HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 DeficientPlan580WestSUBJECT:
File #1060-90
Adoption of Deficiency Plan for Interstate 580 Westbound from
Center Street (Castro Valley) to Interstate 238
Report Prepared by: Lee Thompson, Public Works Director
1) Resolution approving the 1-580 Deficiency Plan
2) Deficiency Plan Executive Summary, dated OCtober 11,2001
RECOMMENDATION: ~A~ Adopt resolution approving the Deficiency Plan for I-580 westbound
from Center Street to Interstate 238
If this Deficiency Plan is not approved by all the participating
agencies and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency,
the agencies could have their State Gas Tax subventions withheld.
Dublin receives approximately $617,000 in gas tax annually.
DESCRIPTION: The Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA)
annually monitors traffic congestion on freeways and major roads identified in the Congestion Management
Program. The 2000 Congestion Monitoring Report found that traffic congestion on 1-580 westbound in
Castro Valley between Center Street and 1-238 had degraded to a level of service "F" during the afternoon
commute period. If the level of service in any segment of the Alameda County Congestion Management
Program Network drops to an "F", State law requires that a Deficiency Plan be prepared to identify measures
that will mitigate the traffic congestion. The procedures adopted by the' CMA for the development of
deficiency plans require the participation of jurisdictions that contribute at least ten percent (10%) of trips
on the deficient segment.
Dublin is required to participate since the Alameda County traffic model shows that more than ten percent
of the traffic in the deficient segment has origins or destinations in Dublin, thus staff participated in the
development of the Deficiency Plan. Alameda County is the lead agency in preparing the Plan as the
deficient section of 1-580 is located in the unincorporated area of the County. The other participating
agencies are the cities of Pleasanton, Livermore, San Leandro, and Oakland.
The Deficiency Plan Study found that the 1-238 Widening Project between 1-880 and 1-580, which will
widen the freeway from two to three lanes in each direction, would help to mitigate the congestion in the
deficient segment. This project is fully funded and currently being designed by Caltrans. It should be noted
that the actual starting point of the westbound 1-580 congestion is at the junction of 1-238 and 1-880
G:agenmisc\agst 1-580 Deficiency Plan. doc
southbound ramp where traffic backs up for up to three miles to Center Street in Castro Valley. The 1-238
Widening Project by itself will alleviate congestion on westbound 1-580 at 1-238 and eliminate deficient
conditions upon its scheduled completion in 2008.
Two other projects are also included in the Deficiency Plan: the 1-580/Center Street Off-Ramp Project
and the Westbound 1-580 to Southbound State Route 238 Direct Connector Project. These projects have
committed funding in the Countywide Transportation Plan and are expected to be complete by 2010. The
traffic analysis shows the three projects identified in the Plan will mitigate the congestion in the deficient
segment through at least Year 2025.
State law requires that participating agencies adopt resolutions approving the Deficiency Plan. The
Congestion Management Agency Board is scheduled to consider the Deficiency Plan at its November
meeting. If the Deficiency Plan is not approved by the participating agencies and the Congestion.
Management Agency by the end of November, participating agencies are subject to having their State Gas
Tax subventions withheld~
Staff recommends that the Council adopt the resolution approving the Deficiency Plan for Interstate 580
Westbound from Center Street (Castro Valley) to Interstate 238.
