HomeMy WebLinkAbout*November 17, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting agendaNovember 17, 2015 Dublin City Council Agenda Page 1 of 5
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
• Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City’s Internet Website (www.dublin.ca.gov)
• Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being
placed on the annual subscription list, please call 833-6650.
• A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available
for public review at least 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to
City Councilmembers less than 72 hours prior to a City Council Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered.
The packet is available in the City Clerk’s Office and also at the Dublin Library.
3.1. Recognition of 2015 Inside Dublin Participants
The City Council will recognize the 2015 Inside Dublin participants.
Recognize the 2015 Inside Dublin participants.
3.2. Appointments to Human Services Commission
Mayor Haubert is recommending the appointment of Bruce Fiedler to fill one of the two unanticipated
vacancies on the Human Services Commission, with a term ending December 2016. He is also
recommending Janet Sonjey for the other unanticipated vacancy on the Commission, with a term
ending December 2018.
Consider the Mayor’s recommendations of Mr. Fiedler and Ms. Sonjey for appointment to the Human
Services Commission.
3.3. Public Comments
At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your
name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or
discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions
asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City
Clerk’s Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City
Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section
Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single
action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of
public input may request the Mayor to remove the item.
4.1. Minutes of the November 3, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting
The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the November 3, 2015 Regular City Council
Approve the minutes of the November 3, 2015 Regular City Council meeting.
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4.2. City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending September 30,
The City of Dublin's Investment Policy calls for a semi-annual report of investments. This report is for
the quarter ending September 30, 2015, and includes a monthly transaction ledger. The City’s
investment portfolio for this period totaled $198,071,203 (book value) with an average market yield of
0.76%. All investment transactions continue to comply with the City's Investment Policy and the
California Government Code. As required by the Policy, the City Treasurer (Administrative Services
Director) affirms that the City is able to meet its expenditure requirements for the next six months.
Receive the report.
4.3. Payment Issuance Report and Electronic Funds Transfers
The City Council will receive a listing of payments issued from October 1, 2015 – October 31, 2015
totaling $6,633,107.51.
Receive the report.
4.4. Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 8024, Jordan Ranch, and Approval of Regulatory Traffic
Control Devices (BJP-ROF Jordan Ranch LLC)
BJP-ROF Jordan Ranch has constructed the improvements for Tract 8024, Jordan Ranch, in
accordance with their Tract Improvement Agreement. It is now appropriate for the City to accept the
improvements and approve the regulatory traffic control devices.
Adopt the Resolution Accepting the Tract Improvements and Approving the Regulatory Traffic
Control Devices for Tract 8024, Jordan Ranch.
4.5. Authorization of Staff to Purchase Police Vehicles Directly from Vendor
In order to ensure reliability and to minimize repair expense, the City routinely reviews fleet vehicles
for potential replacement. Staff has scheduled two marked Police vehicles for replacement during the
current fiscal year based upon general vehicle condition and history of maintenance and repair
expenses. Staff conducted an extensive study to determine which available police vehicle(s) would
best suit the upcoming needs of Dublin Police Services and is recommending the purchase of two Ford
Interceptor SUVs for patrol.
Adopt the Resolution Authorizing Staff to Procure Two Police Vehicles from Livermore Ford Lincoln
and Declaring Vehicles Replaced as Surplus Property. The City Purchasing Ordinance will require this
item to be approved by a four-fifths vote, as the pricing was negotiated and not obtained from a sealed
4.6. Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 8073, Jordan Ranch and Approval of Regulatory Traffic
Control Devices (BJP-ROF Jordan Ranch, LLC)
BJP-ROF Jordan Ranch has constructed the improvements for Tract 8073, Jordan Ranch, in
accordance with their Tract Improvement Agreement. It is now appropriate for the City to accept the
improvements and approve the regulatory traffic control devices.
Adopt the Resolution Accepting the Tract Improvements and Approving the Regulatory Traffic
Control Devices for Tract 8073, Jordan Ranch.
