HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-1989REGULAR MEETING - August 28w 1989 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, August 28, 1989, in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m., by Mayor Paul Moffatt. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Jeffery, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor Moffatt Councilmember Hegarty PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle- giance to the flag. INTRODUCTION Lt. Jim Rose introduced Connie Spariou, the new Specialist Clerk in the Police Services Department. Connie came from the Alameda County Probation Department. The Council welcomed Connie aboard. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hegarty absent), the Council took the following actions' Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 14, 1989; Denied claims submitted by Marlo Tomasetti and Michael Morrison and directed Staff to notify the claimants; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 89 APPROVING PA 89-099 CIVIC CENTER STREET NAME CHANGE RENAMING THE SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF SIERRA COURT (SOUTH OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD) TO "CIVIC PLAZA" WITH THE PROPOSED ADDRESS OF THE CIVIC CENTER TO BE 100 CIVIC PLAZA Authorized Staff to advertise Contract 89-10 Traffic Signal PreEmption for Emergency Vehicles for bids; Authorized Staff to solicit bids for one unmarked Police vehicle (used) and solicit bids for emergency equipment to outfit the vehicle; X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-258 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 Authorized Staff to accept cash gift contributions from service clubs or through fundraisers earmarked to purchase specific equipment and directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgements to the donors; Awarded bid for moving services to the Civic Center to Cor-O-Van, Agent for North American Van Lines ($3,995.00); Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 100 - 89 RELATED TO ALAMEDA COUNTY GRAND JURY RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1974, CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE & THE BROWN ACT Authorized Staff to solicit bids for janitorial services at the Civic Center, Shannon Community Center and Dublin Senior Center; Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $2,327,573.21. PUBLIC HEARING NO PARKING ZONE ON STARWARD DRIVE @ AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD Mayor Moffatt opened the public hearing. Chris Kinzel advised that this issue came to light as City Staff reviewed Rainbow Investment's application to construct an additional building on their property on Amador Valley Boulevard between the intersections of Donohue Drive and Starward Drive. Currently, one building occupies the site, and the driveway on Starward Drive already exists. No comments were made by members of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Moffatt closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by..Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, (Cm. Hegarty absent), the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 101 - 89 ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING ZONE ON STARWARD DRIVE PUBLIC HEARING - REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 6-83 PROHIBITING RIGHT TURNS ON RED SIGNAL EAST AND WESTBOUND AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD @ DONOHUE DRIVE Mayor Moffatt opened the public hearing. Chris Kinzel presented the history related to signs which were originally placed at this intersection in 1983 in response to concerns that pedestrians were not able to safely cross Amador Valley Boulevard. At a July, 1988, Council meeting, the Council considered repealing the no right turn on red'prohibition. The Council directed Staff to wait until X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-259 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 the new traffic signal was installed at the Amador Valley Boulevard/ Amador Plaza Road intersection and restudy the need for the no right turn on red. TJKM prepared an updated report which states their recommendation that the signs be removed. Observation of the intersection indicates poor compliance by some motorists and lack of understanding of the reason for the signs by others. TJKM feels that prohibiting right turns on a red light for AVB traffic does not address the problem of conflict between pedestrians crossing AVB and vehicles turning right from Donohue Drive onto AVB as both have a green light at the same time. No comments were made by members of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Moffatt closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hegarty absent), the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 6-83. PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONE ON SIERRA LANE @ DOUGHERTY ROAD Mayor Moffatt opened the public hearing. Chris Kinzel advised that the Traffic Safety Committee recently discussed the increase in traffic accidents at the intersection of Dougherty Road and Sierra Lane. Traffic tends to back up in the southbound curb lane on Dougherty Road because of drivers entering 1-580 during commute hours; however, traffic in the median southbound lane continues to move at a normal pace. The curb lane drivers leave a small gap for vehicles attempting to make a left turn from eastbound Sierra Lane onto Dougherty Road; however, visibility of the still-moving median lane is blocked, and the Sierra Lane vehicles are then hit by the cars in that median lane. TJKM studied this intersection and recommended certain pavement marking modifications be made in order to better direct the drivers. "Keep Clear" signs and new striping on Sierra Lane would allow vehicles to turn right without encroaching into the "Keep Clear" area and create defined right and left turn lanes to reduce the backup on Sierra Lane. In order to provide enough space for the two eastbound lanes on Sierra Lane, it is necessary to prohibit parking for approximately 100' on the south side of Sierra Lane. No comments were made by members of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Moffatt closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hegarty absent), the Council adopted X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-260. Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 RESOLUTION NO. 102 - 89 ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING ZONE ON SIERRA LANE Cm. Hegarty arrived at the meeting at 7:50 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING - REPORT ON COSTS OF ABATEMENT PERFORMED UNDER THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE AT 7360 SAN RAMON ROAD - NICHANDROS Mayor Moffatt opened the public hearing. City Manager Ambrose advised that on January 18, 1989, he conducted a hearing under the provisions of the Property Maintenance Ordinance to determine whether conditions on the property at 7360 San Ramon Road constituted a public nuisance and should be abated. An abatement order was issued. The owner (Nichandros), partially complied and on March 28, 1989, MCE was directed by the City to complete the abatement. On May 24, 1989, an invoice for $2,088.48 was sent to the property owner. Staff explained that this hearing was scheduled to confirm the costs of the abatement and then place a special assessment on the next property tax bill. Mr. Ambrose advised that this morning Mr. Nichandros had brought in a check in payment of the amount owing. Staff, therefore, recommended that this item not be pursued. City Attorney Nave advised that the Mayor should close the public hearing on this item, with the issue now considered moot. Mayor Moffatt closed the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ALAMEDA COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Mayor Moffatt opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Rod Barger advised that the Alameda County Waste Management Authority has requested that the Council review and approve importation and disposal of municipal solid waste from Contra Costa County to the Altamont Landfill site for a period of two years. Betty Croley addressed the Council on behalf of the Authority. Ms. Croley indicated that State Law requires that in order to be adopted, the Plan Amendment must first be approved .by a majority of the cities in the county containing a majority of the incorporated population. Once approved by a majority of the cities, the Plan Amendment will be X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-261 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 forwarded to the California Waste Management Board, the County Department of Environmental Health, the Regional Water Quality Control Board and Bay Area Air Quality Management District for review and approval. Once approved by these bodies, plan implementation will begin. Ms. Croley explained that 580,000 tons of municipal solid waste (no hazardous wastes) is expected to begin in late 1989 or early 1990. Even though the proposed plan amendment should not negatively impact Dublin, one aspect of the amendment will indirectly impact the City. There will be an increase in garbage transport trucks using 1-580 and 1-680. As long as the mitigation measures applied to this project are imPlemented, impacts can be curtailed. Cm. Jeffery suggested that if we say we do not allow trucks on the freeways at certain hours, we should also add that they may not traverse City streets. Cm. Snyder advised that this would not be necessary as there is a certain route that they must traverse. Cm. Hegarty questioned if, when the freeway improvements are completed, they will be able to travel at other times. Ms. Croley explained that freeway improvements will take some time and this is only a 2 year program. Cm. Hegarty questioned how the hazardous factors monitoring is accomplished. Ms. Croley explained that they actually look the waste over and we have a local enforcement officer. Cm. Hegarty questioned if possible charges for some type of a reciprocal arrangement had ever been discussed if we ever needed to transport to Contra Costa County. Ms. Croley explained that they would have to complete an EIR just as we did to determine the impacts. Mayor Moffatt asked if the trucks could use the freeways after 7:00 p.m., at night. Ms. Croley advised that the conditions are all specified and they would have to seek a variance to the conditional use permit in order to do this. Cm. Snyder stated that it is unlikely that they would run at odd hours because the transfer station must work hand-in-hand. No comments were made by the public relative to this issue. Mayor Moffatt closed the public hearing. X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-262 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 103 - 89 APPROVING ANAMENDMENT TO THE ALAMEDA COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN TO ALLOW IMPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TO THE ALTAMONT LANDFILL SITE FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS CITY FLAG Administrative Assistant Lou Ann Texeira advised that in accordance with Council direction, citizen input was solicited on the design of a City flag. Sample flag designs were displayed and discussed. Ms. Texeira advised that 36 designs were submitted. George Zika, 8046 Peppertree Road, stated he wished to again State his request that whatever flag is adopted that it not contain any orange. Cm. Hegarty thanked all residents who took the time and provided input. The Dinelli family certainly worked overtime on this project. Cm. Hegarty felt the City should respond to each person who submitted an idea. He stated his choice would be a flag that says one thing and not try to put everything on it. His choice would be a green shamrock on white background that says City of Dublin across the top and then perhaps a strip of gold along the bottom or side, with the word California instead of 1982. Cm. Jeffery suggested eliminating the word California and stated she would