task force meetings over a 6-month period with the first meeting scheduled for early November. Staff suggested that letters advertising, the. task force openings be sent to the Chamber of Commerce, the. Dublin Unified Sch. ool District, parent faculty clubs from Dublin schools, churches, service clubs, and local daycare providers, in addition to local media advertising. Cm. Jeffery asked Staff when they advertise the openings, if theY.coUld include the openings on the Alameda County Transportation Commission. Acting City Manager Rankin advised that Staff would be contacting specific groups listed in the Staff Report, which are more geared toward interests in childcare. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to advertise the Livermore Amador Valley Childcare Task Force openings and return to the Council at a later date with the names of those persons interested in serving on the Task Force. X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-291 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION Acting City Manager Rankin explained that in 1987, the City of Dublin participated in a one-day collection program along with the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and the Association of Bay Area Governments. The program was partially funded by a Water Resources Control Board grant. The total cost of the program was $30,734, and the collection site was located in the City of Livermore, north of 1-580 and the Airport. Mr. Rankin advised that the cost and manpower which goes into planning a collection day is significant. The Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton have begun preliminary planning for a joint collection day. Due to weather considerations, it is anticipated that the first opportunity for a collection day would be in the spring of 1990. Staff will be investigating financing mechanisms, including estimated costS and the ability to continue to finance the program through a garbage rate surcharge. With regard to allowed limits, Cm. Vonheeder felt the 5 gallon maximum for such things as motor oil seemed extremely low. People who change their own oil will reach this maximum shortly with only one vehicle. Mr. Rankin stated that this number com. es from the EPA; anyone transportin.g more than 5 gallons require a tran!sporter permit. Oil is usually a high percentage of what is brought in. each time, as well as paint. Staff is looking at this from a curbsid~ recycling standpoint and will be addressing this in the future. Cm. Vonheeder stated she did not really know which cans are appropriate to be placed in the garbage can. She was unable to take advantage of the one time disposal because she was out of town. She suspected that many people want to know what to do with these types of things. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to prepare the.necessary documents to establish an on-going program, including a financing mechanism, and to present a report to the City Council no later than January 8, 1990. ALAMO CREEK PARK PHASE II Recreation Director Lowart advised that Singer & Hodges landscape architects have been hired to prepare the final design and construction documents for Alamo Creek Park Phase II, which is scheduled for Fiscal Year 1989-90. The Phase II improvements include a group picnic area, restroom/storage building with arbor and separate tot and childrens play areas. The Park & Recreation Commission reviewed and approved the design with 4 modifications at their meeting on September 12, 1989. X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-292 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 The construction budget for Phase II improvements is $183,715 with preliminary cost estimates being $193,045. Consequently, the Consultant has recommended bidding the arbor as an alternate. Ms. Lowart advised that Staff will work with the Contractor during development of the construction documents to refine the cost estimate and determine whether it is necessary to bid this item as an alternate. Mr. Ron Hodges displayed visuals and discussed the masterplan for the overall park. Cm. Snyder felt the digger toys need to be secured so they are not stolen. Ann Crocker questioned what a conventional swing set looked like. Mr. Hodges explained the set up of the swings, as well as the configuration of the tot swings. A resident of the area expressed concerns related to the restrooms and the possibility of children getting into trouble. She also added that she very seldom sees a clean restroom in this type of a setting. Ms. LoWart advised that the Police Department monitors them and has a good surveillance system. Cm. Jeffery advised that when this was going through the public hearing phase, the concern kept coming up regarding the need for restroom facilities with little children. The resident expressed concern regarding the location. Mr. Hodges advised that it will be lighted. The resident advised that the parking lot is already being used for overnight parking of a tow truck. Ms. Lowart advised that we have a series of park rules that prohibit this. She should call the Police Department and they will take care of the problem. Mayor Moffatt encouraged the resident to let the City know about any problems that occur at the park. Ms. Crocker reported that she had spoken with many of her neighbors and there were strong concerns expressed regarding the bathroom areas, plus the fact that this park seems to be geared toward yoUng children. Several people questioned the possibility of adding a basketball court. She stated she was disappointed that more of her neighbors had not attended this meeting. Mr. Hodges advised that there is space that could accommodate a basketball court. When the masterplan was done, there were no people living out there. There is also space for a tennis court in the masterplan. X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-293 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 Ms. Crocker stated that there is a high level of interest in the park and asked how they should proceed with requesting the things they would like to have in the park. Ms. Lowart advised that the space could be set aside for future development, and as funds become available from.other Public Works projects, they could be considered. Karen Seals advised that if the residents have concerns they should go over and look at Kolb Park. This park is an example of the high quality of maintenance provided. When asked when this phase of the park development will be completed, Ms. Lowart responded that after going out to bid, the work will probably start in January or February and be complete in late Spring. This schedUle would depend on weather conditions and if there is not too much rain. Cm. Jeffery felt the Council should at least look into a 1/2 basketball court and get it in the budget for next year. She stated she agreed with the changes sUggested by the Park & Recreation Commission. Cm. Hegarty felt the basketball courts were a valid suggestion. If there is money available, this should be given consideration. He felt Staff should get some ballpark figures, and then if funds become available, it could be constructed. Mayor Moffatt asked what problems would be entailed if the public wants to put money into this. Acting City Attorney Silver advised that the City can accept contributions and if the community wants to make. these contributions, it is up to the City CounCil to accept them. