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6.1 Nissan Commercial Car Wash (PLPA-2022-00003)
CELEBRATING DUBLIN C AL IFOR N' A STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item 6.1 DATE: October 18, 2022 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SU B.ECT : Nissan Commercial Car Wash (PLPA-2022-00003) Prepared by: Amy Mihlon, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Applicant, Dosanjh Real Estate, LLC, is requesting approval of a commercial self-service car wash consisting of a 3,574-square-foot building housing a drive-thru automatic car wash tunnel, a vacuum area with 15 parking spaces and related site improvements. The application includes an amendment to Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 03-19 for the Kaiser Commercial Project, a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit. The City Council will consider the proposed Nissan Commercial Car Wash project and a determination that the project impacts are covered by the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Environmental Impact Report and no further environmental review is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate and: 1) waive the reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 03-19 for Kaiser Commercial; and 2) adopt the Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review Permit Related to the Nissan Commercial Car Wash Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: All costs associated with processing the Planning Applications are borne by the Applicant. DESCRIPTION: Background The project site is located at the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road as shown in Figure 1 below. Residential and commercial uses surround the site as shown in Table 1 below. Page 1 of 10 219 Figure 1. Project Location 3 vacant vacant . j • Dublin Boulevard • 'Subject site I2 Approved Nissan and Inifinti Auto Dealerships `AisiitaX o 1-580 —111 Table 1: Surrounding Land Uses Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of the Property North PD (Planned Development) Ordinance No. 06-00 High Density Residential Multi -Family Residential (The Terraces) South PD Ordinance No. 03-19 Medical Campus / Commercial Vacant / Nissan and Infiniti Auto Dealerships (planned) East PD Ordinance No. 07-16 Medical Campus Kaiser Medical Center West PD Ordinance No. 03-19 Medical Campus / Commercial Vacant The City Council approved the Kaiser Medical Center project in 2016. The approvals included a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment (Resolution No. 151-16), Planned Development (PD) Rezone with a Stage 1 Development Plan for the entire project site, a Stage 2 Development Plan for the first phase (Phase 1A) of the Kaiser facilities (Ordinance No. 07-16), and a Development Agreement (Ordinance No. 08-16). The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment established two land use designations, Medical Campus on approximately 36 acres for up to 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses and Medical Campus/Commercial on approximately 22 acres for up to 250,000 square feet of commercial uses (referred to as Phase 1B). The Medical Campus land use designation is intended to provide an attractive, campus -like setting for medical offices, hospitals, and other non -retail commercial uses. The Medical Campus/Commercial land use designation accommodates a range of commercial uses including regional- and community -serving retail uses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, automotive sales, and eating and Page 2 of 10 220 drinking establishments. Development of a self-service car wash facility on the Medical Campus/Commercial site is the proposed project. The PD zoning for the commercial site focuses on uses that will generate revenue to the City. The focus on revenue -generating uses is unique to this PD and stemmed from the loss of tax revenue as a result of the uses allowed by the General Plan land use change to Medical Campus to accommodate the Kaiser Medical Center. Kaiser subsequently sold Phase 1B. In February 2019, the new property owner subdivided the Phase 1B site into four parcels as shown in Figure 1. In addition, in April 2019, the City Council approved a PD Rezone with a Stage 2 Development Plan for all four parcels of the commercial site (Ordinance No. 03-19). Parcels 1-3 are currently vacant and the subject project, Nissan Commercial Car Wash, is proposed on Parcel 2. Nissan and Infiniti automobile dealerships have been approved on Parcel 4; the building permit for the Nissan dealership has been issued and the building is currently under construction. A building permit application for the Infiniti dealership has been submitted. On May 17, 2022, City Council held a Study Session on the proposed project and provided direction to Staff to proceed with reviewing this application and an amendment to the PD zoning to allow a commercial car wash. In addition, the City Council directed Staff to evaluate the proposed color scheme, potential noise mitigation, additional mature landscaping and provide notice of the Community Meeting to the Apex community located just west of the project site. Proposed Project The property owner proposes to construct a commercial self-service car wash on the project site consisting of a 3,574-square-foot building housing a drive-thru automatic car wash tunnel, a vacuum area with 15 parking stalls, and related site improvements. The car wash would be open to the public and also used by the planned Nissan and Infiniti automobile dealerships. The proposed car wash is not an allowed use under the PD zoning and, therefore, requires an amendment to the existing PD zoning (Ordinance No. 03-19). In addition, the project requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit. Analysis Planned Development Zoning Amendment An amendment to the existing PD zoning is proposed to add "Car Wash/Detailing," as defined by the Zoning Ordinance, as a conditional use on Parcel 2. As previously stated, the uses currently allowed in the PD focus on revenue generating uses, which is unique to this PD. In evaluating revenue from other car washes in the City, the revenue generated from car washes is minimal. However, the proposed car wash is also unique in that it supports the Nissan and Infiniti automobile dealerships, which are planned City -revenue generating uses within the PD. The proposed amendment to the PD continues to support the focus on revenue generating uses and would provide a local -serving commercial use that benefits planned businesses within the development as well as the community. The requirement for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) provides a tool to help ensure that the operation and use of the car wash is compatible with surrounding commercial and residential Page 3 of 10 221 uses. No other changes to the PD are proposed. The draft Ordinance is included as Attachment 1. Conditional Use Permit As noted above, the proposed use would require approval of a CUP. The CUP process allows the City to review the operation of the proposed use to ensure that it is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance and to limit the likelihood of impacts on existing and future businesses within the Kaiser Commercial development as well as adjacent residential and commercial uses. Operation: The proposed car wash will operate from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. The peak periods of operation are anticipated to be Friday afternoons, and Saturday and Sunday mornings. The Applicant, which also operates the Nissan and Infiniti automobile dealerships, anticipates that the Nissan and Infiniti dealerships would use the car wash Monday through Saturday for approximately 10-20 vehicles per day depending on their needs. A car wash cycle through the tunnel takes approximately 2.5 minutes to complete; however, due to the tunnel's conveyance system, multiple vehicles can be in the tunnel at one time. Therefore, it is estimated that the car wash tunnel can accommodate a maximum of 29 vehicles per hour, which is the equivalent to one vehicle loaded every two minutes on the conveyor. Upon completion of the car wash, a customer can park at one of the 15 vacuum parking spaces where 17 individual vacuum stations are located. The additional vacuum stations provide access to both sides of the vehicle at every parking stall. During the hours of non -operation, access to the site will not be restricted; however, the pay station, car wash tunnel and vacuum stations will be powered off. For security purposes, site lighting will remain on. Noise: The Applicant submitted a Noise Assessment Study (NAS) as part of their application materials, which analyzed the noise impacts of the proposed car wash including the vacuum area. The NAS evaluated noise exposure from the property line to the closest residential buildings located across Dublin Boulevard. The NAS is included as Attachment 4. The NAS was required for the project to address to the Noise Element of the Dublin General Plan. The Noise Element uses the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), which is a time -weighted 24-hour average noise descriptor commonly used to describe community noise environments. Noise levels averaged over 24 hours are often termed "noise exposure." The normally acceptable noise exposure for residential land uses is 60 decibels (dB) CNEL. As the City does not have noise standards for car wash noise impacts on residential land uses, 60 dB CNEL was used in the study as the limit for project -generated noise at the nearest and most impacted residences across Dublin Boulevard from the site. The NAS concluded that car wash operational noise would not exceed 60dB CNEL nor add to the existing noise environment at the residences across Dublin Boulevard. The City engaged the services of First Carbon Solutions (FCS), an acoustical engineer, to peer Page 4 of 10 222 review the NAS. According to FCS, the NAS clearly identified the proposed project's stationary operational noise levels and their potential to result in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity within the standards established in the General Plan. The operational noise level calculations are verifiable and accurately calculated as measured at the nearest sensitive receptor land use. In order to ensure that the operation of the car wash is within the anticipated limits of the NAS, a condition of approval is included to require an assessment of the actual noise levels at the car wash tunnel to be conducted prior to the facility beginning operation. The assessment would be required, for review and approval of the Community Development Director, prior to operation of the proposed car wash. The Resolution, including findings specified in Dublin Municipal Code Section 8.100.060, approving the CUP and conditions of approval is included as Attachment 2. Site Development Review Permit A Site Development Review Permit is required for all new principal structures. The following is a summary of the key components of the project associated with the Site Development Review Permit. Site Plan, Access, and Circulation: The project site is accessed on the east side of the property from an existing driveway off Kaiser Road as shown in Figure 2. No direct access from Dublin Boulevard is proposed. The intersection of Kaiser Road and Dublin Boulevard is a shared intersection for access to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center, the Nissan and Infiniti car dealerships, and the vacant commercial sites. The proposed car wash tunnel is proposed on the west side of the property, perpendicular to Dublin Boulevard. The vacuum stations, with 15 parking spaces, are proposed in the middle of the site in two rows. The car wash tunnel and outdoor vacuum stations would be visible from Dublin Boulevard. This placement also results in some units at The Terraces across Dublin Boulevard having direct visual access into the car wash tunnel and vacuum stations. Page 5 of 10 223 Once on site, two vehicle lanes are provided for queuing to the pay station and entry from the north end into the car wash tunnel. The two pay station lanes provide queuing storage for approximately 14 vehicles. As vehicles continue past the pay stations, the lanes merge into one lane for access to the car wash tunnel. This area beyond the pay station accommodates approximately five vehicles. Upon exiting the tunnel on the south end, a vehicle can proceed to either exit the site or park at one of the 15 vacuum parking spaces. Prior to entering the car wash tunnel an escape lane leading directly to the vacuum stations is also available. The City engaged the services of Kimley Horn Associates (KHA) to evaluate traffic impacts and on -site circulation to confirm that queuing for the pay stations and car wash tunnel would be adequate and would not extend onto Kaiser Road and/or Dublin Boulevard. More specifically, KHA prepared a traffic analysis that addressed the following: Figure 2. Site Plan 1. Trip generation comparison between the proposed project and the allowed trips for the Kaiser Commercial area in the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Environmental Impact Report (Kaiser EIR), including pass -by trips; 2. Operational analysis for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists that includes internal site circulation and traffic circulation at access points along Kaiser Road and future adjacent parcels; and 3. Pay station queuing. In summary, the traffic analysis determined the following: 1. Trip Generation Comparison. The Kaiser EIR assumed that Phase 1B would consist of 250,000 square feet of commercial use, which results in estimated 8,620 daily trips, 447 AM peak hour trips and 775 PM peak hour trips. The proposed car wash is anticipated to result in 34 AM peak hour trips and 78 PM peak hour trips. The planned Nissan and Infiniti auto dealerships estimate 79 AM peak hour trips and 102 PM peak hour trips. Therefore, the proposed project's cumulative intersection impacts would be within the impacts identified in the Kaiser EIR 2. Operational Analysis. The analysis concluded that the intersections of Dublin Boulevard/Keegan Street/Kaiser Road and Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access are expected to continue to operate at an acceptable level of service. Therefore, no vehicle operational issues are anticipated due to the car wash project. The lack of vehicle queuing issues also eliminates potential conflicts with the pedestrian and bicycle facilities near the project. 3. Pay Station Queuing. The analysis concluded that the layout of the proposed car wash can Page 6 of 10 224 accommodate the queues from the pay station. The two queuing lanes to the pay station allow for storage of approximately seven vehicles in each lane, or 14 vehicles total. Five additional vehicles can queue after the pay station prior to entering the tunnel for a total queuing of 19 vehicles on -site. The analysis concluded that the queues were estimated to be a maximum of 24 vehicles in the peak hour. In order to ensure that vehicle queues do not result in any impacts beyond the subject property (i.e., Kaiser Road), Condition of Approval No. 153 requires the Applicant to monitor the queues and enter into an improvement agreement for a supplemental transportation study within the first 12 months of operation or if an obvious queuing issue develops, whichever is sooner. The traffic analysis is included as Attachment 5. Parking: The parking requirement for the proposed car wash is regulated by the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Section 8.76.080.D). The parking requirement for a self-service car wash is four spaces, plus additional parking for drying/vacuum areas, plus 20 feet in front of each bay for stacking. As shown in Table 2 below, the Applicant proposes to provide 15 vacuum parking spaces. An additional five parking spaces are provided on the south side of the property adjacent to the proposed trash enclosure. Over 100 feet between the entrance of the car wash tunnel and pay station is provided for stacking. Table 2. Parkin Requirements Self -Service Car Wash Drying/Vacuum Area 20' in Front of Each Bay for Stacking No. of Spaces Required 4 15 20 feet No. of Spaces Provided 5 15 100+ feet Architecture: The proposed building is long and narrow reflective of its intended use as a car wash tunnel. It is approximately 40 feet wide, 109 feet long, and 30 feet tall. The architecture is contemporary with a lower middle section and taller elements at both ends. The building's roof is a combination of a flat roof in the middle section and decorative shed roofs at both ends highlighting the taller portions of the building. The building is clad with smooth/flat metal siding painted blue and gray tones. Windows are provided on the upper half of the taller portions of the building and for a small office on the ground floor. The architectural style and materials are compatible with the contemporary architectural style, colors, and materials being utilized on other commercial projects within Dublin. The building's elevations as well as color and materials are shown in the Project Plans on Sheet A301 in Attachment 3. The vacuum area is designed with a carport -type canopy providing shade for each vacuum parking stall. The vacuum stations are integrated into the carport -type structure with solar panels and use a muted color palette to reduce their prominence as shown on Sheets A302 and A303 of the project plans (Attachment 3). Two stream waste cans for garbage and recycling are also provided at each station. The Applicant provided photo simulations of the proposed project as seen from Dublin Boulevard Page 7 of 10 225 and Keegan Street included as Attachment 6. Landscape: The entirety of the Kaiser Commercial site, including the subject property, was rough graded in 2021 as part of the development of the Nissan dealership and is currently devoid of vegetation. The preliminary landscape plan includes landscaping around the perimeter of property and between the car wash tunnel queue lanes and the vacuum stations. The conceptual plant pallet includes with a variety of trees, including 24-inch box trees along the perimeter of the site to help screen the internal circulation, parking and vacuum area from Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road. The interior of the site is accented with a mix of one -gallon and five -gallon shrubs. New landscape areas are proposed with a variety of drought tolerant plants suitable for low maintenance and water conserving efforts. The landscape concept including the planting plan and palette is provided on Sheet L1 of the Project Plans (Attachment 3). Public Art Compliance: The Applicant intends to satisfy the City's public art requirement through the payment of in -lieu fees. Condition of Approval No.18 confirms this intention. The Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit and conditions of approval is included as Attachment 2. General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Compatibility The subject property is located within the Medical Campus/Commercial land use designation. This designation accommodates a range of commercial uses including regional- and community - serving retail uses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, limited automotive sales and eating and drinking establishments. A car wash is a community -serving retail use. The subject property is also located within the Tassajara Gateway subarea of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The emphasis of this area is to create a "gateway" into eastern Dublin that establishes a positive impression to the travelers that pass through this area. The Specific Plan seeks to achieve this through siting and design of high -profile commercial uses (hotel, conference center, campus office, restaurant) recommended for this area to contribute to the creation of a distinctive "gateway" image. The proposed project meets the intent of the Dublin General Plan, which discourages projects that do not relate well to the surrounding developments and is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that includes residential and commercial uses. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project and provided conditions of approval where appropriate to ensure that the project is established in compliance with all local ordinances and regulations. Conditions of approval from these departments and agencies have been included in the attached City Council Resolution (Attachment 2). ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: On September 20, 2016, the City Council certified the Kaiser EIR and adopted a Mitigation Page 8of10 226 Monitoring and Reporting Program and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Resolution No. 153-16). Pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, the proposed project was examined to determine if further environmental review is required. Based on a review of the project, the environmental analysis in the Kaiser EIR and all of the information in the project record as a whole, the City has determined that there is no substantial evidence that any of the supplemental review standards are met. The proposed project is within the scope of the project analyzed in the Kaiser EIR because the proposed car wash is within the maximum intensity of commercial development anticipated. The circumstances under which the project is to be undertaken have not substantially changed since the Kaiser EIR was prepared and will not substantially change with approval of the project. As supported by the project description and Site Development Review Permit plans, the Kaiser EIR adequately describes the impacts of the project for the purposes of CEQA, and no mitigation measures or new alternatives are required by the project other than those previously disclosed and analyzed in the Kaiser EIR. Approval of the project would not create any site -specific operations giving rise to environmental effects different from those examined by the Kaiser EIR or requiring the preparation of an Initial Study. The proposed project would be subject to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. Consequently, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15168(c), the project impacts are covered by the Kaiser EIR and no further environmental review is required for this project. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: The Planning Commission considered this project at their regular meeting on September 27, 2022 and voted 3-2 to recommend denial of the project. There were no public comments. The Commission expressed concern with the compatibility of the project with other land uses in the vicinity, on -site circulation and queuing, and the prominent location of the proposed waste enclosure near the entry driveway. It was also noted that the size of the parcel created limitations to development. The Planning Commission found that the proposed use and related structures are not compatible with other land uses in the vicinity and were not envisioned when the City Council approved Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 03-19; the approved Planned Development Zoning for the site focuses on uses that will generate revenue to the City and the proposed use will not meet this important goal, which was included to offset some of the tax revenue loss because of the Kaiser Medical Center; there is no evidence that the lack of a nearby commercial car wash will impact adjacent auto sales; and a low tax revenue generating business should not be encouraged in consideration of the two large undeveloped parcels adjacent to this site. The Planning Commission Resolution recommending denial of the project is included as Attachment 7. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Page 9of10 227 Two City -led Community Meetings were held on August 24 and 25, 2022, to provide Dublin residents with information about the proposed project. As directed by City Council, notices of the Community Meetings were provided to the Apex community in addition to the "Notify Me" subscription notification created for these meetings. No members of the community attended either meeting. In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the project site. A public notice also was published in the East Bay Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A Planning Application sign was posted on the project site and the project was also included on the City's development projects webpage. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant and the City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 03-19 for Kaiser Commercial 2) Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review Permit Related to the Nissan Commercial Car Wash Project 3) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Project Plans 4) Noise Assessment Study 5) Traffic Analysis 6) Photo Simulations 7) Planning Commission Resolution No. 22-12 Page 10 of 10 228 Attachment I ORDINANCE NO. xx — 22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 03-19 FOR THE KAISER COMMERCIAL PROJECT PLPA 2022-00003 (APN 985-0027-026-00) The Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS A. The Property Owner and Applicant, Dosanjh Real Estate, LLC, submitted an application to construct a commercial self-service car wash consisting of a 3,574-square-foot building housing a drive-thru automatic car wash tunnel, a parking area with 15 vacuum stalls and related site improvements. The applications include an amendment to Planned Development Zoning (Ordinance No. 03-19) for Kaiser Commercial, a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit. The proposed development and applications are collectively known as the "Project." B. The Project site is approximately one -acre located on the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road (Assessor Parcel Number 985-0027-026-00). C. On October 4, 2016, the City Council approved a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 Development Plan for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project which included the subject site as part of Phase IB (also known as Kaiser Commercial) (Ordinance No. 07-16). D. On May 7, 2019, the City Council approved a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Kaiser Commercial site as part of the Nissan Automobile Dealership project (Ordinance No. 03-19). E. An amendment to Planned Development Zoning (Ordinance No. 03-19) is necessary to allow the proposed use. F. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) certain projects require review for environmental impacts and, when applicable, environmental documents to be prepared. G. On September 20, 2016, the City Council certified the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which included the subject site identified as Phase 1 B, and adopted a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Resolution No. 153-16, incorporated herein by reference). H. Pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, the Project was examined to determine if further environmental review is required. The analysis concluded that the environmental impacts of the Project were analyzed in the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center EIR. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur, that any new mitigation measures Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 1 of 3 229 would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15168(c) exist. Following a properly noticed public hearing on September 27, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 22-12, recommending denial of an amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 for the Kaiser Commercial Project, a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. J. On October 18, 2022, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed amendment to Planned Development Zoning (Ordinance No. 03-19), at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. K. Staff Report dated October 18, 2022, and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the proposed amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19, for the City Council. SECTION 2: AMENDMENT TO EXISTING STAGE 1 AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Amendment to the PD Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan is limited to adding Car Wash/Detailing as a Conditionally Permitted Use with the following notation: Notes: 5. Use allowed on Parcel 2 and only when supporting a City -revenue generating use within the Kaiser Commercial Project Area. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. SECTION 4. POSTING OF ORDINANCE The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three public spaces in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days following its adoption. Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 2 of 3 230 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this day of , 2022, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 3 of 3 231 Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO. xx-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT RELATED TO THE NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH PROJECT PLPA 2022-00003 (APN 985-0027-026-00) WHEREAS, the Property Owner and Applicant, Dosanjh Real Estate, LLC, submitted an application to construct a commercial self-service car wash consisting of a 3,574-square-foot building housing a drive-thru automatic car wash tunnel, a parking area with 15 vacuum stalls and related site improvements. The applications include amendments to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 for Kaiser Commercial, a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit. The proposed development and applications are collectively known as the "Project;" and WHEREAS, the Project site is approximately one -acre located south on the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road (Assessor Parcel Number 985-0027-026-00); and WHEREAS, on October 4, 2016, the City Council approved a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 Development Plan for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project, which included the subject site as part of Phase IB (also known as Kaiser Commercial) (Ordinance No. 07-16); and WHEREAS, on May 7, 2019, the City Council approved a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Kaiser Commercial site as part of the Nissan Automobile Dealership project (Ordinance No. 03-19); and WHEREAS, an amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 is necessary to allow the proposed use; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) certain projects require review for environmental impacts and, when applicable, environmental documents to be prepared; and WHEREAS, on September 20, 2016, the City Council certified the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which included the subject site identified as Phase 1B, and adopted a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Resolution No. 153-16, incorporated herein by reference); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, the Project was examined to determine if further environmental review is required. The analysis concluded that the environmental impacts of the Project were analyzed in the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center EIR. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur, that any new mitigation measures would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15168(c) exist; and WHEREAS, following a properly noticed public hearing on September 27, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 22-12, recommending denial of an amendment to Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 1 of 33 232 Planned Development Zoning (Ordinance No. 03-19) for the Kaiser Commercial Project, a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2022, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the project, including the proposed amendment to Planned Development Zoning (Ordinance No. 03-19) for the Kaiser Commercial Project, a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, Staff Report dated October 18, 2022, and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, for the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby makes the following findings and determinations regarding the Conditional Use Permit for the establishment and operation of a car wash/detailing use: A. The proposed use and related structures are compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity in that: 1) the proposed Project is located on the Kaiser Commercial project site, which was envisioned for a variety of local -serving and regional -serving commercial uses; 2) the proposed Project will provide a local -serving commercial use that benefits the future and planned businesses within the development as well as the community; 3) the proposed use supports the Nissan and Infiniti Automobile Dealerships, which are permitted, City -revenue generating uses within the Planned Development and the proposed use is allowed through a Conditional Use Permit as stated in the amended Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; and 4) the Project site is accessible from Kaiser Road providing vehicular access with a sufficient amount of queue length for stacking and parking spaces to meet the requirements of the use. B. It will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare in that: 1) the Project will conform to all applicable regulations contained in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and 2) the City Council adopted conditions of approval to ensure on -ongoing compatibility with the site's surroundings. C. It will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood in that: 1) the Project is located on a parcel envisioned for a variety of local -serving and regional -serving commercial uses; and 2) the proposed use has limited hours of operation from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily limiting operational impacts to adjacent uses; 3) a Noise Assessment Study analyzing the Project's potential impacts to the adjacent residential uses found the proposed Project would be in compliance with the City's General Plan; and 4) a condition of approval requiring an evaluation of the actual noise levels once the Project is operational will ensure on -going compatibility with adjacent properties and the neighborhood. D. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare in that: 1) pedestrian and vehicle access is provided to the site from existing sidewalk on Dublin Boulevard and a proposed sidewalk on Kaiser Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 2 of 33 233 Road; and 2) the Project is within an area envisioned for a variety of commercial uses that will be served by existing public utilities, services, and infrastructure. E. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density, and intensity of the use and related structures being proposed in that: 1) the Project site is located on a parcel that is envisioned to be developed with commercial uses; 2) the Project will conform to the density, design, and allowable uses as stated in the Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 (as amended) and consistent with the Medical Campus/Commercial land use designation as it pertains to the Kaiser Commercial site in its entirety; and 3) a car wash is a conditionally permitted use in Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19, as amended. F It will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses, development regulations, or performance standards established for the zoning district in which it is located in that: 1) a car wash is a conditionally permitted use in Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19, as amended; 2) the proposed use supports the Nissan and Infiniti Automobile Dealerships which are permitted, City -revenue generating uses within the Planned Development; and 3) all activities with the car wash will be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm. G. It is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans in that: 1) the General Plan land use designation is Medical Campus/Commercial, which allows a range of commercial uses consistent with Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19, as amended; and 2) the Project will conform to the density, design, and allowable uses as stated in the Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19, as amended, and will be consistent with the Medical Campus/Commercial land use designation as it pertains to the Kaiser Commercial site in its entirety. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following Site Development Review Permit findings and determinations regarding the Nissan Commercial Car Wash Project: A. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104 (Site Development Review) of the Zoning Ordinance, with the General Plan, and any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines because: 1) the Project provides an orderly, attractive and harmonious development compatible with surrounding properties and neighborhoods; 2) the Project is utilizing traditional building forms with contemporary, high -quality materials and finishes in compliance with the design guidelines of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19; 3) the Project will conform to the density, design, and allowable uses as stated in the Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19, as amended, and will be consistent with the Medical Campus/Commercial land use designation as it pertains to the Kaiser Commercial site in its entirety; 4) the Project includes streetscape enhancements to complement those already in place, which completes the street infrastructure network for the area as well as bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure; and 5) the Project is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance because: 1) the architecture and landscape design for the Project provides a commercial use within a commercial area; 2) the overall design of the Project is consistent with the design requirements of Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 and the proposed layout of buildings, landscaping and parking are well -suited to the uses; 3) the proposed use supports the Nissan and Infiniti Automobile Dealerships, which are permitted, City -revenue generating uses within the Planned Development; 4) the proposed use is allowed through Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 3 of 33 234 a Conditional Use Permit as stated in the amended Planned Development; and 5) the proposed Project meets the intent of the Dublin General Plan, which discourages projects that do not relate well to the surrounding developments, as the Project is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that includes residential and commercial uses. C. The design of the Project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties, and the lot(s) in which the Project is proposed because: 1) the architecture and landscape design for the Project provides an appropriate pedestrian scale and the landscaping and parking areas are well -suited to the uses; 2) the overall design of the Project is consistent with the design requirements of Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19; 3) the proposed use supports the Nissan and Infiniti Automobile Dealerships, which are permitted, City -revenue generating uses within the Planned Development; 4) the proposed use is allowed through a Conditional Use Permit as stated in the amended Planned Development; and 5) the proposed Project meets the intent of the Dublin General Plan, which discourages projects that do not relate well to the surrounding developments, as the Project is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that includes residential and commercial uses. D. The subject site is suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because: 1) the Project site is located on the south side of Dublin Boulevard where a variety of local - serving and regional -serving commercial uses are allowed; 2) the proposed Project will provide a local -serving commercial use that benefits future and planned businesses within the development as well as the community; 3) the Project will conform to the density, design, and allowable uses as stated in the Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19, as amended, and will be consistent with the Medical Campus/Commercial land use designation as it pertains to the Kaiser Commercial site in its entirety; and 4) the Project provides for its own infrastructure and required services and is designed to include sufficient vehicular and pedestrian access, with parking to support the uses. E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because: 1) the Project site is flat and previously mass graded as part of the site preparation of the Nissan and Infiniti Automobile Dealerships; 2) the roadway and utility infrastructure to serve the site already exists and the Project will complete the frontage improvements on both street frontages; and 3) future approval of grading and improvement plans will enable the site to be modified to suit the Project, which will be developed in accordance with City policies and regulations. F Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar elements result in a Project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other developments in the vicinity because: 1) the architectural style and materials will be consistent and compatible with the contemporary architectural style, colors, and materials being utilized on other commercial projects in the City; 2) the Project is utilizing traditional building forms with contemporary, high -quality materials and finishes in compliance with the design guidelines of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; 3) mechanical features of the Project such as car wash tunnel is screened with landscape materials and the vacuum stalls use a muted color palette to reduce their prominence; and 4) the vacuum stalls are integrated in a solar carport -type structure, which are typical in commercial developments. Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 4 of 33 235 G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the Project to ensure visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public because: 1) the Preliminary Landscape Plan for the Project site emphasizes the screening the less desirable features of the Project including the entrance to the car wash tunnel, vacuum stations, parking areas and waste enclosure; 2) landscaping will be provided throughout the site; and 3) the Project perimeter and interior landscaping is consistent with residential and commercial development in the vicinity and conforms to the requirements of the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. H. The site has been adequately designed to ensure the proper circulation for bicyclist, pedestrians, and automobiles because: 1) all infrastructure including driveways, pathways, sidewalks, and lighting have been reviewed for conformance with City policies, regulations, and best practices; and 2) development of this Project will conform to the major public improvements already installed allowing patrons the safe and efficient use of these facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby approves a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit for the Nissan Commercial Car Wash Project, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits, or establishment of use, and shall be subject to review and approval by the City or designee. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. [PL.1 Planning, [B1 Building, [PO1 Police, IPW1 Public Works [P&CS1 Parks & Community Services, [ADM1 Administration/City Attorney, fFIN1 Finance, [F1 Alameda County Fire Department, [DSR1 Dublin San Ramon Services District, fCO1 Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Z7] Zone 7. # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: PLANNING CONDITIONS 1. Approval. This approval is for a: 1) Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Car Wash/Detailing; and 2) Site Development Review Permit (SDR) for the Nissan Commercial Car Wash Project. This approval shall be as depicted and indicated on the plans dated August 11, 2022, prepared by K-12 Architects, New Leaf Landscape Architects and MacKay & Somps stamped approved and on file in the Community Development Department, except as modified by the following conditions of approval. PL Ongoing 2. Effective Date. This CUP and SDR approval becomes effective once the companion Planned Development Zoning District amendment has been approved by City Council and is effective. PL Ongoing Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 5 of 33 236 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 3. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence within one (1) year of Permit approval or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void. PL One Year After Effective Date 4. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon the Applicant's written request for an extension of approval prior to expiration, and upon the determination that any conditions of approval remain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a period not to exceed 12 months. The Director of Community Development may grant a maximum of two extensions of approval, and additional extensions may be granted by the original decision maker. PL Prior to Expiration Date 5. Minor Amendments. Modifications or changes to this CUP and SDR approval may be considered and approved by the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Chapter 8.100.080 (Amendments) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. PL On -going 6. Compliance. Applicant/Property Owner shall operate this use in compliance with the conditions of approval of this CUP and SDR, the approved plans and the regulations established in the Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions specified may be subject to enforcement action. PL On -going 7. Revocation of Permit. The CUP and SDR approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Dublin Municipal Code (DMC) Section Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. PL On -going 8. Requirements and Standard Conditions. Applicant/ Developer shall comply with applicable City of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building Department, Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all Various Building Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 6 of 33 237 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: applicable conditions required have been or will be met. 9. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all permits required by other agencies, if applicable, including, but not limited to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. PW Building Permit Issuance 10. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Fire Facilities Impact fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that may be adopted and applicable. Approved Development Agreement supersedes where applicable. Various Building Permit Issuance 11. Indemnification. Applicant/Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. ADM On -going 12. Clarifications and/or Changes to these Conditions of Approval. In the event that there needs to be clarification to the conditions of approval, the Community Development Director and/or City Engineer has the authority to clarify the intent of these conditions of approval to the Applicant without going to a public hearing. The PL, PW On -going Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 7 of 33 238 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Community Development Director and/or City Engineer also has the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions of approval without going to a public hearing in order for the Applicant to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts to this project. 13. Equipment Screening. All electrical equipment, fire risers, and/or mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view by landscaping and/or architectural features. Any roof -mounted equipment shall be completely screened from adjacent street view by materials architecturally compatible with the building and to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. The building permit plans shall show the location of all equipment and screening for review and approval by the Director of Community Development. PL Building Permit Issuance and Through Completion/ On -going 14. Hours of Operation. The hours of operation are limited to 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. PL On -going 15. Noise Assessment. An assessment of the actual noise levels of the car wash tunnel shall be conducted and provided to the Community Development Director for review and acceptance. If actual noise levels are above those anticipated in the Noise Assessment Study prepared by Edward L. Pack Associates, Inc. dated September 12, 2022, recommended measures shall be developed and incorporated to reduce the operation noise levels to an acceptable level. PL Planning Approval of Building Permit Final 16. Project Signage. All project signage shall be incorporated into the existing Master Sign Program for Kaiser Commercial (PLPA-2021-00031). The Applicant shall obtain approval to amend the Master Sign Program. PL Installation of Any Project - Related Signage 17. Accessory/Temporary Structures and Uses. A Temporary Use Permit is required for all construction trailers, security trailers and storage containers used during construction. PL Establishment of Temporary Use 18. Public Art. The Project is required to comply with DMC Sections 8.58.05A and 8.58.05D of Chapter 8.58 (Public Art Program). The Project will make a monetary contribution in -lieu of acquiring and installing a public art project on the property, as provided by DMC Section 8.58.050D. The in -lieu contribution shall be as provided in DMC Chapter 8.58. PL Issuance of Building Permit 19. Mitigation Monitoring Program. Applicant/ Developer shall comply with the Kaiser Dublin PL On -going Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 8 of 33 239 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Medical Center Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) certified by City Council Resolution No. 16-16, including all mitigation measures, action programs, and implementation measures contained therein as applicable to Phase 1 B. The EIR is on file with the Community Development Department. 20. Noise/Nuisance. Applicant/Developer shall control all business activity so as not to create a public or private nuisance to the existing and surrounding businesses and residents. No amplified sounds, loudspeakers or music shall be permitted outside the building. PL On -going PLANNING — LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS 21. Final Landscape and Irrigation System Plans. A Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a State licensed landscape architect or registered engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director and shall comply with DMC Section 8.72.030. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 22. Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations. The Applicant shall meet all requirements of the City of Dublin's Water -Efficient Landscaping Regulations, DMC Section 8.88. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 23. Landscaping at Street/Drive Aisle Intersections. Landscaping shall not obstruct the sight distance of motorists, pedestrians or bicyclists. Except for trees, landscaping (and/or landscape structures such as walls) at drive aisle intersections shall not be taller than 30 inches above the curb. Landscaping shall be kept at a minimum height and fullness giving patrol officers and the general public surveillance capabilities of the area. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans and Ongoing 24. Sustainable Landscape Practices. The landscape design shall demonstrate compliance with sustainable landscape practices as detailed in the Bay -Friendly Landscape Guidelines by earning 60 points or more and meeting the nine required practices in the Bay -Friendly Landscape Scorecard. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 25. C.3 Stormwater Technical Guidance. The landscape design in the bio-retention C.3 SWQ treatment areas shall not conflict with the recommendations in the Alameda Stormwater Technical Guidance Handbook, October 3, 2017, Appendix B Plant List and Planting Guidance for Landscape -Based Stormwater Measures or the City of Dublin pre -approved list. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 9 of 33 240 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 26. Plant Clearances. All trees planted shall meet the following clearances: a) Six feet from the face of building walls or roof eaves b) Seven feet from fire hydrants, storm drains, sanitary sewers and/or gas lines c) Five feet from top of wing of driveways, mailboxes, water, telephone and/or electrical mains. d) Fifteen feet from stop signs, street or curb sign returns e) Fifteen feet from either side of a streetlight f) Plant clearances may be modified with approval from the Community Development Director on a case -by case -basis. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 27. Tree Sizes. Size of all new trees shall be a minimum of 24-inch box. Height of tree shall be proportional to the box size and tree trunk caliber shall be 1.5 feet minimum diameter at breast height (DBH). PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 28. Plan Coordination. Civil Improvement Plans, Joint Trench Plans, Street Lighting Plans and Landscape Improvement Plans shall be submitted on the same size sheet and plotted at the same drawing scale for consistency, improved legibility and interdisciplinary coordination. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 29. Maintenance of Landscape. All landscape areas on the site shall be enhanced and properly maintained at all times. Any proposed or modified landscaping to the site, including the removal or replacement of trees, shall require prior review and written approval from the Community Development Director. PL On -going BUILDING CONDITIONS 30. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. B Through Completion 31. Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall be fully dimensioned (including building elevations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. B Issuance of Building Permits 32. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer shall submit electronic drawings for plan check. An annotated copy of the B Issuance of Building Permits Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 10 of 33 241 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Conditions of Approval shall be included with the submittal. The notations shall clearly indicate how all conditions of approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non - City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. 33. As -Built Drawings. All revisions made to the building plans during the project shall be incorporated into an "As Built" electronic file and submitted prior to the issuance of the final occupancy. B Occupancy 34. Addressing. a) Provide a site plan with the City of Dublin's address grid overlaid on the plans (1 to 30 scale). Highlight all exterior door openings on plans (front, rear, garage, etc.). Application and required plans shall be submitted electronically. b) Address signage shall be provided as per the Dublin Commercial Security Code. c) Address will be required on all doors leading to the exterior of the building. Addresses shall be illuminated and be able to be seen from the street, four inches in height minimum. B Prior to Release of Addresses Prior to Permitting Prior to Occupancy 35. Engineer Observation. The Engineer of Record shall be retained to provide observation services for all components of the lateral and vertical design of the building, including nailing, hold-downs, straps, shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of building. A written report shall be submitted to the B Prior to Scheduling the Final Frame Inspection City Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame inspection. 36. Foundation. Geotechnical Engineer for the soils report shall review and approve the foundation design. A letter shall be submitted to the Building Division on the approval. B Prior to Permit Issuance 37. Air Conditioning Units. Air conditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view with materials compatible to the main building. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non -movable materials approved by the Chief Building Official and Director of Community Development. B Occupancy of Building Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 11 of 33 242 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 38. Plumbing Fixture Count. The plumbing fixture count (e.g., water closets, lavatories, urinals, drinking fountains) shall meet the minimum requirements for the use as regulated by the CA Plumbing Code. B Prior to Permitting 39. Solar Zone — CA Energy Code. Show the location of the Solar Zone on the site plan. Detail the orientation of the Solar Zone. This condition of approval will be waived if the project meets the exceptions provided in the CA Energy Code. B Through Completion 40. Accessible Parking. The required number of parking stalls, the design and location of the accessible parking stalls shall be as required by the CA Building Code, Chapter 11-B. B Through Completion 41. Green Parking. The design and number of clean air/EV ready stalls shall be as required by the CA Green Building Standards Code. B Through Completion 42. Retaining Walls. All retaining walls over 30 inches in height and adjacent to a walkway shall be provided with guardrails. Retaining walls with a surcharge and retaining walls over 36 inches in height shall obtain permits and inspections from the Building and Safety Division. B Through Completion 43. Accessory Structures. Building permits are required for all trash enclosures and associated amenities/structures and are required to meet the accessibility and building codes. B Through Completion 44. Temporary Fencing. Temporary construction fencing shall be installed along perimeter of all work under construction B Through Completion 45. Copies of Approved Plans. Applicant shall provide City with one reduced (1/2 size) copy of the City of Dublin stamped approved plan. B 30 Days After Permit and Each Revision Issuance FIRE PREVENTION 46. No fire service lines shall pass beneath buildings. F Approval of Improvement Plans 47. All fire apparatus access road shall be with an approved all -weathered surface and capable of supporting imposed load of 75,000 lbs. F Approval of Improvement Plans 48. New Fire Sprinkler System and Monitoring Requirements. In accordance with the Dublin Fire Code, fire sprinklers shall be installed in the building. The system shall be in accordance with the NFPA 13, the CA Fire Code and CA Building Code. Plans and specifications showing detailed mechanical design, cut sheets, listing sheets and F Building Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 12 of 33 243 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. This may be a deferred submittal. a) Sprinkler Plans. (Deferred Submittal Item). Submit detailed mechanical drawings of all sprinkler modifications, including cut sheets, listing sheets and calculations to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. b) All sprinkler system components shall remain in compliance with the applicable N.F.P.A. 13 Standard, the CA Fire Code and the CA Building Code. c) Underground Plans. (Deferred Submittal Item). Submit detailed shop drawings for the fire water supply system, including cut sheets, listing sheets and calculations to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. All underground and fire water supply system components shall be in compliance with the applicable N.F.P.A. 13, 24, 20, 22 Standards, the CA Fire Code and the CA Building Code. The system shall be hydrostatically tested and inspected prior to being covered. Prior to the system being connected to any fire protection system, a system flush shall be witnessed by the Fire Department. d) Central Station Monitoring. Automatic fire extinguishing systems installed within buildings shall have all control valves and flow devices electrically supervised and maintained by an approved central alarm station. Zoning and annunciation of central station alarm signals shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. e) Fire Protection Equipment shall be identified with approved signs constructed of durable materials, permanently installed and readily visible. 