HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.11 RiteAid/KindercareSP .:>- .-. . - CITY CLERK File # D~@0J-[3]BJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 20, 1999 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECO:MMENDATION: 1) ./0 A ^ ~ 2) , VI/V - 3) 4) 5) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: DISCUSSION: PUBLIC HEARJNG: PA 98-038 Rite AidlKinderCare Specific Plan Amendment; PD Rezone; Conditional Use Permit; and Site Development Review ~ (Report Prepared by: Carol R. Cirelli, Senior Planner) 1. 2. Resolution adopting the Site Development Review Ordinance adopting the Planned Development (PD) Zoning District and Development Plan (Development Plan attached as Exhibit 3A, which includes Alternatives 1,2 and 3) Rite Aid Concerns with the Northern and Eastern Drive-Through Alternatives Public Street Signage 3. 4. 6) Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation. Take testimony from the Applicant and the public. Question Staff, Applicant and the public. Close public hearing and deliberate. Waive second reading and adopt ordinance approving the PD District Rezone and Development Plan with the selected Exhibit 3A Alternative 1, 2 or 3. Adopt resolution approving the Rite AidlKinderCare Site Development Review; or give Staff and Applicant direction and continue the matter. None On April 6, 1999, the City Council approved: 1) a Specific Plan Amendment to allow a retail drug store as a permitted use within Area 3 of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, and to allow a drive-through pharmacy and a day care center with 15+ children as a conditional use within Area 3; 2) a PD District Rezone; and 3) a Conditional Use Permit to establish a 24-hour drive-through pharmacy and a day care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g:\98-038\4-20 cc Staff Report COPIES TO: Applicants Property Owners Address File Senior Planner lTEMNO.~ center for 15+ children and to exempt parking requirements for the day care center, for the Rite AidlKinderCare project 10 ~d at the northwest corner of San Ran - Road and Amador "\'alle.y Boulevard. The City Council approved the applicants' Conditional Use Permit request with the following 2 additional conditions: 1. Public Right-of- Way Sign age. The Public Works Department shall work with the Kildara Homeowners Association for determining the types of street signage that should be installed along Amador Valley Boulevard and Donlan Way for purposes of discouraging traffic from entering the Kildara community as a short-cut between Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall be responsible for purchasing and installing the agreed upon street slgnage. 2. Kildara Funds. The Rite Aid Corporation and KinderCare Learning Centers shall each contribute a maximum of $5,000 which shall be paid into an escrow account to be used by the Kildara Homeowners Association for purposes of mitigating any traffic impacts the project may cause within the Kildara community. Any funds remaining in the escrow account 18 months after the last certificate of occupancy for either Rite Aid or KinderCare will be refunded to the applicants equall y. The City Council also amended the Conditional Use Permit condition addressing the re-lease of the existing Rite Aid tenant space as follows: "Prior to issuance of building permits for the P A 98-038 Rite Aid project, the Rite Aid Corporation shall provide the City Council with verification that the existing Rite Aid tenant space located at 7201 Regional Street has been re-leased (or resold) to a business whose use is consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan (i.e., retail and service commercial uses) and that substantial improvements will be made to the structure at 7201 Regional Street prior to the reuse of the existing Rite Aid tenant space." Furthermore, the City Council directed staff to return with the Applicants' Site Development Review request with project site plans depicting alternative locations for the drive-through pharmacy window; and recommendations for public street signage for deterring traffic away from the Kildara community. Drive- Throm!h Pharmacv Alternatives The applicant developed two drive-through alternatives. One alternative (Exhibit 3A - Alternative 2) shows the drive-through along Rite Aid's northern building elevation, and the other alternative shows the drive-through along Rite Aid's eastern building elevation (Exhibit 3A - Alternative 3). Alternative 1 is the original site plan layout. Public Works staff reviewed both drive-through alternatives (Alternative 2 and 3) and concluded that both locations would generally work from an on- and off-site circulation standpoint. However, the eastern elevation alternative may pose some traffic problems because vehicles heading northbound would need to cross on-coming traffic to enter the drive-through. In addition, the eastern elevation alternative would eliminate one parking stall. Another potential negative aspect of selecting anyone of the alternative locations versus the original location for the Rite Aid drive-through is that there would be no face-to-face contact with the pharmacist when picking up prescriptions. With the Alternative 2 and 3 locations the pharmacist would have a video camera where he/she will be able to view the customer and the prescriptions would be delivered through a pneumatic tube. Altering the interior floor plan would help eliminate this problem, however, according to the Rite Aid Corporation, the interior floor plan cannot be altered. Rite Aid Corporation has other concerns and conflicts with the northern and eastern drive-through locations as described in Attachment 3. 2 . . If the e:tStern drive-through is ~cted, a new condition of approyal she be added to the Site Development Review resolution that would require Rite Aid to screen the drive-through as necessary, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director, and to install additional landscaping within the vicinity of the drive-through. Due to time constraints, the Rite Aid applicant was not able to submit complete sets of plans for Alternatives 2 and 3. The landscape plan and architectural elevations for these alternatives include a note which states that the plans are subject to modification to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director for consistency with the site plan prior to issuance of a building permit. Drive-Throue:h Selection Staff recommends that the City Council select one of the alternative locations or the original site plan layout for the drive-through pharmacy (either Alternative 1,2, or 3 of Exhibit 3A). The selected site plan with accompanying plans will become the Development Plan (Exhibit 3A) of the PD Ordinance for the project. Public Street Sie:na~e The Public \1.1 orks Department recommends installing a total of 4 signs on Amador Valley Bouleyard and Donlon \Vay and modifying the direction of the pavement arrow going southbound adjacent to KinderCare (arrow will be directing traffic left onto Amador Valley Blvd.), as depicted on Attachment 4. If the Council concurs with this recommendation, a new condition of approval would be added to the Site Development Review resolution requiring the applicants to install the signage in compliance with the Attachment 4 figure prior to final occupancy permit approval. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, staff recommends that the City Council waive the second reading and adopt the PD District Rezone ordinance and Development Plan with the selected Exhibit 3A Alternative 1, 2, or 3 (Attachment 2); and adopt the Site Development Review resolution (Attachment 1) incorporating staff's suggested conditions of approval. 3 r .rD 5.3 RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ADOPTING PA 98-038 RITE AIDIKINDERCARE SITE DEVELOPl\1ENT REVIE\V REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A :1:16,700 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL DRUG STORE AND A 9,824 SQUARE FOOT DAY CARE CENTER, AND TO VOLUNTARILY CONTRIBUTE TR.\.FFIC Il\1PROVEl\IENT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $129,880 LOCATED AT 7348 - 7372 SAN R.