HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 H Mart Site Development Review Permit PLPA-2022-00033STAFF REPORT
Planning Commission
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Agenda Item 6.1
DATE:December 13, 2022
TO:Planning Commission
SUBJECT:H Mart Site Development Review Permit (PLPA-2022-00033) Prepared by:Gaspare Annibale,Associate Planner
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:The Planning Commission will consider a Site Development Review Permit for exterior improvements to the vacant retail building at 7884 Dublin Boulevard and vacant warehouse building at 6600 Golden Gate Drive within the Dublin Retail Center. The Applicant, H Mart, will operate a grocery store within the existing retail building. The proposed Site Development Review Permit would allow construction of an 8,552 square foot addition to the retail building for a food hall and a 3,187 square foot outdoor seating area with play area, façade modifications to the retail building, repaint the warehouse building with updated colors, a new trash enclosure, minor parking lot modifications, and related site improvements.The Planning Commission will also consider a categorical exemption from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Disclose ex-parte contacts, conduct a public hearing, deliberate and adopt the Resolutionapproving a Site Development Review Permit for H Mart.
DESCRIPTION:BackgroundThe project site is a vacant 27,237 square foot retail building and a vacant 9,476 square foot garden center located at 7884 Dublin Boulevard,and a vacant 6,343 square foot warehouse building located at 6660 Golden Gate Drive within the Dublin Retail Center. The Dublin Retail Center is located south of Dublin Boulevard between Regional Street and Golden Gate Drive. The project site has a General Plan and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) land use designation of Transit-Oriented District and is within the Downtown Dublin Zoning District (DDZD). Refer to Figure 1 for the project location and Table 1 for surrounding land uses.
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Figure 1. Project Location
Table 1: Surrounding Land UsesLocationZoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of the PropertyNorth DDZD Downtown Dublin –Retail District Ashley Furniture South DDZD Downtown Dublin –Transit-Oriented District Avalon West Apartments(under construction)& Vacant Retail/Future Regional Street Family ApartmentsEast DDZD Downtown Dublin –Transit-Oriented District Dublin Plaza Dental Center
West DDZD Downtown Dublin –Transit-Oriented District Earl Anthony’s Dublin Bowl and Commercial Uses
The project site was previously occupied by Orchard Supply Hardware. A Site Development Review Permit was approved in June 1980 to construct the buildings and related improvements.
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With the exception of the subject tenant space, the shopping center has undergone extensive façade modifications since its initial construction. Proposed ProjectThe Applicant, H Mart, proposes to operate a grocery store with a food hall and outdoor seating and play area within the vacant retail building and garden center, and utilize the existing warehouse building for cold storage. The current request is for approval of a Site Development Review (SDR) Permit to construct an8,552 square foot addition to the retail building for a food hall and a 3,187 square foot outdoor seating and play area in the general location of the former garden center, and façade modifications to the retail building, repaint the warehouse buildingto match the retail building, a new trash enclosure, minor parking lot modifications, and other site improvements. A draft Resolution approving the SDR Permit is included as Attachment 1 and the Project Plans are included as Attachment 2. AnalysisThe following is a summary of the key components of the project associated with the SDR Permit. Site Plan, Access, Circulation: The existing tenant space is 27,237 square feet and would be occupied by the retail component of H Mart. The proposed building expansion and outdoor seating area is proposed on the east side of the existing end-cap tenant space where the former outdoor garden center was located (refer to Figure 2). The proposed building expansion would provide8,552 square feet of new building area for H Mart’s food hall, and directly adjacent to this would be the new outdoor seating area providing 3,187 square feet of new space with a play area for customers. The outdoor seating area will be surrounded by a 42” high tubular steel fence and will be furnished with tables and umbrellas, and children’s play equipment.
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Figure 2. Proposed Floor Plan
The project would be accessed from existing driveways off Dublin Boulevard and Regional Street, and from a shared driveway with the adjacent shopping center to the east. The project would also be accessible from a new driveway at the extension of St. Patrick Way (refer to Figure 3).
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Figure 3. Proposed Site Plan
The City prepared a Local Transportation Study (LTS) to evaluate potential impacts associated with the proposed H Mart project (refer to Attachment 3).Based on the findings of the LTS,the project has been conditioned to make improvements to the new driveway that connects the shopping center parking lot to St.Patrick Way,include centerline striping, proper sight distance at intersections with parking aisles and St.Patrick Way, and pedestrian improvements to provide a safe pedestrian connection between H Mart and the storage building at 6600 Golden Gate Drive. These improvements are shown on Sheet C100B and condition of Approval No. 131 is included in the Planning Commission Resolution to address these recommendations.Parking and Loading:The shopping center is subject to a 2010 settlement agreement that reduced the parking requirement at full occupancy at the time from 473 parking spaces to 426 parking spaces. Therefore, based on the required 51 additional parking spaces for the project, the shopping center would be required to provide 477 total parking spaces (426 + 51 = 477). As shown on Sheet C100B and within Table 1 below, 484 parking spaces would be provided in the shopping center with an excess of 7 parking spaces (484-477=7 spaces)provided based on the project. Therefore, sufficient parking would be provided for the shopping center.
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Table 1. Shopping Center Parking SummaryUseArea (sq.ft.)Parking Ratio Parking Required Parking ProvidedExisting Retail Stores Subject Tenant Space (Proposed Grocery Store)
27,237 Per 2010 Settlement Agreement 426Proposed Food Hall 8,552 Eating & Drinking Establishment:1/100 (accessible by customer)1/300 (not accessible by customer)34
17477 484Furthermore, the agreement also stipulates any plans submitted to increase square footage that would require additional parking, the shopping center is subject to a credit of an additional 18 parking spaces for any future parking calculation. If any future project proposes to increase square footage in the shopping center, there would be the 7 excess parking spaces (484-477=7spaces) plus the additional 18 spaces that can be credited per the agreement. The vacant warehouse building is located on a separate parcel and would be used for cold storage. The warehouse building would be parked at a rate of 1/1,000 square feet of warehouse space. Since it is ancillary to the grocery store it would not generate a demand for parking; however, there could be sufficient space to accommodate required parking on the warehouse parcel, if needed. Project Design: The proposed exterior façade modification to the retail tenant space would complement the existing façade of the adjacent tenant spaces in the remainder of the shoppingcenter. Proposed building materials and colors are consistent with the remainder of the center and include a plaster finish with neutral colors and rounded cornice trim. The façade modification includes an entry element for the tenant space that is consistent with the other major tenant spaces within the center without being repetitive. Storage for carts would be located at the front of the building between the two entrances and proposes a plaster finish to match the adjacent wall. The proposed building expansion would be 30 feet in height, which would be similar in height as the main entry providing massing that is proportional to the entire building and consistent with the shopping center architecture (refer to Figure 3). In addition, the installation of the new trash enclosure and façade repaint to the proposed cold storage building at 6600 Golden Gate Drive would provide a design that is consistent with the colors and materials of the tenant space and
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addition. Figure 3. Exterior Perspective
Landscaping: The preliminary landscaping plan includes new landscaping adjacent to the newly constructed code compliant ADA parking spaces at the front of the proposed grocery store and around the perimeter of the new outdoor seating area. The selected plant species would be drought tolerant and complement the existing vegetation of the shopping center. The shrubbery and trees proposed along the perimeter of the outdoor seating area would provide privacy screening from the adjacent drive aisle and parking lot. The proposed tree spacing would align with the posts used for the decorative lighting, creating a safe and attractive environment for customers.
CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE:The proposed expansion and its respective site improvements are consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Downtown Dublin – Transit-Oriented District, which allows regional retail and outdoor dining. The outdoor dining area is adjacent to the food hall and the new grocery store will be an anchor to the shopping center by further strengthening its economic competitiveness and expanding services to the City.
REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES:The Building and Safety Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval, where appropriate, to ensure that the project is established in compliance with all local ordinances and
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regulations. Conditions of approval from these departments and agencies have been included in the attached Resolution (Attachment 1).
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State CEQA Guidelines and City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines and Procedures, require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents be prepared. Staff recommends the Planning Commission find that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities, because 1)the project is an addition to an existing structure and the addition is less than 10,000 square feet in size; 2) the project is in an area where all public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Plan; and 3) the area in which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive.
NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH:In accordance with State law, a public hearing notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project to advertise the project and the upcoming public hearing. A public hearing notice also was published in the East Bay Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant.
ATTACHMENTS:1) Planning Commission Resolution Approving the Site Development Preview Permit for the H Mart Site Development Review Permit2) Exhibit A to Attachment 1 H Mart Site Development Review Permit Project Plans3) Kittelson & Associates H Mart Local Transportation Study
Attachment 1
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PLPA 2022-00033
(APNS 941-1500-044-02 AND 941-1500-045-02)
WHEREAS,the Applicant, H Mart, submitted an application to construct an 8,552
square foot addition, 3,187 square foot outdoor seating area with play area, façade
modifications, new trash enclosure and related site improvements at 7884 Dublin
Boulevard, and repaint the warehouse building at 6600 Golden Gate Drive. Requested
approvals include a Site Development Review Permit. The proposed improvements are
collectively known as the “Project”; and
WHEREAS, the Project site is located within the Dublin Retail Center south of
Dublin Boulevard between Regional Street and Golden Gate Drive (APNs 941-1500-044-
02 and 941-1500-045-02); and
WHEREAS,the Project site has a General Plan land use designation of Downtown
Dublin – Transit-Oriented District and is located in the Downtown Dublin Zoning District
(DDZD); and
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the
State Guidelines and City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines and Procedures require that certain
projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be
prepared; and
WHEREAS, the proposed project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA
pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities), as the Project proposes
an addition that will not result in an increase of more than 10,000 square feet; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated December 13, 2022, described and analyzed
the Project, including the CEQA exemption; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on
the Project on December 13, 2022, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity
to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use independent judgment
and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth.
Attachment 1
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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Dublin Planning
Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the
Site Development Review Permit:
A.The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104 (Site Development
Review) of the Zoning Ordinance, with the General Plan, and any applicable
Specific Plans and design guidelines because: 1) the Project complies with the
development regulations, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, and General Plan land
use designation as H Mart is primarily a retail use that proposes to occupy an
existing tenant space within the Dublin Retail Center; 2) the proposed building
expansion as an eating and drinking establishment and new outdoor seating area
are permitted uses that have been well designed in relation to the existing tenant
space; and 3) the Project would be an anchor to the shopping center by further
strengthening its economic competitiveness and expanding services to the City.
B.The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance
because:1) the Project is attractive and harmonious to the architectural
development of the shopping center; 2) all required parking will be provided on the
Project site; and 3) the project complies with the applicable development standards
of the Downtown Dublin Zoning District for remodeled buildings, as outlined in the
Downtown Dublin Specific Plan.