4.7. Approval of Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement, and Acceptance of Park Land
Dedication In-Lieu Credits for Park Land Dedication Requirements for Tract 7714, Wallis
Ranch, Neighborhood 4 (Development Solutions WR, LLC)
Development Solutions WR, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, is filing a Final Map for
Tract 7714 (Wallis Ranch, Neighborhood 4) to create 147 lots for the construction of 147 homes.
Adopt the Resolution Approving Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement for Tract 7714, Wallis
Ranch, Neighborhood 4; and adopt the Resolution Accepting Park Land Dedication In-Lieu Credits
for Park Land Dedication Requirements for Tract 7714, Wallis Ranch, Neighborhood 4.
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4.8. Approval of Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement, and Acceptance of Park Land
Dedication In-Lieu Credits for Park Land Dedication Requirements for Tract 8170, Wallis
Ranch, Neighborhood 7
Warmington Wallis N7 Associates, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, is filing a Final Map
for Tract 8170 (Wallis Ranch, Neighborhood 7) to create 68 lots for the construction of 68 homes.
Tract 8170 is bounded on north by Stags Leap Lane, on the south by Windsor Way, on the west by
Kenwood Road and Calistoga Road, and on the east by Carneros Lane.
Adopt the Resolution Approving Final Map and Tract Improvement Agreement for Tract 8170, Wallis
Ranch, Neighborhood 7; and adopt the Resolution Accepting Park Land Dedication In-Lieu Credits
for Park Land Dedication Requirements for Tract 8170, Wallis Ranch, Neighborhood 7.
4.9. Approval of Consultant Agreements for On-Call Landscape Architectural Services
The City Council will consider approving consulting services agreements for on-call landscape
architectural services. The term of the agreements shall begin November 18, 2015 and shall end June
30, 2018.
Adopt the Resolution Approving Consulting Services Agreements with BFS Landscape Architects,
Environmental Foresight, Inc., Gates + Associates, PGAdesign, Inc., RRM Design Group, and Wallace
Roberts & Todd, LLC for on-call landscape architectural services.
4.10. Drought Emergency Continuance
On March 18, 2014, the City Council adopted a Resolution declaring a State of Emergency in the City
of Dublin due to extreme drought conditions within the State and City. The City Council will consider
continuing the State of Emergency for an additional 30 days.
By motion, as required by Government Code Section 8630(c), which states that the City Council shall
review the need for continuing a local emergency at least once every 30 days until the governing body
terminates the local emergency, continue the State of Emergency that was declared on March 18, 2014,
based on the fact that extreme drought conditions continue to exist within both the State of California
and City of Dublin, and the threat to the safety and welfare of Dublin residents remains.
4.11. Approve Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement with the State of California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans) for the San Ramon Road Bypass Storm Drain Project, CIP No.
The City Council will consider approval of a second amendment to the cooperative agreement with
Caltrans for the San Ramon Road Bypass Storm Drain project (the Project). City and Caltrans staff
prepared an amendment to Cooperative Agreement No. 4-2443 to increase the total Caltrans funding to
Adopt the Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement with the State of
California Department of Transportation for the San Ramon Road Bypass Storm Drain Project, CIP
No. ST1212.
4.12. Acceptance of the Traffic Safety Grant for the "Avoid the 21" Campaign
The City Council will consider acceptance of a traffic safety grant for Dublin Police Services in
relation to the City’s participation in the “Avoid the 21” DUI Campaign. The details of the
participation and the grant award are outlined in an annual Memorandum of Understanding between
the City of Hayward (lead agency) and participating Alameda County Law Enforcement Agencies,
including Dublin Police Services. “Avoid the 21” is a multi-agency effort to conduct targeted
enforcement to reduce the incidence of driving under the influence.
Accept the traffic safety grant for the “Avoid the 21” DUI Campaign.
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4.13. Approval of a Consulting Services Agreement to Develop a True Cost of Ownership Analysis
The City Council will consider approving an agreement with GHD to prepare a True Cost of
Ownership Analysis, which will assist the City in managing its capital infrastructure by assessing the
City’s inventory of buildings, parks, roads, and other infrastructure and evaluating their lifecycle costs.