Page 2
WHEREAS, the 2001 Congestion Management Program states that a Level of Service Standard
"E" or better is required for all roadways identified in the Congestion Management Program network; and
WHEREAS, Interstate 580, from Center Street (Castro Valley) to Interstate 238, located in the
unincorporated area of Alameda County, is included in the Congestion Management Program network;
WHEREAS, the 2000 Level of Service Monitoring of the Alameda County Congestion
Management Program Network identified the westbound direction of Interstate 580 from Center Street to
Interstate 238 at Level of Service "F,", thus failing to meet the Level of Service Standard; and
WHEREAS, the Level of Service remained at "F" after all statutory allowable exemptions were
considered; and
WHEREAS, the Congestion Management Program statute states that a Deficiency Plan with all of
the mandatory elements shall be required if the leVel of service standard is not met; and
WHEREAS, the Congestion Management Program requires that the jurisdiction in which the
deficient segment is located shall have lead responsibility for preparation and implementation of the
Deficiency Plan and that the segments are in unincorporated Alameda County; and
WHEREAS, the Congestion Management Program requires a jurisdiction to participate in the
preparation of a Deficiency Plan if it contributes at least ten percent (10%) of the trips on the deficient
segment of the roadway, or if a jurisdiction that does not meet the threshold but is surrounded by
jurisdictions which do meet the threshold; and
WHEREAS, the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, San Leandro, and Oakland meet the
above threshold requirements and have participated in the development of the Deficiency Plan; and
WHEREAS, adoption and implementation of the Deficiency Plan is required in order to be found
in conformance with the Congestion Management Program; and
WHEREAS, the Interstate 238 Widening Project, the Center Street Off-Ramp Project, and the
Westbound Interstate 580 to Southbound State Route 238 Direct Connector Project improve the overall
Level of Service on the Congestion Management Program Network, and contribute to significant air
quality improvements; and
WHEREAS, the Interstate 238 Widening Project, the Center Street Off-RamP Project, and the
Westbound Interstate 580 to Southbound State Route 238 Direct Connector Project form the basis for the
Deficiency Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Interstate 238 Widening Project, the Center Street Off-Ramp Project, and the
Westbound Interstate 580 to Southbound State Route 238 Direct Connector Project are included as
committed projects in the Countywide Transportation Plan that was adopted by the Alameda County
Congestion Management Agency Board on AugUst 2, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the Deficiency Plan for Westbound Interstate 580 from Center Street to Interstate 238
meets all statutory requirements.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin adopts the
Deficiency Plan for Westbound Interstate 580 from Center Street (Castro Valley) to Interstate 238; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council acknowledges that implementation of the
Deficiency Plan will be monitored biennially as required by state law and that the schedule and progress
for implementation of the Plan will be considered as part of the annual conformity requirements for the
congestion management program.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of November, 2001.
Mayor Pro Tempore
City Clerk
g:agenmisc\reso 1-580 Deficiency Plan.doc
Executive Summary
Deficiency Plan for 1-580 Westbound
From Center Street to i-238
prepared for
Alameda County Public Works Agency
in partnership with
City of Oakland
City of San Leandro
City of Pleasanton
City of Dublin
City of Livermore
prepared by
N C 0 R P 0 R A ~/ E D
800 Charcot Avenue, Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 544-2477
October 11, 2001
The roadway section that is the subject of this deficiency plan is located in the
unincorporated area of Castro Valley within Alameda County. It consists of
westbound 1-580 from the Center Street on ramp to the 1-238 on ramp from
eastbound 1-580. Figure ES-1 shows the location of the deficient section~
Preparation of this deficiency plan was triggered by the results of the 2000 traffic
monitoring study, which found an average travel speed of 24.0 mph. This value is
below the Level of Service (LOS) F threshold of 30 mph established by the Alameda
County Congestion Management Program.
As the existing bottleneck is located downstream of the deficient seCtion, the study
area includes 1-238, 1-880 on ramps, and 1-880 freeway mainline sections
downstream and upstream of the on ramps. Figure ES-2 presents the existing lane
configurations at major ramp junctions and traffic volumes.
Based on microsimulation of traffic conditions during the weekday PM peak hour, the
source of the deficiency was found to be a capacity bottleneck at the westbound
junction of the 1-880 northbound and southbound ramps on 1-238. This analysis is
consistent with the traffic operations analysis for the 1-238 Widening Project Study
Report, which was completed for Caltrans in 1998. Because of the bottleneck,
upstream queuing has now extended well into the study area and results in the
deficient average travel speed. The results of the microsimulation analysis for the
PM peak hour are presented in Table ES-1. This presents baseline results for the
evaluation of selected roadway improvement projects.
Deficiency plan for 1-580 Westbound
Alameda County Public Works Agency
ES- 1 October 11, 2001
Deficient Section
- - ,Deficient Section
2,000 4,000 6,000
October 8, 200t
Westbound 1-580 Deficiency Plan
Figure ES-t
Location Map
~ Note: Volumes rounded to nearest 10.