C.The design of the Project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding
properties, and the lot(s) in which the Project is proposed because:1) the Project
is located on a parcel that is developed with an existing shopping center and the
size and mass of the proposed building expansion is consistent with the adjacent
in-line tenants and is in compliance with the minimum and maximum development
density/intensity permitted and the façade design compliments that of the other
tenant spaces within the shopping center; 2) the Project would reactivate the
existing tenant space with a retail related use which is consistent with the adjacent
in-line tenants; and 3) the Project site is accessible from existing and proposed
driveways, which are served from Dublin Boulevard and Regional Street, the
shared driveway with the adjacent shopping center to the east, and the proposed
extension of St. Patrick Way.
D.The subject site is suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development
because:1) the Project proposes to renovate and expand an existing tenant space
which will support a variety of commercial uses that are allowed uses in the Transit-
Oriented District and will help to support the viability of the shopping center; 2) the
Project is consistent with the Downtown Dublin Zoning District in which it is located;
3) the Project site will be fully served by a network of existing and planned
infrastructure of public roadways and facilities; and 4) the proposed Project meets
all of the development standards established to regulate development in the
Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Transit-Oriented District and are consistent and
compatible with other commercial development in the immediate vicinity.
Attachment 1
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E.Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because: the
project site is relatively flat and the proposed Project will not impact any slopes or
other topographic features.
F.Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the
design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings,
screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar
elements result in a project that is harmonious with its surroundings and
compatible with other developments in the vicinity because:1) the Project
proposes changes to the exterior façade of the tenant space that improves the
architectural design of the shopping center, while maintaining a cohesive design
with the adjacent in-line tenants by proposing the same materials and colors to the
façade by utilizing a plaster finish with neutral colors, providing rounded cornice
trims, and retaining the main entry height of 32 feet to provide massing that is
proportional for the entire building; 2) the outdoor seating area is well incorporated
into the design of the building addition and provides for a pleasant environment for
customers with tables, chairs, umbrellas, play area, string lights for visibility and
lush landscaping that helps soften the appearance of this area; and 3) the
installation of the new trash enclosure and façade enhancements to the proposed
cold storage building at 6600 Golden Gate Drive provide for a design that is
consistent with the colors and materials of the tenant space and addition.
G.Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and
coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the
project to ensure visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment
for the public because:1) the preliminary landscaping plan includes new
landscaping adjacent to the newly constructed code compliant ADA parking
spaces at the front of the proposed supermarket and around the perimeter of the
new outdoor seating area which will provide privacy screening from the adjacent
drive aisle and parking lot; 2) the proposed tree spacing along the perimeter of the
outdoor seating area will align with the posts used for the decorative lighting,
creating a safe and attractive environment for customers; and 3) the selected plant
species will be drought tolerant and complement the existing vegetation of the
shopping center.
H.The site has been adequately designed to ensure the proper circulation for
bicyclist, pedestrians, and automobiles because:1) access to the site is currently
provided from driveways off Dublin Boulevard and Regional Street, a shared
driveway with the adjacent shopping center to the east, and a new driveway
connecting to the St. Patrick Way extension; 2) pedestrians may access the site
from existing sidewalks along Regional Street and Dublin Boulevard, with
enhancements to improve the existing crosswalk visibility at the Dublin Boulevard
and the shopping center entrance; 3) pedestrians will be able to access the site
from the new sidewalk on St. Patrick Way, with enhanced connectivity provided
from a striped path-of-travel linking the outdoor seating area to the new right-of-
way; 3) all infrastructure including, pathways, sidewalks, and lighting have been
Attachment 1
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reviewed for conformance with City policies, regulations and best practices; and 3)
the Project has been reviewed by the Public Works Department and Fire
Department and adequate access and circulation has been provided on-site.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dublin Planning Commission does
hereby approve the Site Development Review Permit for H Mart subject to the conditions
included below, and other plans, and textrelating to this Site Development Review Permit.
Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the
issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning
Department review and approval.The following codes represent those
departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of
approval. [PL.] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works [P&CS] Parks &
Community Services, [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FIN] Finance, [F] Alameda
County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [CO] Alameda
County Department of Environmental Health, [Z7] Zone 7.
Prior to:
1.Approval. This Site Development Review (SDR)
Permit is for the H Mart Project (PLPA-2022-00033).
This approval shall be as generally depicted and
indicated on the Project Plans prepared by Little
Diversified Architectural Consulting, dated
September 16, 2022, attached as Exhibit A and
other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this
project, and as specified as the following Conditions
of Approval for this project.
PL On-going
2.Effective Date. This SDR Permit approval
becomes effective 10 days after action by the
Planning Commission, unless otherwise appealed
to the City Council.
PL On-going
3.Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall
commence within one (1) year of Permit approval or
the SDR Permit shall lapse and become null and
void. If there is a dispute as to whether the SDR
Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed
public hearing to determine the matter. Such a
determination may be processed concurrently with
revocation proceedings in appropriate
circumstances. If the SDR Permit expires, a new
PL One Year
Attachment 1
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application must be made and processed according
to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
4.Time Extension. The Director of Community
Development may, upon the Applicant’s written
request for an extension of approval prior to
expiration, and upon the determination that any
Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure
that applicable findings of approval will continue to
be met, grant a time extension of approval for a
period not to exceed 12 months. The Director of
Community Development may grant a maximum of
two extensions of approval, and additional
extensions may be granted by the original decision
PL Prior to
5.Compliance. The Applicant/Property Owner shall
operate this use in compliance with the Conditions
of Approval of this SDR Permit, the approved plans
and the regulations established in the Zoning
Ordinance, City of Dublin Title 7 Public Works
Ordinance, which includes the Grading Ordinance,
the City of Dublin Public Works Standards and
Policies, the most current requirements of the State
Code Title 24 and the Americans with Disabilities
Act with regard to accessibility, and all building and
fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time of
building permit. Any violation of the terms or
conditions specified may be subject to enforcement
action. Any violation of the terms or conditions
specified may be subject to enforcement action.
PL On-going
6.Modifications. Modifications or changes to this
SDR Permit approval may be considered by the
Community Development Director if the
modifications or changes proposed comply with
Dublin Municipal Code (DMC) Section 8.104.100.
PL On-going
7.Revocation of Permit. The SDR Permit approval
shall be revocable for cause in accordance with
DMC Section 8.96.020.I. Any violation of the terms
or conditions of this permit shall be subject to
PL On-going
8.Requirements and Standard Conditions. The
Applicant/Developer shall comply with applicable
City of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Public
Works Department, Dublin Building Department,
Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood
Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley
Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and
Various Building
Attachment 1
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Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services
District and the California Department of Health
Services requirements and standard conditions.
Prior to issuance of building permits or the
installation of any improvements related to this
project, the Applicant/Developer shall supply written
statements from each such agency or department
to the Planning Department, indicating that all
applicable conditions required have been or will be
9.Required Permits. The Applicant/Developer shall
obtain all permits required by other agencies
including, but not limited to Alameda County Flood
Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7,
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Army
Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control
Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits
to the Public Works Department.
PW Building
Issuance and
10.Fees. The Applicant/Developer shall pay all
applicable fees in effect at the time of building
permit issuance, including, but not limited to,
Planning fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees,
TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District
fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School
District School Impact fees, Fire Facilities Impact
fees, Alameda County Flood and Water
Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water
Connection fees; or any other fee that may be
adopted and applicable.
Various Building
11.Indemnification. The Applicant/Developer shall
defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of
Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from
any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of
Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to
attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the
City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board,
Planning Commission, City Council, Community
Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any
other department, committee, or agency of the City
to the extent such actions are brought within the
time period required by Government Code Section
66499.37 or other applicable law; provided,
however, that the Applicant’s/Developer's duty to so
defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be
subject to the City's promptly notifying the
Applicant/Developer of any said claim, action, or
ADM On-going
Attachment 1
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proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the
defense of such actions or proceedings.
12.Clarification of Conditions.In the event that there
needs to be clarification to the Conditions of
Approval, the Director of Community Development
and the City Engineer have the authority to clarify
the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the
Applicant/Developer without going to a public
hearing. The Director of Community Development
and the City Engineer also have the authority to
make minor modifications to these conditions
without going to a public hearing in order for the
Applicant/Developer to fulfill needed improvements
or mitigations resulting from impacts to this project.
PL, PW On-going
13.Clean-up. The Applicant/Developer shall be
responsible for clean-up and disposal of project
related trash to maintain a safe, clean and litter-free
PL On-going
14.Controlling Activities. The Applicant/Property
Owner shall control all activities on the project site
so as not to create a nuisance to the existing or
surrounding businesses and residences.
PL On-going
15.Construction Trailer.The Applicant/Developer
shall obtain a Temporary Use Permit prior to the
establishment of any construction trailer, storage
shed, or container units on the Project site.
PL Establishme
nt of the
16.Equipment Screening. All electrical equipment,
fire risers, and/or mechanical equipment shall be
screened from public view by landscaping and/or
architectural features and that electrical
transformers are either underground or
architecturally screened.
Any roof-mounted equipment shall be completely
screened from adjacent street view by materials
architecturally compatible with the building and to
the satisfaction of the Community Development
Director. The Building Permit plans shall show the
location of all equipment and screening for review
and approval by the Community Development
PL Building
17.Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. Plans shall
comply with DMC Chapter 8.72 and be generally
consistent with the project plans attached to this
Resolution as Exhibit A Final Landscape and
PL Building
Attachment 1
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Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a State
licensed landscape architect or registered engineer
shall be submitted for review and approval by the
Community Development Director.
18.Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations. The
Applicant/Developer shall meet all requirements of
the City of Dublin's Water-Efficient Landscaping
Regulations contained in DMC Chapter 8.88 and
submit written documentation to the Public Works
Department (in the form of a Landscape
Documentation Package and other required
documents) that the development conforms to the
City’s Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance.
PL Building
19.Landscape Edges. Concrete curbs or bands shall
be used at the edges of all planters and paving
surfaces, unless otherwise defined differently. The
design width and depth of the concrete edge shall
be to the satisfaction of the Community
Development Director and City Engineer.
PL Building
20.Maintenance of Landscape. All landscape areas
on the site shall be enhanced and properly
maintained at all times. Any proposed or modified
landscaping to the site, including the removal or
replacement of trees, shall require prior review and
written approval from the Community Development
PL On-going
21.Project Signage. Signage is not part of this
approval and the applicant shall work with the City
to design project signage that is consistent with
Master Sign Program for the shopping center. Prior
to occupancy, a building permit for signage shall be
applied for with the Building and Safety Division.
PL Prior to
22.Building Codes and Ordinances. All project
construction shall conform to all building codes and
ordinances in effect at the time of building permit.
B Through
23.Racking and other furniture items. Racks,
refrigerators, freezers, cooler cases and other non-
moveable items require building permits. If the
scoping of the drawings includes the above items,
sufficient information shall be included in the
drawings for permitting and inspection. Otherwise
separate building permits will be required.
