HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-10-1987 Adopted CC MinA regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on
Monday, August 10, 1987 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The
meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Linda Jeffery.
Councilmembers Moffatt, Snyder & Mayor Jeffery.
Councilmembers Hegarty & Vonheeder.
The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle-
giance to the flag.
* * *
Tree Problem
Mike Trent, Quartz Circle expressed concern regarding trees that were planted
behind his lot, and several other lots and which grow very rapidly and may
block' their view. Some of the trees get as high as 60' to 80'. They have
contacted Lee Thompson and the Public Works Department and were assured that
they will be trimmed back. Mr. Trent submitted a petition to the Council.
City Engineer Lee Thompson advised that he had spoken with Mrs. Trent and
explained to her that one of the species of trees can be trimmed into a bush.
Other trees can be moved further down the slope.
The Council asked that Staff review this situation, and work with the
homeowners to alleviate the problem.
Aesthetics Problems
Bob Wright, Canterbury Court asked the Council if the City has any provisions
to deal with people who do not put in any type of landscaping. Mr. Wright
indicated that there are 14 rental properties on his street that are run
down, and an eyesOre.
Mayor Jeffery indicated a problem spending City money on private property.
City Attorney Nave reported that some cities are looking at an ordinance that
would require some type of aesthetics, which is somewhat of a novel thing.
The legal problem being is there sufficient public purpose.
The Council requested that Mr. Nave look into this and report back at the
next Council meeting.
Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
Beck Development, Miscellaneous Inquires, Problems, Comments
Ron Holtman, Quartz Circle questioned if the City would be planting trees in
front yards. Mayor Jeffery advised that there are no plans at this time.
Mr. Holtman also advised that there are a lot of cracks in the sidewalks and
questioned whose responsibility this is.
City Engineer Thompson advised that this sub-division is still in its one
year warranty period. The sub-divider will have to fix these items to the
City's satisfaction before the City will release the bonds at the end of the
warranty period.
Mr. Holtman questioned if the City was planning to do anything about the
looks of the Southern Pacific Railroad area.
Mayor Jeffery responded that the property does not belong to the City. There
has been a lot of discussion and at this point, there has been no decision
made with regard to the future uses of this property. Southern Pacific owns
half of the property and Alameda County owns half.
Bob Hurdy, Quartz Circle reported that he is concerned about the lack of a
culvert on the slope next to his yard. .He feels that this winter the runoff
will run right back into their yards.
City Engineer Thompson indicated that there are ditches along the back of the
properties. He advised the homeowners that he would look into this situation.
Jim Pennekopf, Quartz Circle stated that the overall picture of the
assessment district concerns him.
Mayor Jeffery advised that the assessment district is an agendized item which
will 'be discussed later in the meeting.
Mr. Pennekopf questioned what the Council's position is with regard to the SP
light rail. Mayor Jeffery indicated that this issue is still being studied
and the Council has not taken a position at this time.
Cm. Snyder requested that the item related to the award of the bid for Dolan
Park Improvements ($303,832.32) to Valley Crest Landscape, be removed from
the consent calendar. Cm. Snyder reported that he has a conflict of interest
and due to the fact that only 3 members of the Council are present at this
meeting, it should be placed on a future agenda for consideration.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote (Cms.
Hegarty and Vonheeder absent), the Council took the following actions:
Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 13, 1987; Adjourned Regular
Meeting of July 21, 1987; and Regular Meeting of July 27, 1987;
Regular Meeting ~. August 10, 1987
Approved City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending July 31, 1987;
Approved warrant Register in the amount of $824,467.62;
Authorized the Mayor to execute an amendment to the Architectural Agreement
for the Civic Center Project related to dynamic analysis with costs fOr
possible additional work not to exceed $11,000.
* * *
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
Staff advised that in 1983, this assessment district was formed to replace
the County of Alameda Lighting Service Area. This assessment district
finances maintenance of the street lighting within the City. The estimated
assessment per single-family home is under $19.
An unidentified member of the audience questioned if this was in addition to
the $144 charged to the Beck homeowners.
Ezio Moresi voiced his opposition to this assessment district.
Mayor Jeffery advised that this assessment district applies to all Dublin
homeowners and is for street lights all over the City and that perhaps they
were confusing it with the next public hearing.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
(Cms. Hegarty and Vonheeder absent), the Council adopted
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
Staff advised that this assessment district finances landscape, park and open
space maintenance within Tract 4719, the Dublin Hills Estates development
along Stagecoach Road and Stagecoach Mini-Park. The method of assessment
spread was previously revised to add the maintenance of the Dougherty Hills
Open Space and the Beck interior roadway slopes per the agreement with the
two developers.
Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
The cost of maintenance of the Stagecoach Road landscaping and Stagecoach
Park is spread 60% to the Amador Lakes development and 40% to the Beck
Development (divided among the 150 single-family lots). The cost of the
Dougherty Hills Open Space lot maintenance will be spread 60% to the Beck
development and 40% to the Amador Lakes development. All of the Beck
interior and exterior slopes maintenance costs will be spread to the Beck
The assessment to the single-family property owners in the Beck development
will increase by $49 per lot over the 1986-87 assessment ($133 per lot vs.
$84 per lot last year).
The original landscaping of the Stagecoach Road Slopes included trees, bushes
and hydroseeded wildflowers. Several problems, including failure of the
automatic irrigation system, fence post holes drilled through irrigation
lines and heavy vandalism of sprinkler risers caused much of the ground cover
to die.
City Staff and Rafanelli & Nahas proposed that the ground cover be
revegetated with more drought-tolerant plants and that Rafanelli & Nahas and
the Maintenance Assessment District, through its reserves, split the
relandscaping costs. This proposal was approved by the City Council, a
contract awarded to Four Seasons Landscape, with the project scheduled for
completion by the end of July.
Staff advised that this is the third year of a three-year agreement between
the City and the Developers with regard to the open space.
Cm. Moffatt questioned if this is in the CC&R's. City Engineer Thompson
stated he did not feel that it was in the cc&R's, but rather in the
information packets presented to the homeowners by the developer.
Cm. Moffatt questioned if the homeowners were bound at this time by this
Mr. Thompson responded yes.
Ezio Moresi expressed concern that the homeowners are being charged for the
relandscaping. He questioned if Four Seasons is supposed to maintain it for
a year. Mr. Thompson explained that they will maintain it for 3 months and
then the City will take over the maintenance. The developer has put in all
the new trees and is paying one-half of the relandscaping costs.
Mr. Moresi questioned why Tract 4719 was different or if the rest of Dublin
had a program whereby neighborhoods are maintained by some agency in Dublin.
He questioned what portion of the property taxes come back into the City.
Mayor Jeffery explained that this obligation was passed onto them when the
people bought their properties.
Assistant to the City Manager Paul Rankin explained that the City of DUblin
proportionately does not receive a large share of property tax.
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Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
Cm. Moffatt explained that this is an assessment district and does not come
from property taxes.
Mr. Moresi indicated that he is fed up with all taxes. He felt there are
other parks in Dublin that are maintained by other tax monies and questioned
if there was any way the homeowners could get out of this loop.
Mayor Jeffery explained how the City's monies are spent and reminded the
residents that they receive a special benefit that other residents do not,
Cm. Snyder gave a brief history of how this assessment district came to be
and advised that instead of an assessment district there could have been an
association similar to a homeowners association formed which would put the
responsibility for collecting all the money onto this association. For all
intent and purpose, it works exactly as a condominium project would work.
Jim Penticoff expressed concern that the homeowners have not been given any
chance to give input as far as how the money is spent. He questioned what
the costs would be next year.
Mayor Jeffery stated that although we cannot ascertain next years costs, next
years assessment will not include the open space.
Jean Purdy indicated she did not understand the $84 vs. $133 price change.
Mr. Thompson explained that last year was the first year that maintenance was
performed on the area. The budget has been increased so that it can be kept
up in a good manner.
Ms. Purdy questioned if the open space area is to be a future regional park.
She questioned what is going to be done on the slopes.
Mayor Jeffery indicated that in the future it will be'a park.
Mr. Rankin explained that when the park is opened to the public, they will no
longer be assessed.
Bob Purdy had questions related to' other park sites and referred to
illustrated drawings on display.
Recreation Director Diane Lowart explained that the entire area is designated
as a public park. About a year ago, there were public meetings to get public
input with regard to what the residents wanted.. Ms. Lowart explained the
park development master plan, which has been approved by the City Council.
Mr. Purdy questioned if the mini-park is being used by all of Dublin then why
do they, have to pay for it.
Mr. Thompson explained that this is considered a neighborhood park and the
immediate surrounding neighborhood would obviously receive the most benefit
from it. It is also of a substantially smaller size than other parks.
Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
Mr. Purdy .felt that if this is the case, then they should have exclusive
rights to the park. If it is a public park, then it should be treated like
all other parks in Dublin.
Ken Johnson, Agate Way, questioned who is responsible for the maintenance of
the strip between Agate Way and Jade Circle. Half of the weeds are in his
yard. He also expressed concern that children could be injured in the
culvert if the situation is not corrected soon. There is an open drop. He
indicated he is a little tired of dealing with Beck.