prefer having the year of incorporation instead. Cm. Snyder stated that in 1962-1963 this area was more commonly known as San Ramon Village in the township of Pleasanton. The sentiment of the community was to be known as San Ramon Village, but the Post Office had problems with this because of the conflict with the area known as San Ramon. Cm. Snyder stated he was chagrined over the discussion related to colors. He has'no particular concern regarding the color of orange being in the flag. The selection of Dublin's flag should not be based on any particular happening elsewhere in the world. Cm. Vonheeder stated she agreed with Cm. Snyder. She felt the City seal should be on the flag. Dublin does not have any particular official colors, so she indicated she had no problem with any color selected. Cm. Jeffery stated that San Ramon has taken parts of their City seal and highlighted them in their flag. She indicated her support for Cm. Hegarty's choice. Mayor Moffatt stated he felt that all of the designs were really tremendous. He further stated he will be personally writing thank you letters to everyone who submitted a design. Mayor Moffatt stated he X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-263 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 agreed with Cm. Snyder and Cm. Vonheeder that he would like to have the City seal on the flag without the designs inside. Cm. Hegarty made a motion to have the flag bear a shamrock on white background with a gold ban on the bottom with the word California on the bottom and City of Dublin across the top. Cm. Jeffery seconded this motion. The motion was defeated by NO votes cast by Cm. Snyder, Cm. Vonheeder and Mayor Moffatt. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and bY majority vote, the Council directed that the City flag contain the City seal on a white background. Cm. Jeffery and Cm. Hegarty voted against this motion. In discussing colors, Cm. Vonheeder asked if it would be possible to have life size renderings of flags with the inside designs in both gold and green brought back to the next Council meeting. Staff advised that it will take 7 or 8 weeks to make up the flag once the company receives a camera ready copy of the seal and direction to proceed. The existing time line is very tight in order to have the flag in time for the dedication ceremonies. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by majority vote, the Council determined that the colors should be green and gold and as are displayed on the current City pin. Cm. Jeffery abstained from voting on this motion. TEAM BUILDING WORKSHOP City Manager Ambrose advised that in accordance with Council direction, Staff had contacted a number of conference centers throughout the Bay Area that could facilitate the Team Building Workshop scheduled for Sunday, September 17th. The only conference center that could accommodate the City on such short notice is the Wente Brothers Conference Center in Livermore. They have facilities available that could be utilized between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on September 17th. Staff worked with Consultant Arlene Willits to develop a tentative agenda which was presented for Council consideration. -Cm. Hegarty questioned the need to go to Livermore when the event could be scheduled in Dublin. Mr. Ambrose stated that Staff contacted a number of facilities appropriate for this type of a function in accordance with Council direction, and this was the only site available on such short notice. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the agenda for the Team Building Workshop and approved Wente Brothers as the location for the Workshop to be held. X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-264 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 WEST DUBLIN STUDIES PA 88-144, FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND WPM PLANNING TEAM~ INC. Brenda Gillarde, Consultant Planner, advised that Marie Cronin is requesting an amendment to the West Dublin Studies Agreement to consider the potential for residential development on the Cronin property. Key issues include circulation, visual impacts, geotechnical constraints, biological impacts and ridgeline/open space preservation. The original workscope prepared by the Consultant did not include analysis of the Cronin property for potential residential development. The cost for undertaking this additional work is estimated at $40,000. Examination of the Cronin property for residential development will add approximately 2 months to the West Dublin processing schedule. Cm. Hegarty indicated that this land was originally placed as open space and questioned if Eden Development had an option on this property. Ms. Gillarde stated that Eden has no options on this property, but there is now a formal request before the Council to consider studying this site for residential development. Cm. Jeffery expressed concerns as there is a major ridgeline in the vicinity of this site. Cm. Vonheeder stated it is unfortunate that this did not happen at the same time as the Eden Development request. The Council felt it would be better to look at the entire land area together. Cm. Vonheeder indicated she had not been on this property and had no idea how steep the terrain is, where the access points are, and had no problem with letting the professionals look at the potential for development. These are critical questions that must be answered. Marie Cronin, 8989 Dublin Canyon Road addressed the Council and stated that her family settled there 140 years ago and has farmed the land ever since. There have been many problems over the years that development has brought, such as vandalism, people with guns killing their cows, fires that were set and which burned their barns, etc. It appears that agricultural use is no longer financially feasible for this land. Ms. Cronin felt that the best land use would now be quality low density residential, with a large percentage of the parcel to remain vacant. They have worked with City Staff