\.l\10N ROAD WHEREAS, the Applicants, Peter Tobin of Tait and Associates, on behalf of Rite Aid Corporation, and Joe Bledsoe of KinderCare Learning Centers, has requested approval of an amendment to the San Ramon Specific Plan, a Planned Development (PD) District Rezone, a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review to construct an approximate 16,700 square foot retail drug store, a 9,824 square foot day care center, and voluntarily contribute traffic improvement funds in the amount of $ 129,880, and to establish a 24-hour drive through pharmacy and a day care center and to exempt parking requirements for the day care center located at 7348 - 7372 San Ramon Road, within the San Ramon Road Specific Plan and the C-l, Retail Commercial Zoning District: and \VHEREAS, the project has been reviewed in accordance with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines and a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and is on file with the Dublin Planning Department. The project, as proposed, will not have a significant effect on the environment; and \VHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review on March 9, 1999 and did adopt Resolution Nos. 99-08; 99-09; 99-10; and 99-11, recommending that the City Council approve the Negative Declaration, Specific Plan Amendment; PD Rezone and Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review, respectively, with added conditions of approval to the Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review resolution; and \VHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and \VHEREAS, properly noticed public hearings were held by the City Council on April 6, 1999 and April 20, 1999; and \VHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the City Council recommending that the City Council approve the application; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth; and \VHEREAS, the City Council has found that the proposed project is appropriate for the subject site. NOW., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby find that: A. The Rite Aid and KinderCare project is consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 8.104 Site Development Review of the Zoning Ordinance. A TT A CHl\1E~T'f 1 ?-. a6 53 B. The approval of this S;u. Development Review application, as T}ditioned, will not adversely affect'the health or safety of per~ .is residing or working in the vicinity, v. be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare because all the potential environmental impacts associated with the project are less than significant. C. The approval of this Site Development Review application, as conditioned, complies with the Retail/Office designation of the General Plan, the related San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment and the PD Zoning District regulations, and the general requirements established in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. D. The proposed site development, including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety and similar elements has been designed to provide a desirable environment for the developments. E. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the buildings and related structures being proposed because the project is located on relatively flat land within an urbanized area adjacent to existing retail commercial uses and medium to high density residential uses and the Applicants have agreed to mitigate off-site traffic and circulation impacts by the voluntary payment of $129,880 for street improvements. F. The proposed site development will not result in impacts to views because the site is level and no views could be interrupted. G. The proposed site development will not result in impacts to existing slopes and topographic features because the site is relatively level and there are no topographic features. H. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and similar elements have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this commercial development with the development's design concept or theme and the architectural character of the surrounding commercial and residential buildings and uses. 1. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, provisions and similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council hereby approves PA 98-038 Rite AidlKinderCare Site Development Review request to construct an approximate 16,700 square foot retail drug store, a 9,824 square foot day care center, and to voluntarily contribute traffic improvement funds in the amount of $129,880 located at 7348 -7372 San Ramon Road, as generally depicted by the plans, labeled, Exhibit 3A of the related Planned Development District Rezone City Council Ordinance (Attachment 3), consisting of nine sheets prepared by Tait and Associates, MCG Architects, Majors 2M Engineering, and CRHO Architects, dated received by the Planning Department April 15, 1999, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the approval of the related San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Rezone and compliance with the following conditions: CONDmONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise. all Conditions of Approval shall be comDlied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use. and shall be subiect to Plannin~ Deoartrnent review and approval. The followin~ codes represent those deDartments/a~encies responsible for monitorin~ compliance of the conditions 2 . .2--'[)...J----' of aooroval: rPLl Plannin2:. rB1 r""ldin2:. fPOl Police. fPWl Public Work~ ADMl AdministrationlCitv Attornev. rFINl Finance. rFl Alameda Countv Fire Department. rDSRl DUl.nJn San Ramon Services District. fLDD " Livermore Dublin Dis osaI. CO Alameda Countv De artment of Environmental Health. Zone 7 . Alameda Countv Flood Control and \Vater Conservation District. Zone 7. rLA VTA 1. Livermore Amador VaJlev Transit Authoritv. rCHS1. California Department of Health Services. N CONDITION TEXT RESPON. '''HEN HO'V IS 0 AGENCY/ REQ.? CONDITION DEPART. SA TISFIED? I GENERAL CONDITIONS .' . ^' l. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence within one PL Ongoing year of permit approval, or the permit shall lapse and become null and void. 2. Revocation of permit. The permit shall be revocable for cause in PL Ongoing accordance with Chapter 8.96 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. 3. Clean-up. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall be responsible for c1ean- PL Ongoing up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a safe, clean, and litter-free site. 4. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site Development PL Ongoing Review approval may be considered by the Community Development Director, if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100. of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. Controlling Acti,ities. Rite Aid and KinderCare shall control all PO.PL Ongoing activities on the project site so as not to create a nuisance to the existing or surrounding businesses and residences. 6. Accessory Structures. The use of any accessory structures, such as PL,B.F Ongoing storage sheds or trailer/container units used for storage or for any other purpose, shall not be allowed on the site at any time. 7. Fees. ApplicantlDeveloper shall pay all applicable fees in effect at Various Various the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, times. but no Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District later than fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School issuance of Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees, Alameda County Building Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Permits Connection fees; or any other fee that may be adopted. 8. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Various Prior to ApplicantlDeveloper shall comply with applicable Alameda County issuance of Fire, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building Department, Building Dublin Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone Permits 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions reauired have been or will be met. 3 </ c( 5-' ~ Cc-lITION TEXT '-'lliSPON. 'VHEN HOWlS 0 AGENCY! REQ.? CONDITION DEPART. SATISFIED? 9. Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. PW Approval of Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Improvemcn Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval, revised February 24, t Plans 1999, Attachment D 1 (obtain from Planning Department). In the through event of a conflict between the Standard Public Works Conditions of completion Approval and these Conditions, these conditions shall prevail. 10. Required Permits. ApplicantlDeveJoper shall obtain all necessary PW Various permits required by other agencies (e.g., Alameda County Flood times, but no Control District Zone 7, Alameda County Health Agency (if later than necessary), State Water Quality Control Board, etc.) and shall submit issuance of Building copies of the permits to the Department of Public Works. Permits 11. Building Permits, Codes and Ordinances. The B Through ApplicantlDeveloper shall obtain all necessary permits from the completion Dublin Building Department. All project construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permits. 12. Fire Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall conform B Through to all fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building completion permits. 