Mr. Thompson explained that the landscaping has not been accepted by the City
and will not be until it is in a condition acceptable to the City.
Sam Speers indicated that it was his understanding that Beck donated all the
land to the City so why aren't we taking care of it.
Mayor Jeffery stated that the City will maintain it beginning next year.
Ron Nahas addressed the Council, stating he represented the developer who
pays the biggest portion of the money. They want to have the best landscaped
street in Dublin. He indicated that they are partially responsible for the
maintenance problems which were experienced during the past year. The'
original contractor went broke. They are currently funding 50% of the
relandscaping costs, and these costs do not fall on the homeowners. They are
very concerned that quality maintenance does take place. This was a
condition on the project right from the very start. He feels the landscaping
will be an asset to the neighborhood. He suggested that the Council put
whatever pressure is necessary to complete the landscaping.
Mr. Nahas responded to the earlier concern expressed regarding the trees that
will block people's views. He explained that the trees were part of the
original design. They are a type of eucalyptus but they do not grow to the
reported 60' to 80' height. There are some in the Amador Lakes complex and
they expect them to get to about 15' to 18' high. He felt that from a field
survey, about 4 houses would have their views affected and supported moving
the trees.
Mayor Jeffery indicated that following discussion of this item, she would
call a recess in order that homeowners could provide their particular
addresses to Mr. Thompson for investigation.
Karen Speers indicated that she is all for having something look nice and
asked about making the houses look nice. Why put all the money into one
street When the private property along Amador Valley Boulevard looks so
Cameron Raether, Turquoise Court asked for clarification insofar as if the
homeowners are totally unsatisfied with what the City is doing, can they
switch to a homeowners association.
City Attorney Nave indicated he could look into this and report back.
Regular Meeting August 10, i987
Cm. Snyder advised that the City does not relish this responsibility, but
rather the Council must do what they feel is best for the entire community.
Beautification is something that certainly all the residents can be proud of.
Louise Meyers, Agate Way asked if the City doesn't have insurance to cover
Mr. Rankin responded that this is property coverage and it would be too
expensive. The City carries liability insurance with a $25,000 deductible.
Ms. Meyers stated that she was told by Beck that there would be a bridge
across the stream. She further stated that she did not feel the plantings
that were. selected were appropriate.
Ernest Telles indicated that he attended last years hearing and questioned
what is being done to insure what is being planted will be maintained.
Mr. Thompson stated that hopefully the City won't have the same problems as
were encountered last year. He felt that it is in good shape at this time.
Some of the problems had to be worked out with the sub-divider and that is
why it took a year to resolve the situation.
Mr. Telles questioned if the money for the fencing of the open space came
from the assessment district. He questioned why there are gates in the
Mr. Thompson advised that the gates'allow maintenance people access and Mr.
Rankin advised that the Fire Department also needs access. Mr. Thompson
advised that the original idea of the fence was to keep 4 wheel drive
vehicles and motorcycles out of the open space.
Mr. Telles advised that the fence is not keeping out 4 wheel drive vehicles
and motorcyles.
Mr. Rankin stated that Staff wOuld investigate this.
Dennis Atherton qUestioned if Beck is still responsible for the slope on
Agate'Way. There is a fire hazard there. There were children out there
today playing with matches.
Staff responded that Beck is still responsible, but that plantings will be
done in. about 4-6 weeks.
Mayor Jeffery indicated that the City will see what pressure can be applied,
as there will be a meeting with the developer on Friday.
Tim Dodson questioned if in 3 months Four Seasons will turn over the
maintenance to the City. He questioned if the City currently has staff to
~ssume this responsibility. He felt the City should use some type of a
hammer over the developer to complete their work.
Mr. Thompson advised that the City is holding a $20,000 bond.
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Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
Mr. DodSon commended the City for its efforts on Amador Valley Boulevard and
further stated that if he can get a good lOoking slope for $134 a year, he
will feel he got a good deal.
Linda Dodson thanked the City Council for hearing their concerns and thanked
Rafanelli & Nahas for the money they had put in. She felt positive that they
will have a nice looking neighborhood.
Neil Barnes indicated that now that he understands the entire issue, he felt
much better than when he came in. He also laughingly suggested including the
SP property in the landscaping district.
Ken Johnson stated with regard to the open space, he would hope that notices
are mailed directly to them when planning for the park is underway.
Jill Barnes, Pearl Place, questioned if there is vandalism in the little
park, are they responsible for replacement costs.
Mr. Rankin explained that all funds are maintained in a separate account.
Expenses for maintenance come from the account and expenses cannot exceed the
amount budgeted. Steve Loweree, Maintenance Superintendent explained that
the budget includes a certain amount for replacement and a portion has been
set aside to cover vandalism.