49. Fire Access During Construction. a) Fire Access. Access roads, turnaround, pullouts, and fire operation areas are fire lanes and shall be maintained clear and free of obstructions, including the parking of vehicles. b) Entrances. Entrances to job sites shall not be blocked, including after hours, other than by approved gates/barriers that provide for emergency access. F During Construction Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 13 of 33 244 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: c) Site Utilities. Site utilities that would require the access road to be dug up or made impassible shall be installed prior to construction commencing. d) Entrance flare, angle of departure, width, turning radii, grades, turnaround, vertical clearances, road surface, bridges/crossings, gates/key- switch, within a 150-foot distance to Fire Lane shall be maintained. e) Personnel Access. Route width, slope, surface and obstructions must be considered for the approved route to furthermost portion of the exterior wall. f) All-weather access. Fire access is required to be all-weather access. Show on the plans the location of the all-weather access and a description of the construction. Access roads must be designed to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus. 50. Fire Extinguishers. Extinguishers shall be visible and unobstructed. Signage shall be provided to indicate fire extinguisher locations. The number and location of extinguishers shall be shown on the building plans. Additional fire extinguishers maybe required by the fire inspector. a) Fire extinguisher shall meet a minimum classification of 2A 10BC. Extinguishers weighing 40 pounds or less shall be mounted no higher than five feet above the floor measured to the top of the extinguisher. Extinguishers shall be inspected monthly and serviced by a licensed concern annually. F Occupancy 51. FD Building Key Box. A Fire Department Key Box shall be installed at the main entrance to the building. Note these locations on the plans. The key box should be installed approximately 5 1/2 feet above grade. The box shall be sized to hold the master key to the facility as well as keys for rooms not accessible by the master key. Specialty keys, such as the fire alarm control box key and elevator control keys shall also be installed in the box. The key box door and necessary keys are to be provided to the fire inspector upon the final inspection. The inspector will then lock the keys into the box. F Occupancy Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 14 of 33 245 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 52. Means of Egress. Exit signs shall be visible and illuminated with emergency lighting when building is occupied. F Occupancy 53. General Inspection. Upon inspection of the work for which this submittal was provided, a general inspection of the business and site will be conducted. F Occupancy 54. Addressing. Addressing shall be illuminated or in an illuminated area. The address characters shall be contrasting to their background. If address is placed on glass, the numbers shall be on the exterior of the glass and a contrasting background placed behind the numbers. The building shall be provided with all addresses or the assigned address range so as to be clearly visible from either direction of travel on the street the address references. The address characters shall not be less than five inches in height by one -inch stroke. Larger sizes may be necessary depending on the setbacks and visibility. F Occupancy 55. Hazardous Materials. Provide an inventory statement (HMIS) for any/all hazardous materials for approval of process/storage/handling requirements. Project shall meet the requirements of the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health as Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA). Provide to CUPA the Material Safety Data Sheets, Hazardous Materials Business Plan and all required documentation for permitting process. Contact Alameda County Health services at (510) 567-6780. Hazardous Materials Management Plan. Provide facility site plan showing storage and use areas, maximum amount of material stored or used in each area, container sizes, storage arrangement including the location and dimensions of aisles. Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement. Provide permit application with chemical name, trade names, hazardous ingredients, hazard classification, MSDS, U.N. and C.A.S. number, maximum quantity on -site at one time, storage conditions related to the storage type, temperature and pressure. F Building Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 15 of 33 246 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: The storage, use and handling of hazardous materials in quantities not exceeding the maximum allowable quantity per control shall be in accordance with CFC. 56. Fire Safety During Construction and Demolition. a) Clearance to combustibles from temporary heating devices shall be maintained. Devices shall be fixed in place and protected from damage, dislodgement or overturning in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. b) Smoking shall be prohibited except in approved areas. Signs shall be posted "NO SMOKING" in a conspicuous location in each structure or location in which smoking is prohibited. c) Combustible debris, rubbish and waste material shall be removed from buildings at the end of each shift of work. d) Flammable and combustible liquid storage areas shall be maintained clear of combustible vegetation and waste materials. F Ongoing during construction and demolition DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT 57. Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities", all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. DSRSD Issuance of Any Building Permit 58. Planning and review fees, inspection fees, and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules and at time of payment as established in the DSRSD Code. Planning and review fees are due after the 1st submittal of plans. Construction Permit and Inspection Fees are due prior to the issuance of a Construction Permit. Capacity Reserve Fees are due before the water meter can be set or the connection to the sewer system. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 59. All improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer and/or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the applicant shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 16 of 33 247 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: a faithful performance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. 60. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by separate instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD or by offer of dedication on the Final Map. Prior to approval by the City for Recordation, the Final Map shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD for easement locations, widths, and restrictions. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 61. The locations and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 62. Water and sewer mains shall be located in public streets rather than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each sewer or water main in an off- street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. DSRSD Issuance of Any Building Permit 63. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for Tracts or Commercial Developments shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound engineering practice. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 64. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case -by -case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present worth 30-year operations and maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with the applicant for any project that requires a pumping station. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 65. This project will be analyzed by DSRSD to determine if it represents additional water and/or sewer capacity demands on the District. Applicant will be required to pay all incremental capacity reserve fees for water and sewer services as DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 17 of 33 248 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: required by the project demands. All capacity reserve fees must be paid prior to installation of a water meter for water. If a water meter is not 66. No sewer line or waterline construction shall be permitted unless the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will only be issued after all of the items in Condition No. 58 has been satisfied. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 67. Above ground backflow prevention devices/double detector check valves shall be installed on fire protection systems connected to the DSRSD water main. The applicant shall collaborate with the Fire Department and with DSRSD to size and configure its fire system. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 68. Any proposed irrigation for this project shall be designed for and connected to potable water. Unless explicitly stated otherwise by DSRSD, recycled water irrigation is unavailable for use for this project per DERWA recycled water moratorium Resolution No. 19-3 dated 3/24/2019. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit 69. If trash enclosures are required to drain to the sanitary sewer system, grease interceptors shall be installed near the trash enclosure area. The trash enclosure shall be roofed and graded to minimize rain water or stormwater from entering the trash enclosure. DSRSD Issuance of Any Grading Permit or Site Permit PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL CONDITIONS 70. Conditions of Approval. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval contained below ("Standard Condition") unless specifically modified by Project Specific Conditions of Approval below. PW On -going 71. Compliance. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinances, City of Dublin Title 7 Public Works Ordinance, which includes the Grading Ordinance, the City of Dublin Public Works Standards and Policies, the most current requirements of the State Code Title 24 and the Americans with Disabilities Act with regard to accessibility, and all building and fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. PW On -going 72. Clarifications and Changes to the Conditions. In the event that there needs to be clarification to these conditions of approval, the City Engineer has the authority to clarify the intent of these conditions of approval to the Developer without going to a public hearing. The City Engineer also has the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions PW On -going Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 18 of 33 249 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: without going to a public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts of this project. 73. Hold Harmless/Indemnification. Applicant/ Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zone Administrator, or any other department , committee, or agency of the City to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law: provided, however, that the Applicant/Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be submitted to the City's promptly notifying or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. PW On -going 74. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to: Planning fees; Building fees; Dublin San Ramon Services District fees; Public Facilities fees; City of Dublin Fire fees; Noise Mitigation fees; Inclusionary House In -Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation fees; Traffic Impact Fees or other development impact fees required by the City of Dublin. Various Departments Grading Permit or Building Permit Issuance 75. Zone 7 Impervious Surface Fees. Applicant/Developer shall complete a "Zone 7 Impervious Surface Fee Application" and submit an accompanying exhibit for review by the Public Works Department. Fees generated by this application will be due at issuance of building permit. PW Grading Permit or Building Permit Issuance PUBLIC WORKS — AGREEMENTS 76. Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement. Applicant/Developer or Property Owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Dublin that guarantees the property owner's perpetual maintenance obligation for all stormwater management measures installed as part of the project, including those on -site and within the public Rights of Way. In addition to stormwater management measures and trash capture devices, drainage v-ditches, mitigation areas, and existing wetlands shall be included for reference, as PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 19 of 33 250 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: applicable. Said Agreement is required pursuant to Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order No. R2-2009-0074. Said permit requires the City to provide verification and assurance that all treatment devices will be properly operated and maintained. PUBLIC WORKS — PERMITS AND BONDS 77. Grading/Sitework Permit. Applicant/Developer shall obtain a Grading Permit or Sitework Permit from the Public Works Department for all grading and site improvements. PW Start of Work 78. Encroachment Permit. Applicant/Developer shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Public Works Department for all construction activity within the public right-of-way. At the discretion of the City Engineer an encroachment permit for work specifically included in an Improvement Agreement may not be required. PW Permit Issuance 79. Security. Applicant/Developer shall provide faithful performance security to guarantee the improvements, as well as payment security, as determined by the City Engineer (Note: The performance security shall remain in effect until one year after final inspection). PW Permit Issuance 80. Permits from Other Agencies. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all permits and/or approvals required by other agencies including, but not limited to: • Alameda County Fire Department • Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) PW Permit Issuance PUBLIC WORKS - SUBMITTALS 81. Improvement Plan Submittal Requirements. All submittals of plans shall comply with the requirements of the "City of Dublin Public Works Department Improvement Plan Submittal Requirements," the "City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List," and current Public Works and industry standards. A complete submittal of improvement plans shall include all civil improvements, joint trench plans, street lighting and on -site safety lighting, landscape plans, and all associated documents as required. The Applicant/Developer shall not piecemeal the submittal by submitting various components separately. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 20 of 33 251 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 82. Improvement Plan Requirements from Other Agencies. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for submittals and reviews to obtain the approvals of all participating non -City agencies. The Alameda County Fire Department and the Dublin San Ramon Services District shall approve and sign the Improvement Plans. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 83. Composite Exhibit. Construction plan set shall include a Composite Exhibit showing all site improvements, utilities, landscaping improvements and trees, etc. to be constructed to ensure that there are no conflicts among the proposed and existing improvements. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 84. Geotechnical Report. Applicant/Developer shall submit a Design Level Geotechnical Report, which includes but are not limited to grading recommendations. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 85. Building Pads, Slopes and Walls. Applicant/Developer shall provide the Public Works Department with a letter from a registered civil engineer or surveyor stating that the building pads have been graded to within 0.1 feet of the grades shown on the approved Grading Plans, and that the top & toe of banks and retaining walls are at the locations shown on the approved Grading Plans. PW Acceptance of Improvements 86. Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations. Hydrology and Hydraulic calculations for the entire parcel including undeveloped areas shall be submitted for approval to the City Engineer. Alameda County published an updated version of the Alameda County Hydrology and Hydraulics (H&H) Manual. The H&H Manual includes updates to calculating runoff and should be used as the basis for your hydrology and hydraulics design of flood control facilities in Alameda County. The manual is available for download at: Alameda County PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Hydrology & Hydraulics Manual 87. Stormwater Management Plan. The Stormwater Management Plan submitted with the Site Development Review (SDR) has been reviewed in concept. A final Stormwater Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. Approval is subject to the Applicant/Developer providing the necessary plans, details, and calculations that demonstrate the plan complies with the standards issued by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board and Alameda Countywide Clean Water PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 21 of 33 252 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Program. Landscape Based Stormwater Management Measures shall be irrigated and meet WELO requirements. 88. Signing and Striping Plan. A Traffic Signing and Striping Plan showing all existing and proposed signing and striping within public streets, on -site private streets, parking lots and drive aisles shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. The striping plans should show the complete intersection at the intersection of Kaiser Road and the car wash driveway. Striping plans shall distinguish between existing striping to be removed and new striping to be installed. All striping shall be thermoplastic. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 89. Approved Plan Files. Applicant/Developer shall provide the Public Works Department a PDF format file of approved site plans, including grading, improvement, landscaping and irrigation, joint trench and lighting. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 90. Master Files. Applicant/Developer shall provide the Public Works Department a digital vectorized file of the "master" files for the project, in a format acceptable to the City Engineer. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English. All submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot. PW Acceptance of Improvements 91. Environmental Services Files. Applicant/Developer shall provide to the Public Works Department GIS shape files, provided in a format acceptable to the City, all MRP Provision C.3 stormwater features, trash capture devices, mitigation measures, wetlands, v-ditches and public waste containers. PW Acceptance of Improvements 92. SB 1383 Compliance Reporting. To comply with SB 1383, applicant shall provide to the Public Works Department records indicating where SB 1383 compliant mulch or compost was applied in the project, the source and type of product, quantity of each product, and invoices demonstrating procurement. PW Acceptance of Improvements 93. Parking Lot Lighting. Applicant/Developer shall prepare a photometric plan for the site lighting to demonstrate that the minimum 1.0 foot candle lighting level is provided in accordance with the City PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 22 of 33 253 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: of Dublin's requirements, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The photometric plan shall show lighting levels which take into consideration poles, low walls and other obstructions. Exterior lighting shall be provided within the surface parking lots and on buildings and shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties, businesses or to vehicular traffic. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. The parking lot lights shall be designed to eliminate any pockets of high and low illuminated areas. PUBLIC WORKS - EASEMENTS AND ACCESS RIGHTS 94. Public Utility Easements. Public Utility Easements (PUE), Sanitary Sewer Easements (SSE), Water Line Easements (WLE), and Recycled Water Line Easements (RWLE) shall be established on the property and offsite as required by the agencies and utility companies owning the facilities. PW Building Permit Issuance 95. Abandonment of Easements. Applicant/ Developer shall obtain abandonment from all applicable public agencies of existing easements and rights -of -way within the project site that will no longer be used. Prior to completion of abandonment, the improvement plans may be approved if the Applicant/Developer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the abandonment process has been initiated. PW Building Permit Issuance 96. Acquisition of Easements. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for obtaining all onsite and offsite easements, and/or obtain rights -of -entry from the adjacent property owners for any improvements not located on their property. The Developer shall prepare all required documentation for dedication of all easements on -site and off -site. The easements and/or rights -of -entry shall be in writing and copies furnished to the Public Works Department. PW Building Permit Issuance 97. Grant of Easement and Right -of -Entry. Applicant/Developer shall grant an easement and/or a right -of -entry to the adjacent property owners for the construction, maintenance, and access to common and shared improvements, as may be applicable. PW Building Permit Issuance 98. Encroachment of Structures within Proposed and Existing Easements. Project entry monument signs, lighting standards, walls, C.3 treatment facilities, or any other encroachments within a proposed or existing easement shall not be PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 23 of 33 254 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: permitted unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer or easement holder. Any encroachment allowed to be located in an easement is subject to removal and replacement at the expense of the property owner when the easement rights are exercised by the easement holder. PUBLIC WORKS - GRADING 99. Grading Plan. The Grading Plan shall be in conformance with the recommendation of the Geotechnical Report, the approved Site Development Review, and the City design standards and ordinances. In case of conflict between the soil engineer's recommendation and the City ordinances, the City Engineer shall determine which shall apply. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 100. Geotechnical Engineer Review and Approval. The Project Geotechnical Engineer shall be retained to review all final grading plans and specifications. The Project Geotechnical Engineer shall approve and sign all grading plans prior to City approval. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 101. Site Grading Adjacent to Buildings. The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from the building at a slope required by the California Building Code. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 102. Grading Off -Haul. The disposal site and haul truck route for any off -haul dirt materials shall be subject to the review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. If the Applicant/Developer does not own the parcel which the proposed disposal site is located, the Applicant/Developer shall provide the City with a Letter of Consent signed by the current owner, approving the placement off -haul material on their parcel. A Grading Plan may be required for the placement of the off -haul material. PW Start of Construction; Implementation, and On -going as needed 103. Erosion Control Plan. A detailed Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be included with the Grading Plan submittal. The plan shall include detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria of all erosion and sedimentation control measures. The plan shall also address site housekeeping best management practices. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 104. NOI and SWPPP. Prior to any clearing or grading, Applicant/Developer shall provide the City evidence that a Notice of Intent (NOI) has been sent to the California State Water Resources Control Board per the requirements of the NPDES. A copy of the PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 24 of 33 255 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be provided to the Public Works Department and be kept at the construction site. PUBLIC WORKS - STORM DRAINAGE AND OTHER UTILITIES 105. On -site Storm Drain System. Storm drainage for the 10-year storm event shall be collected on -site and conveyed through storm drains to the public storm drain system. Show the size and location of existing and proposed storm drains and catch basins on the site plan. Show the size and location of public storm drain lines and the points of connection for the on -site storm drain system. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 106. Overland Release. Grading and drainage shall be designed so that surplus drainage (above and beyond that of the 10-year storm event) are not collected in site catch basins, is directed overland so as not to cause flooding of existing or proposed buildings. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 107. Storm Drain Easements. Private storm drain easements and maintenance roads shall be provided for all private storm drains or ditches that are located on private property. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the acquisition of all storm drain easements from offsite property owners which are required for the connection and maintenance of all offsite storm drainage improvements. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 108. Storm Drain Inlet Markers. All public and private storm drain inlets must be marked with storm drain markers that read: "No dumping, drains to creek," include the City Standard detail (CD-704) and a note to indicate that all private inlets shall be marked on the improvement plans. The markers may be purchased from the Public Work Department. PW Acceptance of Improvements 109. Water and Sewer Facilities. Applicant/Developer shall construct all potable and recycled water and sanitary sewer facilities required to serve the project in accordance with DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and requirements. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 110. Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Alameda County Fire Department. A raised reflector blue traffic marker shall be shown on the signing and striping plan. PW Acceptance of Improvements 111. Dry Utilities. Applicant/Developer shall construct gas, electric, telephone, cable TV, and communication improvements within the fronting streets and as necessary to serve the project and the future adjacent parcels as approved by the City PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 25 of 33 256 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Engineer and the various Public Utility agencies. 112. Dry Utility Locations. All electric, telephone, cable TV, and communications utilities, shall be placed underground in accordance with the City policies and ordinances. All utilities shall be located and provided within public utility easements or public services easements and sized to meet utility company standards. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 113. Utility Vaults and Boxes. All utility vaults, boxes, and structures, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City Engineer, shall be underground and placed in landscaped areas and screened from public view. Landscape drawings shall be submitted to the City showing the location of all utility vaults, boxes, and structures and adjacent landscape features and plantings. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements PUBLIC WORKS — ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS 114. Surface Slopes. Pavement surface slopes in parking lots and drive aisles shall be a minimum of 0.5 percent and a maximum of five percent (unless otherwise required at parking spaces for the disabled and at ramps at the parking structure and loading dock). Exceptions may be considered by the City Engineer to account for unusual design conditions. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 115. Public Litter Cans. Public litter cans are required on site and on the trail to meet DMC Section 7.98.120. Cigarette butt receptacles and appropriate signage are required to be placed on - site in an appropriate location for public and employee use. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 116. Project Signs. All proposed project signs or monument signs shall be placed on private property and located outside of any easement areas unless specifically approved by the City Engineer. Any signage located in an easement is subject to removal and replacement at the expense of the property owner if required by the easement holder. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 117. Drive Aisle Width. The parking lot aisles shall be as required in DMC Section 8.76.070.A.7 for the proposed parking stall configuration to allow for adequate onsite vehicle circulation for cars, trucks, and emergency vehicles. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 118. Vehicle Parking. All on -site vehicle parking spaces shall conform to the following: a) All parking spaces shall be double striped using four -inch white lines set two feet apart in accordance with City Standards and DMC PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 26 of 33 257 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 8.76.070.A.17. b) Twelve -inch -wide concrete step -out curbs shall be constructed at each parking space where one or both sides abut a landscaped area or planter. c) Where wheel stops are shown, individual six feet long wheel stops shall be provided within each parking space in accordance with City Standards. d) A minimum 20-foot radius shall be provided at curb returns and curb intersections where applicable. e) Parking stalls next to walls, fences and obstructions to vehicle door opening (including those in the parking structure) shall be an additional four feet in width per DMC Section 8.76.070.A.16. f) Sidewalks that are designated as an accessible path of travel shall have a minimum width of six foot when adjacent to parked vehicles that overhang the curb. Install wheel stops per City Standard if the sidewalk is less than six feet wide. g) Landscaped strips adjacent to parking stalls shall be unobstructed in order to allow for a minimum two -foot vehicular overhang at front of vehicles. 119. Visibility Triangle. All improvements within the sight visibility triangle at all intersections and driveways, including but not limited to walls and landscaping, shall be a maximum height of 30 inches from the roadway surface elevation at the nearest lane. PW Issuance of Building Permit 120. Photometrics. Applicant/Developer shall provide a complete photometrics plan for both onsite and frontage roadways. Include the complete data on photometrics, including the High, Average and Minimum values for illuminance and uniformity ratio. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 121. Bicycle Parking. Applicant/Developer shall install short term (bicycle racks) in accordance with California Green Building Standards Code requirements. Locations of the bicycle parking shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. PW Issuance of Building Permit 122. Structures in Stormwater Facilities. Structures such as light poles, if absolutely necessary to be placed inside bio-retention areas, shall have the foundations deepened and consequently reducing PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 27 of 33 258 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: the effective bio-retention treatment area size by the area of the foundation footprint. 123. Project Signs. All proposed project monument signs shall be placed on private property. Signs should be located outside of any easement areas unless specifically approved by the City Engineer. Any signage allowed to be located in an easement is subject to removal and replacement at the expense of the Developer/property owner if required by the easement holder. PW Grading Permit Issuance PUBLIC WORKS - NPDES 124. Stormwater Treatment. Consistent with Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) Order No. R2-2015-0049, the Developer shall submit documentation including construction drawings demonstrating all stormwater treatment measures and hydromodification requirements as applicable are met. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 125. Stormwater Requirements Checklist. Applicant/Developer shall submit a "Stormwater Requirements Checklist for Development Projects" and accompanying required documentation. The form can be downloaded from the following webpage, under Stormwater Design Submittal Forms; the applicable checklist should be filled out according to the project scope: http://dublin.ca.gov/1656/Development-Permits--- PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Stormwater-Require 126. Stormwater Source Control. All applicable structural and operational stormwater source controls shall be implemented. Source control measures for fire sprinkler test water and condensate discharge shall be to a sanitary sewer line. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 127. SWPPP. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall identify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the project construction activities. The SWPPP shall include the erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the regulations outlined in the most current version of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or State Construction Best Management Practices Handbook. The Developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors implement all storm water pollution prevention measures in the SWPPP. PW SWPPP to be Prepared Prior to Approval of Improvement Plans; Implementation Prior to Start of Construction and On -going as needed Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 28 of 33 259 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 128. Maintenance Access. Applicant/Developer shall design and construct maintenance access to all stormwater management measures. Maintenance access for equipment and personnel to overflow risers, cleanouts and other structures is required. The final number, location, width, and surfacing of maintenance access points from public or private streets is subject to the approval of the City Engineer and GHAD Engineer, as applicable. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 129. Clean Bay Blueprint. The Applicant shall add the "Clean Bay Blueprint" to the building plans which can be found on the City website at the link below under Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs): http://dublin.ca.gov/1656/Development-Permits--- PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Stormwater-Require 130. Trash Capture. The project must include appropriate full trash capture devices for both private and public improvements. Specific details on the trash capture devices selected are required on the construction plan set demonstrating how MRP Provision C.10 (trash capture) requirements are met. A list of approved full trash capture devices may be found at the City's website at the following link: insert here. Please note that lead time for trash capture device delivery can be substantial. The applicant/contractor shall plan accordingly. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 131. Solid Waste Requirements. The Project must comply with all requirements in DMC Chapter 7.98, including the following requirements: • All public litter containers shall include a portion for recycling. • A solid waste enclosure checklist is required to accompany the submission of enclosure drawings. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 132. Waste Enclosure. The waste enclosure shall meet all of the requirements set forth within the DMC Section 7.98, including but not limited to providing sewer and water hook-ups as applicable. The improvement plans and/or building permit plans shall show additional information demonstrating these requirements are met. A standard plan for the waste enclosure can be downloaded at https://dublin.ca.gov/341/Standard-Plans in the PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance "Stormwater Measures" section. A pedestrian accessible path of travel shall be provided for employees from the building to the waste enclosure Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 29 of 33 260 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: in conformance with current accessibility requirements. 133. Garbage Truck Access. Applicant/Developer shall provide plans and details on anticipated garbage truck access and routes, in addition to example set- out diagrams for waste carts/bins placement on garbage day demonstrating adequate space available for carts/bins. Carts and bins shall not block street or driveway access. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 134. SB 1383 Compliance. To comply with SB 1383 procurement requirements, all mulch and compost used in stormwater management measures and general landscape areas shall meet SB 1383 procurement requirements. Specifically, compost must be produced at a permitted composting facility; digestate, biosolids, manure and mulch do not qualify as compost. Eligible mulch must be derived from organic materials and be produced at a permitted transfer station, landfill, or composting facility. Examples of allowed compost include arbor mulch and composted mulch. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 135. Plants in Bio-retention Areas. Landscaping in bio- retention areas shall be selected from the Alameda County C.3 Technical Guidance or the City of Dublin pre -approved list. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance PUBLIC WORKS - CONSTRUCTION 136. Erosion Control Implementation. The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be implemented between October 1st and April 30th unless otherwise allowed in writing by the City Engineer. The Developer will be responsible for maintaining erosion and sediment control measures for one year following the City's acceptance of the improvements. PW Start of Construction and On -going 137. Archaeological Finds. If archaeological materials are encountered during construction, construction within 100 feet of these materials shall be halted until a professional Archaeologist who is certified by the Society of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOPA) has had an opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. PW Start of Construction and On -going 138. Construction Activities. Construction activities, including the idling, maintenance, and warming up of equipment, shall be limited to Monday through Friday, and non -City holidays, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. except as otherwise PW Start of Construction and On -going Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 30 of 33 261 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: approved by the City Engineer. Extended hours or Saturday work will be considered by the City Engineer on a case -by -case basis. Note that the construction hours of operation within the public right of way are more restrictive. 139. Temporary Fencing. Temporary Construction fencing shall be installed along the perimeter of all work under construction to separate the construction operation from the public. All construction activities shall be confined within the fenced area. Construction materials and/or equipment shall not be operated or stored outside of the fenced area or within the public right-of-way unless approved in advance by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction and On -going 140. Construction Noise Management Plan. Applicant/Developer shall prepare a construction noise management plan that identifies measures to be taken to minimize construction noise on surrounding developed properties. The plan shall include hours of construction operation, use of mufflers on construction equipment, speed limit for construction traffic, haul routes and identify a noise monitor. Specific noise management measures shall be provided prior to project construction. PW Start of Construction Implementation, and On -going needed 141. Traffic Control Plan. Closing of any existing pedestrian pathway and/or sidewalk during construction shall be implemented through a City approved Traffic Control Plan and shall be done with the goal of minimizing the impact on pedestrian circulation. PW Start of Construction and On -going 142. Construction Traffic Interface Plan. Applicant/Developer shall prepare a plan for construction traffic interface with public traffic on any existing public street. Construction traffic and parking may be subject to specific requirements by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction and On -going 143. Pest Control. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for controlling any rodent, mosquito, or other pest problem due to construction activities. PW On -going 144. Lighting Inspection. Prior to occupancy, Applicant/Developer shall request an inspection of the lighting levels throughout the site to determine if lighting is sufficient. If additional lights are required to be installed to meet the 1.0 foot-candle requirement, or for other safety or operational reasons, the Applicant/Developer shall do so prior to Occupancy PW Occupancy Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 31 of 33 262 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: 145. Construction Traffic and Parking. All construction related parking shall be off the public street. PW Start of Construction and On -going 146. Dust Control Measures. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for watering or other dust -palliative measures to control dust as conditions warrant or as directed by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction; Implementation On -going as needed 147. Dust Control/Street Sweeping. Applicant/ Developer shall provide adequate dust control measures at all times during the grading and hauling operations. All trucks hauling export and import materials shall be provided with tarp cover at all times. Spillage of haul materials and mud -tracking on the haul routes shall be prevented at all times. The Developer shall be responsible for sweeping of streets within, surrounding and adjacent to the project if it is determined that the tracking or accumulation of material on the streets is due to its construction activities. PW Start of Construction Implementation, and On -going needed PUBLIC WORKS — SPECIAL CONDITIONS 148. Street Restoration. A pavement treatment, such as slurry seal or grind and overlay, will be required within the public streets fronting the site as determined by the Public Works Department. The type and limits of the pavement treatment shall be determined by the City Engineer based upon the number and proximity of trench cuts, extent of frontage and median improvements, extent of pavement striping and restriping, excessive wear and tear/damage due to construction traffic, etc. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 149. Property Frontage Repairs. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for repairing the curb, gutter, and sidewalks along the property frontage that have become a tripping hazard, damaged, and are non- compliant with the current ADA standards whether existing or caused by the construction work or other factors. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 150. Curb Ramps. Applicant/Developer shall construct ADA compliant dual curb ramps consistent with the latest edition of the Caltrans Standard Plans, along the property frontage at Kaiser Road to provide continuity to the pedestrian crosswalks at the driveway entrances. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 151. Pedestrian Access and Sidewalk Easement. Applicant/Developer shall provide an accessible pedestrian path with a minimum width of five feet along the property frontage on Kaiser Road and PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 32 of 33 263 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: ensure pedestrian access is provided to and from Dublin Boulevard in accordance with current Public Works and Building Code requirements. 152. Stop Sign Installation. Install a MUTCD standard stop sign at the project driveway at the intersection with Kaiser Road. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance 153. Project Queuing. Applicant/Developer shall monitor the queues and make sure that they do not extend into Kaiser Road or Dublin Boulevard by employing staff to manage the queues. Applicant/Developer shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City for a supplemental transportation study to be performed by an on -call consultant with the City to review the queuing patterns at the intersection of the car wash driveway and Kaiser Road and at Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road specific to the proposed use. The review shall be conducted during peak hours within the first 12 months of operation or if an obvious queuing issue develops, whichever is sooner. If a queuing issue is identified by the study, off -site and on -site circulation shall be reviewed to make recommendations for improvements. Applicant/Developer shall implement the recommendations or improvements based on the traffic study. Applicant/Developer shall provide faithful performance security to guarantee the supplemental transportation study and recommended improvements, as determined by the City Engineer. PW Grading/ Sitework Permit Issuance PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18th day of October 2022 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Reso. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2022 Page 33 of 33 264 NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH Site Development Review September 12, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS C.1 SITE PLAN C.2 FIRE ACCESS PLAN C.3 TRASH PICK UP PLAN C.4 PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN C.5 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN C.6 PRELIMINARY CROSS SECTIONS C.7 PRELIMINARY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C.8 VEHICLE CIRCULATION PLAN L.1 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN A101 ARCHITECTURE SITE PLAN A102 TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAILS A201 FLOOR PLAN A301 ELEVATIONS A302 VACUUM CANOPY ELEVATIONS A303 VACUUM CANOPY ELEVATIONS A304 PAY CANOPY ELEVATIONS PHOTOMETRIC PLAN SP 2 LIGHTING CUT -SHEETS Prepared By: K-12 Architects New Leaf Landscape Architects MacKay & Somps Prepared For: Dosanjh Real Estate LLC 265 DUBLIN1 BLVD NON -ACCESS EASEMENT 25' UTILITY ESMT FUTURE ACCESS PNTO ADJACENT PARCEIL r. r: /1" PROJECT BOUNDARY co , 'Il,� UTILITY•'-:•'•:• =�� ` ESMT ••- �� FUTURE HOTEL & COMMERCIAL USE PARCEL APN# 985-0027-027-00 25' UTILITY ESMT SDE I - I I H ROW PSE PAE SDE SITE SUMMARY BUILDING AREA: 3574± SF TOTAL CAR WASH SITE AREA: 43563± SF FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): 0.08± NOTE: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN AS AN INDICATION ONLY AND ARE TO BE ADJUSTED DURING FINAL DESIGN 2. ALL EXISTING EASEMENTS ARE TO REMAIN EXISTING MEDIAN PROPOSED SIDEWALK AND CURB RAMPS PARALLEL TO KAISER ROAD (PRIVATE) TO BE COORDINATED WITH ADJACENT KAISER MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT LEGEND: Ilii htil EXISTING ENTRY TO BE IMPROVED AND USED FOR ACCESS � 1 TRANSFOliMER CURB RAMPS LIGHTS PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE PROPOSED SIDEWALK AND CURB RAMPS PARALLEL TO KAISER ROAD (PRIVATE) TO BE COORDINATED WITH ADJACENT KAISER MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT EXISTING MEDIAN 30 60 SCALE: 1 "=30' ❑z eon Ekz O P fig cd ra at Ewa SHEET NO. C.1 OF: 8 SHEETS 266 DUBLINI BL\ID FUTURE ACCESS TO ADJACENT PARCEL FUTURE HOTELL (1r,COMMERCIALL USE PARCEL APN# 985-0027-027-00 LEGEND 1 I 6_ FIRE DEPARTMENT ON -SITE ACCESS ROUTE EXISTING ENTRY TO BE IMPROVED AND USED FOR ACCESS SHEET NO. C.2 OF: 8 SHEETS 267 LL1 LL1 0 O LC) c, LL1 N -: o C_> OD 1 0- LL1 D DUBLIN\I BL\/D PROJECT BOUNDARY TRASH ENCLOSURE FUTURE ACCESS ONTO ADJACENT PARCEL FUTURE HOTELL COMMERCIAL USE PARCEL APN# 985-0027-027-00 --- a LEGEND GARBAGE PICKUP ROUTE NOTE: TRASH PICKUP ROUTE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY AVI. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE TO TRASH ENCLOSURE LOCATION WILL BE PROVIDED WITH FINAL DESIGN. 4.5 35 zo 1 Rear —Load Garbage Truck Overall Lencth Overall Widt1 Overall Body Height Min Body Ground Clearance Track Width Lock —to —lock time Curb to Curb Turning Radius EXISTING ENTRY TO BE IMPROVED AND USED FOR ACCESS I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 � I 1 1 1 I 1 I � I I 1 I I I I 35.000ft 8.375ft 10.546ft 1.000ft 8.375ft 6.00s 29.300ft 30 60 SCALE: 1 "=30' SHEET NO. C.3 OF; 8 SHEETS 268 �.i LLl D DUBLIN BLVD PROJECT BOUNDARY / /-rTTT7 77% i i i l77z /"/'77-777 7 TT1'/Yl j'o' PSE 6" SANITARY SEWER LATERAL -:-: {I:L::.... -- . II .. • I Illllllli r====51 II II 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE LATERAL 25' DSRSD EASEMENT'_ LEX W3 • 1 ..-t SD >—.. } 310 25' DSRSD EASEMENT FUTURE HOTEL & COMMERCIAL USE PARCEL APN# 985-0027-027-00 110 u, •1.. r.•. ROW PSE SDE ' 1 TRANSFORMER CONNECT TO EX. SDMH LOCATED IN PARCEL 3 SD PIPE PAE CC Cn LEGEND EXISTING SANITARY SEWER (8" MIN MAIN LINE) ••— PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (12" MIN MAIN LINE) EXISTING WATER (8" MIN MAIN LINE) O EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE AREA DRAIN STORM DRAIN INLET pQ PROPOSED STORM DRAIN MANHOLE O BIORETENTION OUTLET ▪ BIORETENTION NOTES: 1. PROPOSED UTILITIES SHOWN WILL BE ADJUSTED WITH FINAL DESIGN. 2. ELECTROLIERS WILL BE SPOTTED WITH FINAL DESIGN. NO LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE EXISTING DSRSD EASEMENT. 3. EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND WATER INSTALLED WITH NISSAN DEVELOPMENT ON PARCEL 4. 4. ALL EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENTS TO REMAIN. 30 60 SCALE: 1"=30' PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH KAISER ROAD, DUBLIN, CA SHEET NO. C.4 OF: 8 SHEETS 269 LL1 U") PROJECT BOUNDARY 34.19- - -- "351.00:- 348.848: 349.4 SWALE FUTURE ACCESS ONTO ADJACENT PARCEL Lr 350:6 350.86 X351.18 X350.97 49.24 101• )i 49: 72 FF ' 352.64± r••:::� 50: 26 50.62 ;351. 36= X -351 46 DUBLIN BLVD -350aq 350.43 1.5% 350.59 2. P. 350.59 r====�1 I II II II II II 11 11 � 1 .01 351.56 351.31 ` VALLEY GUTTERS ®= 1 1.0% moo} `\ , .• = 351.79 Ililllill -% ---- 349.93 -351. 01 349.93 X390-..45- 349.45 - 351.01 349.19 351.87; - - 351.16= FUTURE HOTEL & COMMERCIAL USE PARCEL APN# 985-0027-027-00 MAX 5.0% '351.20=' 350.67= 350.63-' LEGEND X348.04 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION X350.04 PROPOSED FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION - FLOW LINE OVERLAND RELEASE ABBREVIATION FF FINISHED FLOOR NOTES: 1. MINIMUM PAVEMENT SLOPE: 1.0% 2. MAXIMUM PAVEMENT SLOPE: 5.0% 3. GRADES TO BE ADJUSTED DURING FINAL DESIGN 4. MAXIMUM GRADES FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING OR PATH OF TRAVEL: 2.0% FUTURE SIDEWALK AND CURB RAMPS PARALLEL TO KAISER ROAD (PRIVATE) TO BE COORDINATED WITH ADJACENT KAISER MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT EXISTING ENTRY TO BE IMPROVED AND USED FOR ACCESS FUTURE SIDEWALK AND CURB RAMPS PARALLEL TO KAISER ROAD (PRIVATE) TO BE COORDINATED WITH ADJACENT KAISER MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT 30 60 SCALE: 1"=30' wo og W N nU ❑z 0 z 0 Wo 0- Z J 0 PRELIMINARY GRADING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH KAISER ROAD, DUBLIN, CA y pm EV� y cd ra at Ewa SHEET NO. C.5 OF: 8 SHEETS 270 PROJ. BNDY EX FUTURE HOTEL & COMMERCIAL USE P/L PARCEL 1 25' UTILITY ESMT EXISTING GROUND SECTION A 10'± LS CAR WASH BUILDING FF 351.64 PS 350.94 NTS PROJ. BNDY EX P/L FUTURE HOTEL & COMMERCIAL USE 'VARIES 6-8'± CAR PARCEL 3 ' L/S SWLK PARKING EXISTING GROUND 2% O • SECTION B NTS EA) PAVEMENT FOR VARIES VARIES (MAX 26.5') VACUUM STALLS L/S TRAVEL PATH VARIES L/S PAVEMENT FOR VACUUM STALLS 2% O lbob 4' SWLK 3�AX 1-2% SECTION C VARIES BIORETENTION AREA NTS VARIES (MAX 27') TRAVEL PATH PROJ. BNDY EX P/L 10' PSE -AX co 2% O 3�AX 30 ' 1-2% L/S • 1 3:X EXISTING GROUND PROJ. BNDY EX P/L VARIES (B) SECTION DNTS ED) DUBLIN BLVD R/W EXISTING GROUND c� KAISER ROAD R/W 0 30 60 PRELIMINARY CROSS SECTIONS SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH KAISER ROAD, DUBLIN, CA SHEET NO. C.6 SCALE: 1"=30' OF: 8 SHEETS 271 DUDLIN BL\/D CV 0 ti CV CO rn 0 LL1 LL1 UL, PROJECT BOUNDARY FUTURE HOT L COMMERCIAL USE PARCEI APN# 985-0027-027-00 NOTE: 1\i* N*1 LEGEND DMA DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA rr 1 BIORETENTION C.3 SWQ TREATMENT FACILITY LIMITS OF DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA NOTES: 1. THE CALCULATIONS SHOWN IN TABLE HEREON ARE BASED ON ALAMEDA COUNTY CLEAN WATER PROGRAM, C.3 STORMWATER TECHNICAL GUIDANCE OCTOBER 31, 2017. 2. THE COMBINATION FLOW AND VOLUME DESIGN METHOD WAS ADOPTED TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED SURFACE AREA OF TREATMENT. REFER TO SEPARATE WORKSHEET. 3. SITE MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION IS 18.5 INCHES. 4. RAINFALL INTENSITY IS 0.2 INCHES/HOUR. 5. BIORETENTION TREATMENT AREA TO BE ADJUSTED FOR PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AND PERVIOUS AREAS DURING FINAL DESIGN. TYPE OF SURFACE AREA OF SURFACE TYPE WITHIN DMA (SF) SIZING FACTOR EFFECTIVE IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF) IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF) 30918 1.0 30918 PERVIOUS AREA (SF) 12646 0.1 1265 TOTAL AREA (SF) 43564 32183 REQUIRED CAPTURE VOLUME (CF) 1812 HOURS OF RAIN EVENT DURATION 3.38 SURFACE AREA OF TREATMENT (SF) 966 DEPTH OF STORED RUNOFF IN SURFACE PONDING AREA (IN) 5.62 DRAINS TO SD MAIN 1. THE PRELIMINARY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN HAS BEEN REVIEWED IN CONCEPT ONLY. A MORE DETAILED REVIEW OF THE DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS WILL BE DONE AT THE SUBMITTAL OF THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. OVERFLOW RISER WITH GRATE AND TRASH CAPTURE DEVICE FINISH GRADE OF BASIN PLANTING PER LANDSCAPE PLANS - 18' SOIL MIX - 5 INCHES / HOUR INFILTRATION RATE 4' PERFORATED SUBDRAIN 16 CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL OR EQUAL CLEANOUT 4' PERFORATED SUBDRAIN TYPICAL BIORETENTION BASIN DETAIL NTS 30 60 SCALE: 1 "=30' N ` ON W.- >> Z o Z U Wg am SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH KAISER ROAD, DUBLIN, CA El CtO ea 6 ace SHEET NO. C.7 272 OF: 8 SHEETS -1 LL1 CC LL1 (1-) _1 O �-) N CC O LL1 ti L) co 0) 1 0- LL1 D DUBLIN\I BL\/D PROJECT BOUNDARY II II II II II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m FUTURE HOTELL COMMERCIAL USE PARCEL APN# 985-0027-027-00 CC D4 LL1 J7 � 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I � I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I � 1 9 308 1 gO F-150 Regular Cab 4x2 STYLESIDE 8' Box Overall Lencth 19.308ft Overall Widt'i 6.575ft Overall Body Height 6.350ft Min Body Ground Clearance 0.825ft Track Width 6.575ft Lock —to —lock time 4.00s Curb to Curb Turning Radius 23.500ft 30 60 SCALE: 1 "=30' VEHICLE CIRCULATION PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW i NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH KAISER ROAD, DUBLIN, CA SHEET NO. C.8 OF: 8 SHEETS 273 CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALLETTE D U B L I N B LVD . Protect existing landscape and irrigation in place (typical) SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME PLANT QTY. PLANT SIZE WATER REQ.'S SPACING ON -CENTER TREES �/ `�� Cs� bPS / COLUMNAR RED MAPLE ACER R. 'SCARLET SENTINEL' 5 24" BOX MODERATE +/- 30' + //////' //////,////////////,//////,,,////////// zzzzzzz '. z z z z z ', z z z z z z� z z z z z z zzzzzz zzzzzzz ,zzzzzzzzzzzz ,,,,;,,,,,,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,zzzzzzz,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, z i z z z z ', , z z z z z R z z z z z z z z' zzzzzz z z z z z z z z z H/ .. // ;,,,,, ,//////////////////,,,,,// ;,, z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z z z z z z //// z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z '. z z ', '/zzzzzz '/zzzzzz '/ z z z /zzzzzz / z z z z //zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz O \--/\._},,_J CERCIS OCCIDENTALISWESTERN REDBUD / 5 24" BOX LOW + - 17' l �I LAGERSTROEMIA I. 'WATERMELON RED' / CRAPE MYRTLE 3 24" BOX LOW +/- 19' / /, 7777 , „',,,, ,,,,,, + _ _ _ __ ,may; _I s`�•s�,.W1.,���, 70.004k4,,,%,_ I I L— — — — — 1 o LAURUS N. SARATOGA SWEETBAY /...-�lf 9 24 BOX LOW +/- 22- +��. ��, ��.� „_ �,1 ,V� ,� � 1110 _ i ,�, ,�� 1 1 `�� �II� Fib �j - I p d 8 EXISTING LOW N/A I _ j� EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN ma 0 / A•�k►fir II 11 II '�' Sewer s II 11 Signage Typical - :'. � �� V °_Lli .1, L; _- Cleanout � ®n _ Arch. Plans): ► //� 011 (See (See Civil Plans)� I°� �s ccm,.. `° �, 'es° -" h ��0 � ''` \ ►�I _ _ �� SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME / PLANT QTY. PLANT SIZE WATER REQ.'S SPACING ON -CENTER 1�� o° � �� s�►+►1 1 SHRUBS/VINES • �' 0 � � e 0�� 0 � � �� � �� � O ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM /COMMON YARROW 124 1 GAL LOW 18 A' �„ :::» � * Mt �� ' 0 ( ‘1 �% ---y .- ARCTOSTAPHYLOS D. 'HOWARD MCMINN' / MA NZANITA 27 5 GAL LOW 6011 1 , ji Q ' o ap «II, , - 'MONTARA' _ i, ; b i' w y . • 0 O Q ARTEMISIA C. / CALIFORNIA SAGEBRUSH 29 1 GAL LOW 48" I, i� •W *0 CEANOTHUS G. 'ANCHOR BAY' / POINT REYES CEANOTHUS 69 5 GAL LOW 72" o �,•;�, see /, r r ,_ L.L � ■ .k, �► Ise 100 a i {� .v W - "` 1 CISTUS X 'PURPUREUS'/ ORCHID ROCKROSE 10 5 GAL LOW 48" i� �.., ;r_ elf '° w wA . r ,b- g ` — �� ► , '�. i i� �, J, 1 1 I CISTUS X'SUNSET' / ROCKROSE 46 5 GAL LOW 72" yb�IIJ u/� �� �` W --- t Site Lighting I i {; ,,, 0 ��, ,v r r^�a�IIJUd„uV COPROSMA KIRKII / MIRRORPLANT 78 1 GAL LOW 48" t t Typical_ ji J ,,, ( ,,, ° 'PURPUREA' u "' See Lighting — � t jPlans) i i 0 '"''+ ' ,° GREVILLEA 'NOELII' NOEL GREVILLEA 27 5 GAL LOW 60" i j I1 o_e�o KNIPHOFIA UVARIA / RED-HOT POKER 43 1 GAL LOW 24" V 1 1 b t _ w w w ��Aw,7y z r---y--- ---�� LAVANDULA S. 