B Through
24.Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall
be fully dimensioned (including building elevations)
accurately drawn (depicting all existing and
B Issuance of
Attachment 1
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proposed conditions on site), and prepared and
signed by a California licensed Architect or
Engineer. All structural calculations shall be
prepared and signed by a California licensed
Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan
and details shall be consistent with each other.
25.Building Permits. To apply for building permits,
Applicant/Developer shall submit electronic
drawings for plan check. An annotated copy of the
Conditions of Approval shall be included with the
submittal. The notations shall clearly indicate how
all Conditions of Approval will or have been
complied with. Construction plans will not be
accepted without the annotated resolutions
attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer
will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all
participation non-City agencies prior to the issuance
of building permits.
B Issuance of
26.As-Built Drawings.All revisions made to the
building plans during the project shall be
incorporated into an “As Built” electronic file and
submitted prior to the issuance of the final
B Occupancy
a) Address signage shall be provided as per the
Dublin Commercial Security Code.
b) Address will be required on all doors leading
to the exterior of the building. Addresses
shall be illuminated and be able to be seen
from the street, 4 inches in height minimum.
Applicant shall file for a change of address for the
warehouse currently addressed as 6600 Golden
Gate Drive
Prior to
Prior to
Prior to
28.Engineer Observation. The Engineer of record
shall be retained to provide observation services for
all components of the lateral and vertical design of
the building, including nailing, hold-downs, straps,
shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of
building. A written report shall be submitted to the
City Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame
B Prior to
the Final
Attachment 1
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29.60-Foot No Build Covenant. Pursuant to Dublin
Municipal Code Section 7.32.130, the owner shall
file with the Building Official a modification to the
Covenant and Agreement Regarding Maintenance
of Yards for an Oversized Building binding such
owner, his heirs, and assignees, to set aside a 60-
foot required yard as unobstructed space having no
improvements. (Outdoor seating area is allowed in
the no build area, provided all material used in this
area is non-combustible.) After execution by the
owner and Building Official, such covenant shall be
recorded in the Alameda County Recorder’s Office,
and shall continue in effect so long as an oversized
building remains or unless otherwise released by
authority of the Chief Building Official.
B Prior to
30.60-Foot No Build Covenant –Existing. Existing
(latest version) and Proposed location of the No
Build Covenant areas shall be shown on the plans.
B Prior to
31.Trash Enclosure. The location of the trash
enclosure in within an existing 60-foot No Build
Easement. Easement shall be modified to permit
the enclosure.
B Prior to
32.Foundation. Geotechnical Engineer for the soils
report shall review and approve the foundation
design. A letter shall be submitted to the Building
Division on the approval.
B Prior to
33.Air Conditioning Units. Air conditioning units and
ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view
with materials compatible to the main building.
B Occupancy
of Building
34.Plumbing Fixture Count. The plumbing fixture
count (e.g., water closets, lavatories, urinals,
drinking fountains) shall meet the minimum
requirements for the use as regulated by the CA
Plumbing Code.
B Prior to
35.Solar Zone –CA Energy Code. Show the location
of the Solar Zone on the site plan. Detail the
orientation of the Solar Zone. This condition of
approval will be waived if the project meets the
exceptions provided in the CA Energy Code.
B Through
36.Accessible Parking. The required number of
parking stalls, the design and location of the
accessible parking stalls shall be as required by the
CA Building Code, Chapter 11-B.
B Through
37.Green Parking. The design and number of clean
air/ EV ready stalls shall be as required by the CA
Green Building Standards Code.
B Through
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38.Retaining Walls. All retaining walls over 30 inches
in height and adjacent to a walkway shall be
provided with guardrails. Retaining walls with a
surcharge and retaining walls over 36 inches in
height shall obtain permits and inspections from the
Building & Safety Division.
B Through
39.Accessory Structures. Building permits are
required for all trash enclosures and associated
amenities / structures and are required to meet the
accessibility and building codes.
B Through
40.Temporary Fencing. Temporary construction
fencing shall be installed along perimeter of all
exterior work under construction and exterior
storage of construction material.
B Through
41.Copies of Approved Plans. Applicant shall
provide City with one reduced (1/2 size) copy of the
City of Dublin stamped approved plan.
B 30 Days
After Permit
and Each
42.No fire service lines shall pass beneath buildings.F Approval of
43.Fire Apparatus Access Road
Fire department access requirements are to be met.
All fire apparatus access road shall be with an
approved all-weathered surface and capable of
supporting imposed load of 75,000 lbs.
F Approval of
44.Fire Hydrants
All existing and proposed fire hydrants shall comply
with the requirements in CFC 507.5.
F Approval of
45.New Fire Sprinkler System & Monitoring
In accordance with The Dublin Fire Code, fire
sprinklers shall be installed in the building. The
system shall be in accordance with the NFPA 13,
the CA Fire Code and CA Building Code. Plans and
specifications showing detailed mechanical design,
cut sheets, listing sheets and hydraulic calculations
shall be submitted to the Fire Department for
approval and permit prior to installation. This may
be a deferred submittal.
a)Sprinkler Plans. (Deferred Submittal
Item).Submit detailed mechanical
drawings of all sprinkler modifications,
including cut sheets, listing sheets and
F Occupancy
Attachment 1
Page 12 of 36
calculations to the Fire Department for
approval and permit prior to installation.
b) All sprinkler system components shall
remain in compliance with the applicable
N.F.P.A. 13 Standard, the CA Fire Code
and the CA Building Code.
c)Underground Plans.(Deferred
Submittal Item).Submit detailed shop
drawings for the fire water supply system,
including cut sheets, listing sheets and
calculations to the Fire Department for
approval and permit prior to installation.
All underground and fire water supply
system components shall be in
compliance with the applicable N.F.P.A.
13, 24, 20, 22 Standards, the CA Fire
Code and the CA Building Code. The
system shall be hydrostatically tested and
inspected prior to being covered. Prior to
the system being connected to any fire
protection system, a system flush shall be
witnessed by the Fire Department.
d)Central Station Monitoring. Automatic
fire extinguishing systems installed within
buildings shall have all control valves and
flow devices electrically supervised and
maintained by an approved central alarm
station. Zoning and annunciation of
central station alarm signals shall be
submitted to the Fire Department for
Fire Protection Equipment shall be identified with
approved signs constructed of durable materials,
permanently installed and readily visible.
46.Fire Access During Construction.
a)Fire Access. Access roads, turnaround,
pullouts, and fire operation areas are fire
lanes and shall be maintained clear and free
of obstructions, including the parking of
b)Entrances.Entrances to job sites shall not
be blocked, including after hours, other than
by approved gates/barriers that provide for
emergency access.
c)Site Utilities.Site utilities that would require
the access road to be dug up or made
F During
Attachment 1
Page 13 of 36
impassible shall be installed prior to
construction commencing.
d) Entrance flare, angle of departure, width,
turning radii, grades, turnaround, vertical
clearances, road surface, bridges/crossings,
gates/key-switch, within a 150-foot distance
to Fire Lane shall be maintained.
e)Personnel Access. Route width, slope,
surface, and obstructions must be
considered for the approved route to
furthermost portion of the exterior wall.
All-weather access. Fire access is required to be
all-weather access. Show on the plans the location
of the all-weather access and a description of the
construction. Access roads must be designed to
support the imposed loads of fire apparatus.
47.Fire Alarm System Required
A Fire Alarm System in conformance with the Dublin
Fire Code is required shall be installed throughout
the building so as to provide full property protection,
including combustible concealed spaces, as
required by NFPA 72. The system shall be installed
in accordance with NFPA 72, CA Fire, Building,
Electrical, and Mechanical Codes.
If the system is intended to serve as an evacuation
system, compliance with the horn/strobe
requirements for the entire building must also be
met. All automatic fire extinguishing systems shall
be interconnected to the fire alarm system so as to
activate an alarm if activated and to monitor control
valves. Delayed egress locks shall meet
requirements of C.F.C.
a)Fire Alarm Plans. (Deferred Submittal
Item). Submit detailed drawings of the fire
alarm system, including floor plan showing
all rooms, device locations, ceiling height
and construction, cut sheets, listing sheets
and battery and voltage drop calculations to
the Fire Department for review and permit
prior to the installation. Where employee
work areas have audible alarm coverage,
circuits shall be initially designed with a
minimum 20 percent spare capacity for
F Occupancy
Attachment 1
Page 14 of 36
adding appliances to accommodate hearing
impaired employees.
b)Central Station Monitored Account.
Automatic fire alarm systems shall be
monitored by an approved central alarm
station. Zoning and annunciation of central
station alarm signals shall be approved by
the Fire Department.
c)Qualified Personnel.The system shall be
installed, inspected, tested, and maintained
in accordance with the provisions of NFPA
72. Only qualified and experienced persons
shall perform this work. Examples of
qualified individuals are those who have
been factory trained and certified or are
NICET Fire Alarm Certified.
Inspection & Testing Documentation.
Performance testing of all initiating & notification
devices in the presence of the Fire Inspector shall
occur prior to final of the system. Upon this
inspection, proof that the specific account is UL
Certificated must be provided to the Fire Inspector.
48.Fire Extinguishers.
Extinguishers shall be visible and unobstructed.
Signage shall be provided to indicate fire
extinguisher locations. The number and location of
extinguishers shall be shown on the plans.
Additional fire extinguishers maybe required by the
fire inspector.
Fire extinguisher shall meet a minimum
classification of 2A 10BC. Extinguishers weighing
40 pounds or less shall be mounted no higher than
five feet above the floor measured to the top of the
extinguisher. Extinguishers shall be inspected
monthly and serviced by a licensed concern
F Occupancy
49.FD Building Key Box. Building Access. A Fire
Department Key Box shall be installed at the main
entrance to the Building. Note these locations on the
plans. The key box should be installed
approximately 5 1/2 feet above grade. The box shall
be sized to hold the master key to the facility as well
as keys for rooms not accessible by the master key.
Specialty keys, such as the fire alarm control box
F Occupancy
Attachment 1
Page 15 of 36
key and elevator control keys shall also be installed
in the box.
The key box door and necessary keys are to be
provided to the fire inspector upon the final
inspection. The inspector will then lock the keys into
the box.
50.Means of Egress.
Exit signs shall be visible and illuminated with
emergency lighting when building is occupied.
F Occupancy
51.Maximum Occupant Load. Posting of room
capacity is required for any occupant load of 50 or
more persons. Submittal of a seating plan on 8.5” x
11” paper is required prior to final occupancy.
F Occupancy
52.Interior Finish. Wall and ceiling interior finish
material shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8
of the California Fire Code. Interior finishes will be
field verified upon final inspection. If the product is
not field marked and the marking visible for
inspection, maintain the products cut-sheets and
packaging that show proof of the products
flammability and flame-spread ratings. Decorative
materials shall be fire retardant.