An unidentified member of the audience stated they would like to give the
park to the City to maintain.
Cm. Snyder explained the process of developers being required to pay park
development fees.
Pam Penticoff questioned if there are other areas in Dublin that are being
assessed for parks in their area. She questioned the possibility of putting
lights in the park.
Mayor Jeffery stated that most parks in Dublin were already built when we
became a City. People did pay, however, as a part of the purchase of their
homes. ~It simply wasn't through an assessment district.
Mr. Thompson advised that conduit was put in so that lights could be put in
in the future if it is desirable. However, the lack of lights should
discourage the park area from becoming a hang-out at night.
Cm. Snyder expressed concern that an open culvert was mentioned twice at this
meeting and advised residents that they share the responsibility to report
these types of things.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
Cm. Moffatt suggested that in the future, perhaps neighborhood meetings would
be appropriate prior to public hearings.
On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote,
(Cms. Hegarty and Vonheeder absent), the Council adopted
Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
A short recess was called. Ail Councilmembers (Cms. Hegarty and Vonheeder
absent), were present when the meeting reconvened.
. . . *
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
Staff advised that this ordinance would impose a 3-ton weight limit for
commercial vehicles on all City streets in residential districts, as defined
by the California Vehicle Code. The intent of the ordinance is to prevent
excess wear-and-tear on City streets, thus lessening repair costs in the
future and to create a safer environment in residential neighborhoods by
allowing use only to those commercial vehicles over 3 tons which have a
purpose for using the street'.
This ordinance would allow vehicles using the street as the most feasible
route for purposes of pickup or delivery within the residential neighborhood,
as well as passenger buses or school buses, garbage collection vehicles and
utility company vehicles engaged in repair or installation of public
utilities. A recreational vehicle or passenger vehicle used for hire
(vanpool vehicle) is not considered a commercial vehicle by CVC definition.
No comments were made by members of the public.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cms.
Hegarty and Vonheeder absent), the Council waiyed the reading and INTRODUCED
an ordinance prohibiting certain commercial vehicles from residential
* * * *
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
On April 27, 1987, a public hearing was held in connection with the adoption
of a Fire Safe Roofing Ordinance. The Council directed Staff to investigate
the feasibility of requiring spark arrestors to be installed within a
specified time and to review the standards for spark arrestors. This issue
was resolved by the adoption of an ordinance requiring that spark arrestors
be installed when work exceeding $1,000 is done or when property is sold.
Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
The Fire Safe Roofing Ordinance was introduced on July 27, 1987. This
ordinanCe established three roofing areas within the City.
Cm. Moffatt questioned the fee amount. Staff advised that the permit fee
will be $20.
No comments were made by members of the public.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Snyder, and by unanimous vote (Cms.
~Hegarty and Vonheeder absent), the Council waived the reading and adopted
Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing.
staff advised that Subway Sandwiches and Salads proposes to remodel an
existing store to create a sandwich shop at 7160 Regional Street. State Law
requires that public, accommodations.and toilet facilities be made accessible
%o the handicapped. Section 2-712 of Title 24 CAC provides that the Building
Official may grant an unreasonable hardship where legal or physical
constraints will not allow full compliance with Title 24. Section 2-110(b)-
llD proVides that the decision of the Building Official must be ratified
through an appeals process.
The toilet facilities in this building were built prior to the current
regulations and in order to comply, it would be necessary to widen the toilet
room from 6' to about 7'. This cannot be done because the wall which must be
moved is the common wall between the sandwich shop and the adjacent tenant.
Mayor Jeffery questioned if bars could be put in so that the handicapped
could uSe the restroom.
Mr. Taugher advised that it currently has bars.
No comments were made by members of the public.
Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing.
On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cms.
Hegarty and Vonheeder absent), the Council adopted
Regular Meeting August 10, 1987
DSRSD Services
Mr. Rankin advised that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors tomorrow will
hear the City's and DSRSD's request regarding the transfer of property taxes.
Hopefully a resolution will be forthcOming.
Valley_ Memor_ial Hospi..ta~..,- ..Chal!e_n.ge' Program
Cm. Snyder advised that the City Council has been asked to participate in the
Challenge Program on September 13th whiCh will be a part of the Pleasanton
Heritage Days celebration festivities. It will be a fun and games type.
program conducted to raise funds for the hospital.
Cm. Snyder indicated he would get the necessary infOrmation to all
~gugding Families Reception - Televised
Mayor Jeffery reported that the Mayor's Reception. for Founding Families which
was held in July will be televised this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
Regular Meeting August 10, 1987