13. Removal of Obstructions. ApplicantlDeveloper shall remove all PW Prior to trees including major root systems and other obstructions from Issuance of building sites that are necessary for public improvements or for Occupancy public safety as directed by the soils engineer and Director of Public Permits Works. 14. Phasing Plan. If the project is to be phased, ApplicantlDeveloper PW Prior to shall submit a phasing plan to the Director of Public Works for Issuance of review and approval showing that each building being constructed Occupancy has adequate parking, access, traffic circulation, fire access and Permits drainage per the City Zoning and Grading Ordinances. The unimproved portions of the site shall be hydroseeded and graded to drain into appropriate drainage structures with adequate erosion control protection and shall be maintained by ApplicantlDeveloper until such time that the improvements are constructed. 15. Traffic Control. Two-way traffic is to be maintained along Amador PW Prior to Valley Boulevard during all phases of construction. Issuance of ApplicantlDeveloper shall submit a traffic control plan showing Building detouring and temporary striping for all interim or phased Permits improvements in the public street right of way for review and approval by the Director of Public Works. 16. Building Permit Application. To apply for building permits, the B Prior to ApplicantlDeveloper shall submit twelve (12) sets of construction issuance of plans together with final site plan and landscape plans to the Building Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached a Permits copy of these conditions of approval with the "How is Condition Satisfied?" column filled out. The column shall clearly indicate how all conditions of approval will be, or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions attached to each set of plans. The ApplicantlDeveloper will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-Citv agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. 4 ~ 0Z5 .-/ ..J - ~ CONf ~ION TEXT F~PON. 'VHEN HO'V IS 0 AGENCY/ REQ.? CONDITION DEPART. SA TIS FlED? ]7. Public Works Conditions of Approval. In submitting subsequent PW Prior to plans for review and approval, ApplicantlDeveloper shall submit six issuance of (6) sets of plans to the Engineering Department for plan check. Each Building set of plans shall have attached a copy of these Conditions of Permits Approval with responses to conditions filled in indicating where on the plans and/or how the condition is satisfied. A copy of the Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval shall also be submitted which has been marked up to indicate where on the plans and/or how the condition is satisfied. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval and Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Improvement plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions and standards attached to each set of plans. ApplicantlDeveloper will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencIes. 18. Conditions of Related Project Approvals. The PL. PW Ongoing ApplicantlDeveloper shall comply with all conditions of approval of the related San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment and Planned Development (PD) District Rezone for the PA 98-038 Rite Aid/KinderCare project. GENERAL DESIGN: 19. Utility Siting Plan. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall provide a Utility PW,PL Prior to Siting Plan showing that transformers and service boxes are placed issuance of outside of public view where possible and/or screened to the Grading satisfaction of the Community Development Director and Public Permits \V orks Director. 20. Roof equipment screening. All roof equipment shall be completely PL Prior to screened from view by a parapet. Equipment not screened by a issuance of parapet shall be screened by materials architecturally compatible Building with the building, as approved by the Community Development Permits Director. 5 N Cc-JITION TEXT '<.ESPON. \VHEN HOW IS 0 AGENCY/ REQ.? CONDITION DEPART. SA TIS FlED? 21. Trash Enclosures. A trash bin enclosure shall be 1 0 feet by 12 feet PL, B, LDD Prior to in size for a single bin and 10 feet by 18 feet in size for two bins. issuance of Bins shall not be larger than 4 yards in capacity. The enclosure shall Building have a 10 foot wide opening. A 10 foot deep concrete apron shall be Permits installed in front of the entire width of the enclosure. The enclosure shall have a 6 inch by 6 inch curb on the inside of the enclosure wall to protect the walls of the enclosure from the bins. The enclosure shall be built of concrete block or equivalent and shall have metal doors. Chain link doors are not permitted. The doors must be designed so that they can be locked closed and can also be held open with pin locks during loading. Trash bin enclosures shall be finished so that they are architecturally compatible with the related main structure. Trash bin enclosures shall be properly maintained and free of graffiti. All trash bins used for this site shall be maintained within the trash bin enclosure(s) at all times. The container shall be covered and shall meet the requirements of the County Health Code, the Dublin San Ramon Services District and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. The final location of the trash enclosures shall be determined prior to submittal of building plans subject to the review and approval of the City Planning Department, Public Works Department and the Livermore Dublin Disposal Service. .,,, State Title 24 Requirements/SidewalklHandicap Ramps. The PW Prior to ApplicantlDeveloper shall construct a sidewalk access from Amador issuance of Valley Boulevard/San Ramon Road to the Rite Aid building in order Building to comply with the current State Title 24 requirements. All handicap Permits and ramps shall comply with all current State Title 24 requirements and Completion of City of Dublin Standards. All concrete islands with direct access to Improvements the pedestrian walkway shall be constructed with handicap ramps. 23. State Title 24 Requirements for Playground Facility. The B,PL Prior to KinderCare Applicant shall construct the playground area and all issuance of playground facilities in compliance with State Title 24 Requirements Building for handicapped accessibility. Permits 24. Easements. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall record reciprocal PW Prior to easements for required common facilities, which may include, but not issuance of be limited to, parking, and trash enclosures, ingress/egress, common Grading driveway, storm drain, sanitary sewer, water and joint trench. Permits ')- Bus Stop Pullout and Shelter. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall PW,LAVTA Prior to -). construct a bus pullout, concrete pad, passenger bus shelter and trash issuance of receptacle along San Ramon Road in front of the project site as Building required by the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority Permits (LA VT A) and the City Department of Public Works. The bus stop and shelter shall be subject to the review and approval by LA VTA and the City of Dublin Public Works Director. 6 U/ 5_ 6 7 ~ 7...) , N CONr--'ION TEXT P'-"'PON. \VHEN HOW IS 0 A&€NCYI REQ. ? CONDITIOl' DEPART. SA TIS FlED? 26. Bicycle Racks. The Applicant/Developer shall be required to install PL Prior to one bicycle rack for each 20 parking spaces. Bicycle racks shall be issuance of designed to provide a minimum of 4 bicycle spaces in each rack, and Building shall be designed so that a bicycle can be secured to the rack. The Permits location of the bicycle rack shall not encroach into the sidewalk which would reduce the unencumbered width of the sidewalk to less than 4 feet. Bicycle racks shall be placed in a location where they shall have adequate Ii [!htin!!: and can be surveilled bv the occupants. 