'OTTO QUAST' /SPANISH LAVENDER 46 1 GAL LOW 36" �, �, ' MYOPORUM PARVIFOLIUM / MYOPORUM 13 1 GAL LOW 60" {. ; �Illlo�,°//� t I b I 'COMPACTA' LOW 36" A MYRTUS C. / DWARF MYRTLE 44 5 GAL --- 0 ii ,k.,,, "°"' j I =fil NANDINA D. 'GULF STREAM' HEAVENLY BAMBOO 15 1 GAL LOW 36" ;:� / M w w w PARTHENOCISSUS TRICUSPIDATA / BOSTON IVY VINE 6 5 GAL LOW 60" f �J< . w w AIL - �e I C �'Oe , r.•/ O >�j 1117101 i PHORMIUM BRONZE BABY / NEW ZEALAND FLAX 'BRONZE 7 5 GAL LOW N/A == 1 e S Storm Drain - ,� ` _ �� w w 0— o w w °""04. T Typical (See i `' 0 I PHORMIUM 'TOM THUMB' / DWARF NEW ZEALAND FLAX 39 1 GAL LOW 36" , W W W e i Civil Plans) ��ii` ~° , 'EVE LOW 60" <::( 1 e mmli , , , RHAMNUS C. CASE' / COFFEEBERRY 18 5 GAL /,;/,'0 1 1 0 �' r. r �° --y I RHAPHIOLEPIS I. 'BALLERINA' / INDIAN HAWTHORNE 36 1 GAL LOW 48" \I, , _ ( o 1I /""\��°N ‘' = A ROSMARINUS O. 'HUNTINGTON CARPET' DWARF ROSEMARY 37 1 GAL LOW 48" I SALVIA GREGGII /AUTUMN SAGE 65 1 GAL LOW 42" ,,.;IP t � �� ,��\ 1 j } ( 000000 ,,�,___100 Clear Vision TEUCRIUM CHAMAEDRYS /GERMANDER 111 1 GAL LOW 24" 0 \���� o �,;�Li �� Triangles 0 TULBAGHIA VIOLACEA / SOCIETY GARLIC 57 1 GAL LOW 18" 1 0 * • __=- GROUND COVERS 9p I 4 yyV�lidd'p„u/i f __ is _ �� BIO-RETENTION PLANTING TO BE A MIX OF DESCHAMPSIA _ II IrJ CESPITOSA (TUFTED HAIRGRASS), KNIPHOFIA UVARIA (RED HOT 1966 SF 1 GAL LOW 24" ' ii POKER), JUNCOS PATENS (CALIFORNIA GRAY RUSH) AND i I 1 0 ;_ .-,- Bike Racks �� � ?!!,AN 4, 4, 4, 4, i, -- 1 o oo•0 CHONDROPETALUM TECTORUM (SMALL CAPE RUSH). be/110'e. (See Arch. Plans) C ,i'„ y i ( ram �3� • EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE AND REMAIN 1,650 SF EXISTING N/A N/A 0„,, 00��� .... zzzzzzzzzzz, '' s�*,' 0o Sewer Manhole - T pical _ -c (See Civil Plans) •'0 \ Of /' NOTES 1 , , Site Li htinc (See fighting - T pical Clear Vision y Plans) Triangles �'� ��� � , . /�. I�° °. "' , �' 9° '� /�':.°41 �1 ,< d Igo,= gla,a $� i-IC',.�Q. ° � J �� ' ' tom'�y 5 ' l 1. PLANT PALETTE IS INTENDED AS A REPRESENTATIVE GUIDE OF THE PLANT MATERIAL TO BE USED ACTUAL PLANT MATERIAL USED IN THE , CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS MAY VARY. ,,.°8d � � ' " ter' p.,:° a. se"' ' i 2. WATER USE REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANTS (PLANT FACTORS) ARE BASED ON RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE WATER USE CLASSIFICATION OF _ • o '� �'a `` i �� LANDSCAPE SPECIES (WUCOLS IV 2014) PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION, JANUARY 2014. • ws.Ps- 11 01........."-:::::. 0 "°°°''`°`'ti 4 AI '� `° ° ' i 3. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS WILL BE PREPARED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS AND THE STATE OF ` -`o�`, �.��'.it tfp.,44,01rO �, �� i �i o il �il it mil �i1 !1 �i1 �i mil it mil o mil �ii �i1 �,i o^ �u,<'i �ii p,^rI �' * ► CALIFORNIA MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE (MWELO) REQUIREMENTS. 4. BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND ELECTRICAL FOR IRRIGATION CONTROLLER WILL BE DETERMINED WHEN CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ARE i o - COMPLETED FOR THE PROJECT. .I �I Storm Drain -Typical 0 (See Civil Plans) --U___) Electrical Sewer Manhole - Transformer (see Typical (See Civil Plans) Civil Plans) J i / 1 ; 1 i I ' i 1 1 I' I I ' I j 1 1 5. BIO-RETENTION AREA WILL BE IRRIGATED BY EITHER HIGH EFFICIENCY OVERHEAD IRRIGATION OR SUBSURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION AS APPROPRIATE. 6. ALL TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER WILL BE IRRIGATED BY EITHER BUBBLERS OR DRIP IRRIGATION AS APPROPRIATE. 7. SB 1383 COMPLIANCE - COMPOST MUST BE DERIVED FROM ORGANIC MATERIALS AND BE PRODUCED AT A PERMITTED TRANSFER STATION, LANDFILL OR COMPOSTING FACILITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECORDS INDICATING WHERE SB 1383 COMPLIANT MULCH OR COMPOST WAS APPLIED IN THE PROJECT, THE SOURCE AND TYPE OF PRODUCT, QUANTITY OF EACH PRODUCT, AND INVOICES DEMONSTRATING PROCUREMENT. 8. LANDSCAPING IN BIO-RETENTION AREAS SHALL BE FROM THE ALAMEDA COUNTY C.3 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE PRE -APPROVED LIST. 0 1 I I II I ' I � I 1 1 , I 1 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 8 16 32 '-0" SCALE: 1 6"=1 z J W i w z w a 0 J W W w co Z U z J co 0 0 0 r w i NEWLEAF Landscape Architecture 814 W. 5th Street, Ripon, CA 95366 209-640-3710 r SHEET NO. LI OF: 1 SHEETS 274 PROJECT DATA ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER(S): ZONING: PROJECT SITE AREA (GROSS): BUILDING DATA: STRUCTURE 985-27-26 PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (1 ACRE) 43,564 S.F. CBC OCCUP. TYPE OF CONST. AREA CAR WASH FLOOR TO AREA RATIO: TOTAL AREA OF SITE: TOTAL AREA OF BLDGS: BUILDING TO HAVE FIRE SPRINKLERS. V B 3,574 S.F. 43,564 S.F. (8.2%) 3,574 S.F. PARKING DATA: REQ'D. CAR WASH 4 SPACES + ADDITIONAL SPACES FOR DRYING/VACUUMS, + 20 FEET IN FRONT OF EACH BAY 19 TOTAL REQ'D PARKING = 19 INCLUDES 4 EVC SPACES BICYCLE SHORT TERM (5% OF REQ. PARKING) = 1 LONG TERM (5% OF REQ. PARKING) = 1 PARKING PROVIDED REGULAR PARKING VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES CLEAN AIR VEHICLE SPACE EV CHARGING- VAN ACCESSIBLE _ EV CHARGING- ACCESSIBLE SPACE _ EV CHARGING- STANDARD (IN VACUUM STALL) = 2 VACUUM STALLS REGULAR VACUUM STALL- VAN ACCESSIBLE 1 1 1 1 1 = 14 1 TOTAL = BICYCLE 20 SHORT TERM= 2 LONG TERM- IN EQUIPMENT ROOM= 1 SCOPE OF WORK THE PROJECT IS TO DEVELOPE AN EXPRESS CAR WASH CONSISTING OF A 105'-0" CAR WASH TUNNEL. THERE WILL BE 15 SELF SERVE VACUUMS. A TWO LANE PAY STATION WITH A CANOPY, WITH STACKING FOR 20 CARS. WE WILL. BE RECYCLING ABOUT 70% OF THE WATER. THERE WILL BE 3-4 EMPLOYEES. DUBLIN BLVD 20 SITE PLAN ti— SITE PLAN KEYNOTES 24 25 26 27 28 PROPERTY LINE SETBACK MONUMENT SIGN. BY OWNER 6" HIGH CONCRETE CURB. 4" THICK CONCRETE WALK. SEE LEGEND THIS SHEET LANDSCAPING. SEE LEGEND THIS SHEET A/C PAVING. ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP SITE YARD LIGHT. WITH CONCRETE BASE SHALL HAVE A DRY SACK FINISH. TYPICAL. TRASH ENCLOSURE AND GONG. APPROACH APRON, SEE DETAIL 6/A102 4" WIDE PAINT STRIPING, WHITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE NEW DRIVEWAY - SEE CIVIL DWGS ± 144'-0" LF OF VEHICLE STACKING x 2 LANES 14 CARS STACKED BEFORE PAYSTATION, WITH + 5 CARS AFTER TO TUNNEL, 19 CARS TOTAL STACKING PAY STATION OVERHEAD ESCAPE LANE/ TURN AROUND CASHIER PAY STATION, SEE A304 CAR WASH VACUUM STATION SEE A302. A303 VACUUM STANCHION WITH METAL ROOF CAR WASH VACUUM ROOF OVERHEAD CAR WASH ENTRY SIGN ACCESSIBLE POLE MOUNTED SITE SIGN ACCESSIBLE VAN PARKING STALL ACCESSIBLE VACUUM PARKING STALL PUBLIC RIGHT AWAY SIDEWALK CLASS I RACK FOR 2 BICYCLES. INSTALL PER MFR. SPECIFICATIONS LONG TERM BICYCLE RACK IN THE EQUIPMENT ROOM REQUIRED ACCESS TO NEIGHBORS PROPERTY SIDEWALK LIGHT BOLLARD ELECT. TRANSFORMER AREA DRAIN SEE CIVIL FUTURE EV CHARGER LOCATION, TYPICAL OF 4 EV CHARGING ONLY - TO BE ,ADDED WHEN EV CHARGERS ARE INSTALLED. INFRASTRUCTURE WILL BE INSTALLED NOW. BUILDING COLUMN STORM DRAIN DETENTION SEE CIVIL EASEMENT LINE, SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS SITE LEGEND AC PAVING/EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHTAWAY SIDEWALK LANDSCAPING CONCRETE WALKWAY ALL WALKWAYS AND SIDEWALKS ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES OF TRAVEL (1) ARE CONTINUOUSLY ACCESSIBLE, (2) HAVE A MAXIMUM 1/2" CHANGE IN ELEVATION, (3) ARE MINIMUM 48" IN WIDTH, (4) HAVE A MAXIMUM 2% CROSS SLOPE, AND (5) WHERE NECESSARY TO CHANGE ELEVATION AT A SLOPE EXCEEDING 5% (I.E., 1:20) SHALL HAVE RAMPS COMPLYING WITH 2013 CBC, SECTION 11B-405 OR 118406 AS APPROPRIATE. WHERE A WALK CROSSES OR ADJOINS A VEHICULAR WAY, AND THE WALKING SURFACES ARE NOT SEPARATED BY CURBS, RAILINGS OR OTHER ELEMENTS BETWEEN THE PEDESTRIAN AREAS AND VEHICULAR AREAS SHALL BE DEFINED BY A CONTINUOUS DETECTABLE WARNING WHICH 15 36" WIDE, COMPLYING 2013 CBC, SECTION 11B-705.1.2.5. PATH OF TRAVEL 11 K12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: COMMMEACIAL KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 IPROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A101 275 6' COMPACTED GRAVEL 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT, FLEXIBLE CAULK OVER EXPANSION JOINT. a,OF a,AtieFelfrAtil TOOLED EDGE TOP OF A.C. PAVING OR CONC. PAVING • -,4111 6" • REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR SUBGRADE PREP. € PAVING REQ'MTS #4 CONT. REBAR TOP € BOTTOM CONC. WALK CURB SCALE: 1 1 /2"=1'-0" Br DETAIL C - C 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1" ANGLE WELDED TO STATIONARY GATE STANLEY GATE LATCH (PRE DRILL BOLT TO FRAME OR WELD TO FRAME) B„ 11 11 „ 77 B,, ,, „ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,//, „ „ „ ,, „ „ ,, ,, ,, /- „ ,,„ /\ „ „ C N r--� il\u B8 @. 7\ 7\ C ,, 77 ,, ,, ,, ,, „ ,, . „ , „ ,,,, ,7 , „ „ ,. ,A „ „ „ „ „ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, „ ,, \\ N 7 /\ NN /A „\ / A TRASH ENCLOSURE GATE 6' S. STL. POST ELEV. 6'-0" A.G. TOP OF WALL LOCINOX MAMMOTH180 HINGE, MOUNT PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" ANGLE FRAME 1 1/2" 24 ga. METAL SIDING WELDED TO FRAME PAINT TO MATCH BLOCK COLOR 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" ANGLE BEYOND STANLEY CD 1000 CANE BOLT FASTEN TO ANGLE WITH 2-M.B. T€B NOTE: PAINT DOORS TO MATCH STRUCTURE DETAIL B - B DETAIL A - A SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 / 6" LANDSCAPING TOOLED EDGE TOP OF A.C. PAVING OR CONC. PAVING • REFER TO CIVIL DRAWING FOR SUBGRADE PREP. AND PAVING REQ'MTS #4 CONT. REBAR TOP $ BOTTOM CONC. CURB © LANDSCAPING SCALE: 1 1 /2"=1'-0" • LANDSCAPE STRIP. SEE NOTE 6 6" PROTECTIVE CURB, SEE NOTE 3 PEDESTRIAN GATE 18. (MIN), SEE NOTE 2 ir / PEDESTRIAN 3' (MIN) WALKWAY PIVOTING GATE, SEE NOTE 4 RECESSED LOCKING GATE STOP NOTES: 1. REFER TO CITY OF DUBLIN'S WASTE HANDLING STANDARDS AND WASTE ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR DESIGN AND SITING REQUIREMENTS. 2. WASTE BINS TO BE SIZED TO ACCOMMODATE PROPERTY WASTE, RECYCLING, AND COMPOST DISCARDS. FACILITIES MUST PROVIDE SEPARATE ORGANIC BINS. FOOD RELATED FACILITIES MUST PROVIDE A GREASE COLLECTION RECEPTACLE. WASTE BINS SHALL BE CONFIGURED TO ALLOW FULL ACCESS TO THE FRONT OF THE BIN. USABLE INTERIOR FLOOR DIMENSIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 18' WIDE BY 10' DEEP. 3. CURBS, 6" MIN WIDTH AND 8" MIN HEIGHT, ARE REQUIRED AROUND ALL INTERIOR WALLS TO PREVENT STRUCTURE DAMAGE FROM BIN LOADING. 4. DOUBLE FREE HANGING METAL GATES REQUIRED FOR ALL ENCLOSURES. SINGLE SET REQUIRED FOR GATE OPENINGS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 24'. MAXIMUM GATE LENGTH IS 12'.GATE HEIGHT SHALL ACCOMMODATE SIZE OF LARGEST BIN. 5. SCREEN/BARRIER REQUIRED TO PREVENT ILLEGAL DUMPING IF OPEN SPACE BETWEEN WALL AND ROOF IS GREATER THAN 2'. 6. IRRIGATED LANDSCAPE STRIP, 5' MIN WIDTH, WITH PLANTED VEGETATION TO SHIELD ENCLOSURE WALLS REQUIRED IF ENCLOSURE IS VISIBLE FROM ROADWAY. 7. ENCLOSURE PAD AND CONCRETE APRON SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND 20,000 POUNDS OF DIRECT FORCE FROM A SINGLE TRUCK AXLE. REFER TO CITY OF DUBLIN'S WASTE HANDLING STANDARDS FOR VEHICLE APPROACH AND TURNING RADIUS REQUIREMENTS. 8. GRADING AROUND THE ENCLOSURE SHALL BE DESIGNED TO DRAIN STORMWATER AWAY FROM THE ENCLOSURE AT A 1% TO 2% SLOPE. UNLESS A CONNECTION TO THE SANITARY SEWER IS PROVIDED, THE INTERIOR ENCLOSURE PAD SHALL BE GRADED SUCH THAT NO RUNOFF OCCURS FROM INSIDE THE PAD. 9. ENCLOSURES SERVICING FOOD SERVICE FACILITIES ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A HOSE BIB, PER ALAMEDA COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. ENCLOSURE PAD SURFACE OF ENCLOSURES WITH A HOSE BIB SHALL SLOPE AT A 1% TO 2% SLOPE (1% - 1.5% RECOMMENDED) TO AN INTERIOR FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO THE SANITARY SEWER. SANITARY SEWER CONNECTIONS AND INCLUSION OF OIL & GREASE SEPARATORS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT (DSRSD) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 10. IF A HOSE BIB IS USED PROVIDE CAGE, BUMPER, OR OTHER PROTECTION. 11. DIRECT ROOF DRAINAGE TO STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE OR LANDSCAPED AREA. 1' (MIN),... \ f / FOOD WASTE, SEE NOTE 2 } FLOOR DRAIN ENCLOSURE PAD -, TRASH, SEE NOTE 2 RECESSED LOCKING GATE STOP -0'-CONCRETE APRON J '<a . • 18"(MIN) . RECYCLE, SEE NOTE 2 / \ HOSE BIB, AS REQUIRED, SEE NOTE 9 AND 10 ° PARKING PROHIBITED IN DOOR SWING AREA 10' (MIN), SEE NOTE 2 10' 10.5' (MIN) 6' (MIN) ENCLOSURE PAD, SEE NOTE 7 ENCLOSURE MATERIAL TO MATCH PRIMARY BUILDING STYLE ti. SLOPE,SEE NOTE 8 . % i RUST PROOF METAL ROOF, SEE NOTE 11 LIGHTING ON MOTION SENSOR, 1.0 FOOT CANDLE (MIN) VENTILATED OPEN SPACE, SEE NOTE 5 PIVOTING GATE, CLOSED POSITION SLOPE, SEE NOTE 8 FLOOR DRAIN, SEE NOTE 8 CONCRETE APRON, SEE NOTE 7 / CONNECTION TO SANITARY SEWER, SEE NOTE 9 PLAN VIEW SECTION A OF D 19� �82 WASTE ENCLOSURE SOURCE CONTROL TYPICAL DETAILS CITY OF DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DATE: MAY 11, 2018 DRAWN BY: K. K. CHECKED BY: A. R. APPROVED: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SC-2 4 d EXPANSION JOINT @ 20'-0" 0.C. MAX. SPACING %ONTROL JOINT PER PLANS,10'-0" 0.C. MAX. SPACING CONCRETE WALK, TYP. SEALANT FIBER EXPANSION JOINT 1" DEEP TOOLED JOINT W/ 1/2" RADIUS RAIN WATER LEADER TO DAYLIGHT WHERE OCCURS CONC. WALK EXPANSION & CONTROL JOINTS SCALE: 1 1 /2"=1'-0" CMU-GRAY BLK I I -I I I -I l 1 1 Illlllllllllllli 1 I IlllI 1I- l9 II II -1 1- 11-I I IIId II�I 4 I -1 = I I I'_ I \ 1 111�l-1 1 I I II I I III-IIIIIIIIIIII:lllI=I111,1�I1—„ ,;llll\l cn 2'-6" 7/8" STUCCO PROCESS TO MATCH BUILDING STONETRANSITIONS 9"X20" EASED EDGE PEAKED 2 1/2" CONCRETE CAP. COLOR = CANYON (12B) 2 #4 HORZ.. 8"x8"x16" CMU WALL. INTERIOR FINISH TO BE SMOOTH, CLEANABLE AND LIGHT IN COLOR PER HEALTH DEPARTMENT. #5 VERT. @ 32" 0.C. 1 #4 HORIZ.. 6" CONC. CURB #4 x6" 2'-6" 111-111-111 TOP OF FOOTING 1374.40 EI I I-1 1 1-1 1-111-111 111 #5 CONTINUOUS TOP AND III -III -III_ BOTTOM Ell —III—I11 3" #5 VERT DOWELS @32" o.c. CTRD IN WALL MATERIAL SPAECIFICATIONS: MASONRY UNITS: ASTM C90 (1,900 PSI) MORTAR: ASTM C270 TYPE S (1,800 PSI) GROUT: ASTM C476 (2,000 PSI) CONCRETE: 2500 PSI REINFORCING STEEL: SEE SHEET S1.0 24-0" v- v- / / v- J\ _ \ / \ / _ _\\ /�\ / _ \ / \ / _ \ / \ / \ 4o \ / \ / / * x X 9,7 X X x \ \ / /\�� /\ / /\ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \ / \ • •• ••• �n • • • • • • 4 • •••• • • •II • II• ••• • • \ —\\ '•. ••• • • • 3-0" STEEL GATE CONC. WALK 1 • // 7" GONG SLAB DRAIN INLET v- 6" v- 1'-0" 23-1" a 0 // 5" TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN v, 8"x8"x16" CMU WALL LANDSCAPING ,AREA 6" CONC CURB 6" CONC. CURB 11'-0" STEEL GATE 7' THK. CONC. APRON W/ FIBERMESH AND #4 BARS AT 16" 0.C. EA WAY OVER 4" AGGREGATE BASE. SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" 23'-11" REAR VIEW STEEL GATE METAL SIDING 8"x8"x16" CMU WALL WITH STUCCO STONE VENEER , SEE A301 AND A302 FOR EXTERIOR FINISHES. METAL SIDING 8"x8"x16" CMU WALL WITH STUCCO STONE VENEER , SEE A301 AND A302 FOR EXTERIOR FINISHES. 10'-8" LEFT SIDE VIEW METAL SIDING 8"x8"x16" CMU WALL WITH STUCCO STONE VENEER , SEE A301 AND A302 FOR EXTERIOR FINISHES. COLOR LEGEND • AEP SPAN METAL SIDING- "TAHOE BLUE" AEP SPAN METAL SIDING- 'PARCHMENT" AEP SPAN METALS- "SILVERSMITH" K12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: COMM MLACIAL CAM, WASTI KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 IPROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: TRASH ENCLOSURE WALL SEC. SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1 /4"= 1'-0" A102 276 108'-5" 10" �- • 7'-0 1080'-10" 52'-8" 27-5" 256'-0" 6'-8" 6'-3' 10'-8" O 9 (V • 1-6" OFFICE 8'-0" 1, 44-8" „CO ELE 9 0 • CTRICAL 'Z7 MECHANICAL ROOM .9L 1 0 0'-7' 8'-6" REST ROOM 8'-3" 2'-6" 1'-6" 1 VACUUM EQUIP. 60" 22'-9' CAR WASH TUNNEL 14'-10" 33'-0" 8'-7' 7-11" 26'-0 56'-5" .917 16'-7' • 4 • 9 26'-0" 108'-5" CAR WASH FLOOR PLAN 1'-6" • . ■ . 11 K12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: CCO c IMEnCIAMI AMA KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 PROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A201 SCALE: 1 /8"= 1'-0" 277 III i _... i nlllll 1 m❑� 1111161111'"" • • EAST ELEVATION O® WEST ELEVATION • • O • • +30'-4" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET 11-1 +26'-1" A.F.F. / TOP OF PARAPET +24'-6" A.F.F. / TOP OF WINDOWS IV +20'-10" A.F.F. Ij TOP OF PARAPET Y +19'-3" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET IV +17-0" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET IV / +15'-0" A.F.F. / TOP OF PARAPET IV +13'-10" A.F.F. / /- TOP OF PARAPET 1-1 - +13'-6" A.F.F. TOP OF METAL. PANEL. IV +5-8" A.F.F. TOP AGM PANELS IV +7'-2" A.F.F. TOP OF WINDOWS/DOORS IV 0'-0" Agik FINISH FLOOR IV +30'-4" A.F.F. TOP OF TOWER +26'-1" A.F.F. / TOP OF PARAPET IV +24'-6" A.F.F. /— TOP OF WINDOWS 1-1 +20'-10" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET / +15'-0" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET 0 / / +13'-10" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET _ +13-6" A.F.F. �j TOP OF METAL PANEL. Y +8'-8" A.F.F. TOP AGM PANELS 0'-0" FINISH FLOOR NORTH ELEVATION (SOUTH ELEVATION SIMILAR) SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1111161111'"" • • EAST ELEVATION O® WEST ELEVATION • • O • • +30'-4" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET 11-1 +26'-1" A.F.F. / TOP OF PARAPET +24'-6" A.F.F. / TOP OF WINDOWS IV +20'-10" A.F.F. Ij TOP OF PARAPET Y +19'-3" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET IV +17-0" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET IV / +15'-0" A.F.F. / TOP OF PARAPET IV +13'-10" A.F.F. / /- TOP OF PARAPET 1-1 - +13'-6" A.F.F. TOP OF METAL. PANEL. IV +5-8" A.F.F. TOP AGM PANELS IV +7'-2" A.F.F. TOP OF WINDOWS/DOORS IV 0'-0" Agik FINISH FLOOR IV +30'-4" A.F.F. TOP OF TOWER +26'-1" A.F.F. / TOP OF PARAPET IV +24'-6" A.F.F. /— TOP OF WINDOWS 1-1 +20'-10" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET / +15'-0" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET 0 / / +13'-10" A.F.F. TOP OF PARAPET _ +13-6" A.F.F. �j TOP OF METAL PANEL. Y +8'-8" A.F.F. TOP AGM PANELS 0'-0" FINISH FLOOR NORTH ELEVATION (SOUTH ELEVATION SIMILAR) SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" KEY NOTES COLOR LEGEND 0 METAL WALL PANEL- PAINTED OMETAL TRIM STOREFRONT WINDOW SYSTEM; DARK BRONZE ,ANODIZED, 2"x4.5" CENTER GLAZING �SYSTEM; WITH 1" CLEAR DUAL GLAZING 0 HOLLOW CORE METAL DOOR 0 STANDING SEAM METAL. ROOFING O ALPOLIC ACM PANEL (1) METAL CANOPY ROOF LINE AND WALL BEYOND O STREET ADDRESS, 12" HIGH LETTERS, 1 1/2" STROKE, BLACK, BACKGROUND COLOR TO MATCH TRIM COLOR, WALL WASH ILLUMINATION FLASHING - PAINT TO MATCH DAL TILE OR CEMENT PLASTER 11 METAL WALL PANEL- PAINTED 0STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING 13 METAL TRIM- PAINTED 14 LOUVERED VENT A AEP SPAN METAL SIDING- "TAHOE BLUE" B AEP SPAN METAL SIDING- 'PARCHMENT" C ALPOLIC ,ACM PANELS- SILVER D AEP SPAN METALS- "SILVERSMITH" 4MM ALPOLIC ALUMINUM/METAL 1 1/2" 3/4" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 1,s*4 1 COMPOSITE PANELS / 24 GAUGE GALV. SHEET METAL FLASHING /,/ I44 8" WIDE CMU BLOCK WALL /%/ �TRIM CLEAT @ 24" OC. , , I f 1 1-1/2X8 METAL TRIM PANEL 20 GA. METAL HAT CHANNEL I INSTALLED AT 1" 0.C.EXISTING OR NEW 2X6 STUDWALL @ 1O OC.METAL PLYWOOD CI 1111 WEEP SCREEDSTRUCT BITUMEN FLASHING OV/ ; I I FRAMING ROOFING m CONC. SLAB �� ►. �� ►/� � • , SINGLE -PLY I' 1 CONC. FOOTING £ SLAB, SEE �i STRUCT. DWGS. / A " ", "' TRIM FASTENER W/ SEALING WASHER OR RIVET 0 +0'-0" ►� 4 ►� ,� �� a a FINISH FLOOR / / . / ; „ ....l �; „ii I AT12" 0.C. MAXIMUM �i 12" CONTINUOUS 24 GA GALV SHEET METAL FLASHING 6" 0 / �/ BELOW GRADE AND EXTEND 6" ABOVE GRADE SIDEWALK TYP 1 PANEL CMU WALL © MUD SILL NSIDING EXISTING CEMENT PLASTER ,16 FLASHING AT PARAPET ZO SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 3" =1'-0" 11 K12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: COMMMLACIAL CAM, WASTI KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 IPROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A301 278 VACUUM STATION NORTH ELEVATION (FROM DRIVEWAY) VACUUM STATION SOUTH ELEVATION (FROM BUILDING SIDE) KEY NOTES 0000000 STEEL COLUMN STEEL BEAM VACUUM PIPES ETC LED LIGHT FIXTURE, LOW PROFILE W/ SENSOR- SEE DETAIL 14/A107 FOR STYLE € DETAIL VACUUM HOSE FIXED METAL TRASH CAN - WILL HAVE 2 COMPARTMENTS 1- FOR LANDFILL, 1-FOR RECYCLE UNDERSIDE OF SOLAR PANELS COLOR LEGEND A 0 DUNN EDWARDS PAINT - DET617 - "WINTER MORN" VACUTECH HOSE COLOR: GRAY SCALE: 1 /4"= 1'-0" K12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: flLENSAIN COBEDEMACIZAMI CAM WZAWM KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 PROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: VACUUM CANOPY ELEVATIONS 20 VACUUM STATION EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SIMILAR SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" SHEET NUMBER: A302 279 3' EVC CANOPY WEST ELEVATION 186'-0" SCALE: 1 /4"= 1'-0" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13' 6" 13'-6" 648'-0" 648'-0" SOLAR PANELS, TYP. 111 r SOLAR PANELS, TYP. • - ®O 1Y1 ©0 1Y1 ®® CIO 1Y1 /i 3" !�9 ©0 111 EVC CANOPY EAST ELEVATION KEY NOTES STEEL COLUMN STEEL BEAM VACUUM PIPES ETC LED LIGHT FIXTURE, LOW PROFILE W/ SENSOR- SEE DETAIL 14/A107 FOR STYLE E. DETAIL VACUUM HOSE FIXED METAL TRASH CAN- WILL HAVE TWO COMPARTMENTS 1- FOR LANDFILL, 1- FOR RECYCLE UNDERSIDE OF SOLAR PANELS- PAINT TO MATCH CANOPY PAY STATION EQUIPMENT COLOR LEGEND A 11 DUNN EDWARDS PAINT - DET611 - "WINTER MORN" VACUTECH HOSE COLOR: GRAY SCALE: 1 /4"= 1'-0" 17-6" 12'-7 4-11' bl ij K 12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: zasAbx CoreArwmaczAiL CAn WAsm KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 IPROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: VACUUM CANOPY02 ELEVATIONS EVC CANOPY SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SIMILAR SCALE: 1 /4"= 1'-0" SHEET NUMBER: A303 280 17 18 19 13 14 9 10 PAY CANOPY SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SIMILAR SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" 16'-O" 8'-1" 7'-11" • • CJ A • A 'cm • C • • • O A e rn N • PAY CANOPY PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"= 1'-0" PAY CANOPY SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SIMILAR SCALE: 1 /4"= 1'-0" KEY NOTES 0 0 0 0 0 0 STEEL COLUMN FACE OF CANOPY STEEL BOLLARD, TYP. PAY TERMINAL SECURITY ARM CAR WASH MENU SIGNAGE COLOR LEGEND K 12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: I Aw CommmacEAL C WA! KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 IPROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: PAY CANOPY ELEVATIONS 20 16 12 12 A 11 DUNN EDWARDS PAINT - DET611 - "WINTER MORN" DUNN EDWARDS PANT DE589O: SLUMBER SHEET NUMBER: A304 281 *1.4 *1.7 *2.0 * 1 ] +21 2▪ .0 +2.5 *].9 * .1 +8.3 +6 2.5 '2.9 '3.2 '3.fi '4.3 '4.9 10.3 +4. 10.2 +5. +1.2 6.4 +5. 84 +9. 6.5 5.3 +6. 5.2 +6. 6.6 +8. +7.2 +84 +10 +9.2 +10.2 +11 +100 +11 +7.0 ./EM 6.1 +e.' 3.8 +5. +3.2 +3.0 +2.8 +3.0 +5.0 *11.3 *2252 *28.6 4 *10.2 '20.6 +25.9 • i{11 - .. ...., { 10.5 21.1 26.7 +10.7 '21.5 +27.3 *11 1 '''21 ] +27 11.5 21.2 26.2 DM 12.5 21.5 26.4 *11.6 *21.8 *27.2 121 21.9 27.3 {.j 3 2 i I 12 219 276 +21.6 +27.5 I+11.1 *�6.� +25.3 4 I*10.2 I. S101-18.8 *24.4 /* /.5 + 0.0 +8.8 +14.3 +10.8 3 8.1 13.9 16.7 RS +145 +19, 4.9 '43 '3.6 3.3 +1.1 +1.3 +1.5 +1.8 +2.0 +2.1 +2.3 +2.6 +3.0 +3.5 +4.2 +4.8 *5.4 Il.. *5.4 +4.8 *4 2 +3.6 +3.8 +5.3 +5.2 +2.2 +1.6 +20.2 '28.2 +.B.o +Y» +i4.3 F +28.7 *24.7 15.2I ,5' .. /,pi,,q_ +30.1 *25.6y *15.4 \ +30 ] °i'_. +25 15,¢ +30.5 +25.3 +14.3 _ os7 30.4 *25.1 *14.1 F +20.0 *2..2 .r. y!i[ - 14.1 1 +25.0 F+14.0I ::: 2,.6 .4. ae 29.8 2A11pi1� 13.8 F+13.9I ::: ::: +14.1I r I F +27 8 +23 9 +14. I 1-7 +6.0 +6.5 5.5 +6.6 +6.5 S2 +68 +3.2 +3.3 S2 +3.7 +5.1 +6.3 +6.5 +3.0 +3.2 *3.6 +2.8 *3.4\ +4.3 +5.4 / *1.8 *2.2 *2.5 *2.9 -3.4 +4.2 *3.2 *2.6 *1.9 *1.4 .✓ .✓ + .✓ +*+* W W W W W W W W w w w w w 3 -� +2.9 2.5 +232.2 1.9 1.7 4.1.5 �1.3 �1.2 tA :*° 3* w W * WI 3.0 1.8 +2.6 *2.4 *22 *2.0 *1.8 *1.6 +1.4 +1.2 *1.1 *1.3 *2.8 *5.0 +7.4 +6.7 *4.8 *2.2 *1.2 *2.6 +4.9 +7.6 *6.7 \ SB Splan View Scale - 1/16" = lft Disclaimer Photometric analyses performed by CJS Lighting are intended or informational and/or estimation purposes only. Using industry -recognized software, calculations correspond to the information provided to CJS Lighting, and are subject to the limitations of the software. Assumptions may be made for information that is not provided or available. It is the responsibility of the client to verify that the input data is consistent with actual field conditions. Due to the above considerations, CJS Lighting does not guarantee that actual light levels measured in the field will match initial calculations, and recommend that drawings be submitted to a certified electrical engineer for verification. +3.0 +3.2 3.2 +2.9 +3.3 3.2 +2.8 +3.8 +3.4 +2.9 +6.0 +4.9 +2.9 +5.9 +4.4 +3., +5.8 +5.8 +4.9 +3.8 +2.9 +4.4 +4.4 +4.4 v +2.8 +2.5 *4.0 *6 +3.8 +5.9 +5.0 +3.9 +2.4 ®*1.4 �\ 1.3 +1.8 +3.7 +5.4 ".. +8.5 *10.. +:.1 .2 *4.1 *3A *116 +1\1 +1.3 Schedule Symbol Label Image Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number Description wide Number Lamps Lumens Per Lamp Light Loss Factor Wattage IF 19 Lithonia Lighting FEM L96 9000LM LPPCL WD 80CRI 40K FEM LED 96", 9,000 lumens, polycarbonate, low profile clear lens, distribution, 80 CRI, 4000 K 1 7817 0.9 53.43 14engl Si 1 Lithonia Lighting DSXO LED P7 40K T4M MVOLT HS DSXO LED P7 40K T4M MVOLT with houseside shield 1 13945 0.9 166 o 0 . S2 3 Lithonia Lighting DSXO LED P7 40K T5M MVOLT DSXO LED P7 40K T5M MVOLT 1 19058 0.9 332 SB 5 Lithonia Lighting DSXB LED 12C 350 40K ASY D-SERIES BOLLARD WITH 12 4000K LEDS OPERATED AT 350mA AND ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION 1 1283 0.9 16 /\ W 2 Lithonia Lighting WDGE1 LED P2 40K 80CRI VW WDGE1 LED WITH P2 - PERFORMANCE PACKAGE, 4000K, 80CRI, VISUAL COMFORT WIDE OPTIC 1 1982 0.9 15.0178 W/EM 6 Lithonia Lighting WDGE1 LED P2 40K 80CRI VW WDGE1 LED WITH P2 - PERFORMANCE PACKAGE, 4000K, 80CRI, VISUAL COMFORT WIDE OPTIC 1 1982 0.9 15.0178 Statistics Description DRIVE / PARKING DRIVE-THRU SIDEWALKS Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min 3.2 fc 9.2 fc 1.2 fc 7.7:1 2.7:1 + 4.1 fc 13.6 fc 1.4 fc 9.7:1 2.9:1 VACUUM DRIVE / PARKING + 5.1 fc 13.1 fc 0.9 fc 14.6:1 5.7:1 UNDER RIVE-THRU CVANOPY UNDER VACUUM CANOPIES + + 4.8 fc 20.5 fc 20.2 fc 10.2 fc 28.2 fc 1.6 fc 8.9 fc 30.7 fc 6.5 fc 6.4:1 3.2:1 3.0:1 2.3:1 4.7:1 3.1:1 Luminaire Locations Label MH F 9' S1 20' S2 20' SB 3' W 10' W/EM 10' co 131 Designer DEW Date 09/09/2022 revl Scale Not to Scale Drawing No. Summary co South East View Height: Weight (max): d"series Specifications Diameter: 8" Round (20.3 cm) 42" (106.7 cm) 27 Ibs (12.25 kg) Ordering Information D-Series LED Bollard NIGHr11Mi., FRIENDLY 1rgloting facts IIIIIII- Buy American Catalog Number %Notes Type Hit the Tab key or mouse over the page to see all interactive elements. Introduction The D-Series LED Bollard is a stylish, energy - saving, long -life solution designed to perform the way a bollard should —with zero uplight. An optical leap forward, this full cut-off luminaire will meet the most stringent of lighting codes. The D-Series LED Bollard's rugged construction, durable finish and long-lasting LEDs will provide years of maintenance -free service. EXAMPLE: DSXB LED 16C 700 40K SYM MVOLT DDBXD DSXB LED DSXB LED Asymmetric 12C 12 LEDs' Symmetric 16C 16 LEDs2 350 350 mA 450 450 mA 3,4 530 530 mA 700 700 mA Color temp erature 30K 3000 K 40K 4000 K 50K 5000 K AMBPC Amber phosphor converted AMBLW Amber limited wavelength 3,4 Accessories Ordered and eh pped separately MRAB U Anchor bolts forDSXB° Distribution ASY Asymmetric' SYM Symmetric' MVOLT5 1205 2085 2405 2775 3474 Control options Shipped installed PE Photoelectric cell, button type DMG 00-10v dimming wires pulled outside fixture (for use with an external control, ordered separately) ELCW Emergency battery backups Other options Shipped installed SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V) °-' DF Double fuse (208, 240V) °-' H24 24" overall height H30 30" overall height H36 36" overall height FG Ground -fault festoon outlet UAB Without anchor bolts UAB4 4-bolt retrofit base without anchor bolts' Finish,,,.i,i, DWHXD White DNAXD Natural aluminum DDBXD Dark bronze DBLXD Black DDBTXD Textured dark bronze DBLBXD Textured black DNATXD Textured natural aluminum DWHGXD Textured white NOTES 1 Only available in the 12C, ASY version. 2 Only available in the 16C, SYM version. 3 Only available with 450 AMBLW version. 4 Not available with ELCW. 5 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-27N(50/60 Hz). Specify 120, 208, 240 or 277 options only when ordering with fusing (SF, DF options), or photocontrol (PE option). 6 Not available with 347V. Not available with fusing. Not available with 450 AMBLW. 7 Single fuse (SF) requires 120, 277, or 347 voltage option. Double fuse (DF) requires 208 or 240 voltage option. 8 MRAB U not available with UAB4 option. '. L/TNON/A L/GNT/NG One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.iithonia.com 0 2012-2022 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. WDGE1 LED Number Architectural Wa l l Sconce Notes ni— rTyPe Buy American TITLE 20 Hi, Ohs Tab .'