HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 Update on the Dublin Boulevard Extension Project and Funding PlanAgenda Item 7.1
DATE: March 21, 2023
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager
SU 13,ECT: Update on the Dublin Boulevard Extension Project and Funding Plan
Prepared by: Colleen Tribby, Assistant City Manager and Pratyush Rhatia,
Transportation and Operations Manager
The City Council will receive an update on the Dublin Boulevard Extension Project and potential
funding sources. The City of Dublin, in cooperation with the City of Livermore, Alameda County
Transportation Commission, and Alameda County, proposes to extend Dublin Boulevard
approximately 1.5 miles eastward through unincorporated Alameda County and connect to North
Canyons Parkway in Livermore, from its current terminus at Fallon Road. The extension is
planned to have four to six travel lanes, a Class I trail on the north side, buffered bike lanes,
sidewalks, traffic signals, streetlights, utilities, and landscaping.
Receive the report and provide direction on advancing funds to cover future impact fees that will
be allocated to the project.
There is no financial impact associated with the receipt of this report. The total cost of Dublin's
share of the right-of-way acquisition and project construction is estimated at $124 million.
Funding sources include the East Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (EDTIF) fund ($63 million) and the
Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee ($13.5 million), with the remaining $47.5 million
unidentified. Staff plans to pursue grants to cover this balance.
Because EDTIF funds are collected when development happens and are not currently available to
spend on the project, the City would need to advance that portion of funding to keep the project on
track. Staff's recommendation regarding the advance is discussed in the body of this Staff Report.
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The Dublin Boulevard Extension Project proposes to extend the roadway approximately 1.5 miles
from Fallon Road to North Canyons Parkway in the City of Livermore, through an unincorporated
portion of Alameda County. The preliminary cost estimate for the project is currently $151.5
million, which includes right-of-way, environmental mitigation, and construction costs. It is
expected that Dublin's share will be approximately $124 million, and Livermore's share will be
approximately $27.5 million, based on the roadway length in each jurisdiction and a split of the
portion of the roadway in unincorporated Alameda County.
The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) is the implementing agency for
the final design phase in cooperation with Dublin, Livermore, and Alameda County. On May 19,
2020, the City Council approved a Cooperative Agreement with Alameda CTC and Livermore for
the design phase of the project (Resolution No. 38-20).
Project Status
Currently, the design phase is in the 65% plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) review by the
City of Dublin, City of Livermore, Alameda County, Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD),
and the Zone 7 Water Agency. The 65% PS&E review is the midpoint in a typical 35-65-95 design
and review process (some designers and projects refer to a 30-60-90 process). The 65% design
includes plans showing typical cross -sections, right-of-way, utilities including
drainage/stormwater details, sanitary sewer and water, signing and striping, traffic signals, signal
interconnect, streetlighting, landscaping, storm water treatment, and Cottonwood Creek bridge
details. It is during the 65% stage where all major design elements are decided, and the extent of
the project right-of-way should be determined. Upon completion of the 65% review, the right-of-
way appraisal process and acquisition typically gets started. Table 1 shows the project schedule by
Table 1- Project Schedule
Project Phase
Start Date
Anticipated Completion
65% Design
In Process
Summer 2023
95% Design
Summer 2023
Summer 2024
Right of Way and Utilities
Summer 2023
Summer 2025
Final Design
Summer 2024
Winter 2024
Environmental Permitting
Fall 2024
Spring 2025
TBD - Funding Dependent
Before the project moves into the construction phase, permits are needed from regulatory
agencies due to the project's direct and indirect impacts. To receive permits, the project must
mitigate these impacts. On February 7, 2023, the City Council approved an agreement with RES
Environmental Operating Company, LLC for environmental mitigation services for the project
(Resolution No. 09-23). The Environmental Permitting phase will begin near the end of the design
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phase and is anticipated to be complete by Spring 2025. Construction is anticipated to take 18
months and will not begin until all funding is secured, right-of-way is acquired, and all resource
agency permits are issued.
Project Funding and EDTIF Advance
On December 21, 2021, the City Council adopted the update to the EDTIF, which includes this
project (Resolution No. 144-21). As development occurs in the East Dublin program area, fees will
be collected and will be allocated to the project up to the amount of approximately $63 million.
Since EDTIF funding is not expected to be available by the time the construction phase starts but
will be collected over the full buildout duration of Eastern Dublin, Staff has been exploring ways of
advancing this funding so the project can proceed. Financing the advance through a bond sale or
other means has been determined to be too costly, however Staff has evaluated internal funding
sources and has identified a list of sources that can be accessed to fund the advance without
impacting City operations and with preserving the City's current cash flow reserve level.
Table 2 provides Staffs recommended funding sources over three years, followed by a brief
description of each source.