27. Repair of Damages. ApplicantlDeveloper shall repair all damaged PL Prior to existing street, curb, gutter and sidewalk along San Ramon Road and issuance of Amador Valley Boulevard as a result of construction activities to the Occupancy satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. permit 28. Parking. All parking shall conform to the plans shown on Exhibit PL Prior to 3A of the PD Rezone Development Plan. The handicapped parking Issuance of stall located within the parking aisle adjacent to, and west of, the Rite Building Aid building is not necessary and shall be eliminated. Public parking Permits spaces shall be double-striped with 4-inch wide stripes set approximately 2 feet apart as shown on the "Typical Parking Striping Detail" available in the Planning Department. Disabled accessible, visitor, employee and compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified on the pavement and designated on the parking plan. The I ApplicantlDeveloper shall provide a minimum one foot wide raised curb or equivalent on landscape fingers and islands adjacent to parkin!!: stalls. I ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN ....". . '. ~ 29. Trellises and Tile Inserts. The Rite Aid ApplicantlDeveloper shall PL Prior to install trellises along the northern and western building elevations. issuance of These trellises shall be comprises of a metal tube grid and attached to Building the wall above the split fact concrete masonry unit. The trellis grids Permits shall be no greater than 18 inch squares, and shall include landscaping. The eastern and southern building trellises shall also include landscaping. All tile inserts located along all sides of the building shall be larger to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 30. KinderCare - Block Wall. In order to mitigate potential noise PL,B Prior to impacts, the KinderCare ApplicantlDeveloper shall extend the concrete issuance of block wall along the western project property boundary between Building KinderCare and the Kildara residential community an additional 2 feet Permits so that the total height of the block wall when measured from the KinderCare site is 8-feet high. 7 ~,"7f ZJ ~ N Ccr1ITION TEXT ~.ESPON. \VHEN HOW IS 0 AGENCY/ REQ.? COl'\1)ITION DEPART. SATISFIED? I I ON At"\D OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. 3l. Dedication and Improvement of Amador Valley Boulevard. ApplicantlDeveloper shall dedicate to the City of Dublin the road PW Prior to labeled as Amador Valley Boulevard (from San Ramon Road to the issuance of westerly end of the most westerly commercial driveway) for public Occupancy street purposes (61' wide right of way) and shall improve the street to Permit commercial street standards with a width of 48' curb to curb, with a 5' wide sidewalk along the north side of the street. The dedication shall be in a manner as to allow for the 48' paved curb to curb section, plus a 5' sidewalk on both sides of the street and an additional 3' wide right of way on the north side. ApplicantlDeveloper shall dedicate to the City of Dublin the road labeled as Amador Valley Boulevard (from the westerly end of the most westerly commercial driveway to the westerly property line) for public street purposes (48' wide right of way) and shall improve the street to residential street standards with a width of 36' curb to curb, with a 5' wide sidewalk along the north side of the street. The dedication shall be in a manner as to allow for the 36' paved curb to curb section, plus a 5' sidewalk on both sides of the street and an additional 2' wide right of way on the north side. Parking shall not be permitted on either side of the street. Said dedications shall be to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 32. Construction of Off-Site Improvements. The ApplicantlDeveloper PW Prior to shall construct improvements, which shall include, but are not limited Occupancy to, curbs, gutters, 5' wide sidewalks, striping and pavement within the new proposed Amador Valley Boulevard right-of-way to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. ApplicantlDeveloper shall construct a slurry seal over entire width of Amador Valley Boulevard for the length of the project and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 33. Off-Site Improvement Plans. The ApplicantlDeveloper' s Engineer PW Prior to shall prepare and submit improvement plans for review and approval Issuance of by the Director of Public Works. Said Improvement plans shall Building include, but is not limited to, plan and profile, stonn drainage, utility, Permits striping and details for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The ApplicantlDeveloper Engineer shall obtain the City of Dublin's Improvement Plan Checklist from the Public Works Department and shall address any and all items applicable to the project. Said checklist shall be a part of these conditions of approval. 34. Construction of On-site Improvements. The ApplicantlDeveloper PW Prior to shall construct on-site improvements as shown on the site plan issuance of prepared by Tait & Associates, labeled Exhibit 3A, dated received by Occupancy the Planning Department 4-15-99, sheet 1, and stamped approved and Permits on file with the Planning Department. 8 'I 1) ::J .-:; ~ CONr~ION TEXT R-PON. \VHEN HO\V IS 0 A&r.:NCY/ REQ.? COI'\1)ITION DEPART. SA TrSFIED? 35. On-Site Improvement Plans. The ApplicantlDeveloper's Engineer PW Prior to shall prepare site improvement plans which shall be reviewed and Issuance of approved by the Director of Public Works. Said Improvement plans Building shall include, but are not limited to, plan and profile, storm drainage, Permits utility, striping, new pavement sections per the approved project soils report, and details for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The ApplicantIDeveloper's Engineer shall obtain the City of Dublin's Site Check List from the Public Works Department and shall address any and all items applicable to the project. Said Check List shall be part of these conditions of approval. 36. Abandonment of existing non-use easements. ApplicantlDeveloper PW Prior to shall obtain the abandonment of all applicable existing easements Issuance of that are not currently being used on the proposed site to the Building satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Pennits 37. Right-of- Way Abandonment. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall PW Prior to purchase from the City of Dublin what the City has deemed surplus Issuance of property which is shown and depicted on the site plan prepared by Building Tait & Associates. labeled Exhibit 3A, dated 4-15-99, sheet], and Pennits stamped approved and on file with the Planning Department. Said purchase shall be based on a comparable sale of right-of-way to the nonh of this project on San Ramon Road to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and City Manager. ApplicantIDeveloper shall pay for all of the City's costs associated with the appraisal and vacation process. 38. Parcel Merger/Lot Line Adjustment. The ApplicantIDeveloper PW Prior to shall merge the existing parcels identified on the current assessor plat Issuance of as Assessor Parcel Numbers 941-40-2-3; 941-40-2-7; 941-40-2-10 Building and 941-40-3-2 through a lot line adjustment to facilitate two Pennits separate parcels to a configuration acceptable to the Community " Development Director and the Director of Public Works. Applicants for said merger and adjustments shall be obtained from the Public Works Department. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall adhere to all State, County, and City requirements for said merger and adjustments to occur. 39. Public Senice Easement Dedications. ApplicantlDeveloper shall PW Prior to dedicate a 10 foot Public Service Easement (p.S.E.) along the existing Issuance of and proposed northerly right-of-way line of Amador Valley Boulevard Building to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Pennits ApplicantlDeveJoper shall dedicate a minimum 10 foot wide Public Service Easement over joint utility trench lines, storm drain lines to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. ApplicantlDeveJoper shall also provide Public Utility Easements per the requirements of the Director of Public Works and/or public utility companies as necessary to serve this area with utility services and allow for vehicular and utility service access. 9 CONDITION TEXT ~ESPON. 'VHEN HO'V IS - AGENCY/ REQ.? COI\'1HTION DEPART. SA TISFIED? Emergency Vehicle Access Easement Dedications. PW,F Prior to ApplicantlDeveloper shaIl dedicate all needed emergency vehicle Issuance of access easements from each adjacent public street to all fire access Building roads surrounding the site buildings as defined by Alameda County Permits Fire Department and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public \V orks. Applicant/Developer shall also dedic2:e reciprocal access, arking, common driveway, drainage, ingress; ld egress and oL~er needed utility easements as defined and appro'. ::J by the Direct:\r of ublic Works and the ACFD. A.FFIC j - nstallation of STOP signs and ~er traffic si . PW Prior to pplicantlDeveloper shall instal STOP sign a: DO NOT E2 ~:R Issuance of ign at both sides of the immedi.., :~cess whert jrive-throuf Occupancy raffic will be exiting and shall ir. J a STOP si ~ the westbc Permits raffjc from the south travel way 'le Rite Aid "1g lot pproaching the travel \\'ay that j. directly to : -/vewayon mador VaIJey Boulevard. Appi Developer also install alrrans standard lane drop sign: j markings :e West leg an Ramon Road/Amador Valle: Jevard faci: stbound tr~ pproaching the Rite Aid/Kinder access. Sai ,s and mar; nd any other required signs and, ,ngs shall b .:.l1ed to the tisfaction of the Director of Put "orks. I ccess, Circulation and Parkin; ::JlicantlDe\ r shaIl rev: I PW Prior to e onsite improvement plans to 5: :l mmImum Jrner radi... l.':suance e raised median to the right of tt ~ss where. :-;hroug: ...:i1din~ affic will be exiting, to the satisf, C :he Dir: ?ublic -':mits Torks. ..