<ey or moue over the page to see all interactive elements. Introduction D2 The WDGE LED family is designed to meet specifier's every wall -mounted lighting need in a widely accepted shape that blends with any The design Specifications Depth (D1): 5.5" Depth (D2): 1.5" Height: 8" Width: 9" Weight: 9 Ibs architecture. clean rectilinear comes in four sizes with lumen packages ranging from 1,200 to 25,000 lumens, providing true site -wide solution. WDGE1 delivers up to 2,000 lumens with a soft, non-pixelated light source, creating a visually comfortable environment. The compact size of (without options) - W D1 WDGE1, with its integrated emergency battery backup option, makes it an ideal over -the -door wall -mounted lighting solution. WDGE LED Family Overview Lumens (4000K) Luminaire Standard EM, 0''C Cold EM, -20"C Sensor Pfi P2 - P3 P4 P5 PK— - WDGE1 LED 4W -- -- 1,200 2,000 -- -- -- -- WDGE2 LED 10W 18W Standalone / nLight 1,200 2,000 3,000 4,500 6,000 -- WDGE3 LED 15W 18W Standalone / nLight 7,500 8,500 10,000 12,000 -- -- WDGE4 LED -- -- Standalone / nLight 12,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 22,000 25,000 Ordering Information EXAMPLE: WDGE1 LED P2 40K 80CRI VF MVOLT SRM PE DDBXD 'Series Package Coior Temperature CRI Distribution Voltage Mounting WDGE1 LED P1 P2 27K 2700K 30K 3000K 35K 3500K 40K 4000K SOK' 5000K 80CRI 90CRI VF Visual comfort forward throw VW Visual comfort wide MVOLT 3472 Shipped included SRM Surface mounting bracket ICW Indirect Canopy/Ceiling Washer bracket (dry/damp locations only)5 Shipped separately AWS 3/8inch Architectural wall spacer PBBW Surface -mounted back box (top, left, right conduit entry) Use when there is no junction box available. Options Finish E4WH3 Emergency battery backup, Certified in CA Title 20 MAEDBS (4W, 0°C min) PE4 Photocell, Button Type DS Dual switching (comes with 2 drivers and 2 light engines; see page 3 for details) DMG 0-10V dimming wires pulled outside fixture (for use with an external control, ordered separately) BCE Bottom conduit entry for back box (PBBW). Total of 4 entry points. DDBXD Dark bronze DBLXD Black DNAXD Natural aluminum DWHXD White DSSXD Sandstone DDBTXD Textured dark bronze DBLBXD Textured black DNATXD Textured natural aluminum DWHGXD Textured white DSSTXD Textured sandstone Accessories Ordered and shipped separately NOTES 1 50K not available in 90CRI. 4 PE not available with DS. WDGEAWS DDBXD WDGE3/8inchArdtitecturalWall Spacer (specify finish) 2 347V not available with 5 Not qualified for DLC. Not E4WH, DS or PE. available with E4WH. WDGE1PBBW DDBXD U WDGE1surface-mounted back box (specify finish) 3 E4WH not available with PE or DS. ,A L/TNON/A COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • vnvw.lithonia.com WDGE1 LED LIGHTING.®2019-2021 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 08/31/21 w r. L/THON/A L/GHT/NG' FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE — A general purpose and energy -efficient surface -mounted or suspended LED fixture, suitable for wet, damp and/or cold locations. For vapor -tight demanding environments where moisture or dust is a concern and where relatively low fixture mounting heights and wide fixture spacing are common. Not for use or installation in direct outdoor sunlight. Must be installed under canopy or covered ceiling. For direct sunlight installations, please refer to the FEX product family. Typical applications include industrial facilities, parking garages, retail malls, multi -purpose rooms, garden centers, and food processing. Certain airborne contaminants can diminish the integrity of acrylic and/or polycarbonate. Click here for Acrylic- Polycarbonate Compatibility table for suitable use. Certain airborne contaminants may adversely affect the functioning of LEDs and other elec- tronic components, depending on various factors such as concentrations of the contaminants, ventilation, and temperature at the end -user location. Click here for a list of substances that may not be suitable for interaction with LEDs and other electronic components. CONSTRUCTION — One-piece5VA fiberglass housing with integral perimeter channel utilizing continuous poured -in -place NEMA 4X gasket. Approved as a wireway and for through wiring. Captive polymeric latches are standard. Stainless steel latches (#316) available as an option for food processing or more demanding applications. Power connection is easily accomplished through pre -drilled holes. Fixture easily mounts to ceilings and other solid structures, or can be suspended with chain, cable or rod using stainless steel mounting brackets (included). OPTICS — Injection molded, acrylic lens (.080" thick) provides high impact -resistance comparable to 100% DR. A UV stabilized polycarbonate diffuser is available (.080" thick) in clear or frosted for additional impact strength where vandal protection is desired. Expected service life of 60,000 hours at 80% lumen maintenance (L80); predicted life of more than 100,000 hours. ELECTRICAL — Utilizes high -efficiency LEDs mounted to core circuit boards. High -efficiency drivers operate 120-277 (MVOLT) and 347-480 (HVOLT) offered with 0-10 volt dimming. Standard Luminaire Surge Protection Level: 6kV/3kA Surge Rated per ANSI C82.77-5-2015. INSTALLATION — Fixture can be surface, suspended or wall mounted. Pre -punched stainless steel mount- ing brackets are included (two per luminaire) for easy field -attachment of bolts, screws and other mounting hardware. LISTINGS — (SA Certified to UL and C-UL Standards. Suitable for wet location. I P65,IP66, IP67 rated and certified to meet NSF Splash Zone 2. NEMA 4X rated. Sensors maintain IP65 and IP66 only. See chart on page 5 for Ambient Temperatures. DesignLights Consortium' (DLC) Premium qualified product and DLC qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC Premium qualified or DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org/QPLto confirm which versions are qualified. BUY AMERICAN — Product with the BAA option is assembled in the USA and meets the Buy America(n) government procurement requirements under FAR, DFARS and DOT. Please refer to www.acuitybrands.com/buy-american for additional information. WARRANTY — 5-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuitybrands.com/supportlwarranty/terms-and-conditions NOTE: Actual performance may differ as a result of end -user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25 °C. Specifications subject to change without notice. Stock configurations are offered for shorter lead times: Standard Part Number FEM L48 4000LM LPAFL MD MVOLT GZ1O40K 80(RI FEM L484000LM LPAFL MD MVOLT GZ10 50K 80CRI Stock Part Number FEM L48 4L MVOLT FEM 1484E MVOLT SK Catalog Number Notes Type Low -Profile Enclosed and Gasketed Industrial Deep Lens Low profile with sensor n FEM LED SURFACE/ SUSPENDED/WALL MOUNT 411 Buy American ��* Capable Luminaire This item is an A+ capable luminaire, which has been designed and tested to provide consistent color appearance and out -of -the -box control compatibility with simple commissioning. • All configurations of this luminaire meet the Acuity Brands'specification for chromatic consistency • This luminaire is part of an A+ Certified solution for nLight' control networks marked by a shaded background To (earn more about A+, visit www.acuitybrands.com/aplus. *See ordering tree for details INDUSTRIAL FEM LED Page 1 of 6 Specifications 0.95 ftz (09 m') EPA: Length: Width: Heights: Height,: Weight (max): 26" (66.0 cm) 13" (33.o cm) 3" (7.62 cn) 7° (17.8 cm) 16lbs (7.25 kg) D-Series Size 0 LED Area Luminaire DLC ids NIGHTTIME FRIENDLY A n t�I IIiIIWnkt Numbe Number rljotes rpe Hitthetab key or mouse aver the page to see all interactive elements. Introduction The modern styling of the D-Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive statement even as it blends seamlessly with its environment. The D-Series distills the benefits of the latest in LED technology into a high performance, high efficacy, long -life luminaire. The outstanding photometric performance results in sites with excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and lower power density. It is ideal for replacing up to 400W metal halide with typical energy savings of 70% and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. Ordering Information EXAMPLE: DSXO LED P6 40K T3M MVOLT SPA NLTAIR2 PIRHN DDBXD DSXO LED DSXO LED LEDs Forward optics P1 P41 P2 P5 P3 P6 Rotated optics P102 P122 P112 P131,2 Eomtror options P71 Color temperature 30K 3000 K 40K 4000 K 50K 5000 K Shipped installed NLTAIR2 nLight AIR generation 2 enabled1ttl PIRHN Network, high/low motion/ambient sensor" PER NEMA twist -lock receptacle only (control ordered separate)13 PERS Five -pin receptacle only (control ordered separate)"•144 PER7 Seven -pin receptade only (leads exit fixture) (control ordered separate)13•14 DMG 0-10V dimming extend out back of housing for external control FAO (control ordered separate)15 Distribution T1S Type I short (Automotive) T2S Type II short T2M Type 11 medium T3S Type III short T3M Type III medium T4M Type IV medium TFTM Forward throw medium TSVS Type V very short3 PIR PIRH PIR1FC3V PIRH1FC3V T5S T5M T5W BLC LCCO RCCO TypeV short3 TypeV medium' TypeV wide 3 Backlight control Left comer cutoff' Right corner cutoff° High/low, motion/ambient sensor, 8-15' mounting height, ambient sensor enabled at5fc167 High/low, motion/ambient sensor, 15-30' mounting height, ambient sensor enabled at5fclfi'" High/low, motion/ambientsensor, 8-15' mounting height ambient sensor enabled at 1fc16," High/low, motion/ambient sensor, 15-30' mounting height, ambient sensor enabled at 1fc1s7 Field adjustable output'' Voltage MVOLT5'6 1204 2084 2404 2776 3476 4806 Mounting, Other options Shipped included SPA Square pole mounting RPA Round pole mounting' WBA Wall bracket' SPUMBA Square pole universal mounting adaptor° RPUMBA Round pole universal mounting adaptor' Shipped separately KMA8 DDBXD U Mast arm mounting bracket adaptor (specifyfinish)9 Shipped installed HS House-sideshield19 SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V) 6 DF Double fuse (208, 240, 480V) 6 L90 Left rotated optics R90 Right rotated optics2 DDL Diffused drop lens19 HA 50°C ambient operations' Shipped separately BS Birdspikes20 EGS External glare shield DDBXD DBLXD DNAXD DWHXD DDBTXD DBLBXD DNATXD DWHGXD Dark bronze Black Natural aluminum White Textured dark bronze Textured black Textured natural aluminum Textured white ftVr L/TNON/A L/GNT/NG COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www,lithonie.corn 0 2011-2020 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. DSXO-LED Rev. 07/30/20 Page 1 of 8 K12 Architects, Inc 3090 Fite Circle, #104 Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 CONSULTANTS: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: EssAr coiv n x C sn KASIER DRIVE DUBLIN, CA 94568 DEVELOPER: Inder Dosanjh 4200 John Monego Ct Dublin, CA 94568 REVISIONS: PROFESSIONAL SEALS: PROJECT NUMBER 21-023 PROJECT DATE: 2-16-22 SHEET CONTENTS: LIGHTING CUT -SHEETS SHEET NUMBER: SP 2 283 Attachment 4 EDWARD L. PACK ASSOCIATES. INC. 1975 HAMILTON AVENUE SUITE 26 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 Mr. Inder Dosanjh Dublin Real Estate, LLC 4200 John Monego Court Dublin, CA 94568 Acoustical Consultants TEL: 408-371-1195 FAX: 408-371-1196 www.packassociates.com September 12, 2022 Project No. 53-044-2 Subject: Second Revised Noise Assessment Study for the Planned Car Wash, Dublin Boulevard, Dublin Dear Mr. Dosanjh: This report presents the results of a second revised noise assessment study for the planned car wash along Dublin Boulevard at Keegan Street in Dublin, as shown on the Site Plan, Ref. (a). The purpose of this revision is to modify the volume of washes per hour based on new information regarding the duration of the wash/dry cycles. The project -generated noise levels at the nearby noise sensitive residential receiver locations were evaluated against the standards of the City of Dublin General Plan Noise Element, Ref. (b). The analysis of the project -generated noise levels reveals that the car wash operations will be within the normally acceptable standard of the Noise Element. Increases in the ambient noise levels will be less than significant. Noise mitigation measures will not be required. Section I of this report contains a summary of our findings. Subsequent sections contain site and project descriptions, analyses and evaluations. Appendices A, B and C, attached, contain the list of references, descriptions of the noise standards, terminology, instrumentation used for the field survey and the noise measurement data and calculation tables. 284 2 I. Summary of Findings A. Noise Standards The noise assessment results presented in the findings are shown in reference to the City of Dublin Noise Element of the General Plan. The Noise Element uses the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), which is a time -weighted 24-hour average noise descriptor commonly used to describe community noise environments. Noise levels averaged over 24 hours are often termed "noise exposure". The normally acceptable noise exposure limit for residential land uses in 60 decibels (dB) CNEL. As the City of Dublin does not have noise standards for car wash noise impacts to residential areas, a limit of 60 dB CNEL is used in the this study as the limit for project -generated noise at the nearest and most impacted residences across Dublin Boulevard from the site. In addition, a limit of 60 dB CNEL on the project will result in an increase of no more than 2 decibels in the existing ambient or background noise environment. A 2 dB increase is very slight and is within the noise exposure fluctuations between weekday and weekend noise exposures. B. Existing Ambient Noise Exposures Table I, below, provides the existing ambient noise exposures for Saturday, Sunday and weekdays (typically consistent day to day) at the setback of the residential building across Dublin Boulevard from the planned project site. TABLE I Existing Ambient Noise Exposures, dB CNEL Location Saturday Sunday Weekday Dublin Blvd. Residences 92 ft. from Dublin Blvd. CL and 250 ft. from car wash tunnel entrance 65 64 66 285 3 Note that it is very common for the noise exposures on Saturday to be 1 dB lower than weekdays and for Sunday to be 2 dB lower than weekdays. Thus, there is nothing out of the ordinary about the noise environment at the residences along Dublin Boulevard. C. Project -Generated Noise Exposures Table II, below, provides the project -generated noise exposures and the combined (ambient + project) noise exposures at the most impacted residences across Dublin Boulevard from the project site. The project -generated noise exposures assume 29 complete car washes per hour from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM with all vacuum stations in operation during the entire operational day. Note that with the new dryer blower system, the vacuums will be the primary noise source and the wash and dry operations will add 1 decibel to the noise levels created by the vacuums. TABLE II Project -Generated & Combined Noise Exposures, dB CNEL Location Saturday Sunday Weekday Dublin Blvd. Residences 92 ft. from Dublin Blvd. CL and 250 ft. from car wash tunnel entrance 54 54 54 Combined Noise Exposure (Ambient + Project) at the Residences Increase 65 +0 dB 64 +0dB 66 +0 dB As shown above, the car wash operational noise exposures will be within the normally acceptable 60 dB CNEL limit of the City of Dublin Noise Element standards. The car wash operations will not add to the existing noise environment at the apartments across Dublin Boulevard. Therefore, noise mitigation measures will not be required. 286 4 II. Site and Project Descriptions The planned project site is a vacant field at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Keegan Street in Dublin. The site is at -grade with the surrounding land uses and roadways. Surrounding land uses include a Kaiser Permanente Hospital across Keegan Street to the east, vacant land adjacent to the south, vacant land adjacent to the west and multi -family residential across Dublin Boulevard to the north. The planned project includes the construction of a 100 ft. long automated (conveyor) car wash tunnel, a 15-bay vacuum area and parking. The car wash will be open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily, Ref. (c). The car wash tunnel will be a 100 ft. long Type VB structure with the entrance on the north end facing the residences and the exit on the south end. The car wash equipment will be provided by Mark VII. The new equipment will contain an International Drying Corporation Stealth Predator 80 hp dryer system. The entire wash and dry system is contained within the tunnel. The vehicles will be driven to the tunnel entrance where the conveyer mechanism will connect to the vehicle for transport through the car wash. Precise wash and dry duration information was obtained from the Surf Thru Car Wash at 3598 Stanley Boulevard in Pleasanton. The Surf Thru Car Wash uses the same system as the subject project. The car washing and drying operation consisted of 1 minute, 52 seconds of washing, 8 second of off time between the wash and dry cycles (as the car is moved forward), then 49 seconds of drying. However, after the 8 second off time, a second car can be brought in to commence washing during the previous vehicle's drying. Thus, for a worst -case scenario, 29 complete washes can be performed in a one hour period. 287 5 The total operation in one hour would be 1:52 minutes (112 seconds) of washing, 8 seconds silence, 49 seconds of drying, then 63 seconds of washing (after the washing and drying overlap), 8 seconds silence, 49 seconds of drying, etc., until the end of the hour. The 30th vehicle could start a wash, however, the hour would end before the last drying cycle. During the washing and drying overlap time of 63 seconds, the drying cycle supersedes (drowns out) the washing noise level. The Site Plan is shown on Figure 2 on page 6. 288 - 6 I 1 1111 i1 1H1 g li. .. •P 0 DO CP& I 1 t 11 il EPOC113.1230 t I : MHI t! ID i - ' IIIII //1P1111 ii ril r I I, 0 0 13.:31.0 !DO i 1 ,I11111 ID e.ocenaniore 11 i 11 "'II 1 1 i 'i III IIINI i 1141 1[0111 ..I ohlik I ili ! • ! g •:.: a 2 i iil 10 til Ji,I. :CII (a=.) ' 1! • i a r ii x / 111 1 141 ii 4 11 1 it . 4 i r I hi I ' • id • .. . i; ! _.. - ,• • 3 ..i c. ry.•,. 9.s. —•:' = = =J=.5' • 'II , I ,1... .4?. 1 , „.••77. _ ... , . - it • , , ..-; il•t-I. ..-•••1-... lL•• I : - n n I. • •I, 1. , . I. . ... .1-r-- TE .[ .•,_ _.. ., • ' . ..w.. - . e FIGURE 2 — Site Plan 289 7 III. Analysis of the Noise Levels A. Existing Ambient Noise Environment To determine the existing ambient noise environments at the residences across Dublin Boulevard from the planned project site, continuous recordings of the existing sound levels were made at a location 61 ft. from the centerline of Dublin Boulevard (1 ft. behind the curb) in front of the residential building directly across Dublin Boulevard from the site, as shown in Figure 3 on page 8. The sound level meter was placed in a tree for security purposes and was 13 ft. above the ground. The measurements were made on September 17-20, 2021 (Friday -Monday) using a Larson -Davis LDL 812 Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter. The meters yield, by direct readout, a series of the sound levels versus time, which include the L1, L10, L50 and L90, i.e., those levels of noise exceeded 1%, 10%, 50% and 90% of the time. Also measured were the minimum and maximum levels, and the continuous equivalent -energy levels (Leq), which are used to calculate the CNEL. The measured Leq's are shown in the data tables in Appendix C. Weekday background sound levels are usually consistent day-to-day, with Saturday usually being 1 decibel lower (24 hour average) and Sunday being 2 decibels lower. Exceptions to this are in heavy retail areas where traffic increases on weekends. As shown in the data tables, the existing Leq's on Saturday at the measurement location, 61 ft. from the centerline of Dublin Boulevard, ranged from 62.0 to 68.3 dBA during the daytime, 62.8 to 66.0 dBA during the evening and 51.9 to 60.9 dBA at night. On Sunday, the Leq's ranged from 59.5 to 69.6 dBA during the daytime, 61.8 to 64.7 dBA during the evening and 53.1 to 58.2 at night. On weekdays (combined Friday and Monday data), the Leq's ranged from 66.2 to 68.5 dBA during the daytime, 65.7 to 69.4 dBA during the evening and 49.8 to 63.4 at night. At the setback of the residential building of 92 ft. from the centerline, the noise levels reduce by 3 dB. The hourly average noise levels (Leq) at the residential building setback for each day are provided in the graph on page 8. 290 -8 I'i I11111111111111C11111.111 FIGURE 3 — Noise Level Measurement Location Sound levels, dBA re: 10 -12 W 90.0 85.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 DUBLIN REAL ESTATE Dublin Boulevard Existing Ambient and Project Generated Noise Levels - 92 ft. from Centerline 3 -9 > Time Saturday Sunday — —Weekday tPROJECT-GENERATED NOISE 291 -9 The CNEL for the survey location was calculated by decibel averaging of the Leg'S as they apply to the daily time periods of the CNEL index. The CNEL is a 24-hour noise descriptor that uses the measured Leg values to calculate a 24-hour time -weighted average noise exposure that adds a 5 dB "penalty" to noise generated during the evening hours and a 10 dB "penalty" to noise generated during nighttime hours. The CNEL is described in greater detail, including the mathematical formula, in Appendix B. The CNEL calculation tables are provided in Appendix C. Adjustments were made to the measured noise levels to account for the difference in distance between the measurement location and the residential building setback using methods established by the Highway Research Board, Ref (d). The results of the calculations reveal that the noise exposures at the measurement Location, 61 ft. from the centerline of Dublin Boulevard are 69 dB CNEL on weekdays, 68 dB CNEL on Saturdays and 67 dB CNEL on Sundays. At the setback of the residential building closest to the planned project site, 92 ft. from the centerline of Dublin Boulevard and 250 ft. from the entrance to the car wash tunnel, the existing ambient noise exposures are 66 dB CNEL on weekdays, 65 dB CNEL on Saturdays and 64 dB CNEL on Sundays. B. Project -Generated Noise Levels The project -generated noise levels were determined from dryer blower noise data provided by the equipment manufacturer, Ref. (e), and noise level measurements of car washing operations, Ref. (f), and vacuum stations (specifically for this project). The Mark VII Company provided noise level measurement data of the dryer blowers. The 80 hp blower system is sound rated at 69.4 dBA at 30 ft. from the car wash tunnel exit. The noise level data sheet is provided in Appendix C. 292 - 10 - The distance from the car wash tunnel entrance to the residential building across Dublin Boulevard is 250 ft. Car wash equipment noise levels attenuate at the rate of 6 dB for every doubling of the distance from the measurement location outside of the tunnel to the noise receiver. The formula used to calculate the amount of noise reduction is: AdB = 201og10(ri/r2) where, rX = distance. 201ogio(30/250) = -18 dB. The sound level at the residences across Dublin Boulevard due to the dryer blowers will be 51 dBA (69 dB — 18 dB = 51 dB). The dryer blowers are reported to operate for 49 seconds per wash. The maximum number of washes per hour is 29. Thus, 23 7 minutes of drying will occur per hour. The hourly average noise of drying operation at the residential building was calculated to be 46 dBA Leq(h). Leq(h) = 101ogio[((10(51/1°) x 23.7)/60] = 47 dBA. The car wash washing equipment noise levels are slightly lower in level than the dryer blowers. A typical washing operation (sprayers, brushes, applicators) generates a total sound level of 67 dBA at 15 ft. from the tunnel entrance. At 250 ft. from the car wash tunnel entrance to the residences across Dublin Boulevard, the washing portion of the operation will be 43 dBA. The washing cycle is estimated to be 1:52 minutes in duration. Thus, 29 operations could occur per hour resulting in fairly continuous operation. Thus, the hourly average for the wash operation would also be 43 dBA Leg. 293 -11- To determine the sound levels of the vacuum stations, sound level measurements of car wash vacuuming equipment were made at the Rainbow Car Wash in Santa Clara, CA on October 8, 2021 using a Larson -Davis 831 Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter. At a distance of 20 ft. from the vacuum tank and with the vacuum nozzle exposed, the sound level was measured to be 72 dBA. The actual sound levels of vehicle vacuuming operations will vary depending upon the type of vehicle, the location of the nozzle inside the vehicle and how long the vacuuming occurs. For the purpose of this study, we are using the worst -case of the vacuum nozzle exposed during the entire vacuuming operation. Table III, below, provides the sound levels at the residential building for each vacuum bay. The total sound level assumes that the vacuuming operation would occur for 30 minutes per hour at each bay. The hourly Leg is 3 dB lower than the total operational noise level of 60 dBA which equates to 57 dBA Leq(h) at the residential building. TABLE III Vacuum Operational Noise Levels, dBA Unit Dist. to Rec., ft. SL @ Rec. 1 255 50 2 268 49 3 282 49 4 295 49 5 309 48 6 322 48 7 335 48 8 349 47 9 362 47 10 268 49 11 282 49 12 296 49 13 309 48 14 323 48 15 337 47 TOTAL 60 294 - 12 - The combined hourly average noise level of the three primary operations; wash, dry and vacuum are provided in Table IV. TAB Combined Hourly Average Noise Levels, dBA Leq(h) Operation Wash 43 Dry 47 Vacuum 57 Combined 58 IV. Evaluation of the Project -Generated Noise Exposures To determine the project -generated noise exposures for an evaluation against the 60 dB CNEL standard of the City of Dublin Noise Element, the project -generated hourly average noise levels were applied to the CNEL formula. For the purposes of this study, we are assuming that the car wash will operate continuously from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM with twelve washes (including drying) per hour and that all vacuum stations will be in use for 30 minutes out of each hour. The wash cycle noise level at the residential building setback was calculated to be 43 dBA Leq(h). The drying cycle was calculated to be 47 dBA Leq(h). The vacuuming operations were calculated to be 57 dBA Leq(h). The total hourly average noise level was calculated to be 58 dBA Leq(h). Combined Sound Level = 101ogio(10(43110) + 10(47/10)+10(57/10)) 58 dB 295 - 13 - For an operational day of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, the CNEL was calculated to be 54 dB. Thus, the project -generated noise exposure will be within the 60 dB CNEL normally acceptable standard of the City of Dublin Noise Element standards. As the ambient noise environment on the least noisy day of the week (Sunday) is more than 10 decibels higher than the project -generated noise exposure, the project will not add to the existing ambient noise environment. The increase in the noise environment due to the project will be less than significant. The CNEL calculation table for planned operational conditions is provided in Appendix C. As the project -generated noise exposure will be within the limits of the standards, noise reduction measures will not be required. This report presents a revised noise assessment study for the planned car wash along Dublin Boulevard at Keegan Street in Dublin. The study findings for project conditions are based on field measurements and other data and are correct to the best of our knowledge. However, significant deviations in the future operational scenario, changes in car wash equipment technology, noise regulations, or other future changes beyond our control may produce long-range noise results different from our estimates. If you have any questions or would like an elaboration on this report, please call me. Sincerely, EDWARD L. PACK ASSOC., INC. 7,_,x/L7 Jeffrey K. Pack President Attachments: Appendices A, B, and C 296 APPENDIX A References: (a) Site Plan, Dublin Car Wash, by K12 Architects, June 8, 2021 (b) City of Dublin General Plan, Chapter 9.0, Environmental Resources Management Section: Noise Element, Amended October 6, 2015 (c) Information on the Car Wash Operations Provided by Mr. Guy Houston, by email to Edward L. Pack Associates, Inc., July 26, 2021 (d) Highway Research Board, "Highway Noise — A Design Guide for Highway Engineers", Report, 117, 1971 (e) International Drying Corporation Stealth Predator Ultra -Quiet Drying System Specifications Provided by Mr. Guy Houston, by email to Edward L. Pack Associates, Inc., May 18, 2022 (f) "Noise Assessment Study for the Planned Car Wash, 1380 Springbrook Avenue, Medford", by Edward L. Pack Associates, Inc., Project No. 52-034, August 25, 2020 297 APPENDIX B Noise Standards, Terminology and Instrumentation 1. Noise Standards A. City of Dublin Noise Element Standards The City of General Plan, Amended October 6, 2015, Chapter 9, Environmental Resources Management: Noise Element, contains a Land Use Compatibility table for Community Noise Environments. The table lists the following noise level limits for single-family and multi -family residential, schools, churches, nursing homes and neighborhood parks: 60 dB CNEL: "Normally Acceptable" 61-70 dB CNEL: "Conditional Acceptable" (noise insulation features required) 71-75 dB CNEL (residential): "Normally Unacceptable" 71-80 dB CNEL (all others) "Normally Unacceptable" Over 75 dB CNEL (residential): "Clearly Unacceptable" Over 80 dB CNEL (all others): "Clearly Unacceptable" B-1 298 The Noise Element also contains the following policies: 1. Encourage homeowners west of San Ramon Road who are affected by 1-580 noise to construct noise barriers on their properties where these would be effective and require such barriers for new development. This policy also applies to sites adjoining the west side of San Ramon Road at higher elevations. Where the noise source is below the receptors, only barriers near the receptor will be effective. About 5 dB noise reduction could be achieved. 