F Occupancy
53.General Inspection. Upon inspection of the work
for which this submittal was provided, a general
inspection of the business and site will be
F Occupancy
54.Addressing. Addressing shall be illuminated or in
an illuminated area. The address characters shall
be contrasting to their background. If address is
placed on glass, the numbers shall be on the
exterior of the glass and a contrasting background
placed behind the numbers.
Building Address. The building shall be provided
with all addresses or the assigned address range so
as to be clearly visible from either direction of travel
on the street the address references. The address
characters shall not be less than five inches in
height by one-inch stroke. Larger sizes may be
necessary depending on the setbacks and visibility.
Multi-Tenants. Where a building has multiple
tenants, address shall also be provided near the
main entrance door of each tenant space. The
address shall be high enough on the building to be
clearly visible from the driveway, street, or parking
F Occupancy
of any
Attachment 1
Page 16 of 36
area it faces even when vehicles are parked in front
of the tenant space. The address shall not be less
than five inches in height with a ½-inch stroke.
55.Main Entrance Hardware Exception.
It is recommended that all doors be provided with
exit hardware that allows exiting from the egress
side even when the door is in the locked condition.
However, an exception for A-3, B, F, M, S
occupancies and all churches does allow key-
locking hardware (no thumb-turns) on the main exit
when the main exit consists of a single door or pair
of doors. When unlocked the single door or both
leaves of a pair of doors must be free to swing
without operation of any latching device. A readily
visible, durable sign on or just above the door
stating “This door to remain unlocked whenever
the building is occupied” shall be provided. The
sign shall be in letters not less than 1 inch high on a
contrasting background. This use of this exception
may be revoked for cause.
F Occupancy
56.Automatic Shutoffs for Ducts
Air moving systems supplying air in excess of 2,000
cubic feet per minute to enclosed spaces within
buildings shall be equipped with an automatic
shutoff. Automatic shutoff shall be accomplished by
interrupting the power source of the air moving
equipment upon detection of smoke in the main
supply air duct served by such equipment. Smoke
detectors shall be labeled by an approved agency
approved and listed by California State Fire Marshal
for air duct installation and shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s approved
installation instructions.
Duct detectors shall be accessible for cleaning by
providing access doors.
Duct detector location shall be permanently and
clearly identified.
F Occupancy
57.Hood & Duct Fire Extinguishing System & K Fire
In accordance with the Fire Code, a ventilating hood
and duct system shall be provided in accordance
with the Mechanical Code for commercial-type food
heat-processing equipment that produces grease-
laden vapors. An automatic fire extinguishing
F Occupancy
Attachment 1
Page 17 of 36
system shall protect the hood and duct system and
the cooking appliances below. Plans and
specifications showing detailed mechanical design
of fire protection system shall be submitted to the
Fire Department for review and permit.
a) Installation and maintenance of such
systems shall comply with the Fire Code
manufacture’s instructions, and the
applicable NFPA. Standard.
b) A fire extinguisher with a minimum “K”
rating is required to be located within 30’
of equipment or next to the manual pull-
station for the extinguishing system. The
location of such shall be approved and in
the direction of egress. (NOTE –more
than four fryers requires additional “K”
rated extinguisher
c) Automatic fire extinguishing systems
shall be interconnected to fuel or current
supply for the cooking operation and
arranged to shut off all equipment under
the hood when the system is activated.
d) In buildings protected by a fire alarm or
monitoring system, the activation of the
fire system shall activate an alarm. The
central station monitoring service shall be
either certificated or placarded as defined
in N.F.P.A. 72.
e) Unless a steel or tempered glass baffle
plate at least 8-inches high is provided
between appliances, deep fat fryers shall
be installed at least 16-inces from the
surface flames of adjacent equipment.
Permanent and durable markings shall be provided
on adjacent walls and/or floors to clearly indicate the
proper position of cooking equipment protected by
automatic fire extinguishing systems. The
misalignment of cooking equipment can cause the
system nozzles to miss the cooking surface.
Attachment 1
Page 18 of 36
58.Quantities exceeding the maximum allowable
quantity per control area
Hazardous Materials
Provide an inventory statement (HMIS) for any / all
hazardous materials for approval of process /
storage / handling requirements. Project shall meet
the requirements of the Alameda County
Department of Environmental Health as Certified
Unified Program Agency (CUPA). Provide to CUPA
the Material Safety Data Sheets, Hazardous
Materials Business Plan and all required
documentation for permitting process. Contact
Alameda County Health services at (510) 567-6780
Hazardous Materials Management Plan
Provide facility site plan showing storage and use
areas, maximum amount of material stored or used
in each area, container sizes, storage arrangement
including the location and dimensions of aisles.
Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement
Provide permit application with Chemical name,
trade names, hazardous ingredients, hazard
classification, MSDS, U.N. and C.A.S. number,
maximum quantity on-site at one time, storage
conditions related to the storage type, temperature
and pressure.
The storage, use and handling of hazardous
materials in quantities not exceeding the maximum
allowable quantity per control shall be in
accordance with CFC.
F Building
59.Fire Safety During Construction and Demolition
A. Clearance to combustibles from temporary
heating devices shall be maintained. Devices
shall be fixed in place and protected from
damage, dislodgement, or overturning in
accordance with the manufacturer’s
B. Smoking shall be prohibited except in
approved areas. Signs shall be posted “NO
SMOKING” in a conspicuous location in each
structure or location in which smoking is
F Ongoing
Attachment 1
Page 19 of 36
C. Combustible debris, rubbish and waste
material shall be removed from buildings at
the end of each shift of work.
Flammable and combustible liquid storage areas
shall be maintained clear of combustible vegetation
and waste materials.
60.Conditions of Approval. Applicant/Developer
shall comply with the City of Dublin Public Works
Standard Conditions of Approval contained below
(“Standard Condition”) unless specifically modified
by Project Specific Conditions of Approval below.
PW On-going
61.Compliance. Applicant/Developer shall comply
with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinances, City of
Dublin Title 7 Public Works Ordinance, which
includes the Grading Ordinance, the City of Dublin
Public Works Standards and Policies, the most
current requirements of the State Code Title 24 and
the Americans with Disabilities Act with regard to
accessibility, and all building and fire codes and
ordinances in effect at the time of building permit.
All public improvements constructed by
Applicant/Developer and to be dedicated to the City
are hereby identified as “public works” under Labor
Code section 1771. Accordingly,
Applicant/Developer, in constructing such
improvements, shall comply with the Prevailing
Wage Law (Labor Code. Sects. 1720 and
PW On-going
62.Clarifications and Changes to the Conditions. In
the event that there needs to be clarification to these
Conditions of Approval, the City Engineer has the
authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of
Approval to the Applicant/Developer without going
to a public hearing. The City Engineer also has the
authority to make minor modifications to these
conditions without going to a public hearing in order
for the Applicant/Developer to fulfill needed
improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts
of this project.
PW On-going
63.Hold Harmless/Indemnification. The
Applicant/Developer shall defend, indemnify, and
hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents,
officers, and employees from any claim, action, or
proceeding against the City of Dublin or its advisory
agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City
PW On-going
Attachment 1
Page 20 of 36
Council, Community Development Director, Zoning
Administrator, or any other department, committee,
or agency of the City to the extent such actions are
brought within the time period required by
Government Code Section 66499.37 or other
applicable law: provided, however, that the
Applicant/Developer’s duty to so defend, indemnify,
and hold harmless shall be submitted to the City
promptly notifying or proceeding and the City’s full
cooperation in the defense of such actions or
64.Fees. The Applicant/Developer shall pay all
applicable fees in effect at the time of building
permit issuance, including, but not limited to:
Planning fees; Building fees; Dublin San Ramon
Services District fees; Public Facilities fees;
Transportation Impact Fees; City of Dublin Fire
fees; Noise Mitigation fees; Inclusionary House In-
Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood Control and
Water Conservation District fees.
Permit or
65.Zone 7 Impervious Surface Fees. The
Applicant/Developer shall complete a “Zone 7
Impervious Surface Fee Application” and submit an
accompanying exhibit for review by the Public
Works Department. Fees generated by this
application will be due at issuance of Building
Permit or
66.Stormwater Management Maintenance
Agreement. Property Owner shall enter into an
Agreement with the City of Dublin that guarantees
the property owner’s perpetual maintenance
obligation for all stormwater management
measures installed as part of the project, including
those on-site and within the public Rights of Way. In
addition to stormwater management measures,
drainage v-ditches, mitigation areas, and existing
wetlands shall be included for reference, as
applicable. Said Agreement is required pursuant to
Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater
NPDES Permit, Order No. R2-2022-0018 Said
permit requires the City to provide verification and
assurance that all treatment devices will be properly
operated and maintained. The Agreement shall be
recorded against the property and shall run with the
Approval of
Attachment 1
Page 21 of 36
67.Encroachment Permit. Applicant/Developer shall
obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Public
Works Department for all construction activity within
the public right-of-way. At the discretion of the City
Engineer an encroachment permit for work
specifically included in an Improvement Agreement
may not be required.
PW Permit
68.Grading Permit. Applicant/Developer shall obtain
a Grading Permit from the Public Works Department
for all grading.
PW Permit
69.Security.Applicant/Developer shall provide faithful
performance security to guarantee the
improvements, as well as payment security, as
determined by the City Engineer. The performance
security shall remain in effect until one year after
final inspection.
PW Permit
70.Permits from Other Agencies.
Applicant/Developer shall obtain all permits and/or
approvals required by other agencies including, but
not limited to:
Army Corps of Engineers
US Fish and Wildlife
Regional Water Quality Control Board
Federal Emergency Management Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Dept. of Transportation (Caltrans)
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority
Tri-Valley-San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail
Dublin San Ramon Services District
Alameda County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District Zone 7 (Zone 7)
PW Permit
71.Improvement Plan Submittal Requirements.All
submittals of plans shall comply with the
requirements of the “City of Dublin Public Works
Department Improvement Plan Submittal
Requirements”, the “City of Dublin Improvement
Plan Review Check List,” and current Public Works
and industry standards. A complete submittal of
Attachment 1
Page 22 of 36
improvement plans shall include all civil
improvements, joint trench, street lighting and on-
site safety lighting, landscape plans, and all
associated documents as required.
Applicant/Developer shall not piecemeal the
submittal by submitting various components
72.Improvement Plan Requirements from Other
Agencies. Applicant/Developer will be responsible
for submittals and reviews to obtain the approvals
of all participating non-City agencies, including but
not limited to: the Alameda County Fire Department
and the Dublin San Ramon Services District.
