HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-10-2008 Approved HCAC Minutes
MINUTES OF: January 10, 2008
The January 10, 2008 meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at
7:08 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center, Dublin, California, by Chairperson Mack.
Chairperson Mack led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners Present: Mack, Acuff, Carr, Halket, Lussie, Vonheeder-Leopold, and Swalwell
Commissioners Absent: None
On a motion by Cm. Acuff, seconded by Cm. Lussie, the Commission approved the minutes of December
6, 2007 as presented. Cm. Halket abstained from the vote due to her absence during the December 6,
2007 meeting.
8.1 Election of Officers
Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in
the Staff Report.
Chair Mack opened the floor to nominations for Chairperson.
Cm. Acuff nominated Cm. Swalwell. Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold motioned to close nominations. By a vote
of 7-0-0, the Commission unanimously elected Cm. Swalwell as Chairperson.
Chair Mack opened the floor to nominations for Vice Chairperson.
Cm. Acuff nominated Cm. Carr, and Cm. Swalwell seconded the nomination. Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold
motioned to close nominations. By a vote of 7-0-0, the Commission unanimously elected Cm. Carr as
Vice Chairperson.
8.2 Committee Appointments
Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in
the Staff Report.
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On a motion by Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a vote of 7-0-0, the
Commission unanimously voted to approve the following committee appointments:
Art Takes Place Steering Committee
Representative: Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold
Alternate: Cm. Mack
Art Selection Committee – Dublin Transit Center
Representative: Cm. Carr
Alternate: Cm. Lussie
Selection Committee – Poet Laureate
Representative: Cm. Carr
Selection Committee – Local Historian
Representative: Cm. Swalwell
On a motion by Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold, seconded by Cm. Halket, and by a vote of 7-0-0, the
Commission unanimously voted to delete the Museum Assessment Committee and Shannon Community
Center – Public Art Selection Committee from the list of committees.
8.3 Heritage and Cultural Arts Goals and Objectives
Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor, presented the specifics of the item as outlined in
the Staff Report.
Cm. Acuff asked about the status of a public art installation at the West Dublin BART Station. Mr.
Hartnett explained that the pubic art location had been determined; however, funds for public art have not
yet been determined.
Cm. Mack commented that the priority of Goal & Objective (G&O) “Develop a Black History Month
Celebration in February 2009” should be re-evaluated since its suggestion was borne by the citizens of
Dublin who contacted the Mayor, and was referred to the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission by the
Cm. Carr asked why G&O “Offer a ‘Vintage Film Series’ event 4 times per year at the Dublin Heritage
Center” is a high priority. Ms. Elizabeth Isles, Heritage Center Director, explained that the goal was
created as a means to expand recreational opportunities in the City. Mr. Hartnett added that it could also
be used as another way to promote all activities at St. Raymond’s Church and the Heritage Center.
Cm. Acuff suggested that local films could also be shown during this event. Cm. Carr suggested that, if
the City moved forward with the G&O “Develop a Black History Month Celebration in February 2009”,
related films could be shown during the event as well. Cm. Lussie pointed out that the costs for G&O
“Offer a ‘Vintage Film Series’ event 4 times per year at the Dublin Heritage Center” could be offset by
revenue. She stated that perhaps the costs associated with implementing the G&O “Develop a Black
History Month Celebration in February 2009” could be offset in the same manner.
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Chair Swalwell stated that perhaps the City Historian could work on the G&O “Create a dedicated
‘website’ for the Dublin Heritage Center.” Ms. Isles stated that she agrees.
Mr. Hartnett explained that the City is in the process of conducting a Needs Assessment Survey that
evaluates the community’s desire for additions and enhancement to existing programs and services. He
explained that this survey may set a platform from which the Commission would consider future Goals &
Cm. Lussie asked if it would be appropriate to take some of the aspects of G&O “Develop a Black
History Month Celebration in February 2009” and include it in some of the other G&Os. Mr. Hartnett
recommended that the Commissioners share their reasoning and ideas for this G&O with the City Council
during the G&O Joint Meeting in February 2008.
Chair Swalwell asked abut merging G&Os “Create a dedicated ‘website’ for the Dublin Heritage Center”
and “Create a ‘Virtual tour’ of Dublin’s public art and the Heritage Center museum that can be viewed on
the City website.” Mr. Hartnett explained that these G&Os are separate because Staff would like to create
virtual tours of the Museum and public art in town on separate websites, and additionally, the dedicated
website for the museum has many other programmatic possibilities.
The Commission voted on the 2008-2009 Preliminary Goals & Objectives as follows:
G&O No.
1 H H H H H H H
2 H H H H H H H
3 H H H H H H H
4 H H H H H H H
5 H H H H H H H
6 H H L H M L M
7 M M M H M M H
8 H H H H H H H
9 H H H H H H H
10 H H H H H H H
11 M M M M M L M
12 H H H H H H H
On a motion by Cm. Acuff, seconded by Cm. Mack, and by a vote of 7-0-0, the Commission unanimously
voted to approve the 2008-2009 Preliminary Goals & Objectives ratings as above.
9.1 Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Heritage and Cultural Arts
Commissioners and/or Staff
Cm. Carr reported that the Dublin/San Ramon Women’s Club will judge student art from the Dublin and
San Ramon School District students on February 8, 2008.
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Cm. Lussie reported on the success of the book signing for the book she published. She shared
information of her recent travels.
Cm. Mack commented that the Bay Bells concert was fantastic.
Chair Swalwell stated that he was happy to be the Commission Chairperson. He thanked Cm. Mack for
setting a good example as the former Chairperson.
Mr. John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor, reported that the big band 3 O’clock Jump
concert would be held at the Senior Center on Saturday evening.
Ms. Elizabeth Isles, Heritage Center Director, reported that the Victorian Tea Workshop would be held on
February 2, 2008 at the Heritage Center.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Franklin
Administrative Technician