2. Support unified action by residential owners on the east side of San Ramon Road and along Village Parkway to install, repair, or extend noise barriers. Much of this frontage was developed before effective noise barriers were required as a condition of subdivision approval. Because construction for a single lot is costly, relatively ineffective, and potentially unattractive, the City should assist in the formation of assessment districts or otherwise promote group action where there is consensus that a problem exists. 3. Design Dougherty Road improvements and adjoining residential development for compliance with noise standards. This corridor offers the opportunity to do it right the first time without continuous walls. Berms, open space, garages near the road, and noise -conscious site planning can be used. 4. Noise impacts related to all new development shall be analyzed by a certified acoustic consultant. 5. Request demonstration of ability to mitigate noise prior to approval of light rail or bus service in the Southern Pacific Right -of -Way Transportation Corridor. A depressed rail line or noise walls close to the tracks could make light rail a good neighbor. 6. Review all multi -family development proposals within the projected 60 CNEL contour for compliance with noise standards (45 CNEL in any habitable room) as required by State law. Because the General Plan designates almost all residential sites subject to 60 or greater CNEL for multifamily development, this standard will be effective in Dublin. Project designers may use one or more of four available categories of mitigation measures: site planning, architectural layout (bedrooms away from noise source, for example), noise barriers, or construction modifications. 7. Review all non-residential development proposals within the projected CNEL 65 dBA contour for compliance with exterior noise transmission standards as required by the California Green Building Standards Code. B-2 299 2. Terminology A. Statistical Noise Levels Due to the fluctuating character of urban traffic noise, statistical procedures are needed to provide an adequate description of the environment. A series of statistical descriptors have been developed which represent the noise levels exceeded a given percentage of the time. These descriptors are obtained by direct readout of the Sound Level Meters. Some of the statistical levels used to describe community noise are defined as follows: Li - A noise level exceeded for 1% of the time. L10 - A noise level exceeded for 10% of the time, considered to be an "intrusive" level. L50 - The noise level exceeded 50% of the time representing the "mean" sound level. L90 - The noise level exceeded 90 % of the time, designated as a "background" noise level. Leg The continuous equivalent -energy level is that level of a steady-state noise having the same sound energy as a given time -varying noise. The Leg represents the decibel level of the time -averaged value of sound energy or sound pressure squared and is used to calculate the DNL and CNEL. B-3 300 B. A -Weighted Sound Level The decibel measure of the sound level utilizing the "A" weighted network of a sound level meter is referred to as "dBA". The "A" weighting is the accepted standard weighting system used when noise is measured and recorded for the purpose of determining total noise levels and conducting statistical analyses of the environment so that the output correlates well with the response of the human ear. 3. Instrumentation The on -site field measurement data were acquired by the use of one or more of the sound analyzer listed below. The instrumentation provides a direct readout of the L exceedance statistical levels including the equivalent -energy level (Leg). Input to the meters was provided by microphones extended to a height of 5 ft. above the ground. The "A" weighting network and the "Fast" response setting of the meters were used in conformance with the applicable standards. The Larson -Davis meters were factory modified to conform to the Type 1 performance standards of ANSI S 1.4. All instrumentation was acoustically calibrated before and after field tests to assure accuracy. Bruel & Kjaer 2231 Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter Larson Davis LDL 812 Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter Larson Davis 2900 Real Time Analyzer Larson Davis 831 Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter B-4 301 APPENDIX C Noise Measurement Data and Calculation Tables 302 CNEL CALCULATIONS CLIENT: DUBLIN REAL ESTATE FILE: 53-044 PROJECT: DUBLIN CAR WASH DATE: 9/17-20-2021 SOURCE: EXISING AMBIENT LOCATION 1 Dublin Blvd. Residential Unit 120 Dist. To Source 61 ft. @ curb Saturday TIME Leq 10^Leq/10 7:00 AM 62.0 1584893.2 8:00 AM 64.9 3069022.0 9:00 AM 65.3 3388441.6 10:00 AM 67.0 5011872.3 11:00 AM 67.5 5623413.3 12:00 PM 66.4 4365158.3 1:00 PM 69.6 9120108.4 2:00 PM 66.9 4897788.2 3:00 PM 67.1 5176068.3 4:00 PM 67.8 6025595.9 5:00 PM 66.4 4365158.3 6:00 PM 68.3 6760829.8 SUM= 59388349.5 7:00 PM 66.0 3981071.7 Ld= 77.7 8:00 PM 65.0 3162277.7 9:00 PM 62.8 1905460.7 SUM= 9048810.1 10:00 PM 60.9 1230268.8 Le= 69.6 11:00 PM 58.0 630957.3 12:00 AM 57.6 575439.9 1:00 AM 55.8 380189.4 2:00 AM 53.4 218776.2 3:00 AM 51.9 154881.7 4:00 AM 54.6 288403.2 5:00 AM 59.4 870963.6 6:00 AM 59.3 851138.0 SUM= 5201018.1 Ln= 67.2 Daytime Level= 77.7 Evening Level= 74.6 Nighttime Level= 77.2 CNEL= 68 24-Hour Leq= 64.9 - C-1 - LOCATION 1 Dublin Blvd. Residential Unit 120 Dist. To Source 61 ft. @ curb Sunday TIME 10^Leq/10 7:00 AM 59.5 891250.9 8:00 AM 69.7 9332543.0 9:00 AM 65.7 3715352.3 10:00 AM 69.1 8128305.2 11:00 AM 67.9 6165950.0 12:00 PM 66.4 4365158.3 1:00 PM 69.6 9120108.4 2:00 PM 66.9 4897788.2 3:00 PM 67.0 5011872.3 4:00 PM 67.0 5011872.3 5:00 PM 66.4 4365158.3 6:00 PM 67.0 5011872.3 SUM= 66017231.7 7:00 PM 64.7 2951209.2 Ld= 78.2 8:00 PM 64.0 2511886.4 9:00 PM 61.8 1513561.2 SUM= 6976656.9 10:00 PM 58.2 660693.4 Le= 68.4 11:00 PM 56.9 489778.8 12:00 AM 56.8 478630.1 1:00 AM 55.3 338844.2 2:00 AM 53.4 218776.2 3:00 AM 54.1 257039.6 4:00 AM 53.1 204173.8 5:00 AM 56.3 426579.5 6:00 AM 57.3 537031.8 SUM= 3611547.4 Ln= 65.6 Daytime Level= 78.2 Evening Level= 73.4 Nighttime Level= 75.6 CNEL= 67 24-Hour Leq= 65.0 303 CNEL CALCULATIONS CLIENT: FILE: PROJECT: DATE: SOURCE: DUBLIN REAL ESTATE 53-044 DUBLIN CAR WASH 9/17-20-2021 EXISING AMBIENT LOCATION 1 Dist. To Source TIME Dublin Blvd. Residential Unit 120 61 ft. @ curb Weekday Leq 10^Leq/10 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 AM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 67.4 5495408.7 68.3 6760829.8 66.3 4265795.2 66.6 4570881.9 66.2 4168693.8 66.7 4677351.4 68.5 7079457.8 67.4 5495408.7 67.2 5248074.6 67.5 5623413.3 67.3 5370318.0 66.5 4466835.9 69.4 8629785.5 65.7 3715352.3 65.8 3801894.0 60.4 1086425.6 58.2 660693.4 52.9 194984.5 50.9 123026.9 49.8 95499.3 54.5 281838.3 58.6 724436.0 60.9 1230268.8 63.4 2187761.6 SUM= Ln= Daytime Level= 78.0 Evening Level= 77.1 Nighttime Level= 78.2 CNEL= 69 24-Hour Leq= 65.5 SUM= 63222469.1 Ld= 78.0 SUM= 16147031.7 Le= 72.1 6584934.3 68.2 - C-2 - 304 CNEL CALCULATIONS CLIENT: DUBLIN REAL ESTATE FILE: 53-044-2 PROJECT: DUBLIN CAR WASH SOURCE: PROJECT -GENERATED NOISE LOCATION 1 Residential Setback Dist. To Source 250 ft. Project with Stealth Predator Blowers TIME Leq 10^Leq/10 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 AM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 1.0 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 57.7 584479.3 Daytime Level= 67.7 Evening Level= 9.8 Nighttime Level= 19.5 CNEL= 54 24-Hour Leq= 53.9 1.0 SUM= 5844794.9 1.0 Ld= 67.7 1.0 1.0 SUM= 3.0 1.0 Le= 4.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SUM= 9.0 Ln= 9.5 - C-3 - 305 Stealth Predator Ultra -Quiet Drying System Specifications 30HP System - Total Sound 60Hz 80HP System - Total Sound 60Hz Q - saund $oUree 05 d13A 21 Q=lr 30 feet $i a d8AatQ=1,45fe.t 60.2 dBA at Q=1, 55 feet 69.4 d E3A at Q=1, 3U feat 66.5 dBA al Q=1, 45 reel 64.9 dBA at Q=1, 55 feel The Stealth Predator features patent pending "Reverse flow air technology" which creates the first "Ultra -Quiet Dryer" and is the most powerful Ultra Quiet Dryer ever designed. INIECRNATIQPI lL DRYING D T] R r❑ P n 1 1❑ N 5PEC1F1CAT10N5 15' 2" Bap width 12' 0" Ceiling H&Eght 95" Standard Clearanoa ciamea coil din m nu:dt u e4eilablc i n red, LI tlb, bind` Ducts -Stainless Steel Moiled Aluminum lmpf}Ilars Stainless Steal Motor Housings SloLled fling`s far adluotat i filly al air wile! and air iri Fc glrrnklon -C-4- 306 Attachment 5 Kimley>»Horn September 15, 2022 Sai Midididdi, T.E. Associate Civil Engineer (Traffic) City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (transmitted via email) RE: Nissan Commercial Car Wash Traffic Analysis Dear Ms. Midididdi: The City of Dublin has received an application of a PD Amendment, Site Development Review Permit, and Conditional Use Permit (Planning Application #: PLPA-2022-00003) and a set of plans dated February 17, 2022 for the proposed Nissan Commercial Car Wash at the southeast corner of the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road in Dublin, CA. The City has requested that Kimley-Horn assist in analyzing the following traffic comments: 1. Trip generation comparison between the proposed project and the allowed trips for the Kaiser Commercial area in the Kaiser EIR, including pass -by trips 2. Operational analysis for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists that includes internal site circulation and traffic circulation at access points along Kaiser Road and future adjacent parcels 3. On -site car wash queuing analysis The following traffic analysis will address each of the City's traffic comments. Background A car wash (Project) is currently being proposed in Phase 1B of the Dublin Kaiser Medical Center Project, located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Keegan Street/Kaiser Road. The Kaiser Medical Center Project was previously analyzed in the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (Kaiser EIR)'. Phase 1A, which is the medical office building, has already been constructed. Phase 1A is the first of three phases of the Dublin Kaiser Medical Center Project, with each phase summarized as follows: • Phase 1A — 220,000 square feet of medical office • Phase 1 B — 250,000 square feet of commercial use • Phase 2 — 400,000 square feet of medical office • Phase 3 — 280,000 square feet of medical office 1 Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Draft EIR, First Carbon Solutions, February 3, 2016. kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 307 Kimley>»Horn Page 2 This current car wash project would be developed under Phase 1B, the commercial phase of the Dublin Kaiser Medical Center Project. Project Phase 1B is located to the west of Keegan Street/Kaiser Road between Dublin Boulevard and Interstate 580 and is divided into four parcels. Phase 1B is assumed to consist of a total of 250,000 square feet of commercial uses and separated into four parcels, as shown in Figure 1. Parcels 1 and 2 are located closest to Dublin Boulevard while Parcel 4 is located furthest from Dublin Boulevard, just to the north of 1-580. Parcel 3 is located between Parcels 1-2 and Parcel 4. Figure 1: Kaiser Commercial Phase 1B Parcel Map 71 F. ' r=i 0554}13•3014 721.48• 111-6. BASIS OF BEARING F577.94•) el DU LIN BOULEVARD • A=5076.00' NO3 °8 25'E[gJ N75°39'57'W d=4°75'p4' n r �'376.82' BNOY f� 54.35' BNBY H58°7'2'N I �' I"L -- — II- 0655.6'57-4 298.06' 20 (1 4.91' BNNY Ili -- --.¢: .21' _ T. II 25.85'. PAACCL 1LE III - E- E. E T ,. --;.c l I PARCEL 2 R c E-1 IL ▪ VN.:5'D .E 641.6'.' r-FE o I `'I II 1 PARCEL 3 5 , 75-R:; N5'35'07'F -- PARCEL 4 5. 39J4C 546.9 ▪ BNOY N1°80'40"E 11,a0' 9N0'F INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 1-58D STATE OF CALIFQRNIA I I E-1 1i r 1. ' 40.E .q 00' ':AT Pas. 'PE — T.64a..T: =a.; 273 4 32-36 N00°26'24'Y 98.06' Source: MacKay & Somps kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 308 Kimley>>>Horn Page 3 The Planning Application for the car wash, located in Parcel 2, was submitted in February 2022. Figure 2 shows the latest site plan for the project. The proposed car wash would include a building area of 3,574 square feet, which includes one (1) car wash tunnel. In addition, 17 vacuum stalls serving 15 parking stalls are proposed outside of the car wash building. The proposed hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily. The applicant mentioned that he observed 17 washes from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM on a weekday at a comparable location on Stanley Boulevard in Pleasanton, CA. On -site circulation is generally in the counterclockwise direction with patrons entering the site from Kaiser Road to the east. There are two pay station lanes available for patrons. As vehicles continue past each pay station, the two lanes merge to a single lane and leads into the single car wash tunnel. Prior to the car wash tunnel entry, vehicles have the option to enter into the vacuum stall area to bypass the car wash tunnel. As vehicles exit the car wash tunnel, they are directed to make a left turn and either enter the vacuum area or exit the site onto Kaiser Road. The total queuing storage from the car wash building to the internal drive aisle is approximately 475 feet, or 19 vehicles assuming 25 feet per vehicle. It should be noted that there is a future access to the west of the project for when the adjacent parcel is developed to allow for east -west circulation between the future parcel and Kaiser Road. Figure 2: Car Wash Site Plan Source: MacKay & Somps kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 309 Kimley>»Horn Page 4 Trip Generation Comparison The project trips for the proposed car wash were compared to the project trips assumed for Phase 1B in the Kaiser EIR. CAR WASH PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The current version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition was used to develop the trips for the car wash project in this analysis. The project was assumed to be an Automated Car Wash land use (ITE land use code 948). For this land use, there are two separate independent variables: 1. Number of Car Wash Tunnels 2. 1,000 Square Feet of Gross Floor Area The following shows the trip generation for the car wash using each of the two independent variables. It should be noted that the ITE Trip Generation Manual does not provide any daily trip generation rates or an AM peak hour trip generation rate for this land use. Therefore, only the weekday PM peak hour is shown. In addition, due to the limited data for this land use, the average rate was used and no fitted curve equation was provided. No pass-by/diverted link trip reduction data was available and therefore none were assumed. Table 1 shows the trip generation for the car wash project. As shown, the project is expected to generate 78 PM peak hour trips using the car wash tunnel as the independent variable or 51 PM peak hour trips using the 1,000 square feet of gross floor area as the independent variable. For this traffic analysis, to be conservative, it is assumed that the project will generate 78 PM peak hour trips. Table 1: Car Wash Trip Generation ITE Land Use Code Land Use Size Units PM Peak Hour2 Total In Out 840 Automated Car Wash' 1 Car Wash Tunnel 78 39 39 3.574 1,000 Sq Ft 51 25 26 Note: Trip generation developed based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 1 lth Edition. 1 Average rate used to develop trip generation; no fitted curve equation available. 2 For this land use, there is no daily or AM peak hour trip generation available. In addition, the car wash is proposed to open at 9:00 AM, which is after the typical AM peak period from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM. Since AM peak hour data is not provided by ITE, the applicant observed the number of transactions at a comparable car wash facility on Stanley Boulevard in Pleasanton, CA between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM on a typical weekday. A total of 17 transactions were observed. This would result in 17 inbound AM peak hour trips and 17 outbound AM peak hour trips, for a total of 34 AM peak hour trips. KAISER DUBLIN COMMERCIAL CENTER TRIP GENERATION In the Kaiser EIR, it was assumed that Phase 1B would consist of 250,000 square feet of commercial use. Table 3.11-9 of the Kaiser EIR shows that Phase 1B was estimated to generate 8,620 daily trips, 447 AM peak hour trips, and 775 PM peak hour trips. kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 310 Kimley>»Horn Page 5 TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON Since the project is proposing to generate only 78 PM peak hour trips, this is well below the 775 PM peak hour trips assumed for the entire Phase 1B Commercial Area. Alternatively, the project's trip generation was compared to the proportion of the Phase 1B area to determine if the Kaiser EIR peak hour trips would be exceeded. Table 2 shows the trip generation for each parcel in Phase 1B. For Parcels 1 and 3, since these sites are still to be determined, the peak hour trips were estimated by applying the proportion of the parcel size to the entire Phase 1B area to the number of AM and PM peak hour trips identified for Phase 1B in the Kaiser EIR. The peak hour trips for Parcel 2, the car wash, is from Table 1 above. The peak hour trips for Parcel 4, the Nissan dealership and the Infiniti dealership, are the trip generation estimates based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. The total number of AM peak hour trips and PM peak hour trips is estimated to be 369 AM peak hour trips and 622 PM peak hour trips. This is below the number of trips identified in the Kaiser EIR and therefore the inclusion of this project to Phase 1B should not result in an increase in peak hour trips or a worsening of the project's impact. Table 2: Phase 16 Trip Generation Comparison Parcel # Parcel Size (acres) % of Total Land Use Land Use Size AM Total Peak Hour In Out PM Peak Total Hour In Out 1 2.75 18.5% TBD1 TBD1 83 63 20 143 69 74 2 1.00 6.7% Car Wash2 1 Car Wash Tunnel 34 17 17 78 39 39 3 5.75 38.6% TBD3 TBD3 173 132 41 299 144 155 4 5.39 36.2% Nissan Dealership Infiniti Dealership4 31.84 KSF 10.46 KSF 79 57 22 102 41 61 Total 14.89 100% 369 269 100 622 293 329 Kaiser EIR5 14.89 447 343 104 775 372 403 Difference (Total - Kaiser EIR) -78 -74 -4 -153 -79 -74 Note: 1 The land use for Parcel 1 is still to be determined. Therefore, the AM and PM peak hour trips shown are estimated to be the proportion of the Kaiser EIR AM and PM peak hour trips based on parcel size. 2 A car wash is proposed for Parcel 2 as part of this project. The AM peak hour trips are based on observations provided by the applicant at a comparable site. The PM peak hour trips are based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11t" Edition trip rates. 3 The land use for Parcel 3 is still to be determined. Therefore, the AM and PM peak hour trips shown are estimated to be the proportion of the Kaiser EIR AM and PM peak hour trips based on parcel size. 4 A Nissan dealership and an Infiniti dealership are proposed for Parcel 4. The peak hour trips shown are based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11t" Edition trip rates. 5 AM and PM peak hour trips as identified in the Kaiser EIR for Phase 1 B. kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 311 Kimley>»Horn Page 6 Operational Analysis The vehicle operations near the project driveway were evaluated to determine if the project would result in any intersection level of service (LOS) or queuing issues. The intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Keegan Street/Kaiser Road and the intersection of Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access were evaluated in the Near -term plus Phase 1A plus Nissan plus Infiniti without Car Wash scenario, which would represent the opening day volumes for this car wash project without the car wash project. These operations were then compared to the with car wash project volumes added. Only the weekday PM peak hour was analyzed because the project has minimal AM peak hour trip generation as shown in Table 1. LOS AND QUEUING METHODOLOGY Levels of service for this study were determined using methods defined in the Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition (HCM) and Synchro analysis software. This analysis was prepared based on the standards and methodologies set forth by the City of Dublin. Based on the City of Dublin Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines2, the LOS standard for the study intersection is LOS D. The City of Dublin does not have standards for queuing and for the purposes of this analysis, queuing deficiencies would occur where project traffic causes the 95th percentile queue to extend beyond the turn pocket by 25 feet or more (i.e. the length of one vehicle on a roadway). TRAFFIC VOLUMES Near -Term baseline and Phase 1A traffic volumes were derived from the Kaiser EIR. It should be noted that the size of Phase 1A analyzed previously in the Kaiser EIR may not necessarily reflect the same size of what is currently built. The Nissan + Infiniti project and the car wash project volumes were added manually on top of the Near -term plus Phase 1A volumes. The Nissan project volumes were derived from the Dublin Kaiser Commercial — 2021 Driveway Access Evaluation Draft Letter prepared by Kimley-Horn and dated February 15, 2022. The Infiniti project volumes followed the same methodology as for the Nissan project. The car wash project volumes were derived from the trip generation in Table 1 and distributed and assigned to the roadway network consistent with the Nissan project. Near -term plus Phase 1A plus Nissan plus Infiniti volumes and Near -term plus Phase 1A plus Nissan plus Infiniti plus Car Wash project traffic volumes are shown in Figure 3, as well as lane geometry and traffic control. 2 Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, City of Dublin, July 15, 2021. kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 312 �I �; { PHASE 1 A \ PHASE 1 B;,0; -8r 10I Y Nissan and Infiniti Dealerships PHASE 3 PHASE 2 LEGEND ▪ STUDY INTERSECTION PROJECT SITE r""-; DUBLIN KAISER MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT XX PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME TRAFFIC SIGNAL STOP SIGN XX' STORAGE LENGTH DROP DROP LANE NEAR -TERM LANE GEOMETRY AND TRAFFIC CONTROL 155' co 215' C �215' Dublin Boulevard 200'� aril f 200' -> ,F o 0 -> Y 140' - • • 3- 5' Car Wash Access • NEAR -TERM WITHOUT CAR WASH PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES W Y Y 240 —" 1224 - 3 50 •-40 <-644 ,-62 Dublin Boulevard Nc. W Y — 119 Car Wash Access T 0) NEAR -TERM WITH CAR WASH PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES N O (n 2040 - 1224 - 3 74 �40 (-644 � 76 Dublin Boulevard T f ti M O O>76 CO CVO CO 0 0 CC IL y y; — 119 Car Wash Access 39 2— Kimley»Horn NOT TOSALE FIGURE 3 NEAR -TERM PLUS PHASE 1A PLUS NISSAN PLUS INFINITI WITH AND WITHOUT CAR WASH PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES AND LANE GEOMETRY/TRAFFIC CONTROL SEPTEMBER 2022 NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Kimley>>>Horn INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE Traffic operations were evaluated at the study intersections and results of the analysis are presented in Table 3 for the without and with car wash project. The intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Keegan Street/Kaiser Road operates at an acceptable LOS C, with 26.5 seconds of delay in the Near -Term plus Phase 1A plus Nissan plus Infiniti scenario in the PM peak hour. The intersection of Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access operates at an acceptable LOS A, with 7.9 seconds of delay in the Near - Term plus Phase 1A plus Nissan plus Infiniti scenario in the PM peak hour. With the car wash project volumes added, the intersection LOS for each study intersection remains the same and the delay slightly increases. The intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Keegan Street/Kaiser Road operates at an acceptable LOS C (27.4 seconds of delay) with the car wash project added, with the delay increasing by 0.9 seconds. The intersection of Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access operates at an acceptable LOS A (8.5 seconds of delay) with the car wash project added, with the delay increasing by 0.6 seconds. Therefore, the intersection LOS for each study intersection still operates acceptably with the car wash project traffic added. Analysis sheets are provided in Attachment A. Table 3: Intersection Level of Service Summary Weekday PM Peak Hour Near -term + Phase 1A+ # Intersection LOS Jurisdiction Control Nissan + Criteria Infiniti LOSDelay (sec) LOS ' y Delay (sec) Near -term + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti + Car Wash 1 Dublin Blvd/Keegan St/Kaiser Rd Dublin Signal 26.5 27.4 0.9 2 Kaiser Rd/Car Wash Access Dublin AWSC A 7.9 A 8.5 0.6 AWSC = all -way stop -control QUEUING ANALYSIS The 95th percentile queues were evaluated along Kaiser Road between Dublin Boulevard and the Car Wash Access to determine if any queuing issues were anticipated due to the project. Results of the analysis are presented in Table 4. Analysis sheets are provided in Attachment A. As shown in Table 4, the 95th percentile queue lengths for all movements are less than the storage length provided. Therefore, the project should not result in any operational or queuing issues along Kaiser Road in the Near -term plus Phase 1A plus Nissan plus Infiniti plus Car Wash scenario in the PM peak hour. As mentioned previously, the AM peak hour was not evaluated because the project generates minimal AM peak hour trips. kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 314 Kimley>»Horn Table 4: Intersection Queuing Analysis Page 9 # Intersection Movement Storage Length (ft) PM Peak Hour - 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 1 Dublin Blvd/Keegan St/Kaiser Rd Northbound Left Turn 130 98 Northbound Through Northbound Right Turn Eastbound Right Turn Westbound Left Turn Southbound Through 2 Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access Southbound Left Turn Southbound Shared Through/Right Turn Eastbound Shared Left/Through/Right Turn Northbound Shared Left/Through Northbound Shared Through/Right Turn Westbound Shared Through/Right Turn 130 130 140 210 420 130 130 25 365 365 165 49 30 32 63 52 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 Notes: 1. Storage lengths for turn lanes are the turn pocket lengths and storage lengths for the through lanes are the distances to the adjacent intersection. 2. No 95th percentile queue lengths exceed the available storage lengths. 3. 