-- -- -, oluntary Contribution of Traf -oveme: '. A' .B,A: -;or (c-' - ~ o ~O. p p ITR .+1. I A S t t a A C S a a sa -1-2. A th th tr \\ I of the project, the Appl1cantlDev:: t:affiC improvement funds in the , share of this fund is $ 72.2] 6 and: GRWING A1\ro DRAINAGE: Requirements. The ApplicantlDe' accordance with the Public Works and State Recional Water Quality C Geotechnical Investigation Repo;- prepare a Geotechnical Investigati: Works Standard Conditions of Ap; 43. ,.11 volu' - $ 129, ...:.re's so '-, 44. ~al1~ ':onc ! 45. lard. ,2JltID, 2S reg' UTILITIES 46. Undergrounding. The Developer project unless specifically approve The Developer shall remove all ex project and construct them underg: :ergrour :)irector .:rhead 1.: /0, '?5 .s _,ntr, : [e Aid'.- 57.6~ Jan.....e ~ Jding -~its -Jject i ',ppro\ ,_rid de; 'JaIl ;; Publi .:;oing :- to ,~n ce (, ~ing :litl -oveme , and g :-uctior :ies to t - W ork~ chin the to '::e of :lg oveme ,ilS R-PON. AGcNCY! DEPART. 47. J oint Utility Trenches/UndergroundinglUtilit:r Plans. PW Applicanu'Developer shall construct all joint utility trenches (such as electric, telephone. cable TV, and gas) in accordance with the appropriate utility jurisdiction. All communication vaults, electric transfonners, cable TV boxes, blow-off valves and any appurtenant utility items thereto shall be underground and located behind the proposed sidewalk within the public service easement, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works and any applicable agency. All conduit shall be under the sidewalk within the public right of way to allow for street tree planting. Utility plans, showing the location of all proposed utilities (including electrical vaults and underground transfonners) behind the sidewalk shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Location of these items shall be shown on the final 48. Streetlights. ApplicantlDeveloper shall install streetlights on PW Amador Valley Boulevard and San Ramon Road that are the City Standard cobra head luminaries with galvanized poles as required by the Director of Public Works. A street lighting plan which demonstrates compliance with this condition shall be submitted prior to issuance of grading permits and shall be subject to review and approval bv the Director of Public Works. 49. Zone 7. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall comply with all Alameda PW. Zone 7 County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 7 Flood Control requirements and applicable drainage fees. ~ o CONr-lON TEXT 50. Zone 7 Monitoring Well. Prior to issuance of grading permits for the Zone 7 project, the ApplicantlDeveloper shall either mark or preserve the existing Zone 7 monitoring well, or properly destroy the well in accordance with a permit obtained from Zone 7 and replaced in kind at a location approved by Zone 7. I LIGHTING: 51. Lighting Plan. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall prepare a Lighting PW, PL, PO Plan and Isochart (Photometrics) to the satisfaction of Police Services, the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development. Exterior lighting shall be provided within the parking lot, around the entire perimeter of the building, and over exterior doors, and shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties, businesses or to vehicular traffic. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs (1 foot candle). Wall lighting around the perimeters of the building should be supplied to provide "wash" security lighting as appropriate. 'VHEN REQ.? JI -0 ::J..:} HO'V IS CONDITION SATISFIED? Prior to Occupancy Prior to issuance of Grading Permits Prior to approval of Improvemen t Plans Prior to issuance of Grading Permits Prior to issuance of Building Permits 52. POLICE SECURITY:, .'.~ ......., .... - '.' Cit)' of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements. All security hardware for Rite Aid and KinderCare must comply with the City of Dublin Non-Residential Security Requirements (obtained from the Planning Department). Security hardware must be provided for all doors, windows, roof, vents, and skylights and any other areas per Dublin Police Services recommendations and requirements. ,,'< ..,' PO, B Prior to issuance of Building Permits! Occupancy Permits 11 ~ Cc-1ITION TEXT -1ESPON. \VHEN HO\V IS 0 AGENCY/ REQ.? CONDITION DEPART. SA TISFIED? 53. KinderCare Fencing. Fencing around the child care center shall be PO Prior to a minimum of 6' in height. The fence shall be constructed with issuance of materials that will deter individuals from climbing and scaling the Building fence. Permits 54. Robbery, Burglary, Theft Prevention and Security Program. PO Ongoing The Applicant shall work with Dublin Police Services on an ongoing basis to establish an effective robbery, burglary, theft prevention and security pro~am for the business. 55. Graffiti. The owners of Rite Aid and KinderCare shall, at all times, PO.PL Ongoing keep the site and building clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis. Graffiti resistant paints for the structures and film for windows or ~lass should be used. 56. Emergency Response Card. Rite Aid and KinderCare tenants shall PO Prior to complete a "Business Site Emergency Response Care" and deliver it to issuance of Police Services prior to occupancy. Occupancy Permit appro\'al I FIRE PROTECTION 57. ACFD Rules, Regulations and Standards. ApplicantlDeveloper F Pri or to shall comply with all Alameda County Fire Services (ACFD) rules, Issuance of regulations and standards, including minimum standards for Building emergency access roads and payment of all applicable fees, including Permits a Cirv of Dublin Fire Impact Fees. 58. Fire Conditions. Developer shall comply with all conditions of the F Prior to Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) as listed in the letter from Issuance of ACFD dated 1-15-99, including: Building Permits a. Access and Water Supply. An approved access and water supply shall be Prior to the in place and operational. stockpiling of any combustible materials or commencem ent of combustible construction on the site b. Wildfire Management Plan. Structures that are within the Wildfire Prior to Management Plan area shall meet the requirements for construction, roof Issuance of covering and fire sprinkler installation. Landscape design plan shall meet Occupancy the requirements of the Wildfire Management Plan. Permits c. I Drive Aisles. Final detailed layout and design of internal drive aisles shall be subject to review and approval by the ACFD and the Director of Public Works. d. Plan Re\iew. Plans may be subject to revision following review. e. Fire Sprinklers. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be designed, installed and Prior to maintained to the specifications ofNFPA 13 & 25, 1996 edition. Plans and installation calculations shall be submitted to the fire prevention division for review and approval prior to installation. A permit for the system installation shall be completed and all fees paid prior to installation. f. Plans for Underground Sprinkler SJ'stem. Plans shall be submitted for Prior to review and approval that include soils compaction, corrosivity and thrust installation block calculations. A Pennit for the underground water supply for the fire sprinkler system shall be completed and all fees paid prior to installation. / j, ~7f 5 3 12 /.3 --(f J ~ CONDO .- R:r->ON. ~ 'ON TEXT \VHEN HOW IS 0 AG~NCY/ REQ.? CONDITION DEPART. SA TISFIED? C1 Fire Lane. A "Fire Lane" shall be designated and so marked along the Prior to -. north side of the properties and the main entry. issuance of Occupancy Permits h. Storage Area. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall provide details for the Prior to configuration of the storage area, including any racks with their height and installation tvpe of materials that will be stored within the stora~e area. I. Address. The addresses for both the Rite Aid and KinderCare buildings Prior to shall be visible from the street and the addresses must be placed on the rear issuance of doors of the buildings. Occupancy Permits J. Portable Fire Extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed Prior to in accordance with the Unifonn Building Code and/or the State Fire Code issuance of for the specific occupancy. Occupancy Permits k. Emergency Lighting. Emergency lighting shall be installed. Prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits I. ~~OX Box. To allow emergency access to the building, a K...