HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-2020 YAC Agenda PacketMay 27, 2020 Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Agenda Page 1 of 2 REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 7:00 PM Dublin Senior Center, 7600 Amador Valley Boulevard DUBLIN YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE A G E N D A • Agendas and Staff Reports are posted on the City’s Internet Website (www.dublin.ca.gov) • A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports and exhibits relate to each item is available of public review at least 72 hours prior to a Youth Advisory Committee Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to Youth Advisory Committee members less than 72 hours prior to a Youth Advisory Committee Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered. Meeting Procedure During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak: In keeping with the guidelines provided by the State of California and Alameda County Department of Public Health regarding gatherings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and recommendations to follow social distancing procedures, the City of Dublin will adopt the following practices during upcoming commission meetings: • The Dublin Youth Advisory Committee will hold the meetings remotely via Zoom Video Communications. • The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. • Online speaker slips will be available at www.dublin.ca.gov, and the public will be able to call in using a computer/or smart phone via a link which will be provided following submission of a speaker slip. A telephonic option will also be available. • Once connected, the public speaker will be placed in an on-line waiting room. While in the waiting room, the public speaker will hear the meeting while they are connected and waiting to speak. • When the agenda item upon which the individual would like to comment is addressed, the speaker will be announced in the meeting when it is his/her time to speak to the commission. The speaker will then be moved to the meeting for comment. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2.1. Public Comment At this time, the public is permitted to address the Youth Advisory Committee on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Youth Advisory Committee may respond to statements made or questions asked or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the Recording Secretary’s Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future Youth Advisory Committee agenda. The exceptions under which the Youth Advisory Committee MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). 3. CONSENT CALENDAR May 27, 2020 Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Agenda Page 2 of 2 Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the Youth Advisory Committee with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the Youth Advisory Committee who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Chair to remove the item. 3.1. Minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular Youth Advisory Committee Meeting The Youth Advisory Committee will consider approval of the minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular Youth Advisory Committee meeting. 3.2. Youth Advisory Committee 2019-20 Annual Report Presentation Review The Advisory Committee will review the Annual Report presentation, highlighting the 2019-20 term accomplishments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 5. PUBLIC HEARING 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. OTHER BUSINESS Brief information only reports from the committee and/or Staff, including committee reports and reports by the committee related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). 9. ADJOURNMENT This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a) If requested, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2, this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the federal rules a nd regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, please contact the City Clerk’s Office (925) 833 - 6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life, ensures a safe and secure environment, and fosters new opportunities. Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and informed community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and preserve our natural surroundings through environmental stewardship and sustainability. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation of first-class recreational opportunities, facilities and programs. Page 1 of 1 STAFF REPORT YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: May 27, 2020 TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners FROM: La Shawn Butler, Parks & Community Services Director SUBJECT: Minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular Youth Advisory Committee Meeting Prepared by: Henry Siu, Recreation Coordinator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Youth Advisory Committee will consider approval of the minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular Youth Advisory Committee meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: The Youth Advisory Committee will consider approval of the minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular meeting. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes of the February 26, 2020 Regular Youth Advisory Committee Meeting 3.1 Packet Pg. 3 YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Youth Advisory Committee February 26, 2020 Regular Meeting P a g e | 1 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance - The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Committee Chair Trishala Jain. The pledge of allegiance was recited by those present at the meeting. Attendee Name Title Status Trishala Jain Committee Chair Present Divyansh Agrawal Committee Member Present Hollis Carey Committee Member Present Steven Chan Committee Member Present Kandace Chen Committee Member Present Mannat Dhot Committee Member Present Saanya Goel Committee Member Present Akul Gowda Committee Member Present Medha Gowda Committee Member Present Visvesh Jegadheesh Committee Member Present Rithu Lakshman Committee Member Present Grace Marnon Committee Member Present Romal Mitr Committee Member Present Harsimar Saini Committee Member Present Moises Vazquez Committee Member Absent Diya Vij Committee Member Present Siri Phaneendra PCS Student Representative Absent 2. Oral Communications 2.1. Public Comment - None 3. Consent Calendar 3.1. Approved the minutes of the January 22, 2020 Regular meeting. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Harsimar Saini, Commissioner SECOND: Mannat Dhot, Commissioner AYES: Agrawal, Carey, Chan, Chen, Dhot, Goel, A. Gowda, M. Gowda, Jain, Jegadheesh, Lakshman, Marnon, Mitr, Saini, Vij ABSENT: Vazquez, Phaneendra 4. Written Communication - None 3.1.a Packet Pg. 4 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . M i n u t e s o f t h e F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 R e g u l a r Y o u t h A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g ( M i n u t e s o f t h e F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 R e g u l a r Y o u t h Youth Advisory Committee February 26, 2020 Regular Meeting P a g e | 2 5. Public Hearing – None 6. Unfinished Business - None 7. New Business 7.1. Recruitment Process for the 2020-21 Youth Advisory Committee Henry Siu, Recreation Coordinator, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in the Staff Report. The Committee received the report. 7.2. Youth Advisory Committee Annual Report Presentation Henry Siu, Recreation Coordinator, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in the Staff Report. The Committee discussed the accomplishments made by the Youth Advisory Committee to be included in the annual report presentation. 8. Other Business Committee Members provided informational reports on recent events and meetings attended. Henry Siu, Recreation Coordinator provided an update on the Dublin Benefit Concert applications reminding the Committee that they are due March 14, 2020. The Benefit Concert Subcommittee, comprising two members of the Senior Center Advisory Committee and Youth Advisory Committee Member Saini, will review applications and make final recommendations. Henry Siu, Recreation Coordinator, reminded the Committee on the upcoming volunteer opportunities at the St. Patrick’s Day Festival YAC booth. Volunteer sign-ups are on SignUp Genius. Laura Johnston, Recreation Supervisor asked Committee Members to submit photos from any of the YAC events they participated in this year to be included in the Annual Report presentation. 3.1.a Packet Pg. 5 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . M i n u t e s o f t h e F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 R e g u l a r Y o u t h A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g ( M i n u t e s o f t h e F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 R e g u l a r Y o u t h Youth Advisory Committee February 26, 2020 Regular Meeting P a g e | 3 Laura Johnston, Recreation Supervisor asked Committee Members to consider reapplying for the 2020-21 Youth Advisory Committee and to email the Youth Advisory Committee Application to fellow students. 9. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Committee Chair Jain at 7:28 p.m. Minutes prepared by Henry Siu, Recreation Coordinator. ____________________________________ Trishala Jain Youth Advisory Committee Chair ATTEST: ________________________________________ Henry Siu Recreation Coordinator 3.1.a Packet Pg. 6 At t a c h m e n t : 1 . M i n u t e s o f t h e F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 R e g u l a r Y o u t h A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g ( M i n u t e s o f t h e F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 R e g u l a r Y o u t h Page 1 of 2 STAFF REPORT YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: May 27, 2020 TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners FROM: La Shawn Butler, Parks & Community Services Director SUBJECT: Youth Advisory Committee 2019-20 Annual Report Presentation Review Prepared by: Henry Siu, Recreation Coordinator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Advisory Committee will review the Annual Report presentation, highlighting the 2019-20 term accomplishments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: Each year, the Youth Advisory Committee presents an Annual Report on the current term’s accomplishments which took place throughout the year. In past years, events included volunteering for City events, allocating funds for the Youth Mini Grant Prog ram, fundraising efforts for the Fee Assistance Program (youth and seniors) including the Dublin Benefit Concert, and participating in the Tri-Valley Teen Job and Career Fair and other projects. This year, the presentation was delivered by Committee Chair Jain and Committee Member Chan at the May 19, 2020 City Council Meeting. The Committee will review the Annual Report presentation that was provided to City Council. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. 3.2 Packet Pg. 7 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENTS: None. 3.2 Packet Pg. 8