who have been very helpful. They have gone to considerable expense and hired professionals and are prepared to address the issues involved. They have some preliminary concept plans. Ms. Cronin stated they respectfully requested that the City Council approve their request to participate in the West Dublin Study Plan. Cm. Hegarty stated he supported the request. He originally hoped that all the property owners would get together to fund a study of the whole western area. Part of this property is in a very sensitive area where the City Council has established policies. He indicated his willingness to look at development, within reason, to see what is possible for this particular site. The Cronin family heritage dates back many years and appreciation should be given for their contributions to the community. X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-265 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 Cm. Jeffery stated she was concerned that there will be a considerable cost to do a study like this. This area is very visible and she questioned how much development the Council would actually consider there and is it worth the cost of doing this study. The feelings of the community have been strongly expressed about preserving the hills. Cm. Hegarty advised that only a small portion of this site is visible. He questioned if this is incorporated into the study if the same type of agreement would be written for Ms. Cronin as the rest of the study. He did not think the City was getting 'up front' money for the rest of the study. City Manager Ambrose stated that the City has the money under its control. The City does not want to enter into an agreement with the Consultant and obligate the City to work which it cannot guarantee payment. The money from Eden is set aside in interest bearing Certificate of Deposit accounts in the name of the City of Dublin. Typically, most developers provide the City with cash. Cm. Hegarty did not feel that anyone had come in with this magnitude of a project. Hansen Ranch is 150 acres, but this discussion is related to over 1,000 acres. He felt that Eden Development Corporation is applying too much pressure. Cm. Vonheeder pointed out that a financial payment method seems to have been worked out with the Applicant. Mr. Ambrose advised that it is an existing Council policy to collect the actual costs of these studies. We collect either cash or a cash instrument that the City controls, 'not the Applicant. Cm. Hegarty stated he would be satisfied if the same agreement is made as the one the City has with the Eden Corporation. Mayor Moffatt, Mr. Ambrose and Cm. Vonheeder advised that this was what was being done. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 104 - 89 APPROVING FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR THE WEST DUBLIN STUDIES and authorized the City Manager to sign the agreement between the City and WPM Planning Team, Inc., after funds have been received from the Applicant. X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-266 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 EASTERLY EXTENSION OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD (DOUGHERTY ROAD TO SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD CORRIDOR) City Manager Ambrose advised that since April, 1988, Staff has been working with a property owner in the area affected by this project in order to evaluate the~possibility of utilizing an assessment district to fund the necessary improvements. This process has identified several concerns of property owners and based on this information, Staff felt it would be prudent to explore redevelopment as a means of. financing a portion of the improvements. A proposal was submitted by Economic and Planning Systems, Inc., to undertake a Preliminary Redevelopment Feasibility Study. The proposal would define redevelopment area boundaries, forecast tax increment revenues and evaluate financing alternatives to accomplish the City's objectives. John Moore presented an update regarding the Dublin Boulevard extension. This has now become a fairly complicated issue. More than a year ago, they embarked upon trying to create parameters for an assessment district. Many of the property owners are not interested in discussing opportunities or how their properties can be enhanced. They just want to be left alone. He has been unable to get 60% support of the property owners of the 50 acres. Mr. Moore encouraged the Council to proceed with Staff's recommendation to undertake a redevelopment feasibility study. Mr. Ambrose advised that this would be a fairly preliminary study. The City COuncil has not activated a redevelopment agency to accomplish certain goals. He felt this would be a good first step to see if the potential is there. If warranted, Staff would come back with recommendations on forming a redevelopment agency. Cm. Vonheeder indicated that Chris. Kinzel with TJKM recently made a presentation related'to transportation solutions in the Tri-Valley. One thing discussed was to form an improvement district and to sell bonds based on future revenue. She suggested that possibly something similar could be Considered for the extension of Dublin Boulevard. Mr. Ambrose stated he thought Cm. Vonheeder was referring to a public improvement facility fee. Another City in Contra Costa County is using something like this. Cm. Hegarty stated that this may be 20 years down the line and that cities have to be very careful and evaluate everything that is going to take place. We are doing this to get to the east. He stated that it bothers him a lot that all the landowners are nOt coming into the City for assistance. They are sitting on a goldmine out there and nothing is going to happen until the road goes in. He felt the City should write letters advising that we need to get to the east in order to maintain vitality. The Lin Family is at a standstill until the road goes through. Cm. Vonheeder indicated that CalTrans' latest statement is that major interchanges will not be built without