~OX box Prior to shall be installed at the main entries of the buildings. issuance of Occupancy Permits m. Existing Fire Hydrant. The existing fire hydrant shall be relocated to the Prior to east side of the Amador Valley Boulevard access. issuance of Occupancy Permits n. KinderCare Alann System. KinderCare shall install an alarm system that Prior to meets all the requirements of the building code and fire code for an E-3 installation occupancy. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.: . ...~...... ..c.:;;..:.,:. ....... .' ; "".~;.,.>. .. I........,., .,,, .~<....<. >c'; " " .,.:...~.... .... .. , 59. EmironmentaI Assessment. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall conduct F,AC Prior to further environmental assessment of the on-site strllcture(s) regarding issuance of asbestos containing materials and/or lead painted surfaces. The Building purpose of this environmental assessment is to determine whether any Permits abatement and/or remediation of subsurface conditions of the existing site needs to take olace. DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT (DSRSD)',;,:;: -' .' .... .' .:";;.<<'~ .,>... < . ." 60. Prior to issuance of any building pemllt, complete improvement plans DSR Prior to shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the issuance of Dublin San Ramon Services District Code, the DSRSD "Standard Building Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Permits Water and Wastewater Facilities", all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD oolicies. 13 /1' rt 53 ~ C~ITION TEXT J...~ESPON. 'VHEN HO\V IS' 0 AGENCY! REQ.? COI\l>ITION DEPART. SA TISFIED? 61. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for Tracts or DSR Prior to Commercial Developments shall be designed to be looped or approval of interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with Improvement requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound Plans engineering practice. 62. Public water and sewer lines shall be located in public streets rather DSR Prior to than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If approval of unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be Improvement established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in Plans an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. 63. Prior to approval by the City of a Grading Permit, the locations and DSR Prior issuance widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer of Grading lines shall be submitted to DSRSD. Permits 64. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by separate DSR Prior to instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD, or by offer of dedication issuance of on the Final Map. Grading Permits 65. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit, all utility DSR Prior 10 connection fees, plan checking fees, inspection fees, permit fees and issuance of fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to Building DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the Permits DSRSD Code. 66. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit, all improvement DSR Prior to plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the District Engineer. issuance of Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block Building for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or Permits water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the ApplicantlDeveloper shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before si!mature by the District Engineer. 67. No sewer line or water line construction shall be permitted unless DSR Prior to the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A issuance of construction permit will only be issued after all of the items in Occupancy Condition No. 72 have been satisfied. Permits 68. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall hold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, DSR Ongoing commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from the construction and completion of the project. 14 I'::;; 0 --'J '. N COND"-"'ON TEXT R:r->O~ . 'VHEN HO\V IS 0 AGL~CY/ REQ.? CONDITIO!' DEPART. SA TISFIED? 69. The project is located within the District Recycled Water Use Zone DSR Pri or to (Ord. 280), which calls for installation of recycled water irrigation issuance of systems to allow for the future use of recycled water for approved Building landscape irrigation demands. Recycled water will be available in Permits the future, as described in the San Ramon Valley Recycled Water Facilities Plan, 1996. Unless specifically exempted by the District Engineer, compliance with Ordinance 280, as may be amended or superceded, is required. All irrigation facilities shall be subject to District review for compliance with District and California DepL of Health Services Title 22 requirements for recycled water irrigation design. 70. Developer shall obtain a "will serve" letter prior to issuance of PW, DSR Prior to grading permit which states that the project can be served by issuance of DSRSD for water and sewer service prior to occupancy. Grading Permits I DEBRISIDUST/CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 71. Construction TrashlDebris. Measures shall be taken to contain all PW.B Prior to construction related trash, debris, and materials on-site until disposal Construction of-site can be arranged. The Applicant/Developer shall keep the adjoining public streets and properties free and clean of project dirt. mud, and materials during the construction period. The Developer shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City of Dublin. ..., Construction Fencing. The use of any temporary construction PW,B, Prior to / -. fencing shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public PL Construction Works Director and the Buildin!! Official. LAl'I"DSCAPING . 73. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A final Landscape and PL. PW Prior to Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a State licensed landscape issuance of architect or registered engineer, generally consistent with the Building preliminary landscape plan by Ronald 1. AlIison!rait and Associates Permits (Rite Aid) and Majors 2M Engineering (KinderCare), dated received April 15, 1999 (see Exhibit 3A of the PD Rezone Development Plan), along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director. Landscape and irrigation plans shall provide for a recvcled water svstem. 74. KinderCare - Additional Landscaping. Additional landscaping PL Prior to shall be required within the KinderCare parking lot, subject to the issuance of review and approval by the Community Development Director. The Building KinderCare Applicant shall work with Planning staff prior to Permits building plan submittal for compliance with this condition. This additional parking lot landscaping shall be shown on the final Landscape and Irri!!ation Plan. 15 /b 'If 53 ~ CO~ITION TEXT I--ESPON. "THEN HO\V IS 0 I AGENCY/ REQ. ? CONDITION DEPART. SA TISFIED? /5. Rite Aid Corner Entry Landscaping. The paved comer area at Rite PL Prior to Aid's main building entry as shown on sheet 1 of 9 on Exhibit 3A of issuance of the PD Rezone Development Plan, shall be landscaped with plantings Building and possibly a seat wall. The additional comer landscaping shall be Permits subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director and shall be shown on the Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. 76. Parking Lot Mediansllslands. All parking lot medians/islands shall PL,PW Prior to be landscaped and the landscaping shall be set back at least two (2) issuance of feet from the edge of the parking stalls so that vehicles do not impact Building the landscaping. Permits 77. Landscaping of Trash Enclosures. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall PL Prior to provide a two (2) foot wide landscape planter along the rear and sides issuance of of the trash enclosures and shall install vines that will grow against Building the walls of the enclosure for screening purposes. Permits 7S. Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance PL Prior to Agreement. The Applicant/Developer shall complete and submit to issuance of the Dublin Planning Department the Standard Plant Material, Building Irrigation and Maintenance Agreement. Permits 79. Landscaping at StreetlDrive Aisle Intersections. Landscaping at PW Prior to street and drive aisle intersections shall be such that sight distance is issuance of not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than Building 30 inches above the curb in these areas. Permits 80. Landscape Borders. All landscaped areas shall be bordered by a PL Prior to concrete curb that is at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide. Curbs issuance of adjacent to parking spaces must be 12 inches wide. All landscaped Building areas shall be a minimum of 6 feet in width (curb to curb). Concrete Permits mow strips at least 6 inches deep and 4 inches wide shall be required to separate turf areas from shrub areas. 