Adopt the Resolution Approving an Agreement with GHD to Develop a True Cost of Ownership
4.14. Approval of New Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project – Dublin Sports Grounds
The City Council will consider the creation of a new Capital Improvement Program Project called the
Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Project. The proposed project will address site accessibility issues,
replace the playground surfacing, upgrade the play equipment, provide shade at baseball dugouts,
provide signage, and identify future improvements to be phased over time as funds become available.
Approve the Addition of the Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Project to the Five Year Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP No. PK0416); and approve the budget change.
4.15. Fiscal Year 2015-16 1st Quarter Financial Review
The City Council will receive a financial report on the first quarter for Fiscal Year 2015-16 and
consider amendments to the FY 2015-16 Budget. The City Council will also receive a high level
update to the 10-Year General Fund Forecast.
Receive the report, approve the Budget Change for FY 2015-16, and receive the updated 10-Year
General Fund Forecast.
4.16. Improvement Agreement for Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park
The City Council will consider approval of an Improvement Agreement with BJP-ROF Jordan Ranch,
LLC, a California Corporation, to construct the 4.99-acre neighborhood park as identified in the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan within the Jordan Ranch development. Execution of this Agreement is a
requirement of the First Amendment to the Development Agreement with BJP-ROF Jordan Ranch,
LLC, for the Jordan Ranch Project.
Adopt the Resolution Approving the Improvement Agreement with BJP-ROF Jordan Ranch, LLC for
Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park.
6.1. Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment, Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 1
and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, Vesting Tentative Map 8136 to Create
19 Single-Family Lots, and a CEQA Addendum (PLPA 2012-00013)
The City Council will consider an application by Schaefer Ranch Holdings LLC (Discovery Builders)
for a General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Zoning with a Stage 1 and Stage 2
Development Plan to change the land use designation and zoning of 17.30 acres designated as Estate
Residential and originally approved for six residential estate lots and common areas, to 7.04 acres
designated as Single-Family Residential for 19 single-family detached homes and 10.26 acres
designated as Open Space. This proposal results in a net increase of 13 homes to a total of 419 homes,
which is below the 474 homes originally anticipated within the Schaefer Ranch project. The
application also includes a Site Development Review Permit and Vesting Tentative Map for the
proposed homes on the 19 lots. A CEQA Addendum was prepared for this project described above and
for a 1.14 acre area at the end of Ridgeline Place contemplated for a future General Plan Amendment.
Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Adopting a CEQA Addendum and a
Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Schaefer Ranch Unit 3 and a portion of Unit 1 Project;
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adopt the Resolution Approving a General Plan Amendment for the Schaefer Ranch Unit 3 Project;
waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Rezoning the Schaefer Ranch Unit 3 Project site to
PD-Planned Development and approving a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; and adopt
the Resolution Approving a Site Development Review Permit and Vesting Tentative Subdivision
Tract Map 8136 for the Schaefer Ranch Unit 3 Project.
7.1. Community Benefit Agreement between the City of Dublin and Trumark Homes LLC for a 60-
unit residential project at 7144 Regional Street (PLPA-2015-00017)
Trumark Homes seeks to develop 60 townhomes on an approximately 2.7 acre site at 7144 Regional
Street in Downtown Dublin. Under the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, a Community Benefit
Agreement is required in order to allocate units from the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan
Development Pool. In exchange for the allocation of residential units from the pool, the developer is
proposing a Community Benefit contribution of $1,000,000 to be provided through the construction of
improvements as well as a cash payment described herein. Under the terms of this agreement, the
developer will also contribute $800,000 to fully satisfy their obligations under the City’s Inclusionary
Zoning requirements.
Adopt the Resolution Approving the Community Benefit Agreement between the City of Dublin and
Trumark Homes LLC for a 60-unit residential project at 7144 Regional Street.
9. OTHER BUSINESS - Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including
Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to Meetings Attended at City Expense (AB1234).
10. ADJOURNMENT - In memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops.
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to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132),
and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or
accommodation, please contact the City Clerk’s Office (925) 833-6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life, ensures a safe and secure environment, and fosters new
Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history
with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community.
Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and informed community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including
programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and preserve our natural surroundings through environmental stewardship and
sustainability. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation of first-class recreational
opportunities, facilities and programs.