parallel roads. X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-267 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with Economic and Planning Systems, Inc., to undertake a Preliminary Redevelopment Feasibility Study not to exceed $8,750; and authorized a budget transfer from the Contingent Reserve to the City Manager's Budget in the amount of $8,750. CIVIC CENTER DEDICATION & OPEN HOUSE City Manager Ambrose advised that the City Council Civic Center Subcommittee has been working with Staff to develop plans for the Civic Center dedication. Two events were being proposed. The first would be an evening reception on Thursday, October 19th for elected officials from surrounding agencies, the press, and other dignitaries. There would be a brief ceremony and introductions in the Council Chambers, followed by a reception in the main lobby with entertainment consisting of chamber music. Escorted tours would then be provided. The Subcommittee was also reviewing possible momentos which could be given to the guests as they leave. A community event is scheduled for Saturday, October 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 2'00 p.m. This event would be open to the public and the activities scheduled are intended to generate a "street faire" type atmosphere. The event would tentatively begin with a flag raising ceremony in the public plaza. Escorted tours would be provided throughout the day and light refreshments would be provided in the courtyard. The entertainment will consist of clowns, barber shop quartet and other types of individuals who can move through the crowd. A momento to be provided for this event would be a pin in the shape of a key to the City to be given to the first 1,000 attendees. Cm. Vonheeder advised that the Dublin High School band has band review almost every Saturday in October and soccer games are always held on Saturdays also. She questioned if any thought had been given to holding the community event on a Sunday. Mr. Ambrose advised that it was difficult to come up with a date due to one conflict or another, but this date seemed to be the most workable. The League Conference starts on Sunday of that week. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council reviewed the planned events, approved the proposed dates and authorized Staff to proceed with the arrangements. BUSINESS REGISTRATION ORDINANCE STUDY City Manager Ambrose advised that for several years, the City Council has identified the development of a Business License Ordinance as a goal and objective for the City. Through the adoption of a Business Registration Ordinance, the City's Building, Planning, Police and Fire Departments X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-268 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 could be assisted in their responsibility for enforcing the health and safety regulations of the City. The emphasis would be primarily on business registration rather than raising revenue through the vehicle of a Business License. Such an ordinance could also assist the City in determining whether all of the sales tax which should be paid in the City is, in fact, being properly allocated to the City by the State Board of Equalization. Since the business community has expressed some concerns and reservations regarding a Business License Ordinance in the past, Staff felt it would be beneficial for the Council to form a task force composed of represen- tatives from the City and business community to study the issue and report back to the City Council at a future date. Cm. Jeffery advised that when this subject has been discussed in the past, one of the goals discussed would be to get a handle on people using hazardous materials in their business. Part of the safety plan would include knowing where these things are located. Mr. Ambrose advised that the departments involved with health, safety and welfare would be reviewing the applications. Ralph Hughes, with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce addressed the Council. In addition to being a business owner and resident, Mr. Hughes stated he is the Vice President of the Chamber in charge of community affairs. They would not get into positives and negatives at this time. This is only a study and they appreciated the thought of the Council to have the Chamber involved and Mr. Hughes indicated that they would like to participate. Cm. Snyder questioned what the Council felt would be an appropriate and reasonable time to report back. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote, the Council 1) authOrized study of the establishment of a Business Registration Ordinance; 2) directed Staff to contact the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and request that the Chamber appoint representatives from the business community to participate on a task force with representatives of the City to study the development of a Business Registration Ordinance; and 3) established a time of 120 days for the task force report to be brought back to the City Council. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Mayor Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council designated Cm. Vonheeder and Cm. Snyder as repre- sentatives from the City Council, along with City Staff and the City Attorney's Office to meet with representatives from the business community. Cm. Snyder felt it was important to also invite members of the business community at large to participate since the Chamber only represents about half of the businesses. X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-269 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989 Mayor Moffatt appointed Vice Mayor Vonheeder to be the chair of this task force. CLOSED SESSION At 9:40 p.m., the Council recessed to a closed executive session to discuss pending litigation, City of Dublin vs. McCartney. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. 'mayor ATTEST:~~j~(~e,. ,' . . "' rR ' X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X@X&X CM-8-270 Regular Meeting August 28, 1989