73.Composite Exhibit. Construction plan set shall
include a Composite Exhibit showing all site
improvements, utilities, landscaping improvements
and trees, etc. to be constructed to ensure that there
are no conflicts among the proposed and existing
74.Geotechnical Report. Applicant/Developer shall
submit a Design Level Geotechnical Report, which
includes street pavement sections, grading and
additional information and/or clarifications as
determined by the City Engineer.
75.Ownership and Maintenance of Improvements.
Applicant/Developer shall submit an Ownership and
Maintenance Exhibit for review and approval by
Planning Division and Public Works Department.
Terms of maintenance are subject to review and
approval by the City Engineer.
76.Building Pads, Slopes and Walls.
Applicant/Developer shall provide the Public Works
Department with a letter from a registered civil
engineer or surveyor stating that the building pads
have been graded to within 0.1 feet of the grades
shown on the approved Grading Plans, and that the
top & toe of banks and retaining walls are at the
locations shown on the approved Grading Plans.
77.Approved Plan Files. Applicant/Developer shall
provide the Public Works Department a PDF format
file of approved site plans, including grading,
improvement, landscaping & irrigation, joint trench
and lighting.
78.Master Files. Applicant/Developer shall provide
the Public Works Department a digital vectorized file
of the “master” files for the project, in a format
PW Acceptance
Attachment 1
Page 23 of 36
acceptable to the City Engineer. Digital raster
copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized
files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing
format. All objects and entities in layers shall be
colored by layer and named in English. All
submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate
System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State
Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot.
79.Environmental Services Files.
Applicant/Developer shall provide to the Public
Works Department GIS shape files, provided in a
format acceptable to the City, all MRP Provision C.3
stormwater features, trash capture devices,
mitigation measures, wetlands, v-ditches and public
waste containers.
80.SB 1383 Compliance Reporting. To comply with
SB 1383, applicant shall provide to the Public Works
Department records indicating where SB 1383
compliant mulch or compost was applied in the
project, the source and type of product, quantity of
each product, and invoices demonstrating
s / Certificate
81.Dedications. The Applicant shall be responsible
for dedication of all rights-of-way and easements
required by these conditions or determined
necessary by the City Engineer.
82.Emergency Vehicle Access Easements. The
Applicant/Developer shall dedicate Emergency
Vehicle Access Easements (EVAE) over the clear
pavement width of all drive aisles as required by the
Alameda County Fire Department and City
83.Abandonment of Easements.
Applicant/Developer shall obtain abandonment
from all applicable public agencies of existing
easements and rights-of-way within the project site
that will no longer be used. Prior to completion of
abandonment, the improvement plans may be
approved if the Applicant/Developer can
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
that the abandonment process has been initiated.
84.Acquisition of Easements. Applicant/Developer
shall be responsible for obtaining all onsite and
offsite easements, and/or obtain rights-of-entry from
the adjacent property owners for any improvements
Attachment 1
Page 24 of 36
not located on their property. The
Applicant/Developer shall prepare all required
documentation for dedication of all easements on-
site and off-site. The easements and/or rights-of-
entry shall be in writing and copies furnished to the
Public Works Department.
85.Approval by Others. The Applicant/Developer will
be responsible for submittals and reviews to obtain
the approvals of all applicable non-City agencies.
86.Grading Plan. The Grading Plan shall be in
conformance with the recommendation of the
Geotechnical Report, the approved Site
Development Review, and the City design
standards & ordinances. In case of conflict between
the soil engineer’s recommendation and the City
ordinances, the City Engineer shall determine which
shall apply.
87.Geotechnical Engineer Review and Approval.
The Project Geotechnical Engineer shall be
retained to review all final grading plans and
specifications. The Project Geotechnical Engineer
shall approve all grading plans prior to
City approval.
88.Grading Off-Haul.The disposal site and haul truck
route for any off-haul dirt materials shall be subject
to the review and approval by the City Engineer
prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. If the
Applicant/Developer does not own the parcel on
which the proposed disposal site is located, the
Applicant/Developer shall provide the City with a
Letter of Consent signed by the current owner,
approving the placement of off-haul material on
their parcel. A Grading Plan may be required for the
placement of the off-haul material.
A Transportation Permit or Encroachment Permit
may be required for the haul route, as determined
by the City Engineer, which shall include a pre- and
post-hauling survey of the pavement condition.
Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for
repairing damaged pavement due to hauling
operations, as determined by the City Engineer.
89.Erosion Control Plan. A detailed Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan shall be included with the
Grading Plan submittal. The plan shall include
Attachment 1
Page 25 of 36
detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria
of all erosion and sedimentation control measures.
The plan shall also address site housekeeping best
management practices.
90.Demolition Plan. The Applicant/Developer’s Civil
Engineer shall prepare a demolition plan for the
project, which shall be submitted concurrent with
the improvement plan package. The demolition
plan shall address the following:
Pavement demolition, including streetlights
and landscaped median islands.
Landscaping and irrigation
Fencing to be removed and fencing to remain
Any items to be saved in place and or protected,
such as trees, water meters, sewer cleanouts,
drainage inlets or backflow prevention devices.
91.On-site Storm Drain System. Storm drainage for
the 10-year storm event shall be collected on-site
and conveyed through storm drains to the public
storm drain system. Show the size and location of
existing and proposed storm drains and catch
basins on the site plan. Show the size and location
of public storm drain lines and the points of
connection for the on-site storm drain system.
92.Overland Release. Grading and drainage shall be
designed so that surplus drainage (above and
beyond that of the 10-year storm event) not
collected in site catch basins, is directed overland
so as not to cause flooding of existing or proposed
93.Storm Drain Inlet Markers. All public and private
storm drain inlets must be marked with storm drain
markers that read: “No dumping, drains to creek,”
and a note shall be shown on the improvement
plans. The markers may be purchased from the
Public Work Department.
94.Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrant locations shall be
approved by the Alameda County Fire Department.
A raised reflector blue traffic marker shall be
installed in the street opposite each hydrant, and
shown on the signing & striping plan.
95.Dry Utility Locations. All electric, telephone, cable
TV, and communications utilities, shall be placed
underground in accordance with the City policies
Certificate of
Attachment 1
Page 26 of 36
and ordinances. All utilities shall be located and
provided within public utility easements or public
services easements and sized to meet utility
company standards.
96.Utility Vaults and Boxes. All utility vaults, boxes,
and structures, unless specifically approved
otherwise by the City Engineer, shall be
underground and placed in landscaped areas and
screened from public view. Landscape drawings
shall be submitted to the City showing the location
of all utility vaults, boxes, and structures and
adjacent landscape features and plantings. The
Joint Trench Plans shall be submitted along with the
grading and/or improvement plans.
Certificate of
97.Public Improvements. The public improvements
shall be constructed generally as shown on the Site
Development Review. However, the approval of the
Site Development Review is not an approval of the
specific design of the drainage, traffic circulation,
parking, stormwater treatment, sidewalks and street
Permit or
nt Permit
98.Public Improvement Conformance. All public
improvements shall conform to the City of Dublin
Standard Plans, current practices, and design
requirements and as approved by the City
Permit or
nt Permit
99.Public Street Slopes. Public streets shall be a
minimum 1% slope with minimum gutter flow of
0.7% around bulb outs. PW
Permit or
nt Permit
100.Pavement Structural Sections. Asphalt concrete
pavement sections within the public right-of-way
shall be designed using the Caltrans method for
flexible pavement design (including the asphalt
factor of safety), an assumed R-Value of 5. Final
pavement sections shall be based on the actual R-
Value obtained from pavement subgrade.
Permit or
nt Permit
101.Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk. Applicant/Developer
shall remove and replace damaged, hazardous, or
nonstandard curb, gutter and sidewalk along the
project frontage. Contact the Public Works
Department to mark the existing curb, gutter and
sidewalk that will need to be removed and replaced.
Permit or
nt Permit
Attachment 1
Page 27 of 36
102.Curb Ramps. City standard curb ramps are
required at all intersections. All curb ramps shall
include truncated domes, and meet the most current
City and ADA design standards. Show curb ramp
locations on the plans. Please note that all curb
returns on public streets shall have directional or
dual ADA ramps – one for each crosswalk and
oriented to align parallel with the crosswalk.
Permit or
nt Permit
103.Visibility Triangle. All improvements within the
sight visibility triangle at all intersections, including
but not limited to walls and landscaping, shall be a
maximum height of 30” from the roadway surface
elevation at the nearest lane.
Permit or
nt Permit
104.Traffic Signing and Striping. Applicant/Developer
shall install all traffic signage, striping, and
pavement markings as required by the City
Engineer. Signing plans shall show street name
and stop signs and any other regulatory signage
appropriate for the project. Striping plans shall
show stop bars, lane lines and channelization as
necessary. Striping plans shall distinguish between
existing striping to be removed and new striping to
be installed. All striping shall be thermoplastic.
Permit or
nt Permit
105.Erosion Control Implementation. The Erosion
and Sediment Control Plan shall be implemented
between October 1st and April 30th unless
otherwise allowed in writing by the City Engineer.
The Applicant/Developer will be responsible for
maintaining erosion and sediment control measures
for one year following the City’s acceptance of the
Start of
and On-
106.Archaeological Finds. If archaeological materials
are encountered during construction, construction
within 100 ft of these materials shall be halted until
a professional Archaeologist certified by the Society
of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of
Professional Archaeology (SOPA) has had an
opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find
and suggest appropriate mitigation measures.
Start of
and On-
107.Construction Activities. Construction activities,
including the idling, maintenance, and warming up
of equipment, shall be limited to Monday through
Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours of
7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. except as otherwise
approved by the City Engineer. Extended hours or
Start of
and On-
Attachment 1
Page 28 of 36
Saturday work will be considered by the City
Engineer on a case-by-case basis. Note that the
construction hours of operation within the public
right-of-way are more restrictive.
108.Temporary Fencing. Temporary construction
fencing shall be installed along the construction
work perimeter to separate the construction area
from the public. All construction activities shall be
confined within the fenced area. Construction
materials and/or equipment shall not be
operated/stored outside of the fenced area or within
the public right-of-way unless approved in advance
by the City Engineer.
Start of
and On-
109.Construction Noise Management Plan.
Applicant/Developer shall prepare a construction
noise management plan that identifies measures to
minimize construction noise on surrounding
developed properties. The plan shall include hours
of construction operation, use of mufflers on
construction equipment, speed limit for construction
traffic, haul routes and identify a noise monitor.
Specific noise management measures shall be
provided prior to project construction.
Start of
on, and On-
going as
110.Traffic Control Plan. Closing of any existing
pedestrian pathway and/or sidewalk during
construction shall be implemented through a City-
approved Traffic Control Plan and shall be done
with the goal of minimizing the impact on pedestrian
Start of
and On-
going as
111.Construction Traffic Interface Plan.
Applicant/Developer shall prepare a plan for
construction traffic interface with public traffic on
any existing public street. Construction traffic and
parking may be subject to specific requirements by
the City Engineer.