Table 2 - Funding Sources for EDTIF Advance
Funding Sources FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 TOTAL
GF Assigned Reserve Balance $6,257,441
Economic Stability Reserve $8,000,000
One -Time Initiatives (Capital) $4,500,000
Dublin Crossing Fund $9,000,000
CFD Reimbursement
$11,906,472 $11,906,472
GF Surpluses $10,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,400,000 $23,400,000
$37,757,441 $7,000,000 $18,306,472 $63,063,913
• General Fund Assigned Reserve - In August 2022, the City Council approved the setting
aside of $20 million for the project to fund the environmental mitigation costs via the
contract with RES. There is roughly $6.3 million remaining in that reserve that can be
allocated to the EDTIF advance.
• Economic Stability Reserve (ESR) - This reserve was established over eight years ago to
allow for a balanced budget in the event of economic uncertainty. Since then, the General
Fund undesignated/cash flow reserve has grown to about 85% of the budget, making the
ESR not as critical in the short term.
• One -Time Initiatives (Capital) Reserve - This is another long-term reserve that has been
utilized for a variety of technological needs. It was last used this fiscal year for citywide
signal communications upgrades.
• Dublin Crossing Fund - This fund balance accounts for development agreement fees from
the Dublin Crossing development. It is not currently appropriated to any program or
• Community Facilities District (CFD) Reimbursement - Staff is working on a CFD
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mechanism with the East of Fallon property owners that will reimburse the City for
indirect mitigation costs paid to RES totaling $11.9 million. This amount could then be
included in the EDTIF advance.
• General Fund (GF) surpluses - Staff anticipates GF operating surpluses over the next three
years that could be set aside to advance to the EDTIF.
City Council Direction Needed
Staff is seeking the City Council's direction and ultimate commitment to utilize internal funding
sources to advance the EDTIF funds for the Dublin Boulevard Extension. While the money will not
be spent until the construction phase, it is critical to have a funding plan in place to put the City in
an advantageous position in seeking outside grant funding for the balance of the project costs. In
fact, Dublin, Livermore, and Alameda CTC staff have been working together to identify local,
regional, and federal funding sources for the project. By committing local funds for right-of-way,
environmental permitting, and construction, the City can demonstrate project readiness, which
will make the project more attractive to and competitive for grants such as the Alameda CTC 2026
Comprehensive Investment Plan. The notice of funding opportunity and call for projects for the
2026 Comprehensive Investment Plan is anticipated to be announced in Fall 2024.
Additionally, development of the road is a critical factor in the East of Fallon properties coming
online, which will have great value to the City. Economic Development staff are currently working
with a consultant to develop a fiscal analysis on the economic impact this area will have on the
City based on the current plans, but it is anticipated that the project will bring benefits in the form
of property tax, potential sales tax, and creation of jobs, as well as closing a gap in the existing local
roadway network connecting Dublin and Livermore.
The City Council Agenda was posted.
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Update on Dublin Boulevard Extension
and Funding Plan
March 21, 2023
The Project
1.5 miles extension
6 lanes in Dublin to
4 lanes in Livermore
Bike Lanes
Street Lighting
Project Status
• CEQA completed — EIR w/ MMRR Aug 2019
• NEPA completed— EA w/ FONSI, Feb 2021
• Cooperative Agreement with Livermore &Alameda CTC
• MOA Design Review ($300,330 Dublin; $127,770 Livermore)
• Design Phase began in May 2021
• 65% design in process
• All major design elements and extent of right-of-way determined.
• RES Agreement for Environmental Mitigation approved by City
Council, Feb 2023
Project Schedule
Project Phase
6 Design i
Start Date
In Process
Anticipated Completion
Summer 2023
5 Design
Summer 2023
Summer 2024
Right of Way and Utilities
S-umr 2023
Summer 2025
Final Design
Summer 2024
Winter 2024
Spring 2025
Environmental Permitting
Fall 2024
TBD - Funding Dependent
Project Costs
• Project Cost (2020 preliminary engineering level estimate) : $151.5M
• Divided between Dublin and Livermore based on roadway length.
• Unincorporated Alameda County costs are split evenly
— Dublin: $ 124 M
— Livermore: $27.5M
• Dublin's identified funding sources include EDTIF ($63M),TVTD
($13 M)
— Staff will seek grant funding for the remainder
EDTI F Advance
• Use GF reserves to advance EDTIF
• Repayment expected in roughly 10 years
Fund ittg S ou rces
F Assigned Reserve Balance
Economic Stability Reserve
One -Time Initiatives (Capital)
D u b l i n Crossing Fund
CFD Reimbursement
FY 22-23 FY 23,214 IFY 24-25
$ }57,441
$ � 000� 000
$4, 500, 000
$ � 57,44I
M906 247
F Surpluses 10 J000A00
790 09000
EDTI F Advance
• Significant piece to funding plan in order to compete for grant
funding opportunities
• Potential Alameda CTC Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP)
2026 Funding
— if congestion relief funds are included in the Fall 2024 call for projects.
• RFP out for grant writing services
Next Steps
• Continue to work with Zone 7 and Alameda County —review of
Cottonwood Creek, bridge and improvements
• Continue to work with City of Livermore, Alameda County, Zone 7 —
review of the PS&E
• Environmental Permitting towards end of Design Phase
• Right-of-way Acquisition, and continue to work with private property
• Funding Plan for Construction Phase
— State, Federal Grants, and Measure BB
Thank You
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