81. :Maintenance of Landscape. All landscape areas on the site shall be PL Ongoing enhanced and properly maintained at all times. Any proposed or modified landscaping to the site, including the removal or replacement of trees, shall require prior review and written approval from the Community Development Director. 82. \Vater Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. The PL,PW Prior to ApplicantlDeveloper shall submit written documentation to the issuance of Public Works Department (in the form of a Landscape Building Documentation Package and other required documents) that the Permits development conforms to the City's Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. 16 ~ COND'O~ TEXT o 83. Landscaping and Street Trees. The Applicant/Developer shall construct all landscaping within the site, along the project frontage from the face of curb to the site right-of-way, and all street trees proposed within the public service easements, to the design and specifications of the City of Dublin, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development. Street tree varieties of a minimum IS-gallon size shall be planted along all street frontages and shall be shown on the Landscaping plans. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. The proposed variety of trees to be planted adjacent to sidewalks or curbs shall be submitted for review to and approval by the Director of Public Works. Root shields shall be required unless otherwise determined by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. '''HEN REQ.? Rf 'lON. AGhNCYI DEPART. PL, PW Completion of Improvements Issuance of Occupancy Permits 84. Retaining Walls. Where finish grade of this property is in excess of PL. PW twenty-four (24) inches higher or lower than the abutting property or adjacent lots within the project, a concrete or masonry block retaining wall or other suitable solution acceptable to the Director of Public Works shall be required and shall be measured from the top of grade on the higher side of the retaining wall or slope. Landscaping shall be installed around all retaining walls in order to soften grade transitions to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Warks and the Director of Community Development. SIGNAGE 85. Master Sign Program. The ApplicantlDeveloper shall apply for a PL Master Sign Program for the Rite Aid and KinderCare wall and freestanding signs, in compliance with the sign regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. \Vhen designing the building wall signs, the applicant/developer shall integrate all proposed signage with the architecture of the buildin2:. Prior to issuance of Building Permits for slgnage installation / 'i Jff :::> ~ HO'V IS CONDITION SA TIS FlED? The Site Development Review shall be effective upon the effective date of the related San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment and the PD District Rezone. PASSED, APPROVED A..1\ffi ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSE:!\'T: ABST:\IN: A nEST: City Clerk g:\pa98-038\SDR Reso - CC 17 Mayor /1.?f. s3 ORDINANCE NO. -99 ********* AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE PLANNED DEVELOPI\IENT (PD) REZONE I DEVELOPI\1ENT PLAN FOR PA 98-038 RITE AID/KINDERCARE LOCATED AT 7348-7372 SAN RAMON ROAD (APNs 941-40- 3-2; 94-40-2-3; 941-40-2-7 and 941-40-2-10) WHEREAS, the Applicants, Peter Tobin of Tait and Associates, on behalf of Rite Aid Corporation, and Joe Bledsoe of KinderCare Learning Centers, has requested approval of an amendment to the San Ramon Specific Plan, a Planned Development (PD) District Rezone, a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review to construct an approximate 16,700 square foot retail drug store, a 9,824 square foot day care center, and voluntarily contribute traffic improvement funds in the amount of S 129,880, and to establish a 24-hour drive through pharmacy and a day care center and to exempt parking requirements for the day care center located at 7348 - 7372 San Ramon Road, within the San Ramon Road Specific Plan and the C-1, Retail Commercial Zoning District; and WHEREAS, according to the "General Development Criteria" section of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, all new development proposals within the Specific Plan area shall require a Planned Development Zoning; and WHEREAS, ApplicantlDeveloper has submitted a complete application for a Planned Development Rezone, including a Development Plan, (Stage 1 and 2, Exhibit 3A) as required by Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance which meets the requirements of said section, which is available and on file in the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the project has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines and a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and is on file with the Dublin Planning Department. The project, as proposed, will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the PD District Rezone and Development Plan on March 9, 1999 and did adopt Resolution Nos. 99-08; 99-09; 99-10; and 99-11, recommending that the City Council approve the Negative Declaration, Specific Plan Amendment; PD Rezone and Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review, respectively, with added conditions of approval to the Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review resolution; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, properly noticed public hearings were held by the City Council on April 6, 1999 and April 20, 1999; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the City Council recommending that the City Council approve the application; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth.l ATTACHMENT 2 /9 rD 33 \VHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 8.32.070 and 8.120.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council makes the following findings: I. The Planned Development Zoning District and Development Plan (Stage 1 and 2) meet the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance because they will provide retail commercial and day care uses that are appropriate uses for the site, which is located within Area 3 of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan which promotes the development of retail shopper stores, and which is located near adjacent retail and medium to high density residential land uses. The comprehensive Development Plan will be sensitive to surrounding uses by virtue of site layout and design of the architecture and site plan; and ') Development under the Planned Development Zoning District and Development Plan (Stage 1 and 2) would be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding areas due to site designllayout, architecture design, setback, parking and landscaping requirements of the Planned Development Zoning District, which are adequate and have been specially designed to fit into the existing neighborhood. Both uses are supportive of surrounding retail and residential uses through the provision of day care and education services for adjacent residents and children of workers in the surrounding commercial areas, and supportive of similar surrounding retail commercial uses; and 3. The Planned Development (PD) Rezone is consistent with the general provisions, intent, and purpose of the PD Zoning District of the Zoning Ordinance in that it contains all information required by Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance for a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan and accomplishes the objectives of Section 8.32.010, A through H, of the Zoning Ordinance; and 4. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being proposed because it is located on relatively flat land within a developed downtown area adjacent to existing retail commercial uses and medium to high density residential uses, was previously developed, and because it is located adjacent to roadways which are designed to carry traffic that would be generated by the proposed types of uses; and 5. The Planned Development Rezone will not have a substantial adverse effect on health or safety or be substantially detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or public improvement as all applicable laws and regulations will be satisfied; and 6. The Planned Development Rezone will not overburden public services as all agencies must commit to the availability of public services prior to the issuance of building permits as required by City laws and regulations; and 7. The Planned Development Rezone and accompanying Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review, will create an attractive, efficient, and safe environment; and 8. The Planned Development Rezone will benefit the public necessity, convenience, and general welfare; and 9. The Planned Development Rezone and accompanying Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit will be compatible with and enhance the general development of the area; and 2 ~o~. 