Start of
on, and On-
going as
112.Pest Control. Applicant/Developer shall be
responsible for controlling any rodent, mosquito, or
other pest problem due to construction activities.
PW On-going
113.Dust Control Measures. Applicant/Developer
shall be responsible for watering or other dust-
palliative measures to control dust as conditions
warrant or as directed by the City Engineer.
Start of
on On-going
as needed
114.Dust Control/Street Sweeping. The
Applicant/Developer shall provide adequate dust
control measures at all times during the grading and
Grading and
Site Work
Attachment 1
Page 29 of 36
hauling operations. All trucks hauling export and
import materials shall be provided with tarp cover at
all times. Spillage of haul materials and mud-
tracking on the haul routes shall be prevented at all
times. The Applicant/Developer shall be
responsible for sweeping of streets within,
surrounding and adjacent to the project, as well as
along the haul route, if it is determined that the
tracking or accumulation of material on the streets
is due to its construction activities.
115.Construction Traffic and Parking. All
construction-related parking shall be off-street in an
area provided by the Applicant/Developer.
Construction traffic and parking shall be provided in
a manner approved by the City Engineer.
Start of
and On-
116.Stormwater Treatment. Consistent with Provision
C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES
Permit (MRP) Order No. R2-2022-0018, the
Applicant/Developer shall submit documentation
including construction drawings demonstrating all
stormwater treatment measures and
hydromodification requirements as applicable are
117.Stormwater Source Control.All applicable
structural and operational stormwater source
controls shall be implemented.
work Permit
118.Maintenance Access. Applicant shall design and
construct maintenance access to all stormwater
management measures. Maintenance access for
equipment and personnel to overflow risers,
cleanouts and other structures is required. The final
number, location, width, and surfacing of
maintenance access points from public or private
streets is subject to the approval of the City
119.Stormwater Management Plan. A final
Stormwater Management Plan shall be submitted
for review and approval by the City Engineer.
Approval is subject to the Applicant/Developer
providing the necessary plans, details, and
calculations that demonstrate the plan complies
with the standards issued by the San Francisco Bay
Regional Water Quality Control Board and Alameda
Countywide Clean Water Program. Landscape
Issuance and
Attachment 1
Page 30 of 36
Based Stormwater Management Measures shall be
irrigated and meet WELO requirements.
120.SB 1383 Compliance. To comply with SB 1383
procurement requirements, all mulch and compost
used in stormwater management measures and
general landscape areas shall meet SB 1383
procurement requirements. Specifically, compost
must be produced at a permitted composting facility;
digestate, biosolids, manure and mulch do not
qualify as compost. Eligible mulch must be derived
from organic materials and be produced at a
permitted transfer station, landfill, or composting
facility. Examples of allowed compost include arbor
mulch and composted mulch.
Issuance and
121.Trash Capture. The project must either
demonstrate that on-site stormwater runoff flows to
a regional trash capture device or ensure MRP full
trash capture requirements are met though the
installation of approved full trash capture devices or
by entering into a trash maintenance agreement
with the City. Specific details on the trash capture
devices selected are required on the construction
plan set demonstrating how MRP Provision C.10
(trash capture) requirements are met. A list of
approved full trash capture devices may be found at
the California Stormwater Quality Association
website at the following link:
devices. Please note that lead time for trash capture
device delivery can be substantial. The
applicant/contractor shall plan accordingly.
Issuance and
122.Drive Aisle Width. The parking lot aisles shall be
a minimum of 24 feet wide to allow for adequate
onsite vehicle circulation for cars, trucks, and
emergency vehicles.
123.Vehicle Parking. All on-site vehicle parking spaces
shall conform to the following:
a. All parking spaces shall be double striped
using 4” white lines set 2 feet apart in
accordance with City Standards and DMC
b. 12”-wide concrete step-out curbs shall be
constructed at each parking space where
Attachment 1
Page 31 of 36
one or both sides abut a landscaped area or
c. Where wheel stops are shown, individual 6’
long wheel stops shall be provided within
each parking space in accordance with City
d. A minimum 2’ radius shall be provided at
curb returns and curb intersections where
e. Parking stalls next to walls, fences and
obstructions to vehicle door opening shall be
an additional 4’ in width per DMC
Landscaped strips adjacent to parking stalls shall
be unobstructed in order to allow for a minimum 2-
foot vehicular overhang at front of vehicles.
124.Onsite Signing and Striping Plan. A Traffic
Signing and Striping Plan showing all proposed
signing and striping within on-site parking lots and
drive aisles, shall be submitted for review and
approval by the City Engineer.
Permit or
nt Permit
125.Photometrics. The Applicant/Developer shall
provide a complete photometrics plan for both
onsite and frontage roadways. Include the
complete data on photometrics, including the High,
Average and Minimum values for illuminance and
uniformity ratio.
Permit or
nt Permit
126.Project signs. All proposed project monument
signs shall be placed on private property. Signs
should be located outside of any easement areas
unless specifically approved by the City Engineer.
Any signage allowed to be located in an easement
is subject to removal and replacement at the
expense of the Developer/property owner if
required by the easement holder.
127.Solid Waste Requirements. The Project must
comply with all requirements in Dublin Municipal
Code Chapter 7.98, including the following
Install trash, recycling and organics
collection containers in community
congregation areas (e.g. at the
entrances/exits of the store and other
locations, as appropriate).
Install trash, recycling and organics collection
containers along public and private sidewalks.
Permit or
Site Work
Attachment 1
Page 32 of 36
128.Cigarette butt collection. Install and appropriately
site cigarette butt collection containers for employee
and public use. PW/ESD
Permit or
Site Work
129.Garbage truck access. The applicant shall provide
plans and details on anticipated garbage truck
access and routes, in addition to example set-out
diagrams for waste carts/bins placement on
garbage day demonstrating adequate space
available for carts/bins. Carts and bins shall not
block street or driveway access. On street parking
must be considered (e.g., if on street parking is
allowed, demonstrate that there is adequate space
for parked cars and three-stream carts).
Permit or
Site Work
130.Driveway at Dublin Boulevard. Construction
drawings for improvements of the eastern driveway
along Dublin Boulevard shall be submitted to the
City concurrently with the first submittal of the
building permit plans. Reconstruction of the eastern
driveway shall be completed prior to building
occupancy.Improvements shall include
construction of accessible ramps at the west and
east sides of the driveway connecting to the existing
sidewalk at Dublin Boulevard, and modification of
the driveway median to extend the median and
provide an accessible path of travel through the
median. The Applicant shall provide security to
guarantee the improvements. Improvements shall
be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Permit Plan
Certificate of
131.Traffic Analysis. Applicant/Developer shall comply
with the findings of the Traffic Analysis prepared by
Kittleson & Associates including improving the drive
aisle that connects the project parking lot with St
Patrick Way along the east side of the building.
Improvements at a minimum should include
centerline striping, ensuring proper sight distance at
intersections with parking aisles and St Patrick Way,
and pedestrian improvements to provide a safe
pedestrian connection between the project and
adjacent storage building.
Permit or
Site Work
132.Landscape Areas.Construction plan set shall
provide grading and drainage in all landscaped
Permit or
Site Work
Attachment 1
Page 33 of 36
133.Concrete Step-Out.Construct an additional 6”
step-out at landscaped areas adjacent to driver side
and passenger side of parking stalls.PW
Permit or
Site Work
134.Surface Slopes.Pavement surface slopes in
parking lot shall not exceed 5% in any direction.
Permit or
Site Work
135.Construction/Access on Adjacent Properties.
The Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for
obtaining written authorization for right-of-entry and
construction of improvements on adjacent property
sites. The Developer shall submit a copy of the
written authorization to the City.
PW Prior to
136.Street Restoration. A pavement treatment, such
as slurry seal or grind and overlay, will be required
within the public streets fronting the site as
determined by the Public Works Department. The
type and limits of the pavement treatment shall be
determined by the City Engineer based upon the
number and proximity of trench cuts, extent of
frontage and median improvements, extent of
pavement striping and restriping, excessive wear
and tear/damage due to construction traffic, etc.
Certificate of
137.Stormwater Treatment. All stormwater treatment
areas shall include an overflow inlet connected to
the underground storm drain system.PW
Permit or
Site Work
138.Waste Enclosure. The waste enclosure shall meet
all of the requirements set forth within the Dublin
Municipal Code Section 7.98, including but not
limited to providing sewer and water hook-ups. The
improvement plans and/or building permit plans
shall show additional information demonstrating
these requirements are met. A standard plan for the
waste enclosure can be downloaded at
https://dublin.ca.gov/341/Standard-Plans in the
“Stormwater Measures” section. A pedestrian
accessible path of travel shall be provided for
employees from the building to the waste enclosure
Issuance and
Attachment 1
Page 34 of 36
in conformance with current accessibility
139.The regulations that apply to development projects
are codified in: the Dublin San Ramon Services
District Code; the DSRSD “Standard Procedures,
Specifications and Drawings for Design and
Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities” as
amended from time to time; all applicable DSRSD
Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. Prior to
issuance of any building permit, complete
improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD
that conform to the pertinent documents.
DSRSD Building
140.Planning and review fees, inspection fees, and fees
associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall
be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and
schedules and at time of payment as established in
the DSRSD Code. Planning and review fees are
due after the 1st submittal of plans. Construction
Permit and Inspection Fees are due prior to the
issuance of a Construction Permit. Capacity
Reserve Fees are due before the water meter can
be set or the connection to the sewer system.
DSRSD Permit
141.Prior to issuance of any building permit by the City;
or any Building Permit or Construction Permit by the
Dublin San Ramon Services District, all
improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be
signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing of
improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall
contain a signature block for the District Engineer
indicating approval of the sanitary sewer and/or
water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the
District Engineer, the applicant shall pay all required
DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer’s estimate of
construction costs for the sewer and water systems,
a faithful performance bond, and a comprehensive
general liability insurance policy in the amounts and
forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant
shall allow at least 15 working days for final
improvement drawing review by DSRSD before
signature by the District Engineer.
DSRSD Building
Issuance or
142.All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall
be by separate instrument irrevocably offered to
DSRSD or by offer of dedication on the Final Map
(if required). Prior to approval by the City for
Recordation, the Final Map shall be submitted to
DSRSD Building
Issuance or
Attachment 1
Page 35 of 36
and approved by DSRSD for easement locations,
widths, and restrictions.
143.All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient
capacity to accommodate future flow demands in
addition to each development project's demand.
Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance
with DSRSD utility master planning.
DSRSD Approval of
144.Prior to approval by the City of a grading permit or
a site development permit, the locations and widths
of all proposed easement dedications for water and
sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by
DSRSD Grading
145.Water and sewer mains shall be located in public
streets rather than in off-street locations to the
fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then sewer
or water easements must be established over the
alignment of each sewer or water main in an off-
street or private street location to provide access for
future maintenance and/or replacement.