2001 Westbound 1-580 Deficienw Figure
Existing ES2
PM Peak Hour Volumes and
~ CCS Lane Configuration
Table ES-1
Analysis of Existing PM Peak Hour Conditions (2000)
on Deficient Section
(Average Travel Speed)
Times Speed
(min.) (mph)
5:00-5:15 36.2
5:15-5:30 17.5
individual 15-minute Time Periods
5:30-5:45 6.4
5:45-6:00 3.4
Average 15.9
5:00-5:15 36.2
Oumulative 15-minute Time Periods 5:00-5:30 25.4
5:00-5:45 10.0
5:00-6:00 9.7
Analysis is provided for two horizon years. The first year is 2008, the projected
completion date for near-term improvement projects. The second year is 2025, the
current horizon year for the 2001 Countywide Transportation Plan, and includes all
long-term improvement projects. The analyses are based on traffic volumes from
the most current forecasts from the 2005 and 2025 versions of the Countywide
transportation forecasting model. Traffic volume projections for the 2008 analysis
were determined through interpolation between the volumes for these years on the
appropriate 2005 network links.
The procedures adopted for the development of deficiency plans adopted by the
Alameda County Congestion Management Program (CMP) require the participation
of jurisdictions who contribute at least ten percent (10%) of trips on the deficient
segment. For the deficient segment on westbound 1-580, participating agencies
include the following: Alameda County, City of Dublin, City of Livermore, City of
Oakland, City of Pleasanton, and City of San Leandro. Alameda County is the lead
agency as the deficient section is located within its jurisdiction. Staff from these
agencies participated in the development of improvement projects and reviewed the
deficiency plan.
Deficiency plan for 1-580 Westbound
Alameda County Public Works Agency
ES-4 October 11, 2001
Several projects were considered within the deficient section and adjacent sections
for reducing congestion. They included the following:
1-238 Widening Project. This project provides a third lane between the 1-
580/I-238 junction and the junction for the 1-880 northbound and southbound
on ramps. The project will retain an auxiliary lane between the 1-580 on ramp
from eastbound 1-580 and the Mission Boulevard (SR 185) off ramp.
Currently, project funding of $100 million has been programmed, and
completion is-scheduled for 2008. This project is in the 2001 Countywide
Transportation Plan and the 2005 Countywide traffic forecasting model
Ramp metering at the 1-880 on ramps from 1-238. This project is not
expected to affect existing capacity of the on ramp but only provide more
uniform traffic flows onto 1-880. This project is included in the 1-238 widening
Fourth lane in each direction on 1-238 between the 1-580 on ramp and the
junction for the 1-880 on ramps. This project represents the ultimate lane
configuration for 1-238 but is not included in the 2001 Countywide
Transportation Plan and is not included in the 2005 or 2025 CMP traffic
forecasting models.
SR 238 Hayward Bypass from the 1-580 Junction. The project has been
programmed and is currently awaiting final Federal approval. A new roadway
would be constructed east of and parallel to Foothill Boulevard, which
currently is SR 238. The Hayward Bypass has been included in the 2025
CMP traffic forecasting network but not the 2005 network. This project
provides new .connections to existing ramps that serve the deficient section
and would not affect existing travel patterns to or from the section.
Westbound 1-580 to Southbound SR 238 Direct Connector. This project
was originally part of major interchange improvements at the 1-580/I-238
junction in the early 1990's. This project, thus, is separate from the Hayward
Bypass but is related to it, and Caltrans would like to construct the two
projects at approximately the same time. The connector provides a new off
ramp immediately after the Strobridge Avenue off ramp. The project's
estimated cost of $17 million is fully funded and is included in the 2025 but
not the 2005 Countywide transportation forecasting model.