53 10. The proposed amendment is consistent with the RetaiVOffice designation of the Dublin General Plan and the proposed use types are permitted by said designation. ~o,v, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the following property ("Property") to a Planned Development Zoning District: Approximately 3 acres at 7348 -7372 San Ramon Road (APNs 941-40-2-3; 94]-40-2-7; 941-40-2- 10; 94] -40-3-2) located at the northwest corner of San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Boulevard. A map of the Property is outlined below: SECTION 2. The regulations of the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan (Exhibit 3A hereto) which is hereby approved. 3 ;;./ ~ 53 SECTIO~ 3. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g:\?a9S-038\PD Ordinance - CC 4 ;{;.1. .~. 53 DEVELOPMENT PLAN This is a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for P A 98-038 Rite Aid/KinderCare project, located on the northwest corner of Amador Valley Boulevard and San Ramon Road, at 7348 -7372 San Ramon Road (APNs 941-40-3-2; 94-40-2-3; 941-40-2-7 and 941-40- 2-10). This Development Plan meets all the requirements for Stage 1 and Stage 2 review of the project. This Development Plan includes the Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Floor Plan and Elevations, sheets 1 through 9, dated received April 15, 1999, labeled Exhibit 3A to the Ordinance approving this Development Plan (City Council Ordinance No. 99- _), and on file with the Planning Department. The Planned Development District allows the flexibility needed to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of the General Plan, San Ramon Road Specific Plan, and provisions of Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. 1. Permitted Uses/Conditional Uses: Pennitted Uses Drug Store Conditional Uses Drive Through Drug Store Pharmacy Day Care Center All other Permitted and Conditional Uses as established by the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. 2. Site ArealDensities: The maximum square footage of the proposed Rite AidlKinderCare development for the parcels covered under this Development Plan (as shown on the site plan contained in Exhibit 3A, Development Plan), are as follows: Rite Aid site: :t 1.68 acres 16,708 square foot building KinderCare: :t 1.19 acres 9,841 square foot building 3. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements: Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this PD District Rezone/Development Plan, the use, development, improvement and maintenance of property within this PD Zoning District shall be subject to the provisions of the C-l, Retail Commercial Zoning District of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance with regard to pennittedlconditional uses, land use restrictions and minimum/maximum development criteria. EXHIBIT 3A ;:S.3 ~ 53 4. Site Plan and Architecture: See attached floor and elevation plans, sheets 2, 3, and 5 (Rite Aid) and 7 and 9 (KinderCare) contained in Exhibit 3A, Development Plan. Any modifications to the project shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior materials and design quality. 5. Phasing Plan: The project shall be constructed in one phase of development. If the Developer/Applicant decides to construct the project in phases, a phasing plan shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 6. Landscaping Plan: Refer to attached landscaping plans included in Exhibit 3A, Development Plan, sheets 4 and 8. 7. Development Standards: Corner Lot (Rite Aid) - 6,000 sq. ft. minimum Interior Lot (KinderCare) - 5,000 sq. ft. minimum Lot Size: Lot Width and Frontaf!e: Corner Lot (Rite Aid) - 60 feet minimum Interior Lot (KinderCare) - 50 feet minimum Lot DeDth: 100 feet minimum Front. Rear and Side Yard Setbacks: See the C-l, Retail Commercial Zoning District setback regulations, Chapter 8.36.030 of the Zoning Ordinance. Buildinf! Heif!ht: 45 feet maximum 35 feet maximum if principal structure is within 50 feet of an R zoning district Parkin f!: Parking shall be provided as shown on the site plan in Exhibit 3A, Development Plan, sheet 1, as approved through the related Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit for PA 98-038. All drive aisles and fire lanes shall be kept clear at all times. 8. Public Facilities Fee: The ApplicantlDeveloper shall be required to pay a Public Facilities Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in the City of Dublin Resolution No. 32-96, adopted by the City Council on March 26, 1996, or in the amounts and at the times set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee. 9. Compliance with Related Planning Approvals: The ApplicantlDeveloper shall comply with all the related Site Development Review and Conditional use conditions of approval for P A 98-038. G:\pa98-038\Developmenl Plan 2 .,....----.--.--.------ -,.,.,_c'r:J~~ -"'~;;-~ ,l.!\.,~l ..."""....~'.l ~~ . NYld 3l.IS r.l 'NCI9no 'OI,1E! un" !I:lOfn./o~ Honfti ....S :loiN ONI011ne .9C~ X .ol:~ l:0-9C6,"0 'ON 3110l.S WOo W~ ....w. __.. ""'....--....--.. __Il.... ....~._...,,__'I ..........._"'J___. ........,. ------ .. M < i '" ~De' '()I,,,tj N1~ 'i I i i" ...,"- I ! ! i I ! I I i I , I I . OUOJO )) : ''''I~'J''''Cl;l I l ~ =~__ _____===-=----=-_~f<:;/I...: "- ----.--.-----..---------..;.- ;/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --J"--c:::.;o-. - % u . to! .. > rUZ-II1 tad SCIlll'.~ Ct&r MOl '0 ~ JJ&WrrBJ~iII:Q ~ NOU.Vl:IOd~OO _ aI'\?' 31.18_ ;z tj 61f 53 E-~ I~ , . '.. ,.feN::! ~ :~. : :CL-. J I. 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II i! i "~ tt,& Ii,/!, 11Ii!1 ..... 20.... !: I ::", I..:. :::::.. I~ A.....~'"-, l':::inderCo~e Learning Cenlers, Inc.. 6:ONL.~s.u..t.~Io400 _________ =,~":''3N ~~==_=== ---~-_.- --.... ----~--- 3ent By: Tait and Associates; 925 680 7878; Apr-15-9911:58AM; Page 1/2 5/ 1f 53 D OPTION "A" CAe TI31W /rJ1 u C c:L) CONCERNS AND C01\mCTS 1. Canopy and island is within the 28' Easement area. 2. No face to face contact with Pharmac.ist. 3 . Noise source from truck cab is closer to residential. 4. Ne\v truck position impedes two-way isle (North- South car flow). 5. Drive-thru island serves as both drop-off and pick-up for prescriptions (original preferred layout has a drop-off lane and a pick-up lane \vhich is better for traffic flow). 6. Traffic conflict at two-way access isle between RITE AID & restaurant. 7. Conflict with roll-up and pedestrian loading doors. 76i1 Attachnert $ Phonet Phone . ;ent Sy: Tait and Associates' , 925 680 7878; Apr-15-99 11 :59AM; Page 2/2 5'; ~ 53 IlRIVE-nIRU LOCA TJON CA~~ LIe "3) 1. No face to face contact with Eharmacist. 2. Conflict with pedestrian traffic along East side of building. 3. Comlict with two way traffic between restaurant and RITE AID building. Potential hazard "blind spot" . RITE AID traffic must now utilize Kinder Care 4. Conflict between drive-isle and two way traffic (North~South flow) at East side of RITE AID building. 5. Elimmates parking adjacent to RITE AID building on East side. RITE AID policy is to have as may parking spaces next to the building as possible. 6. The drive-thru island serves as both drop-off and pick-up (original preferred layout has a drop-off lane and a pick-up lane which is better for traffic flow). ,. DONLON WAY ------ ~ _ ,i.. [!~ ~ s > ~ ." '" ~ c; '" ." ~ n '" ." ~ " ~ "i~II\\l ~oo"i):) ~ 'i~~ :'1l~O"')>:. 'l15i:"--.l;j " ~ ~ \ "\ :t: ;~ Ii r; ~r ,= 1~ :: 15 Fo ! \~ ~ ~ ~_!m ~ i~;; ~ ~; ~ ~ () 10 OJ n :::: ~ ~ 19j f- l1'j ." ." > ~ ~ ~ as i3 '" '" ." ." ~ > n n n ~ '" '" .., ~ 5 Q ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" ." ." > ~ n n '" '" ~g ~ ~~ 15 - I~ () ,>- 0 I() :c 1m l"ll @ I~ ~i5 1m IZ 1:- if}j ~ '''' '"1 (> U ? . . no. VI ~ ""- II'" ~~ <i " .=,...... .,,::> 3 o~ c,. f~ n o . . ~ ~=== -~===~f - - - - - - - - - -: ~) ~J.-.., ,,'~ ~\~ II II 1 E1 I c ~ ~l r- ~ n:: Z ~ :::::a r!5 fr'6'"::l ~~ ::;:l~'l~~ ~"!':E:J :=.;;=::; ~i1 ~:'::;-'::1 -'-;;J I -o,CY ~I> -.D ~ < - r.:; m ~ g C (;) :. ~~__ ',,"MI . 1__.___ ."........_ It...._.~uc.~I.".... :"cne<",I\.~I:~!.l1 _RITE AID .~ '"C~~I' .~ ... CORPORA 1l0N , _10 _ ." .1 ~ J::eBD'\SlT CEPARM!!NT 11..._-._._I-.n1111 t._....___,.n:... .I__T~ .M.... ,.~_...-_ un,. '1___-"' It..... ~ ~ ~ ~ C:-~ - ...... =t.O ~ a 6:8c-?f 53 . . ~ ,I , I I I "'C 1 c:: [ll I r I C) < CJl I -i n :c I m :: m , I · I' -i I CJl -< I I Ci I Z :l> ~ Gl - > m ;: ""C STORE NO. 05936-02 120' X 136' BU1UlING H'C SAN RJJ,ION RO.l.lJ,l"COR vAl.liY 81..\'0. oueUN. CA 77\..... "",.- I ., -.-.- - .... -,--_.. \ ~~,.~ TAIT II: ASSCOATtS. we. "~1__ ARCH:TC:TSfCHG1HCE'C5 rut) _I.'" ... ~,_~.-.coc>_.__._- ....~ z '- ~ <2.. r-o-r 0' t~'