DSRSD Approval of
146.Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for
Tracts or Commercial Developments shall be
designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid
dead end sections in accordance with requirements
of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound
engineering practice.
DSRSD Approval of
147.Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow
to DSRSD’s existing sanitary sewer system.
Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be
allowed under extreme circumstances following a
case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any
pumping station will require specific review and
approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports,
design criteria, and final plans and specifications.
The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment
of present worth 30 year operations and
maintenance costs as well as other conditions
within a separate agreement with the applicant for
any project that requires a pumping station.
DSRSD Approval of
148.This project will be analyzed by DSRSD to
determine if it represents additional water and/or
sewer capacity demands on the District. Applicant
will be required to pay all incremental capacity
reserve fees for water and sewer services as
required by the project demands. All capacity
reserve fees must be paid prior to installation of a
water meter for water. If a water meter is not
DSRSD Building
Issuance or
Attachment 1
Page 36 of 36
th day of December, 2022 by the
following vote:
Planning Commission Chair
Community Development Director
required, the capacity reserve fee shall be paid prior
to issuance of a building permit. The District may
not approve the building permit until capacity
reserve fees are paid.
149.No sewer line or waterline construction shall be
permitted unless the proper utility construction
permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction
permit will only be issued after all of the items in
Condition No. 2 have been satisfied.
DSRSD Building
Issuance or
150.Above ground backflow prevention devices/double
detector check valves shall be installed on fire
protection systems connected to the DSRSD water
main. The applicant shall collaborate with the Fire
Department and with DSRSD to size and configure
its fire system.
DSRSD Approval of
151.Any proposed irrigation for this project shall be
designed for and connected to potable water.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise by DSRSD,
recycled water irrigation is unavailable for use for
this project per DERWA recycled water moratorium
Resolution No. 19-3 dated 3/24/2019.
DSRSD Approval of
152.If trash enclosures are required to drain to the
sanitary sewer system, grease interceptors shall be
installed within the trash enclosure area. The trash
enclosure shall be roofed and graded to minimize
rainwater or stormwater from entering the trash
DSRSD Building
Issuance or
Attachment 2
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study
Date: November 23, 2022 Project #: 25941
To: Pratyush Bhatia
From: Aaron Elias & Mingmin Liu
This memorandum presents the findings of a transportation analysis conducted to review the proposed
development of an H Mart located at 7884 Dublin Boulevard in Dublin, CA (Project). Key findings from
the operations assessment include:
All study intersections except the Project Entrance and Dublin Boulevard (intersection #3) were
found to operate at an acceptable level for intersections within the Downtown Dublin Specific
Plan area.
The Project was found to cause the westbound left turn movement at the Project Entrance and
Dublin Boulevard intersection (worst movement for this two-way stop controlled intersection)
to deteriorate to LOS F operations during both the PM and Saturday peak hours. The westbound
left turn was also found to meet the peak hour signal warrant for the Saturday midday peak
hour after implementation of the Project.
As a result of the LOS F operations for the westbound left turn movement at the Project
Entrance and Dublin Boulevard intersection, the 95th percentile queue was found to exceed the
available turn storage for both the PM and Saturday peak hours. This has the potential to cause
a left turn queue that can obstruct one of the through lanes on Dublin Boulevard westbound.
The northbound left turn at the Regional Street and Dublin Boulevard intersections was also
found to have 95th percentile queues exceeding the available storage with Project traffic added.
This may cause obstruction of various commercial driveways located along Regional Street.
Based on these findings, Kittelson concludes/recommends the following:
1. While the Project Entrance/Dublin Boulevard intersection was found to meet the peak hour
signal warrant for Saturday midday, a signal is not recommended at this time since it would
reduce the amount of queue storage available for the westbound left turn movement. A signal
should be considered as the land across Dublin Boulevard is redeveloped if the intersection can
be relocated further west to allow for more queue storage.
2. Closure of the westbound left turn into the Project Entrance would prevent the westbound left
turn queues from blocking Dublin Boulevard, however, this is not recommended because it
would likely move the queue blockage downstream to the westbound left turn at Regional
Street and Dublin Boulevard.
Attachment 3
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study Project #: 25941
November 23, 2022 Page 2
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
3. Given the expansion of St Patrick Way to connect Regional Street and Golden Gate Drive,
Kittelson recommends the Project be conditioned to improve the alley that connects the Project
parking lot with St Patrick Way along the east side of the building. Improved access may reduce
the number of vehicles using the Project Entrance driveway on Dublin Boulevard which would
reduce the potential for westbound left queues to block westbound Dublin Boulevard.
Improvements at a minimum should include centerline striping, ensuring proper sight distance
at intersections with parking aisles and St Patrick Way. Consider the installation of a raised
crosswalk between the H Mart and their storage building at 6600 Golden Gate Drive. This would
improve the visibility of employees crossing between the two locations and reduce travel
speeds along the alley adjacent to the building.
4. The addition of bicycle parking at the project may result in some mode shift that could reduce
the project s overall trip generation improving operations for the Project Entrance/Dublin
Boulevard intersection. It is recommended that the project be conditioned to provide bicycle
parking per the California Green Building Code.
The applicant is proposing to occupy and make modifications to an existing tenant space at 7884 Dublin
Boulevard in Dublin, CA (APN:941-1500-044-02) to include a new H Mart supermarket with food court
area. The site would share access points and a parking lot with existing retail stores. According to the
latest site plan, H Mart would occupy a retail space formally occupied by Orchard Supply Hardware and
would expand the existing commercial building with 8,552 square feet of new building space, construct
a new 3,187 square foot outdoor seating area, new trash enclosure, minor parking lot modifications,
and remodel an existing 6,343 square foot warehouse building to be additional cold storage at 6600
Golden Gate Drive.
The latest site plan provided to Kittelson and dated September 26, 2022, is shown in Figure 1.
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study Project #: 25941
November 23, 2022 Page 3
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
Figure 1: Proposed Site Plan
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study Project #: 25941
November 23, 2022 Page 4
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
Intersection operations using level of service (LOS) is no longer a metric that can be used to assess an
impact under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). However, the operation of the
transportation system near a Project is an important consideration to ensure a Project does not
adversely affect traffic. Kittelson performed a local transportation system review to determine how the
Project may affect nearby transportation facilities.
Study Intersections & Data Collection
One Project driveway and five intersections in the immediate vicinity of the Project were identified as
study intersections based on a discussion with City staff. Table 1 lists the study intersections and control
types and Figure 2 shows the study intersections in relation to the Project site.
Table 1: Study Intersections
Number Intersection Location Intersection Control
1 San Ramon Road & Dublin Boulevard Signalized
2 Regional Street & Dublin Boulevard Signalized
3 Shopping Center Entrance & Dublin Boulevard Two-Way Stop Controlled
4 Golden Gate Drive & Dublin Boulevard Signalized
5 Golden Gate Drive & St. Patrick Way All-Way Stop Controlled
6 Amador Plaza Road & Dublin Boulevard Signalized
Multimodal intersection turning movement volumes were collected at the nearby intersections and the
entrance driveway closest to the Project on Dublin Boulevard. Data were collected on Thursday, April
12, 2022 between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM and on Saturday, April 23, 2022 between 12:00 PM and 2:00
PM. Data for some intersections were also available from a previous study in the PM peak period which
were collected on Thursday, August 26, 2021. The weekday time periods represent the peak periods of
the surrounding street network and coincide with H Mart peak period; the Saturday time
period captures the peak period of weekend activity at H Mart and the adjacent retail stores. The
collected data is provided in Appendix 1. The intersection volumes and lane configurations are provided
in Appendix 2.
Figure 2
Study Intersections
Dublin, CA
[0 960FeetStudy Intersections
!1 San Ramon Road & Dublin Boulevard
!2 Regional Street & Dublin Boulevard
!3 Shopping Center Entrance & Dublin Boulevard
!4 Golden Gate Drive & Dublin Boulevard
!5 Golden Gate Drive & St. Patrick Way
!6 Amador Plaza Road & Dublin Boulevard
^Project Location
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study Project #: 25941
November 23, 2022 Page 6
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
Trip Generation & Distribution
Trip generation for the H Mart was estimated using rates published in the Institute of Transportation
Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. H Mart is a unique use in that it is both a grocery
store and a food court. These two elements of the proposed project were calculated separately to allow
for a better trip generation estimate. The existing 27,220 square foot building will be the grocery store
component of the Project while the 8,552 square foot expansion will be the food court. Using the
supermarket (ITE 850) and a fast casual restaurant (ITE 930) were completed with the estimated trip
generation shown in Table 2.
Many trips that arrive at a restaurant or grocery store are not net new trips meaning they are already
driving around and decide to make a stop. These vehicles affect the vehicle movements at a project
driveway but not at intersections located farther away since they are already on the road passing by
the Project. Kittelson estimated the pass-by percentage using the ITE Manual. Grocery stores have an
average pass-by percentage of 36%. While there are several different restaurant types where pass-by
percentage is defined in the ITE Manual, fast casual dining is not. Therefore, Kittelson used the pass-by
percentage for high-turnover sit-down restaurant since it has the lowest pass-by percentage at 43% of
all the restaurant land uses. Table 3 shows the estimated number of pass-by trips while Table 4 shows
the estimated number of net new trips because of taking the pass-by reduction.
Trip distribution for the net new trips and to determine driveway access points for the pass-by trips
was based on the distribution pattern from the collected intersection data. For example, 56% of Dublin
Boulevard traffic was found to head eastbound during the PM peak hour so it was assumed that 56%
of the Project trips would arrive from and depart in the eastbound direction on Dublin Boulevard. The
distribution developed from the PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour data collection is shown in
Figure 3. Appendix 3 shows the net new trips at each study intersection based on the distribution.
Appendix 4 shows the resulting existing plus project volumes at each of the study intersections.