95th percentile queue lengths shown as <25 indicate that the 95th percentile queue length is less than one vehicle length. EFFECT ON PEDESTRIANS AND BICYCLISTS Since the project should not result in any vehicular queuing issues off -site, or along Kaiser Road and Dublin Boulevard, it is not anticipated that the project would negatively affect pedestrians and bicyclists. More specifically, for bicyclists, they will use the Class II bicycle lanes along Dublin Boulevard, which would separate them from vehicles. It should be noted that there are existing Class II bicycle lanes on Kaiser Road, but the City has requested that they be removed because they are not compliant with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) since the Class II bicycle lanes are to the right of the northbound right turn lane. Since there are no vehicle queuing issues, it is not anticipated that vehicles will be blocking any of the Class II bicycle lanes and conflicting with bicyclists. For pedestrians, a sidewalk is proposed along the project frontage along Kaiser Road. Pedestrians will also have access to the existing sidewalks along Dublin Boulevard and the crosswalks on each leg at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Keegan Street/Kaiser Road and the intersection of Kaiser Road and the Car Wash Access. Since there are no vehicle queuing issues, it is not anticipated that vehicles will be blocking any of the crosswalks and conflicting with pedestrians. On -Site Car Wash Queuing An on -site queuing analysis for the car wash was evaluated to determine if any queues from the car wash would extend into the intersection of Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access. The project proposes an kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 315 Kimley>»Horn Page 10 available queuing distance of approximately 475 feet, or 19 vehicles, from the car wash building to the internal drive aisle. The 19 vehicles of storage assumes each vehicle would use approximately 25 feet of the storage. The following describes the methodology and results. CAR WASH OPERATIONS The project applicant provided a description of the car wash operations for use in this queuing analysis. Since the car wash is an express tunnel, the peak periods are estimated to be the Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday morning. For the Saturday operations, the peak hours are expected to be from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. It is expected that 29 cars can be washed per hour, or one vehicle can be loaded every 124 seconds on the conveyor, as mentioned by the project applicant. Therefore, to be conservative, the service time assumed was every 124 seconds. The service times are defined as the time between one vehicle arriving at the car wash building to the next vehicle arriving. The project applicant also anticipates using the car wash for the vehicles from the Nissan and Infiniti dealerships. It is estimated that 10 to 20 vehicles will be sent to the car wash on a daily basis from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday. This will result in an average of one to two cars per hour. These trips will be added to the demand a typical car wash, as noted below. Lastly, the project applicant mentioned that approximately 2/3 of the customers will use the vacuum stations. It should be noted that this will not impact the car wash queue because the vacuum stations are for use after the car wash. CAR WASH DEMAND To determine the peak hour demand for the car wash, the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11t" Edition was used. Consistent with Table 1, the project is expected to have a weekday PM peak hour demand of 39 vehicles. It should be noted that the weekday AM peak hour and Saturday peak hour of generator were also considered, but only 17 vehicles and 19 vehicles were estimated, respectively. Therefore, to be conservative, the weekday PM peak hour demand of 39 vehicles was used for the queuing evaluation. In addition, two vehicles in the peak hour were added to account for the Nissan and Infiniti dealership operations. This results in a total peak hour demand of 41 vehicles used for the queuing evaluation. QUEUING ANALYSIS A micro -simulation model within an Excel spreadsheet was used to determine the car wash queuing for the project. Based on the service times and the drive -through demands, a queuing analysis was run for 1,000 iterations for the weekday PM peak hour, assuming an average vehicle length of 25 feet in an on -site queue. Of the 1,000 iterations completed for the project, 95 percent of the iterations have a maximum queue of 24 vehicles or less. The results are shown in Attachment B. The car wash queuing lanes can accommodate a total of 19 vehicles; therefore, the proposed 95th percentile queue of 24 vehicles is expected to extend into the internal drive aisle and onto Kaiser Road. The project would anticipate on -site queues from the car wash building extending into the intersection of Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access. This could potentially disrupt any pedestrians or bicyclists trying to access the site or any of the surrounding areas. It is recommended that the on -site queues be kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 316 Kimley>»Horn Page 11 monitored by the owner to manage the queues. The owner will work with the City to determine a solution if the queues consistently extend onto Kaiser Road and disrupt the traffic operations on Kaiser Road for all modes of transportation. Conclusions A traffic analysis was completed for the Nissan Commercial Car Wash at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road. The City asked for a trip generation comparison of the project compared to what was assumed in the Kaiser EIR for Phase 1B, an operational analysis that considers intersection level of service and queuing along Kaiser Road at Dublin Boulevard and at the car wash driveway, and an on -site queuing evaluation of the car wash queues. The following is a summary of the results of each evaluation: • Trip Generation Comparison: o The project is estimated to generate 78 weekday PM peak hour trips using the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition rates for land use code 840 (Automated Car Wash). The independent variable used was a car wash tunnel and not the building area because the car wash tunnel method resulted in a higher number of trips. It should also be noted that no weekday daily trips or AM peak hour trips were provided in ITE and therefore none were estimated. The project applicant observed 17 transactions between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM at a comparable site. Therefore, the AM peak hour trip generation can be estimated to equal 34 AM peak hour trips. o The project's trip generation was also compared against the vehicle trips estimated in the Kaiser EIR for Phase 1B, which is the commercial component of the project. When considering the other four parcels that make up Phase 1B, the addition of the car wash project in Parcel 2 would still result in fewer AM and PM peak hour trips for Phase 1B (i.e. 369 AM peak hour trips and 622 PM peak hour trips) compared to the peak hour trips estimated in the Kaiser EIR for Phase 1B (i.e. 447 AM peak hour trips and 775 PM peak hour trips). • Operational Analysis: o The addition of the car wash project trips to the Near -term plus Phase 1A volumes and the Nissan and Infiniti project trips that are expected to be generated prior to the opening of this car wash project, would result in an acceptable LOS for the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Keegan Street/Kaiser Road and the intersection of Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access. In the PM peak hour, the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Keegan Street/Kaiser Road is expected to operate at an acceptable LOS C and the intersection of Kaiser Road/Car Wash Access is expected to operate at an acceptable LOS A. o A queuing analysis was also performed for each movement at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Keegan Street/Kaiser Road and at the intersection of Kaiser kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 317 Kimley>»Horn Page 12 Road/Car Wash Access. For each movement, the 95th percentile queue in the PM peak hour for the Near -term plus Phase 1A plus Nissan plus Infiniti plus Car Wash scenario was less than the available storage. Therefore, no vehicle operational issues are anticipated due to the car wash project. The lack of vehicle queuing deficiencies should also result in no potential conflicts with the pedestrian and bicycle facilities near the project. o It should be noted that this car wash project does not trigger the need for the right- in/right-out driveway on Dublin Boulevard opposite of Carnmore Place. The northbound queues at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Keegan Street/Kaiser Road do not extend into the all -way stop control intersection at Kaiser Road and Car Wash Access. • On -Site Queuing: o The queuing from the car wash operations was evaluated to determine if the queues generated would extend beyond the available 19-vehicle storage (i.e. 475 feet). The queuing Excel model was run for 1,000 iterations and showed that 95 percent of the time, the queues were 24 vehicles or less. Therefore, the 95th percentile queuing during the weekday PM peak hour from the car wash is expected to exceed the 19- vehicle storage provided. It is recommended that the on -site queues be monitored by the owner to manage the queues. The owner will work with the City to determine a solution if the queues consistently extend onto Kaiser Road and disrupt the traffic operations on Kaiser Road for all modes of transportation. Sincerely, Ben Huie, P.E. California Professional Engineer #C76682 Attachments: Attachment A — Synchro LOS and Queuing Outputs Attachment B — On -site Car Wash Queuing Results kimley-horn.com 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925 398 4840 318 Queues NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti 1: Kaiser Road/Keegan Street & Dublin Boulevard Timing Plan: PM Peak Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 261 1330 54 67 700 43 127 67 64 65 137 v/c Ratio 0.71 0.43 0.06 0.26 0.25 0.05 0.53 0.26 0.22 0.52 0.44 Control Delay 68.4 17.6 2.0 61.9 18.9 0.2 68.5 17.7 4.3 74.8 12.3 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 68.4 17.6 2.0 61.9 18.9 0.2 68.5 17.7 4.3 74.8 12.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 115 193 0 28 96 0 56 12 0 56 6 Queue Length 95th (ft) 157 424 11 54 225 3 89 45 17 103 50 Internal Link Dist (ft) 567 678 172 635 Turn Bay Length (ft) 200 140 215 155 85 Base Capacity (vph) 521 3111 979 521 2829 897 521 505 512 268 571 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.43 0.06 0.13 0.25 0.05 0.24 0.13 0.13 0.24 0.24 Intersection Summary NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti 10:43 am 08/29/2022 NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + I ritihro 11 Report Kimley-Horn Page 1 319 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti 1: Kaiser Road/Keegan Street & Dublin Boulevard Timing Plan: PM Peak Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations +14 r* vi+14 r* vir* vi Traffic Volume (veh/h) 240 1224 50 62 644 40 117 13 108 60 6 120 Future Volume (veh/h) 240 1224 50 62 644 40 117 13 108 60 6 120 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.97 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/In 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 261 1330 54 67 700 43 127 0 126 65 7 130 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap,veh/h 315 3150 962 235 3032 926 181 0 396 83 10 184 Arrive On Green 0.09 0.62 0.62 0.07 0.59 0.59 0.05 0.00 0.13 0.05 0.12 0.12 Sat Flow, veh/h 3456 5106 1559 3456 5106 1559 3563 0 3069 1781 79 1469 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 261 1330 54 67 700 43 127 0 126 65 0 137 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/In 1728 1702 1559 1728 1702 1559 1781 0 1535 1781 0 1548 Q Serve(g_s), s 10.0 18.2 1.9 2.5 8.7 1.6 4.7 0.0 5.0 4.9 0.0 11.5 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 10.0 18.2 1.9 2.5 8.7 1.6 4.7 0.0 5.0 4.9 0.0 11.5 Prop In Lane 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 315 3150 962 235 3032 926 181 0 396 83 0 193 V/C Ratio(X) 0.83 0.42 0.06 0.28 0.23 0.05 0.70 0.00 0.32 0.78 0.00 0.71 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 525 3150 962 525 3032 926 541 0 921 270 0 464 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 60.3 13.4 10.3 59.8 12.9 11.5 63.1 0.0 53.4 63.7 0.0 56.7 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 2.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 1.9 0.0 0.7 5.8 0.0 6.6 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/In 4.4 6.6 0.7 1.1 3.2 0.6 2.2 0.0 2.0 2.3 0.0 4.8 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 62.3 13.8 10.4 60.0 13.1 11.5 64.9 0.0 54.1 69.5 0.0 63.3 LnGrp LOS E B B E B BE A DE A E Approach Vol, veh/h 1645 810 253 202 Approach Delay, s/veh 21.4 16.9 59.5 65.3 Approach LOS C B E E Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 13.7 88.6 11.3 21.4 16.8 85.5 10.8 21.9 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 4.5 5.3 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.3 4.5 4.5 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 20.5 34.7 20.5 40.5 20.5 34.7 20.5 40.5 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 4.5 20.2 6.7 13.5 12.0 10.7 6.9 7.0 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.1 9.4 0.2 1.1 0.3 6.6 0.0 0.8 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay HCM 6th LOS 26.5 Notes User approved pedestrian interval to be less than phase max green. User approved volume balancing among the lanes for turning movement. NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti 10:43 am 08/29/2022 NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + I ri6hro 11 Report Kimley-Horn Page 2 320 HCM 6th AWSC NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti 2: Kaiser Road & Car Wash Access Timing Plan: PM Peak Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 7.9 Intersection LOS A Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations vi Traffic Vol, veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 119 0 119 0 52 66 0 Future Vol, veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 119 0 119 0 52 66 0 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 0 0 0 0 0 129 0 129 0 57 72 0 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 Approach EB WB NB SB Opposing Approach WB EB SB NB Opposing Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Approach Left SB NB EB WB Conflicting Lanes Left 2 2 1 2 Conflicting Approach Right NB SB WB EB Conflicting Lanes Right 2 2 2 1 HCM Control Delay 0 8 7.2 8.4 HCM LOS A A A Lane NBLn1 NBLn2 EBLn1 WBLn1 WBLn2 SBLn1 SBLn2 Vol Left, % Vol Thru, % Vol Right, % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Traffic Vol by Lane 60 60 0 0 119 52 66 LT Vol 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 Through Vol 60 60 0 0 0 0 66 RT Vol 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 Lane Flow Rate 65 65 0 0 129 57 72 Geometry Grp 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 Degree of Util (X) 0.089 0.058 0 0 0.159 0.086 0.099 Departure Headway (Hd) 4.958 3.216 5.268 5.12 4.418 5.451 4.948 Convergence, Y/N Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cap 725 1115 0 0 814 661 729 Service Time 2.674 0.932 3.29 2.836 2.134 3.151 2.648 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.09 0.058 0 0 0.158 0.086 0.099 HCM Control Delay 8.2 6.1 8.3 7.8 8 8.7 8.2 HCM Lane LOS A A N N A A A HCM 95th-tile Q 0.3 0.2 0 0 0.6 0.3 0.3 NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti 10:43 am 08/29/2022 NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + I ritihro 11 Report Kimley-Horn Page 3 321 Queues NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti + Car Wash 1: Kaiser Road/Keegan Street & Dublin Boulevard Timing Plan: PM Peak A Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 261 1330 80 83 700 43 145 78 78 65 138 v/c Ratio 0.71 0.45 0.08 0.33 0.25 0.05 0.57 0.28 0.27 0.52 0.45 Control Delay 68.4 18.8 4.5 63.1 19.1 0.2 68.7 16.7 7.5 74.8 12.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 68.4 18.8 4.5 63.1 19.1 0.2 68.7 16.7 7.5 74.8 12.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 115 196 0 36 98 0 64 12 0 56 7 Queue Length 95th (ft) 157 424 32 63 225 3 98 49 30 103 52 Internal Link Dist (ft) 567 678 172 635 Turn Bay Length (ft) 200 140 215 155 85 Base Capacity (vph) 521 2984 942 521 2812 893 521 511 512 268 570 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.45 0.08 0.16 0.25 0.05 0.28 0.15 0.15 0.24 0.24 Intersection Summary NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti + Car Wash Nissan Commercial Car Wash 11:59 pm 11/16/2021 NT + Phase 1A + NkyrEcimlfinirf poirtar Wash Kimley-Horn Page 1 322 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti + Car Wash 1: Kaiser Road/Keegan Street & Dublin Boulevard Timing Plan: PM Peak Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations +14 r* vi+14 r* vir* vi Traffic Volume (veh/h) 240 1224 74 76 644 40 133 14 130 60 7 120 Future Volume (veh/h) 240 1224 74 76 644 40 133 14 130 60 7 120 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.97 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/In 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 261 1330 80 83 700 43 145 0 151 65 8 130 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap,veh/h 315 3106 949 245 3002 917 200 0 414 83 11 183 Arrive On Green 0.09 0.61 0.61 0.07 0.59 0.59 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.05 0.13 0.13 Sat Flow, veh/h 3456 5106 1559 3456 5106 1559 3563 0 3072 1781 90 1460 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 261 1330 80 83 700 43 145 0 151 65 0 138 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/In 1728 1702 1559 1728 1702 1559 1781 0 1536 1781 0 1550 Q Serve(g_s), s 10.0 18.6 2.9 3.1 8.8 1.6 5.4 0.0 6.0 4.9 0.0 11.5 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 10.0 18.6 2.9 3.1 8.8 1.6 5.4 0.0 6.0 4.9 0.0 11.5 Prop In Lane 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 315 3106 949 245 3002 917 200 0 414 83 0 195 V/C Ratio(X) 0.83 0.43 0.08 0.34 0.23 0.05 0.73 0.00 0.36 0.78 0.00 0.71 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 525 3106 949 525 3002 917 541 0 922 270 0 465 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 60.3 14.0 10.9 59.7 13.3 11.8 62.7 0.0 53.1 63.7 0.0 56.7 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 2.1 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 1.9 0.0 0.8 5.8 0.0 6.6 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/In 4.4 6.8 1.1 1.3 3.3 0.6 2.5 0.0 2.4 2.3 0.0 4.9 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 62.3 14.4 11.1 60.0 13.5 11.9 64.6 0.0 53.9 69.5 0.0 63.3 LnGrp LOS E B B E B B E A D E A E Approach Vol, veh/h 1671 826 296 203 Approach Delay, s/veh 21.7 18.1 59.1 65.3 Approach LOS C B E E Timer - Assigned Phs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 14.1 87.4 12.1 21.4 16.8 84.7 10.8 22.7 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 4.5 5.3 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.3 4.5 4.5 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 20.5 34.7 20.5 40.5 20.5 34.7 20.5 40.5 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 5.1 20.6 7.4 13.5 12.0 10.8 6.9 8.0 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.1 9.3 0.2 1.1 0.3 6.6 0.0 0.9 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay HCM 6th LOS 27.4 Notes User approved pedestrian interval to be less than phase max green. User approved volume balancing among the lanes for turning movement. NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti + Car Wash Nissan Commercial Car Wash 11:59 pm 11/16/2021 NT + Phase 1A + N saofimlfinirfepoirtar Wash Kimley-Horn Page 2 323 HCM 6th AWSC NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti + Car Wash 2: Kaiser Road & Car Wash Access Timing Plan: PM Peak Intersection Intersection Delay, s/veh 8.5 Intersection LOS A Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations vi Traffic Vol, veh/h 39 0 2 0 0 119 2 119 0 52 66 39 Future Vol, veh/h 39 0 2 0 0 119 2 119 0 52 66 39 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 42 0 2 0 0 129 2 129 0 57 72 42 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 Approach EB WB NB SB Opposing Approach WB EB SB NB Opposing Lanes 2 1 2 2 Conflicting Approach Left SB NB EB WB Conflicting Lanes Left 2 2 1 2 Conflicting Approach Right NB SB WB EB Conflicting Lanes Right 2 2 2 1 HCM Control Delay 9 8.3 8.5 8.6 HCM LOS A A A A Lane NBLn1 NBLn2 EBLn1 WBLn1 WBLn2 SBLn1 SBLn2 Vol Left, % Vol Thru, % Vol Right, % 5% 0% 95% 0% 0% 100% 0% 95% 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% 63% 0% 0% 5% 0% 100% 0% 37% Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Traffic Vol by Lane 42 79 41 0 119 52 105 LT Vol 2 0 39 0 0 52 0 Through Vol 40 79 0 0 0 0 66 RT Vol 0 0 2 0 119 0 39 Lane Flow Rate 45 86 45 0 129 57 114 Geometry Grp 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 Degree of Util (X) 0.065 0.123 0.069 0 0.166 0.088 0.153 Departure Headway (Hd) 5.157 5.133 5.592 5.332 4.629 5.597 4.833 Convergence, Y/N Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cap 694 698 640 0 775 640 742 Service Time 2.89 2.866 3.63 3.062 2.359 3.33 2.565 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.065 0.123 0.07 0 0.166 0.089 0.154 HCM Control Delay 8.3 8.6 9 8.1 8.3 8.9 8.4 HCM Lane LOS A A A N A A A HCM 95th-tile Q 0.2 0.4 0.2 0 0.6 0.3 0.5 NT + Phase 1A + Nissan + Infiniti + Car Wash Nissan Commercial Car Wash 11:59 pm 11/16/2021 NT + Phase 1A + N saofirtlfinirf poirtar Wash Kimley-Horn Page 3 324 Nissan Commercial Car Wash - On -Site Queuing Evaluation 1200 1000 s 800 a) T, 600 J 3 400 as Ci 200 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ •• ♦ , ,~•N • •♦ ♦♦ ♦� ► ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦vM♦ ♦# • • ~♦ ♦• ♦ ♦ ♦♦M ♦ ♦ ♦♦ • ♦ ♦♦ � ♦ •• ♦ ♦♦ S , ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦• ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ 0 20 40 Run 60 80 100 Max Q 975 Veh Lengtf 25 Veh Queue 25 1 0 0.0% 50 2 0 0.0% 75 3 3 0.3% 100 4 2 0.2% 125 5 22 2.2% 150 6 25 2.5% 175 7 33 3.3% 200 8 33 3.3% 225 9 52 5.2% 250 10 50 5.0% 275 11 64 6.4% 300 12 82 8.2% 325 13 76 7.6% 350 14 81 8.1% 375 15 63 6.3% 400 16 74 7.4% 425 17 60 6.0% 450 18 59 5.9% 475 19 49 4.9% 500 20 28 2.8% 525 21 33 3.3% 550 22 33 3.3% 575 23 15 1.5% 600 24 19 1.9% 625 25 12 1.2% 650 26 10 1.0% 675 27 3 0.3% 700 28 5 0.5% 725 29 4 0.4% 750 30 3 0.3% 775 31 1 0.1% 800 32 1 0.1% 825 33 1 0.1% 850 34 1 0.1% 875 35 2 0.2% 900 36 0 0.0% 925 37 0 0.0% 950 38 0 0.0% 975 39 1 0.1% 1000 40 0 0.0% 1025 41 0 0.0% 1050 42 0 0.0% 1075 43 0 0.0% Total 1000 **95 percent of the Cumulative values shown in yellow. 325 Attachment 6 EXISTING CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONDITIONS All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings, and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Actual may vary. Photos are taken with a "normal" lens which has approximately 40 degrees field of view (50mm digital equivalent). These photos are considered a close approximation of the typical human eye. In some cases, photos on the left and right are taken to create a panorama for a better representation of context. These side photos do not have the full 40 degrees due to some overlap. A virtual camera is created with a linear (3 point) perspective that matches the field of view within 0.1 degrees field of view. Due to inaccura- cies in the linear perspective method, some distortion will occur increasing away from center. Digital models of the existing site are created from site data and then used to place the virtual cameras at the accurate height and position via gps data. Camera direction was then adjusted using reference points from both Civil CAD and Google Earth satellite data. Accuracy is dependent on the amount and quality of references points available and will decrease when there are a limited number. Proposed buildings and landscaping are created and overlaid with the existing model to align with their real world location. Some photo -editing is necessary to omit trees, landscaping, and other site elements that will be removed with the current design. Some balancing in light exposure is also necessary to create a more clear image or maintain consistency between pho- tos when used in a panorama. These images are provided without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. View 1 Photo Simulation a DAHLIN DATE JOB NO. 05-04-2022 1623.002 5865 Owens Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 925-251-7200 A1326 DUBLIN CAR WASH INDER DOSANJH 44, Dublin Blvd Dublin Blvd - .VCR - Dublin Blvd Duhhn Blvd PROJECT LOCATION EXISTING CONDITIONS All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings, and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Actual may vary. Photos are taken with a "normal" lens which has approximately 40 degrees field of view (50mm digital equivalent). These photos are considered a close approximation of the typical human eye. In some cases, photos on the left and right are taken to create a panorama for a better representation of context. These side photos do not have the full 40 degrees due to some overlap. A virtual camera is created with a linear (3 point) perspective that matches the field of view within 0.1 degrees field of view. Due to inaccura- cies in the linear perspective method, some distortion will occur increasing away from center. Digital models of the existing site are created from site data and then used to place the virtual cameras at the accurate height and position via gps data. Camera direction was then adjusted using reference points from both Civil CAD and Google Earth satellite data. Accuracy is dependent on the amount and quality of references points available and will decrease when there are a limited number. Proposed buildings and landscaping are created and overlaid with the existing model to align with their real world location. Some photo -editing is necessary to omit trees, landscaping, and other site elements that will be removed with the current design. Some balancing in light exposure is also necessary to create a more clear image or maintain consistency between pho- tos when used in a panorama. These images are provided without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. PROPOSED CONDITIONS View 2 Photo Simulation • DAHLIN DATE JOB NO. 05-04-2022 1623.002 5865 Owens Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 925-251-7200 A2 DUBLIN CAR WASH INDER DOSANJH 327 RESOLUTION NO. 22-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DENY AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE NO. 03-19 FOR THE KAISER COMMERCIAL PROJECT, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT RELATED TO THE NISSAN COMMERCIAL CAR WASH PROJECT PLPA 2022-00003 (APN 985-0027-026-00) WHEREAS, the Property Owner and Applicant, Dosanjh Real Estate, LLC, submitted an application to construct a commercial self-service car wash consisting of a 3,574-square-foot building housing a drive-thru automatic car wash tunnel, a parking area with 15 vacuum parking stalls and related site improvements. The applications include amendments to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 for Kaiser Commercial, a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Review Permit. The proposed development and applications are collectively known as the "Project;" and WHEREAS, the Project site is approximately one -acre located south on the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Kaiser Road (Assessor Parcel Number 985-0027-026-00); and WHEREAS, on October 4, 2016, the City Council approved a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 Development Plan for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project, which included the subject site as part of Phase IB (also known as Kaiser Commercial) (Ordinance No. 07-16); and WHEREAS, on May 7, 2019, the City Council approved a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Kaiser Commercial site as part of the Nissan Automobile Dealership project (Ordinance No. 03-19); and WHEREAS, an amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 is necessary to allow the proposed use; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Section 15061 (b)(4), projects that are denied are exempt from environmental review; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report dated September 27, 2022, and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, on September 27, 2022, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. Reso. No. 22-12, Item 6.1, Adopted 09/27/2022 Page 1 of 2 328 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that that the City Council deny amendments to Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19 for the Kaiser Commercial Project, the Conditional Use Permit and the Site Development Review Permit for the project, as the proposed use and related structures are not compatible with other land uses in the vicinity and were not envisioned when the City Council approved Planned Development Ordinance No. 03-19; the approved Planned Development for the site focuses on uses that will generate revenue to the City and the proposed use will not meet this important goal, which was included to offset some of the tax revenue loss because of the Kaiser Medical Center; there is no evidence that the lack of a nearby commercial car wash will impact adjacent auto sales; and a low tax revenue generating business should not be encouraged in consideration of the two large undeveloped parcels adjacent to this site. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 27th day of September 2022 by the following vote: AYES: Thalblum, Tyler, Wright NOES: Grier, Qaadri ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTESTpocusigned by: itiv,tehA, Assistant Community Development Director Reso. No. 22-12, Item 6.1, Adopted 09/27/2022 Page 2 of 2 - DocuSigned by: PAr79P(ACP71RD Planning Commission Chair 329 I/ DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Nissan Commercial Car Wash P LPA-2022-00003 City Council October 18,2022 El Project Location Dublin Blvd. Project Summary • 3,574 sf car wash tunnel • Parking/Vacuum area 15 Parking Stalls 17 Vacuum Stations Carport Structure DUBLIN BOULEVARD Requested Approvals • Amend Planned Development Ord. No. 03-19 to allow Car Wash/Detailing as a conditionally permitted use • Conditional Use Permit for Car Wash/Detailing • Site Development Review for the construction of self-service car wash El A DUBLIN Amend PD Ordinance No. 03- 19 • Approved in 2019 — Nissan Project • Allow Car Wash/Detailing as a conditionally permitted use • NOTE: Use allowed on Parcel 2 and only when supporting a City -revenue generating use with the Kaiser Commercial Project Area PARCEL 3 V 3, moo 13000 % Stage 1 /2 Development Plan Conditional Use Permit • Hours of Operation • Users — Nissan, Infiniti, General Public • Noise Analysis • Traffic Analysis PUSLIN 6LVP - a .1 O s- �• - A 1 . I I o I' hI h , L K 0' 4 0 \.., _!.___ i . -, ,, \mil 1 A. ° I, 1 00 11 ..., e 1' ' 1 F I I I I Site Development Review Permit • Site Layout • Car wash tunnel • Vacuum Stations • Landscaping DUBLIN BOULEVARD 0 0 ce W a Car Wash Tunnel East Elevation (interior view) North Elevation West Elevation Vacuum Stations LID Vacuum Station Canopy Side View Vacuum Station Locations Landscaping Site Lighting - Typical (See Lighting Plans) Storm Drain - — Typical (See Civil Plans) Environmental Review • Kaiser Dublin Medical Center FIR — Certified September 20, 2016 • Commercial Parcel — Phase 1B — 250,000 square feet of commercial uses • No new impacts • Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program I3 A DUBLIN Planning Commission Review • September 27, 2022 • Resolution No. 22-12 — Recommendation of Denial (vote 3-5) • Planning Commission Concerns/Findings — Compatibility — On -site circulation and queuing Prominent location Lack of tax revenue Ei A DUBLIN Conditions of Approval • COA# 115 to remove reference to litter cans on the trail ➢ Public Litter Cans. Public litter cans are required on site and on the trail to meet DMC Section 7.98.120. Cigarette butt receptacles and appropriate signage are required to be placed on -site in an appropriate location for public and employee use. • COAII 131 to add three -stream containers ➢ Solid Waste Requirements. The Project must comply with all requirements in DMC Chapter 7.98, including the following requirements: • All public litter containers shall include a portion for recycling. • A solid waste enclosure checklist is required to accompany the submission of enclosure drawings. • Install a minimum of four three -stream containers with clear signage describing organics, recycling, and garage (two for each vacuum area). El .11 DUBLIN Recommendation Conduct the public hearing, deliberate and: 1) waive the reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance Amending Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 03-19 for Kaiser Commercial; and 2) adopt the Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review Permit for the Nissan Commercial Car Wash Project. El DUBLIN