Improvements at Center Street interchange, This project is funded
through the recent transportation sales tax measure. The Alameda County
Transportation Improvement Authority's (ACTIA's) 20-year expenditure plan
includes $9.2 million for this project. A new westbound off ramp will divert
some traffic that otherwise would have traveled through part of the deficient
Deficiency plan for 1-580 Westbound
Alameda County Public Works Agency
ES-5 October 11, 2001
section and, thus, may provide operational benefits. Aisc included in the
Castro Valley .interchange project are two eastbound ramp projects that are
unrelated to traffic in the deficient section. They are an eastbound on ramp
from Redwood Road and replacement of the existing eastbound off ramp to
Center Street. The new off ramp at Center Street is included in the 2025
CMP network but not the 2005 network.
Ramp metering on 1-580 between Livermore and Castro Valley. This
project is unfunded at the present time, and no implementation schedule
exists; however, it is in Caltrans' overall plan for ramp metering on 1-580. The
project is not expected to significantly impact freeway capacity or traffic
operations within the deficient section.
The following criteria were considered in deciding which projects to include in the
deficiency analysis:
1. Is the project in the 2025 Countywide Transportation Plan?
2. Is funding committed for the project?
Based on the above noted criteria, the deficiency plan includes three projects. They
are as follows:
1-238 Widening Project: This project has been recognized as a high priority.
Funding has been secured, preliminary studies are complete, and final design
will begin in early 2002. The existing queuing that originates at the junction
for the 1-880 ramps and extends well into the deficient section by the end of
the PM peak hour demonstrates the necessity for this project. Based on the
latest Caltrans schedule, the implementation year for this plan has been
presumed to be 2008. This project has been included in the network for the
2005 Countywide transportation forecasting model. This project is
considered to be the primary project to address the deficiency in the near-
Center Street Westbound Off Ramp: This project is included in the 2025
but not the 2005 Countywide transportation forecasting network. It is
anticipated that the project will be completed after 2008, and, thus, has been
included in the 2025 but not the 2008 analysis.
Westbound 1-580 to Southbound SR 238 Direct Connector: The project
has been included in the 2025 analysis with the understanding that the
project will be completed after 2008. The project, although related to the
Hayward Bypass, is a separate project. The Hayward Bypass project itself
has not been included in the implementation plan, as noted, because it does
not provide any new connections to or from the deficient section.
Nevertheless, as already noted, it is included in the 2025 network and, thus,
has been assumed to be constructed by this date.
Deficiency p/an for 1-580 Westbound CCS
Alameda County Public Works Agency ES-6 October 11, 2001
~ 690~~
<> HOV Lane
Note: Volumes rounded to the nearest 10.
2001 Westbound 1-580 Deficiency Figure
2008 Intermediate ES3
PM Peak Hour Volumes and
340 P~ Pe~k Hour Volumes
--- Lane Addiiion for Fin,,
Note: Volumes rounded to nearest ~0.
2001 Westbound I-~80 Deficiency Figure
2025 Final ES4
PM Peak Hour Volumes and
' Lane Configuration ,
For both the near-term (2008) and long-term (2025) scenarios, microsimulation of
traffic flows during the PM peak hour was conducted to determine the average
speeds during the PM peak hour. Traffic volumes and lane configuration for the
2008 and 2025 scenarios are presented in Figures ES-3 and ES-4. As the existing
bottleneck is located downstream of the deficient section, the study area includes
1-238, 1-880 on ramps, and 1-880 freeway mainline sections downstream and
upstream of the on ramps. Table ES-2 provides average travel speed during the PM
peak hour for the near-term and long-term scenarios as well as the analysis of
existing conditions for comparison purposes.
Short Term (2008) Analysis
As shown in Table ES-2, the average speed of PM peak hour travel time runs in
2008 would be expected to be approximately 32.8 mph. As this speed corresponds
to LOS E, the 1-238 widening project by itself will eliminate deficient conditions when
it is completed in 2008. This corresponds to an average travel speed 8.8 mph higher
than the speed recorded during the 2000 monitoring period (24.0 mph). The
improvement project would provide increased capacity on 1-238 that eliminates the
existing bottlenecks on 1-238 at the junction of the 1-880 on ramps and also would
provide needed vehicle storage if capacity constraints on the 1-880 ramps result in
upstream queuing. The 2008 analysis indicates some queuing on the northbound on
ramp to 1-880, but the queue does. not extend as far east as the junction of the-
northbound and southbound on ramps. The analysis results are considered
conservative, as the Castro Valley Road on ramp traffic forecasts are significantly
higher than existing conditions.