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study Project #: 25941
November 23, 2022 Page 7
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
Table 2: ITE Vehicle Trip Generation Estimate
Description ITE ITE Description Size Unit Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour
In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total
Grocery Store 850 Supermarket 27.22 KSF 2,554 46 32 78 122 122 244 138 137 275
Food Court 930 Fast Casual 8.552 KSF 831 6 6 12 59 48 107 153 126 279
Total: 3,385 52 38 90 181 170 351 291 263 554
Table 3: ITE Estimate of Pass-By Trips
Description Reduction Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour
In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total
Grocery Store 36% 919 17 11 28 44 44 88 50 49 99
Food Court 43% 357 3 2 5 25 21 46 66 54 120
Table 4: ITE Estimate of Net New Trips
Description ITE ITE Description Size Unit Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour
In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total
Grocery Store 850 Supermarket 27.22 KSF 1,635 29 21 50 78 78 156 88 88 176
Food Court 930 Fast Casual 8.552 KSF 474 3 4 7 34 27 61 87 72 159
Total: 2,109 32 25 57 112 105 217 175 160 335
Figure 3
Trip Distribution
Dublin, CA
[0 960FeetStudy Intersections
!1 San Ramon Road & Dublin Boulevard
!2 Regional Street & Dublin Boulevard
!3 Shopping Center Entrance & Dublin Boulevard
!4 Golden Gate Drive & Dublin Boulevard
!5 Golden Gate Drive & St. Patrick Way
!6 Amador Plaza Road & Dublin Boulevard
^Project Location
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study Project #: 25941
November 23, 2022 Page 9
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
Operations Analysis
To ascertain the existing traffic conditions and potential Project impacts, traffic operations were
evaluated at the six study intersections. Level of service (LOS) was determined for each intersection for
the following scenarios:
Existing 2022 Conditions
o Midweek PM Peak Hour
o Saturday Midday Peak Hour
Existing 2022 Plus Project Conditions
o Midweek PM Peak Hour
o Saturday Midday Peak Hour
LOS describes the operating conditions experienced by users of a facility. LOS is a qualitative measure
of the effect of several factors, including speed and travel time, traffic interruptions, freedom to
maneuver, dri
generally represent traffic volumes at less than roadway capacity,
over capacity and/or experiencing significant delays. These conditions are generally described in Table
Intersection operations were evaluated using the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 7th Edition
methodology as implemented by the Vistro 2022 software. The HCM 7th Edition procedure calculates
a volume weighted average delay in seconds per vehicle for each movement at a signalized and all-way
stop controlled intersection and assigns a LOS designation based on the delay. LOS for a two-way stop
controlled intersections is based on the average vehicle delay for the worst movement at the
Level of Service Standards
The operations findings were compared with the LOS standards identified in the City of Dublin
Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines dated July 2021 which has the following criteria for
intersections located within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area:
At a study, signalized intersection which is located within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan
area, the project would cause the motor vehicle LOS to degrade to worse than LOS E (i.e., LOS
At a study, signalized intersection for all areas where the level of service is LOS F, the project
would cause: (a) the overall volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio to increase 0.03 or more; or (b) the
critical movement V/C ration to increase by 0.05 or more.
At a study, unsignalized intersection which is located within the Downtown Dublin Specific
Plan area, the project would cause the motor vehicle LOS to degrade to worse than LOS E (i.e.,
7884 Dublin Boulevard H Mart Local Transportation Study Project #: 25941
November 23, 2022 Page 10
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
LOS F) and after project completion satisfy the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD) peak hour traffic signal warrant;
At a study, unsignalized intersection where the motor vehicle level of service is operating
below the LOS threshold, the project would add ten (10) or more vehicles to the critical
movement and after project completion satisfy the California Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD) peak hour traffic signal warrant.
Table 5: Intersection Level of Service Definitions
LOS Description of Traffic Conditions Average Delay per Vehicle (Seconds)
Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection
A LOS A represents free-flow travel with excellent levels of
comfort and convenience and the freedom to maneuver. 10.0 10.0
LOS B has stable operating conditions, but the presence of
other road users causes a noticeable, though slight, reduction
in comfort,
convenience, and maneuvering freedom.
>10.0 and 20.0 >10.0 and 15.0
LOS C has stable operating conditions, but the operation of
individual users is substantially affected by the interaction
with others in the traffic stream.
>20.0 and 35.0 >15.0 and 25.0
LOS D represents high-density, but stable flow. Users
experience severe restriction in speed and freedom to
maneuver, with poor levels of comfort and convenience.
>35.0 and 55.0 >25.0 and 35.0
LOS E represents operating conditions at or near capacity.
Speeds are reduced to a low but relatively uniform value.
Freedom to maneuver is difficult with users experiencing
frustration and poor comfort and convenience. Unstable
operation is frequent, and minor disturbances in traffic flow
can cause breakdown conditions.
>55.0 and 80.0 >35.0 and 50.0
LOS F is used to define forced or breakdown conditions. This
condition exists wherever the volume of traffic exceeds the
capacity of the roadway. Long queues can form behind these
bottleneck points with queued traffic traveling in a stop-and-
go fashion.
>80.0 >50.0
Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2016
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Existing No Project Conditions
The existing operations for the six study intersections during the weekday PM and Saturday midday
peak hours are shown in Table 6. All intersections currently operate at LOS D or better, which meets
the city requirements for intersections located in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Area. Outputs
from the Vistro operations analysis documenting these findings can be found in Appendix 5.
Table 6: Existing Weekday PM, and Saturday Midday Level of Service
# Intersection PM Peak Hour SAT Peak Hour
V/C Delay LOS V/C Delay LOS
1 San Ramon Rd. & Dublin Blvd. 0.64 43.1 D 0.68 30.3 C
2 Regional Street & Dublin Blvd. 0.47 33.4 C 0.62 23.3 C
3 Project Entrance & Dublin Blvd. 0.39 27.6 D 0.45 22.2 C
4 Dublin Blvd. & Golden Gate Dr. 0.35 23.6 C 0.52 17.0 B
5 Golden Gate Dr. & St Patrick Wy. 0.33 9.5 A 0.18 8.4 A
6 Dublin Blvd & Amador Plaza Rd. 0.57 42.0 D 0.67 26.1 C
Source: Kittelson & Associates, 2022
Notes: V/C = volume to capacity ratio; Delay is presented in seconds; LOS = level of service; TWSC = two-way stop controlled; AWSC = all-way stop
controlled; V/C, delay, and LOS for TWSC intersection (#3) and AWSC intersection (#5) is taken from movement with highest delay value; Results
Existing Plus Project Conditions
Based on the trip generation and distribution analysis, project-generated vehicle trips were distributed
to the study intersections and added to the existing volumes to determine the existing plus project
peak hour volumes which are shown in Appendix 4. Table 7 and Table 8 show the traffic operations
analysis findings comparison between the no project and plus project conditions for the weekday PM
and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. Appendix 6 provides the detailed calculation summary
from the Vistro analysis program.
Overall, most of the intersections would continue to operate at LOS E or better meeting the city
requirements for both the PM and Saturday peak hours. The one exception is the Project Entrance
driveway and Dublin Boulevard. The addition of Project traffic causes the westbound left turn
movement from Dublin Boulevard into the shopping center to operate at LOS F in both the PM and
Since this intersection also meets the peak
hour signal warrant with the Project during the midday Saturday peak hour (Appendix 7), this exceeds
the LOS standards set by the city.
In addition to intersection operations, 95th percentile queues were also reviewed for the primary
movements providing access into and out of the Project. These findings are shown in Table 9. Two
queues were found to exceed the available storage because of the Project. The first is the northbound
left turn at Regional Street and Dublin Boulevard. This left turn movement was found to exceed the
available storage during the PM peak hour by about 230 feet and the Saturday peak hour by about 100
feet. Since this left turn movement was not found to operate at LOS F under the PM or Saturday peak
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November 23, 2022 Page 12
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
hours, the queues are generally expected to clear each signal cycle, but the queue length may block
driveways into the shopping center.
The westbound left turn at the Project entrance on Dublin Boulevard was also found to exceed the
available storage because of the Project. This left turn pocket is estimated at around 135 feet but the
Project would result in queues of 143 feet and 246 feet for the PM and Saturday peak hours,
respectively. This could potentially cause the blockage of one through lane on Dublin Boulevard
westbound, especially during the Saturday midday peak hour, as the left turn queue exceeds the
available storage.
Table 7: Existing PM Peak Hour Operations with and without the Project
# Intersection No Project Plus Project
V/C Delay LOS V/C Delay LOS
1 San Ramon Rd. & Dublin Blvd. 0.64 43.1 D 0.66 43.8 D
2 Regional Street & Dublin Blvd. 0.47 33.4 C 0.55 37.0 D
3 Project Entrance & Dublin Blvd. 0.39 27.6 D 0.78 56.5 F
4 Dublin Blvd. & Golden Gate Dr. 0.35 23.6 C 0.36 23.3 C
5 Golden Gate Dr. & St Patrick Wy. 0.33 9.5 A 0.33 9.6 A
6 Dublin Blvd & Amador Plaza Rd. 0.57 42.0 D 0.58 41.8 D
Source: Kittelson & Associates, 2022
Notes: V/C = volume to capacity ratio; Delay is presented in seconds; LOS = level of service; TWSC = two-way stop controlled; AWSC = all-way stop
controlled; V/C, delay, and LOS for TWSC intersection (#3) and AWSC intersection (#5) is taken from movement with highest delay value; Results
Table 8: Existing Saturday Peak Hour Operations with and without the Project
# Intersection No Project Plus Project
V/C Delay LOS V/C Delay LOS
1 San Ramon Rd. & Dublin Blvd. 0.68 30.3 C 0.72 32.5 C
2 Regional Street & Dublin Blvd. 0.62 23.3 C 0.69 28.3 C
3 Project Entrance & Dublin Blvd. 0.45 22.2 C 0.94 69.2 F
4 Dublin Blvd. & Golden Gate Dr. 0.52 17.0 B 0.53 17.1 B
5 Golden Gate Dr. & St Patrick Wy. 0.18 8.4 A 0.18 8.4 A
6 Dublin Blvd & Amador Plaza Rd. 0.67 26.1 C 0.69 27.1 C
Source: Kittelson & Associates, 2022
Notes: V/C = volume to capacity ratio; Delay is presented in seconds; LOS = level of service; TWSC = two-way stop controlled; AWSC = all-way stop
controlled; V/C, delay, and LOS for TWSC intersection (#3) and AWSC intersection (#5) is taken from movement with highest delay value; Results
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November 23, 2022 Page 13
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Oakland, California
Table 9: 95th Percentile Queue Length in Feet at Project Access Points
# Intersection NBL NBR EBR WBL
2 Regional Street & Dublin Blvd.
Storage 115 135 575 220
Existing PM 214 127 245 124
Existing PM Plus Project 343 117 294 124
Existing Sat 101 49 170 67
Existing Sat Plus Project 213 52 232 79
3 Project Entrance & Dublin Blvd.
Storage - 125 690 135
Existing PM - 8 0 45
Existing PM Plus Project - 43 0 143
Existing Sat - 10 0 57
Existing Sat Pls Project - 59 0 246
Source: Kittelson & Associates, 2022
Results with gray background/bold text show 95th percentile queues exceeding the available storage.
NBL = Northbound Left, NBR = Northbound Right, EBR = Eastbound Right, and WBL = Westbound Left
Appendix 1 Collected Data
Appendix 2 Existing Volumes & Lane
Appendix 3 Net New Vehicle Trips
Appendix 4 Existing + Project Volumes
Appendix 5 Existing LOS Outputs
Appendix 6 Existing Plus Project LOS
Appendix 7 Peak Hour Signal Warrant