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the design and directed Singer & Hodges, Inc., to proceed with the development of construction documents, including the changes recommended by the Park & Recreation Commision and the adition of a basketball court which will be bid as an alternate. AGREEMENT WITH DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING USE OF FACILITIES Recreation Director Lowart advised that the City and the School District have been discussing the development of a Facility Use Program. A draft agreement was presented to the Council for consideration. Ms. Lowart advised that the Board of Directors of the Dublin Unified School District have approved the agreement in concept, pending the review and approval by the City Council. Staff also prepared an presented an improvement agreement for the Dublin High School Football Field Renovation which spells out the specific responsibilities of the City and the District with regard to the proposed renovation. The agreement covers a description of the project, division X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-294 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 of project costs, responsibility for project supervision and maintenance responsibilities. Funds for the renovation of the football field have been included in the 1989-90 Budget. Ms. Lowart stated that the Assistant City Attorney has reviewed and approved the content and form of each agreement. The second agreement is contingent upon approval'of the first agreement. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 110 - 89 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH THE DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING USE OF FACILITIES Cm. Jeffery pointed out that the Propostion 98 ramifications had not been determined when this was discussed previously. She questioned if the liaison committee had discussed this and if there was a provision for new money to be put in if the School District is able to put in their fair share. Cm. Jeffery felt that the School District will be receiving a considerable amount of money from Proposition 98. Ms. Lowart suggested that perhaps for future projects it may be appropriate where no School District funds are scheduled to be put in. Acting City Manager Rankin stated the Council could add a paragraph to the Resolution stating, "Whereas, if the School District has additional funds available, they could consider contributing toward this or future projects". Cm. Snyder felt it would make more sense on future agreements, as this one is cut and dried. Cm. Jeffery concurred that consideration be given in future agreements. Cm. Vonheeder felt this was an incredible opportunity and a major milestone for the City. She stated she could hardly believe it was happening so unceremoniously. Ms. Lowart stated there would be some kind of ground breaking ceremony when the project begins. Cm. Hegarty stated that a lot of cooperation will be needed for this project to be successful. A long time ago, Ms. Joan King, Principal of Dublin High came before the City Council with some big grandiose plans. This is now coming to fruition. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded.by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-295 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 111 - 89 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH THE DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR RENOVATION OF DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD OTHER BUSINESS Civic Center Move Mr. Rankin advised the Council that as part of the relocation plans, City employees and contract employees are going to meet at the old offices at 7:45 a.m., on Monday morning, October 2nd, and walk in parade fashion to the new Civic Center. The Council was also invited to participate in this parade. When the group reaches the Civic Center, orange juice and muffins will be available. The Police Department will provide rides for those people who need to get back to move their cars. Mr. Rankin advised that Staff is proceeding with plans for the community event on Saturday, October 21st and the reception on October 19th. Alameda County Housinq Authority Cm. Hegarty advised that he had notified Ophelia Basgal, Executive Director of the Alameda County Housing Authority that it is very difficult for him to attend the Housing Authority meetings. He requested that other members of the City Council consider assuming his appointment to this Authority. He was appointed by Alameda County on the recommen- dation of the Dublin City Council. They meet on Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m., and the meetings generally run about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Motet Property/O1d Banke House Cm. Hegarty commented on the recent letter received by the City Council related to the old Banke House that sits on the Moret property on San Ramon Road. He felt the issues raised related to the historical Significance of this house should be discussed, as well as the value of saving it or moving it. Cm. Hegarty suggested that the topic be agendized. Cm. Jeffery requested that the Dublin Historical Society be notified. She felt that the costs for moving it would be the key, and also, where do you put it. Cm. Vonheeder stated that the City Council could at least provide a public forum for discussion. X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-296 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 The Council discussed the timing and questioned the status of the application of Public Storage on this property. Mr. Rankin advised that he would check on the status of Public Storage's application,~ with regard to timing. By a consensus, the Council directed Staff to place this item on a future agenda for discussion. CLOSED SESSION At 9:21 p.m., the Council recessed to a closed executive session to discuss personnel matters. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ATTEST: ~ ~ Mayo~Z ! X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&X&XRX&X&X&X&X&X&X&X CM-8-297 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989