Long Term (2025) Analysis
Over time, traffic will increase in the study area. The two additional projects included
in the 2025 analysis, Center Street off ramp and the 1-580 westbound to southbound
SI:{ 238 connector, will result in changes in traffic patterns within the deficient section
and are both in the 2025 Countywide traffic forecasting network. The Hayward
Bypass (SR 238) is included in the 2025 network, but the project utilizes existing
connections to the 1-580/I-238 corridor in both directions and, as noted earlier, is not
included in the implementation plan.
There will be some localized congestion in the deficient section but queuing from the
westbound 1-580 ramp that occurred in the 2008 analysis would be eliminated. The
result will stabilize traffic conditions throughout the peak hour, with average travel
speeds during the peak hour in the narrow range of 35.1 to 35.7 mph. Despite the
increase in overall traffic, the overall average speed actually increases by 2.5 mph
from the 2008 value to 35.3 mph. Congestion on the 1-880 on ramps will increase
compared to 2008 conditions. Queues on both ramps will extend to the junction on
1-238 for the ramps but will not extend into the deficient section.
Deficiency plan for 1-580 Westbound CCS
Alameda County Public Works Agency ES-9 October 11, 2001
Table ES-2
Comparison of Average Speed Analysis Results for PM Peak
by Link and Scenario for Westbound 1-580 Deficient Section
Link 2000 2008 2025
Length Conditions Conditions Conditions
No.;From To (ft.) (mph) (mph) (mph)
1 Center St. On Ramp Lane Addition 1,245 38.6 52.6 50.6
2 Lane Addition Redwood On Ramp 1,075 36.4 54.9 53.5
3 Redwood On Ramp Strobridge Off Ramp 1,320! 29.4 49.0 48.1
4a Strobridge Off Ramp Hayward Bypass Off Ramp(i) 400 27.9
22.3 22.9
4b Hayward Bypass Off Ramp(i) 1-580/I-238 Junction 1,000 24.3
5 1-580/I-238 Junction Foothill On Ramp 2,660 11.0 28.0 27.2
6 Foothill On Ramp On Ramp from NB 1-580 1,155 13.5 46.2 45.8
Deficient Section (Center St. to 1-580 On Ramp) 8,855 15.9 32.8 35.3
Notes: (1) Hayward Bypass only exists in 2025 analysis.
Deficiency plan for 1-580 Westbound
Alameda County Public Works Agency
ES-lO October 11, 2001
Several important points are noted:
Benefits of the two additional roadway improvements included in the 2025
analysis will occur after 2008. These projects have been funded but they
require significant amounts of time for design and construction, and
completion soon after 2008 is anticipated. For purposes of this study, a date
of 2010 has been assumed.
· Projects included in the implementation plan will ensure an acceptable level
of service in the deficient section from 2008 to at least 2025.
The implementation plan includes three improvement projects, which all have a high
degree of being implemented as planned because funding has been secured. A
summary of the construction projects is provided in Table ES-3.
Table ES-3
Summary of Projects in Implementation Plan
Name Description Estimated Cost Funding Status Completion
1-238 Widening Adding 3rd Lane $100 million Funded with Final 2008
from 1-238/I-580 (total project) Design to Begin
junction to I- Early 2002
238/I-880 ramps
Center Street Off Construct new $9.2 million Funded with Design 2010
Ramp off ramp (overall project to Begin Spring,
for Castro Valley 2002
Westbound 1-580 Direct connector $17 million Funded as 2010-
to Southbound from westbound identified in the
SR 238 1-580 to 2001 Countywide
connector southbound SR Transportation Plan
Based on the analysis performed for the preparation of the deficiency plan, the
existing deficiency will be eliminated in 2008 and remain at an acceptable level of
service until at least 2025, as long as the three designated projects in the
implementation plan are in operation by the completion dates that have been
P:\01074\Reports\10-11-01 Report\Exec Sum\Section Executive Summary.doc
Deficiency plan for 1-580 Westbound
Alameda County Public Works Agency
ES-11 October 11, 2001